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The Dems' Long and Current Ties to Terrorist Orgs and Ant-Semitism

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Here is the Tlaib link. Could not post it above for some reason.


Six figure sums already being spent a year in advance to unseat a sitting Democratic Congresswoman. Has that ever happened before? 

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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2 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Here is the Tlaib link. Could not post it above for some reason.


Six figure sums already being spent a year in advance to unseat a sitting Democratic Congresswoman. Has that ever happened before? 

I don't know whether something like that has ever happened before, but it's definitely unusual. Usually dark money floods house races closer to elections to pick off strategic targets. 

Likely a matter of opportunistic timing. 

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3 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Here is the Tlaib link. Could not post it above for some reason.


Six figure sums already being spent a year in advance to unseat a sitting Democratic Congresswoman. Has that ever happened before? 

Congrats to these Dems for their ability to act in the best interests of Americans, in a non-partisan manner.

Tlaib's commitment to bigotry and disinformation should be automatically disqualifying, but if there needs to be an election, then at least the correct info will be out there now. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Congrats to these Dems for their ability to act in the best interests of Americans, in a non-partisan manner.

Tlaib's commitment to bigotry and disinformation should be automatically disqualifying, but if there needs to be an election, then at least the correct info will be out there now. 

Actually, nobody can say for sure where all the funding for these ads is coming from although some of it is identifiable. I would say it is highly unlikely that much of it arises from Democrats within her electoral district. What we are seeing here is an attempt by outsiders to buy an election. 

More trouble for the Dems on the Israel/Palestine front:


Some Democrats joined the Republicans here. 


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2 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Actually, nobody can say for sure where all the funding for these ads is coming

From your link:


A pro-Israel Democratic group has sparked outrage after airing attack ads against Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib in her home state of Michigan, prompting calls for the messages to be taken down.

I think the ads came from ^^^^^.

Who cares what actual persons or companies gave the money to them? 

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On 11/5/2023 at 4:20 PM, WestCanMan said:

Dude, you have no relationship with the truth whatsoever.

Can you talk about the fact that the FBI lies and commits crimes now? Can you give some examples of that? 

Why would I accept your OPINION about Trump when you can't acknowledge simple facts? 

I will not allow you to.paint me into a corner of fallacies and then explain to your satisfaction that's why. Really, you.must deal with a lot.if really dumb people in your life since f you think.I will fall for that. As to my Opinion, I base it on actual FACTs, not hearsay you claim are facts and then base your argument and demand for answers on knowing full well you wouldn't care no matter what I would say, you would just try to make a new argument about it.  I research everything. EVERYTHING from CREDIBLE in U. S. District Court facts, not info from Trumps kangaroo court attorneys and the fraud they claim as fact. TRUMP LOST. And he will.lose AGAIN. 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

From your link:

I think the ads came from ^^^^^.

Who cares what actual persons or companies gave the money to them?

It matters a great deal. We’re talking about holding an election within a political party to unseat a highly popular politician. It is well known that much of AIPAC’s funding, a closely affiliated group, comes from wealthy Republicans. That has no place whatsoever in a Democratic Party election. Just imagine in Canada if Liberal money helped elect Poilievre as leader of his party. 

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2 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

I will not allow you to.paint me into a corner of fallacies and then explain to your satisfaction that's why. Really, you.must deal with a lot.if really dumb people in your life since f you think.I will fall for that. As to my Opinion, I base it on actual FACTs, not hearsay you claim are facts and then base your argument and demand for answers on knowing full well you wouldn't care no matter what I would say, you would just try to make a new argument about it.  I research everything. EVERYTHING from CREDIBLE in U. S. District Court facts, not info from Trumps kangaroo court attorneys and the fraud they claim as fact. TRUMP LOST. And he will.lose AGAIN. 

Here ya go, stupid, this is right from your own justice dep't -> https://www.justice.gov/usao-ct/pr/fbi-attorney-admits-altering-email-used-fisa-application-during-crossfire-hurricane

Kevin Clinesmith pleaded guilty to falsifying evidence and providing it to the FISA court.


