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Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

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On 1/27/2024 at 5:34 PM, WestCanMan said:

I found the perfect avatar to represent your username, intellect, and the quality of your posts.


Finally a post of yours that doesn't involve scrolling past a thousand words of absolute spew to get to the point. And they say people with dementia can't learn new things!

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6 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Finally a post of yours that doesn't involve scrolling past a thousand words of absolute spew to get to the point. And they say people with dementia can't learn new things!

Leftoids don't learn new things. They just unwrap the same propagandized bullshit in different packaging. ;) 

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6 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

In comparison, I could have posted videos of Antifa, of Just Oil protesters, or of any far left wing extremist.

Anyone on the fringes will be insanely violent, extreme in their views and likely miserable.

In general however, many conservatives are happier as they have faith in God and as such, have purpose in life.

My theory as to why conservatives might report being happier is they are, by nature, more deferential to the status quo and more tolerant of social injustice.

Another factor is that when asked by researchers about their life satisfaction, conservatives are more likely to lie.



They also would be likelier to take control of their lives or wanting to, vs blaming others for their plight and feeling entitled to hand outs.

I was raised to work hard, to have vision and not to be deterred by hardship as it is temporary. It isn't part of who I am.

That very upbringing made me conservative or appreciate conservative viewpoints more.


This is just self-mythologizing and circular reasoning.

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On 1/27/2024 at 5:54 PM, CdnFox said:

You have something bigger than the left wing riots? Sure - lets keep going if you want to do comparisons :)    I think you're not thinking very carefully if you think you'll come out ahead in that area :)

I reject your premise that the riots that took place around BLM were left wing, so....

As for right wing political violence, see the list of right wing mass shooters I posted above.


Ahhh yes the "lie and pretend it's all their fault and we did nothing" excuse - a favorite of terrorists everywhere. Gaza absolutely agrees with you - why are THEY being punished for nothing?



I think even you realize THAT sounded  desperate and hollow.  Try not to cry.

What is is with right wingers on this board puffing themselves up with this corny tough guy talk when you're all a bunch of limp-dick suburbanites.

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5 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

My theory as to why conservatives might report being happier is they are, by nature, more deferential to the status quo and more tolerant of social injustice.

Another factor is that when asked by researchers about their life satisfaction, conservatives are more likely to lie.

This is just self-mythologizing and circular reasoning.

The real reason black dog uses any theory is to deflect attention from his own unhappiness. 

Keep that finger pointed at someone else, comrade. ;)

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8 minutes ago, Deluge said:

The real reason black dog uses any theory is to deflect attention from his own unhappiness. 

Keep that finger pointed at someone else, comrade. ;)

Judging by what you put out into the universe here, you and your fellow right wing nutjobs are the most miserable c*nts alive, just simmering pots of bitterness and resentment and rage with Divorced Guy energy that is off the charts and you have the nerve to question other people's happiness? Lol. Lmao.

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3 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I reject your premise that the riots that took place around BLM were left wing, so....

As for right wing political violence, see the list of right wing mass shooters I posted above.


What is is with right wingers on this board puffing themselves up with this corny tough guy talk when you're all a bunch of limp-dick suburbanites.

Wow, so angry. How often have you tried for a walk on part in Les Misérables and been turned down for being too miserable? 

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12 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Judging by what you put out into the universe here, you and your fellow right wing nutjobs are the most miserable c*nts alive, just simmering pots of bitterness and resentment and rage with Divorced Guy energy that is off the charts and you have the nerve to question other people's happiness? Lol. Lmao.

There's no questioning over here, mrs. marx. This is 100% pure observation. You maniacs are the worst form of human being on this planet. There's no comparison. EVERYTHING you sick f*cks communicate is AIMED, not discussed. You're the worst people on this planet, by far, and you're going to lose the White House in November because of it. ;)

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Just now, Deluge said:

There's no questioning over here, mrs. marx. This is 100% pure observation. You maniacs are the worst form of human being on this planet. There's no comparison. EVERYTHING you sick f*cks communicate is AIMED, not discussed. You're the worst people on this planet, by far, and you're going to lose the White House in November because of it. ;)



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49 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Finally a post of yours that doesn't involve scrolling past a thousand words of absolute spew to get to the point. And they say people with dementia can't learn new things!

What part of your post rises above this level?


Seriously, do you ever say anything factual in nature or do you just talk about the other posters here? 

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

What part of your post rises above this level?


Seriously, do you ever say anything factual in nature or do you just talk about the other posters here? 

He just talks about other posters here. He's the poster child for this forum, and he's not even aware of it. lol

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12 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I tried, but you guys are just too dumb to follow along .

Wrong. Your posts are all completely devoid of facts. 

