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Anti-Semitism or playing with the truth?

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2 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Meh...its their history. I mean...the Arab people have their own sorted history too. But throwing the Jews in the middle of the Arab lands...regardless of ancient history...was a HUGE faux pas.

Not as big of a faux pas as giving the muslims their own country in India though. 

TBH, if MEers outside of Israel/Palestine weren't such God-damned religious bigots this all would have been sorted out 75 years ago with relatively few problems. 

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15 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Not as big of a faux pas as giving the muslims their own country in India though. 

TBH, if MEers outside of Israel/Palestine weren't such God-damned religious bigots this all would have been sorted out 75 years ago with relatively few problems. 

Ya...India and Pakistan are a mess. Its a goulash of stupid.


1 Abrahamic Gawd.

3 separate groups of Semites.

1 pagan army of Romans

A helping of Egyptians

A dash of Babylonians, Turks, Russians, Poles, Germans and Brits.

Baste in Yidish and gold.

Near the end of cooking, add 1 angry Austrian.

Let fester for a decade then release to the Semitic land they were turfed from already.

Shake well.

Eh Voila. A perfect recipee for chaos.

Edited by Nationalist
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/1/2024 at 6:12 PM, WestCanMan said:

Not as big of a faux pas as giving the muslims their own country in India though. 

TBH, if MEers outside of Israel/Palestine weren't such God-damned religious bigots this all would have been sorted out 75 years ago with relatively few problems. 

But why did European Jews need a place like Palestine to flee to in the first place? I don’t think Muslims were involved there. 

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3 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

But why did European Jews need a place like Palestine to flee to in the first place?

If you call them European Jews now, that means that the whole time their ancestors were living in Europe, before 1947, they must have been considered Middle-Eastern Jews who fled to/currently reside in Europe", right? 

And if the ones in Israel now leave, and go back to Europe, you will consider their future children, who will eventually be born in Europe, to be Middle Eastern Jews living in Europe, right? 

Are you always going to consider Jews to be native to the place that their ancestors left, and never to the place that they were born? 

FYI Judaism isn't like Christianity and islam, who whore their religion out to anyone willing to convert, or even force people to convert: Jews don't care if you join their religion or not. The people who consider themselves to be Jews now are almost all descended from Jews in the ME or they're descended from Jews form the ME and people who married into the religion. That's about it. 


need a place like Palestine to flee to in the first place?

That depends: was staying in Europe, and enjoying the occasional holocaust, pogrom, slaughter, etc a better option? 

Was staying in the various ME countries, and enjoying the occasional slaughter there, and living as legally designated 3rd-class citizens, a better option than migrating to Israel?


I don’t think Muslims were involved there. 

Of course muslims were involved there.

The muslim countries where the Jews lived in the ME considered them to be 3rd-class citizens, legally. There were also frequent riots against the Jews, and sometimes their entire communities were driven out or slaughtered. 

The muslims treated the Jews like that for 1,000 years. Of course the Jews wanted a homeland where they wouldn't be slaughtered and treated like dogs.


Here's muslim logic: When the Brits were leaving India, there were regions of India with very large muslims populations (there are still over 200M muslims living in India right now), but they were still a "small" minority compared to Hindus. 

The muslims there couldn't stand to live in a Hindu-run country, so they demanded that they had a sovereign nation partitioned off for them. Pakistan was created, and the muslims in that new sovereign nation ethnically cleansed the place by massacring about 800,000 Sikhs and Hindus. Then the Pakistanis committed a second genocide of about 3M people in 1972.

There are no muslims anywhere on earth - ie zero out of 1 billion - who harbour any anger or resentment whatsoever against their fellow muslims in Pakistan who have now massacred from 3-4M people in two genocides. 

All 1 billion of those muslims are wishing Genocide on 7M Israelis because of the 500 or so muslims killed in the partitioning of Palestine, and the recent deaths in Gaza, which is simply a warzone. 


Would you like to know the difference between "citizens slaughtered in Pakistan and the people who were killed in Gaza"? 

In Pakistan people couldn't flee fast enough.

If the muslims in Pakistan could catch the Sikhs and Hindus, they would kill them. They would throw fuel on them to burn them to death publicly to make an example of them, or slash them to death, or shoot them. People left their babies to crawl around and die because they couldn't walk/run fast enough carrying them to escape the Pakistanis intent on killing them.

In Israel, literally every single Gazan had enough time to walk from their residence into Egypt 75 times by now. It's only 25 miles from the north end of Gaza to the border with Egypt. Literally every single Gazan who wanted to flee would be alive right now, if they could convince the Egyptians would let them in. The problem is that the Egyptians signed the Khartoum resolution, so they're supposed to be forcing the Gazans to stay in place and die.


FACT: 3-4M people were killed by the pakistanis in two separate, actual genocides. 1 billion Muslims don't give a shit about any of them, because it was muslims doing the killing. 