On June 19, 2017, Clinesmith altered the email he received from the OGA Liaison by adding the words “not a source,” and then forwarded the email to the FBI SSA.  Relying on the altered email, on June 29, 2017, the SSA signed and submitted the fourth FISA application to the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.  The application did not include Individual #1’s history or status with the OGA.

Before that, several members of the investigative team had already received information proving that Carter Page (Individual #1) was working as a CIA asset, but they never provided that evidence to the FISA court when they were applying for the FISA warrants.


On August 17, 2016, prior to the approval of the first FISA application #1, another U.S. government agency (“OGA”) provided certain members of the Crossfire Hurricane team a memorandum indicating that Individual #1 had been approved as an “operational contact” for the OGA from 2008 to 2013 and detailing information that Individual #1 had provided to the OGA concerning Individual #1’s prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers.  The first three FISA applications did not include Individual #1’s history or status with the OGA.

It was a crime to withhold info about Carter Page from the FISA court while applying for the first 3 warrants to spy on him/Trump. 

It was obviously even more of a crime for Clinesmith to alter that email to say "not a source" when he was, but that's a lot of lying and crimes just to spy on a POTUS for the purpose of overturning an election. 



A FISA court judge, Rosemary Collier, said this:

  • The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.”

    “The OIG Report…documents troubling instances in which FBI personnel provided information to NSD [National Security Division] which was unsupported or contradicted by information in their  possession.

    It also describes several instances in which FBI personnel withheld from NSD information in their possession which was detrimental to their case for believing that Mr. Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.”

Buddy, the FBI lied, the FBI committed crimes, PERIOD! 

  • The frequency with which [something happened a lot]
  • representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported [they said things based on NO evidence]
  • or contradicted [they said things that were known to be false based on their own evidence]
  • by information in their possession,
  • and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, [Brady Law violation, ho-hum]
  • calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.” [they lied and made stuff up so often that they can NO LONGER BE TRUSTED!]

It's BIZARRE that you don't know ^that^. The only reason that you don't is that you insist on having your head up your ass. 


Just get a new username ffs. I can't listen to you. I have more respect for maggots in a cowpie. 

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On 11/8/2023 at 5:47 PM, WestCanMan said:

Here ya go, stupid, this is right from your own justice dep't -> https://www.justice.gov/usao-ct/pr/fbi-attorney-admits-altering-email-used-fisa-application-during-crossfire-hurricane

Kevin Clinesmith pleaded guilty to falsifying evidence and providing it to the FISA court.

Before that, several members of the investigative team had already received information proving that Carter Page (Individual #1) was working as a CIA asset, but they never provided that evidence to the FISA court when they were applying for the FISA warrants.

It was a crime to withhold info about Carter Page from the FISA court while applying for the first 3 warrants to spy on him/Trump. 

It was obviously even more of a crime for Clinesmith to alter that email to say "not a source" when he was, but that's a lot of lying and crimes just to spy on a POTUS for the purpose of overturning an election. 



A FISA court judge, Rosemary Collier, said this:

  • The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.”

    “The OIG Report…documents troubling instances in which FBI personnel provided information to NSD [National Security Division] which was unsupported or contradicted by information in their  possession.

    It also describes several instances in which FBI personnel withheld from NSD information in their possession which was detrimental to their case for believing that Mr. Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.”

Buddy, the FBI lied, the FBI committed crimes, PERIOD! 

  • The frequency with which [something happened a lot]
  • representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported [they said things based on NO evidence]
  • or contradicted [they said things that were known to be false based on their own evidence]
  • by information in their possession,
  • and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, [Brady Law violation, ho-hum]
  • calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.” [they lied and made stuff up so often that they can NO LONGER BE TRUSTED!]

It's BIZARRE that you don't know ^that^. The only reason that you don't is that you insist on having your head up your ass. 