The reason you find my posts long is I use facts and cites to prove what I say instead of just doing whatever that is that you do. 

20 minutes ago, Deluge said:

He just talks about other posters here. He's the poster child for this forum, and he's not even aware of it. lol

In fairness to him, it's not very often that leftists have facts on their side to bring to the table. 

If they didn't throw around baseless accusations they'd have nothing to say. 

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Wrong. Your posts are all completely devoid of facts. 

The reason you find my posts long is I use facts and cites to prove what I say instead of just doing whatever that is that you do. 

No, your posts are a gusher of random statements and baseless claims with no evidence or citations filtered through your diseased mind. Like the idea that someone like Obama or Trudeau supported rioting because they said positive things about the BLM movement at large is the kind of thing someone could only believe if they had been dropped on their heads from a great height.



In fairness to him, it's not very often that leftists have facts on their side to bring to the table. 

If they didn't throw around baseless accusations they'd have nothing to say. 


It's always projection with you turds.

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20 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

No, your posts are a gusher of random statements and baseless claims with no evidence or citations filtered through your diseased mind. Like the idea that someone like Obama or Trudeau supported rioting because they said positive things about the BLM movement at large is the kind of thing someone could only believe if they had been dropped on their heads from a great height.

It's always projection with you turds.

OK puppy, let's do it this way: try to say something on topic and I'll prove how stupid you are, using little words that you can understand. 

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10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

OK puppy, let's do it this way: try to say something on topic and I'll prove how stupid you are, using little words that you can understand. 

I don't think you understand: I'm no more interested in a "debate" with you than I am in entering a turd-throwing contest with a chimpanzee because, in this case, it's the same thing. Someone who claims with a straight face that every single left winger supported riots during the BLM protests is simply not an individual who is interested in or capable of a good faith discussion and is only worth mocking.

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34 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Like the idea that someone like Obama or Trudeau supported rioting because they said positive things about the BLM movement

There's nothing positive about BLM. And Obama never denounced the violence & destruction BLM caused, therefore, his silence proves his support of it. 

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3 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I don't think you understand: I'm no more interested in a "debate" with you than I am in entering a turd-throwing contest with a chimpanzee because, in this case, it's the same thing. Someone who claims with a straight face that every single left winger supported riots during the BLM protests is simply not an individual who is interested in or capable of a good faith discussion and is only worth mocking.

It would help if you publicly denounced BLM for their rioting, and even posted news and videos about what those left-wing nutjobs did. 

Can you take the lead on that? It would certainly help disprove the notion that ALL left-wingies are behind BLM in solidarity. ;) 

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5 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I don't think you understand: I'm no more interested in a "debate" with you than I am in entering a turd-throwing contest with a chimpanzee because, in this case, it's the same thing. Someone who claims with a straight face that every single left winger supported riots during the BLM protests is simply not an individual who is interested in or capable of a good faith discussion and is only worth mocking.

Wow - all @WestCanMan asked was that you say something relevant. And you couldn't.

I hope you're not under the illusion that you're coming across well here. If your intent is to appear to be an uneducated, angry bitter person with nothing worthwhile to say then continue - otherwise maybe step up your game a bit.  I can be as rude as anyone but i still contribute meaningfully to the discussions, you seem incapable of it so far.

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7 minutes ago, Deluge said:

It would help if you publicly denounced BLM for their rioting, and even posted news and videos about what those left-wing nutjobs did. 

Can you take the lead on that? It would certainly help disprove the notion that ALL left-wingies are behind BLM in solidarity. ;) 

This is easy:



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11 minutes ago, Deluge said:

There's nothing positive about BLM. And Obama never denounced the violence & destruction BLM caused, therefore, his silence proves his support of it. 

You're retarded.



On the other hand, the small minority of folks who’ve resorted to violence in various forms, whether out of genuine anger or mere opportunism, are putting innocent people at risk, compounding the destruction of neighborhoods that are often already short on services and investment and detracting from the larger cause. I saw an elderly black woman being interviewed today in tears because the only grocery store in her neighborhood had been trashed. If history is any guide, that store may take years to come back. So let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves.


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8 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Wow - all @WestCanMan asked was that you say something relevant. And you couldn't.

I hope you're not under the illusion that you're coming across well here. If your intent is to appear to be an uneducated, angry bitter person with nothing worthwhile to say then continue - otherwise maybe step up your game a bit.  I can be as rude as anyone but i still contribute meaningfully to the discussions, you seem incapable of it so far.

See, I don't think a bunch of strawmen arguments and question-begging is a meaningful contribution but i literally have responded to you in good faith and got condescension and faux tough guy posturing back so what do you expect.

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