FACT: The Israelis actions in Gaza are a peacetime stroll compared to what the pakistanis did, and 1 billion muslims want to see 7M jews die in a genocide because 25,000 gazans were killed in a war


When islamic state was ethnically cleansing/committing genocide in Syria and Iraq, how many muslim countries said "force everyone to stay there and die"? None. They were totally down with a mass exodus. So why is "fleeing Gaza" wrong? 


Buddy, it's ok to listen to muslims when they tell you about things that the Jews did that made them mad enough to want to commit genocide against 7M people, think about the things that muslims did at the same time, which were ten thousand times worse, that all of the muslims are quite happy about.

Fact: even if you pretended that the Jews committed genocide against 30,000 Gazans, (which isn't the case at all, the Jews are in a war against Hamas and they give Gazan citizens ample warning before they attack any area), 3,000,000 (the low-end estimate of people killed in Pakistan's genocides alone, so not including islamic state genocides or genocides against Kurds, etc)

100 times as many people might not sound like a lot, but look at it this way. 


To put this in perspective:


The Israelis killed 30,000 people. Once. 


The Pakistanis killed 30,000 people, and then the Pakistanis killed 30,000 more people, 

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Then the Pakistanis killed 30,000 more people, then the Pakistanis killed 30,000 more people.


^That's^ how many people the Pakistanis killed in two separate genocides, and those are actual ethnic cleansings, with total intent to kill as many civilians as possible. Not an army advancing against another army while trying to minimize civilian casualties. 

Pakistan and Israel were created at the same time. 

See the difference?

Muslims only care about the one group of 30k, which is a mix of civilians and soldiers, not the 100 groups of 30,000 civilians. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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The Balfour Declaration in 1917 was a response primarily to Europe’s antagonism towards Jews and their desire to migrate westward, not least to Britain which Balfour himself blocked. 

You may want to consider editing that last post. There’s a whole lot about Pakistan when there didn’t need to be much, if any. BTW I am aware of atrocities committed by humans of every creed and colour.


Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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56 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

The Balfour Declaration in 1917 was a response primarily to Europe’s antagonism towards Jews and their desire to migrate westward, not least to Britain which Balfour himself blocked. 

Why are you talking about something so specific from over 100 years ago? No one cares about that. It has nothing to do with modern day issues. 

Jews were being persecuted, slaughtered and were living as 3rd-class citizens all over the ME for a thousand years before that.

The Khartoum resolution is far more pertinent here. 


You may want to consider editing that last post.

No, there's a lot of information there that you need to understand before you can comment on this in a meaningful way.


There’s a whole lot about Pakistan when there didn’t need to be much, if any.

It's impossible to understand what's going on in Israel when you have no understanding of Pakistan. 

The people who want to commit genocide against Israelis because of Deir Yassin, where 108 people were killed, forgave and forgot 3-4M people killed in two genocides in Pakistan, when Pakistan was formed by the exact same process as Israel. 

What's your point here, Spanky? 

What do you think the problem in Israel is? Do the Jews own too much land in the ME? Do the Gazans have nowhere to go? Should muslims just keep slaughtering people in the ME and we just keep forgiving them?

Honestly, we should be considering nuking Pakistan if we're gonna hold grudges like the one against Israel? 

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10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Jews were being persecuted, slaughtered and were living as 3rd-class citizens all over the ME for a thousand years before that.

The very same thing happened to billions of other human beings. What makes Jews so special?

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Posted (edited)

Are you Anti Semite or Sinophobic if you say something against those people? 😀

Chinese Jews arriving in Israel. Are they Semites???

They don't look like Semites?




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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

The Balfour Declaration in 1917 was a response primarily to Europe’s antagonism towards Jews and their desire to migrate westward, not least to Britain which Balfour himself blocked. 

You may want to consider editing that last post. There’s a whole lot about Pakistan when there didn’t need to be much, if any. BTW I am aware of atrocities committed by humans of every creed and colour.


OK but they are not Semites 😀

Palestinians are Semites.

Edited by athos
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Posted (edited)

How common sense is raped today by arrogant superiors

"If you criticize non-Semitic Ashkenazis, you are accused of being anti-Semite. When you kill innocent Palestinian Semites you are not anti-Semite???"

God help us


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On 4/13/2024 at 6:37 PM, athos said:

How common sense is raped today by arrogant superiors

"If you criticize non-Semitic Ashkenazis, you are accused of being anti-Semite. When you kill innocent Palestinian Semites you are not anti-Semite???"

God help us


Gazans don't need to die.

No one needed to give them billions of dollars worth a weapons. 

They could have used those billions to turn the place into a paradise, it's literally some of the nicest land in the world, naturally.

Instead they invested every dollar they got into turning it into more of a shithole. 

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