Just get a new username ffs. I can't listen to you. I have more respect for maggots in a cowpie. 

I notice you.leave out the part about Boasberg  declaring that Clinesmith had no malicious intent in what he did, it was said to be just a time saver to not have to make two forms where one, with a slight alteration.in one email in 2017 would be sufficient. Otherwise likely Clinesmith would be in prison and not just given community service hours. I note also where he is identified as an ex-FBI  member, so not a member of the Justice Department.  

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16 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

I notice you.leave out the part about Boasberg  declaring that Clinesmith had no malicious intent in what he did,

I notice that you leave out the part where you finally admit, and say in no uncertain terms, that the FBI committed serious crimes...

I notice that Boasberg just has nothing more than an opinion to offer, and that Clinesmith committed an actual, serious crime.

How is it possible to commit a crime that serious without malicious intent?  


 it was said to be just a time saver to not have to make two forms where one, with a slight alteration.in one email in 2017 would be sufficient.


He changed the meaning of a letter from the CIA to the FBI team that was investigating Carter Page", and not by a bit: he changed it from "he's a spy for us" to "he's not a spy for us".

That meant that he went from "Putting his life at risk in the service of the Unites States of America" to "A traitor, working with the Russians to undermine America's elections". 

Is that a slight alteration you little maggot of a 'man'? 

How would you like someone to change your whole life's work from "American patriot" to "traitor" with the stroke of a pen? And then have that little tidbit of information broadcast across the entire country thousands of times by the FBI and CNN?

Would you consider that 'a slight alteration'

You're a weasel of the lowest order, caswell. You have the class and integrity of shit-fly. 

And don't forget, it's not just the one issue of changing one email to turn it into a lie, these people were all briefed on the issue of Page's status within the CIA prior to the first FISA court submission, and they chose to bury that info. MULTIPLE FBI MEMBERS PARTICIPATED IN THAT LIE ON EVERY SINGLE FISA COURT APPLICATION.


Otherwise likely Clinesmith would be in prison and not just given community service hours. I note also where he is identified as an ex-FBI  member, so not a member of the Justice Department. 

He's an ex-member now, and how convenient would that have been if the FBI had retained a lawyer just to commit some crimes for them and then take the fall? 


You're a very repugnant little weasel of a man, caswell. FYI integrity isn't fluid: it doesn't just go up and down. When it's down it stays down. Regaining credibility in this instance would have required jail-time for not just Clinesmith, it required jailtime for everyone who received the information about Page being a CIA asset in the first place. People being stripped of their pensions and banned from public service/office for life. 

Major League Baseball has integrity that the FBI can only dream of. "You get caught cheating - we go scorched earth. End of story." That's integrity. 

The FBI's level of integrity is: "Our job is to influence elections. If we have to break some laws and commit some crimes, so be it. We have enough judges in our back pocket to get away with anything." 

Edited by WestCanMan
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https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/09/protesters-pro-palestine-march-not-sure-hamas-invade-israel/#:~:text=“Clueless” protesters have invited ridicule,demonstration in London last Saturday.

Protest first, find out the facts later lol. 

These people literally went to a pro-genocide rally without any clue what was happening or who they were supporting. 

This is what followers of the squad and other alt-left politicians look like in real life.

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On 11/10/2023 at 8:33 AM, WestCanMan said:

I notice that you leave out the part where you finally admit, and say in no uncertain terms, that the FBI committed serious crimes...

I notice that Boasberg just has nothing more than an opinion to offer, and that Clinesmith committed an actual, serious crime.

How is it possible to commit a crime that serious without malicious intent?  


He changed the meaning of a letter from the CIA to the FBI team that was investigating Carter Page", and not by a bit: he changed it from "he's a spy for us" to "he's not a spy for us".

That meant that he went from "Putting his life at risk in the service of the Unites States of America" to "A traitor, working with the Russians to undermine America's elections". 

Is that a slight alteration you little maggot of a 'man'? 

How would you like someone to change your whole life's work from "American patriot" to "traitor" with the stroke of a pen? And then have that little tidbit of information broadcast across the entire country thousands of times by the FBI and CNN?

Would you consider that 'a slight alteration'

You're a weasel of the lowest order, caswell. You have the class and integrity of shit-fly. 

And don't forget, it's not just the one issue of changing one email to turn it into a lie, these people were all briefed on the issue of Page's status within the CIA prior to the first FISA court submission, and they chose to bury that info. MULTIPLE FBI MEMBERS PARTICIPATED IN THAT LIE ON EVERY SINGLE FISA COURT APPLICATION.

He's an ex-member now, and how convenient would that have been if the FBI had retained a lawyer just to commit some crimes for them and then take the fall? 


You're a very repugnant little weasel of a man, caswell. FYI integrity isn't fluid: it doesn't just go up and down. When it's down it stays down. Regaining credibility in this instance would have required jail-time for not just Clinesmith, it required jailtime for everyone who received the information about Page being a CIA asset in the first place. People being stripped of their pensions and banned from public service/office for life. 

Major League Baseball has integrity that the FBI can only dream of. "You get caught cheating - we go scorched earth. End of story." That's integrity. 

The FBI's level of integrity is: "Our job is to influence elections. If we have to break some laws and commit some crimes, so be it. We have enough judges in our back pocket to get away with anything." 

And, as most MAGA members, you resort to foul commentary when you are relying only on your own created stories to back you up. I choose to Support the FBI, you choose to try to destroy it and its credibility. Only an enemy of the Nation would do that. Go home to Putin. 

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16 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

And, as most MAGA members, you resort to foul commentary when you are relying only on your own created stories to back you up.

As a MAGA member, I only refer to actual facts as facts.

Literally every single thing that I said is backed by the Justice Dept.


I choose to Support the FBI,

You choose to ignore serious crimes that were committed with/on behalf of the Demonrats. 


you choose to try to destroy it and its credibility.

I choose to draw attention to the fact that they are criminals, election influencers and liars, because... they're actually criminals, election influencers and liars.  

The facts are coming from your own justice Dep't, I'm just the messenger. You didn't get the memo, so I'm here informing you, while you're plugging your ears, stomping your feet and shouting "LAA-LALAA-LALAAA!" 


Only an enemy of the Nation would do that. Go home to Putin. 

Only an enemy of the nation would accept the fact that the FBI is lying and committing crimes in order to influence elections. It's the EXACT thing that Putin would do. 

Look at yourself ffs: you're literally calling me a communist and a supporter of authoritarianism because I'm holding the FBI to the standards of a real western democracy.

You think that it's ok for the FBI to resemble the KGB in terms of tactics and integrity.

You're whining because I'm fixated on all of the relevant, important actual facts and you can't convince me to lower my standards to your level. 

I'm not like you, caswell. I will never lower myself to your level. Go play in the muck now, slimester. I really don't give a rip what you think. 

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On 11/1/2023 at 10:32 PM, CdnFox said:

Sometimes it's not sublte at all like when an actual democratic politician talks about how it's "all about the benjamins" or the like.

In fairness, a lot of Benjamins were spent by AIPAC trying to oust Omar and others like her in 2022 and probably more will be spent next time:



Early last month, United Democracy Project, a super PAC affiliated with AIPAC, quietly contributed $350,000 to a separate group created to boost a top Democratic primary challenger to Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, new filings from the Federal Election Commission revealed on Tuesday.

The considerable investment, which had not previously been disclosed, adds some after-the-fact intrigue to the recent House race in Minneapolis, the outcome of which was much closer than political observers had expected. Omar, a two-term progressive Democrat, eked out a surprisingly narrow victory over her moderate rival, Don Samuels, a former city councilman who lost by just 2,500 votes.

It’s not all about the Benjamins but keep an eye on them all the same. 

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

As a MAGA member, I only refer to actual facts as facts.

Literally every single thing that I said is backed by the Justice Dept.

You choose to ignore serious crimes that were committed with/on behalf of the Demonrats. 

I choose to draw attention to the fact that they are criminals, election influencers and liars, because... they're actually criminals, election influencers and liars.  

The facts are coming from your own justice Dep't, I'm just the messenger. You didn't get the memo, so I'm here informing you, while you're plugging your ears, stomping your feet and shouting "LAA-LALAA-LALAAA!" 

Only an enemy of the nation would accept the fact that the FBI is lying and committing crimes in order to influence elections. It's the EXACT thing that Putin would do. 

Look at yourself ffs: you're literally calling me a communist and a supporter of authoritarianism because I'm holding the FBI to the standards of a real western democracy.

You think that it's ok for the FBI to resemble the KGB in terms of tactics and integrity.

You're whining because I'm fixated on all of the relevant, important actual facts and you can't convince me to lower my standards to your level. 

I'm not like you, caswell. I will never lower myself to your level. Go play in the muck now, slimester. I really don't give a rip what you think. 

You still rely on hearsay for most of what you state are facts.  I do my own research. I do agree that at least ONE former FBI agent altered ONE email.  I have seen nothing traceable to a reputable fact gathering agency or organization that even implies many members of the FBI are interfering in elections, that is just MAGA domestic deliberate lying to try and convince America to refund one of our principle lines of national defense.  In fact I think we should augment the FBI and the Secret Service to ferret out spies and  enemy agents among us who are deliberately creating stories and civil unrest to try and weaken our national defense. 

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On 11/5/2023 at 2:40 AM, CdnFox said:

Nagasaki and hiroshima killed 200k or there abouts but it ended a war that  would have lead to millions more deaths. Mission accomplished.

There’s still considerable debate about that claim:


In July 1946 the US Strategic Bombing Survey had concluded that – thanks to the destruction of its economy by conventional bombing and a comprehensive blockade – ‘in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped.’ 


The message that the bomb had saved a million American lives, in the words of the historian Paul Ham, ‘put the American mind at ease, [and] slipped into folklore’. 



 ‘The use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan,’ Admiral William Leahy, wartime chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote in his 1950 memoir. ‘The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender.’ Eisenhower later said it had been his belief at the time ‘that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary’. At one time or another almost all the senior American commanders in the Pacific war voiced similar sentiments. Among them was Carter Clarke, a former brigadier general who declared to an interviewer in 1959 that ‘when we didn’t need to do it, and we knew we didn’t need to do it ... we used [Hiroshima and Nagasaki] as an experiment for two atomic bombs.’ 



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24 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

In fairness, a lot of Benjamins were spent by AIPAC trying to oust Omar and others like her in 2022 and probably more will be spent next time:



And?  is it ok to call black people "n*ggers'  because the donated to obama?  Get your head out of your ass.  Why is the left always PRO racism and bigotry as long as it's their side doing it?


And i'm sure you're aware "the benjamins" is an anti jewish slur as has been noted many times, but you use it anyway to describe the motives of the left - which is a perfect example. I rest my case.

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35 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

And?  is it ok to call black people "n*ggers'  because the donated to obama?  Get your head out of your ass.  Why is the left always PRO racism and bigotry as long as it's their side doing it?


And i'm sure you're aware "the benjamins" is an anti jewish slur as has been noted many times, but you use it anyway to describe the motives of the left - which is a perfect example. I rest my case.

I’m afraid these are the facts. I’m not calling anybody names, just pointing to a real money trail. BTW hundred dollar bills are called Benjamins because Mr. Franklin’s face appears on them. That figure of speech happens with other dollar denominations too. 

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22 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

There’s still considerable debate about that claim:


Not really. There are always 1diots out there that turn something obvious into a contentious issue. People argue over stamp collecting.


6 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Do you deny that AIPAC spent that money against Omar, Edwards and Levin?

So that makes it ok for democrats to hate jews?

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12 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Not really. There are always 1diots out there that turn something obvious into a contentious issue. People argue over stamp collecting.

Did you look at my links? I haven’t examined the primary sources but the people quoted have a certain credibility in this area, e.g. Dwight Eisenhower. Even without their compelling testimony, it seems a little rash to discount the situation that Japan found itself in which was quite like Nazi Germany’s before it surrendered - utterly ruined and facing the imminent possibility of being overrun by Stalin and his hordes. That would bring the thought of compromise to the top of anybody’s agenda. 


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Just now, SpankyMcFarland said:

Did you look at my links?

I'm actually very well studied on the subject. Like i said - there's always a loon or two out there making things cloudy.  It's like that with pretty much any history.

But there can be no real doubt that the american loss of life had they not dropped the bombs would have been extremely high.  You can't just use the casualty plan figures as some do but it would have been very very high


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13 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I'm actually very well studied on the subject. Like i said - there's always a loon or two out there making things cloudy.  It's like that with pretty much any history.

But there can be no real doubt that the american loss of life had they not dropped the bombs would have been extremely high.  You can't just use the casualty plan figures as some do but it would have been very very high


Well, I’m not well studied on the subject - indeed the book being reviewed claims what you claim - but I think there’s a fair body of experts who don’t believe it and it really doesn’t make much sense to me, certainly not as a single factor. I can also see why Americans had to believe some good came of incinerating so many civilians. 

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19 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

I’m afraid these are the facts. I’m not calling anybody names,

I'm afraid you are calling people names.  Your "all about the benjamins" comments are what jews refer to as blood libels.

And you haven't answered the question yet - does that make it ok for Democrats and the left to hate jews? You seem to be making that case.


Just now, SpankyMcFarland said:

Well, I’m not well studied on the subject. 

Like most history, it's complicated but simple :) 

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

I'm afraid you are calling people names.  Your "all about the benjamins" comments are what jews refer to as blood libels.

And you haven't answered the question yet - does that make it ok for Democrats and the left to hate jews? You seem to be making that case.


Like most history, it's complicated but simple :) 

Hold on, I didn’t say that it was all about money. Omar said that. I said that a lot of money was spent trying to defeat her in a Democratic primary. Clearly, elections aren’t all about money because she won last time out. But money matters a lot. 

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I don’t think Eisenhower’s testimony can be lightly dismissed by anybody: 


Here is how General Dwight D. Eisenhower reports he reacted when he was told by Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson that the atomic bomb would be used:



“During his recitation of the relevant facts, I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives.”


In another public statement the man who later became President of the United States was blunt: “It wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.”


And this is quite the opener too. A crucial element was the imminent arrival of the Soviet Army in Japan:


Though most Americans are unaware of the fact, increasing numbers of historians now recognize the United States did not need to use the atomic bomb to end the war against Japan in 1945. Moreover, this essential judgment was expressed by the vast majority of top American military leaders in all three services in the years after the war ended: Army, Navy and Army Air Force. Nor was this the judgment of “liberals,” as is sometimes thought today. In fact, leading conservatives were far more outspoken in challenging the decision as unjustified and immoral than American liberals in the years following World War II.


By the summer of 1945 Japan was essentially defeated, its navy at the bottom of the ocean; its air force limited by fuel, equipment, and other shortages; its army facing defeat on all fronts; and its cities subjected to bombing that was all but impossible to challenge. With Germany out of the war, the United States and Britain were about to bring their full power to bear on what was left of the Japanese military. Moreover, the Soviet Union—at this point in time still neutral—was getting ready to attack on the Asian mainland: the Red Army, fresh from victory over Hitler, was poised to strike across the Manchurian border.


Long before the bombings occurred in August 1945—indeed, as early as late April 1945, more than three months before Hiroshima—U.S. intelligence advised that the Japanese were likely to surrender when the Soviet Union entered the war if they were assured that it did not imply national annihilation. An April 29 Joint Intelligence Staff document put it this way: “If at any time the U.S.S.R. should enter the war, all Japanese will realize that absolute defeat is inevitable.”






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