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‘It’s just not translating’: New Democrats worry about party’s performance under Jagmeet Singh’s leadership


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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

About 50 perent can be ascribed to foreign factors.

So .. the other  50 percent is not foreign factors.

Not what it said.  Again:

a.      Around 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors. These include US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate.

b.     Supply challenges that largely reflect developments at the global level account for another 35% of the rise in inflation.

1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

That should have tipped you off that you were having a comprehension problem right there :) 

Can't get any clearer than that, so what's frying your brain here?  ?


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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

Not what it said.  Again:

a.      Around 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors. These include US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate.

b.     Supply challenges that largely reflect developments at the global level account for another 35% of the rise in inflation.

Can't get any clearer than that, so what's frying your brain here?  ?


It's exactly what it says. I'm literally quoting -  t0 percent can be ascribed to global or foriegn factors. So - 50 percent cannot.

Supply challenges that are 100 percent canadian but REFLECT - not caused by but REFLECT - global devleopments are on top of that

BUt still internal to canada.  Which means the canadian gov't is responsible for how they deal with it.

It's plain as day.

Only 50 percent of the increase - BACK IN 2021 - was from outside  of Canada.  THe rest was things the gov' t had control over.

Post it another 100 times - maybe the english language will chagne by then,

Read with me... 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors

Do you get that yet? 50 percent. Foreign.  Not 85 percent foreign. Not 75 - not 65.  50 percent foreign.

Which means 50 percent under canadian control. I know math is hard for you - do your best.


And again - just trying to distract from the fact that trudeau's Dental plan is not helping anyone.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

It's exactly what it says. I'm literally quoting -  t0 percent can be ascribed to global or foriegn factors. So - 50 percent cannot.

It listed exactly the sort of things it included, and it definitely didn't say that last part. 

1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Supply challenges that are 100 percent canadian but REFLECT - not caused by but REFLECT - global devleopments are on top of that

Wrong again, muppet.  That's absolutely not what that means, and just another retarded attempt to dissemble and deflect from how much of a clueless fool you've shown yourself on this topic.  

1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

BUt still internal to canada.  Which means the canadian gov't is responsible for how they deal with it.

I'd love your autistic take on how the Canadian government was meant to deal with factory shutdowns in China and massive backlogs in the port of Los Angeles...these are 100% Canadian issues, after all....?


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1 minute ago, Moonbox said:

It listed exactly the sort of things it included, and it definitely didn't say that last part. 

Of course it did.

And the second report noted that inflation/interest rates would go down a lot faster if trudeau cut spending. It blamed the gov't for making the bank do all the work


And again - you're desperately trying to distract from the truth;  The so called 'dental' plan is a complete failure.

2 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

That's absolutely not what that means,

THat is absolutely 100 percent what it means.


2 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

I'd love your autistic take on how the Canadian government was meant to deal with factory shutdowns in China and massive backlogs in the port of Los Angeles...these are 100% Canadian issues, after all.

Oh you mean the 50 percent that are FORIEGN related it mentioned? Rather than the OTHER 50 percent which were canadian controlled?  :)

Sure -still ways to deal with that. # 1 first and foremost is cut back severely on immigration for a while till things stabilize.  When you have more people competing for a shrinking pool of goods then you get inflation.

Second - reduce gov't spending -  AS THE REPORT NOTED THE GOV"T COULD HAVE ELIMINATED THE NEED FOR RATE HIKES BY CUTTING ONLY 3 PERCENT OF IT"S SPENDING.  I say it in caps because you don't seem to be able to read it otherwise.

So the banks themselves gave him the answer - cut spending by 3 percent and the problem largely goes away.  Cut immigration and it goes away even further. 

Instead he increased spending and immigraiton and guess what - it got worse. And it's still not where it should be despite high increases in interrest rates.



And guess what -  the dental program is still a failure :)   LOLOL!!!!

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14 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Oh you mean the 50 percent that are FORIEGN related it mentioned? Rather than the OTHER 50 percent which were canadian controlled?  :)

No, I mean the supply challenges that account for 35% of last year's inflation.  You know...this part...again...

b.     Supply challenges that largely reflect developments at the global level account for another 35% of the rise in inflation

Note that it doesn't say "Canadian Controlled".  

Watching you squirm around this point is so pathetic.  Dumb dumb dumb.  



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3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

No, I mean the supply challenges that account for 35% of last year's inflation.  You know...this part...again...


Ohhh - sorry, not really what they meant :)  god you're stupid :)  

And like i said - even then easy to deal with - cut spending, reduce immigration. The same bank you're quoting said the problem goes away with a 3 percent cut in gov't spending.  Oooopsie - forgot that part :)

But lets get real.  You know you're wrong, the english is clear.  50 percent of the problems were internal and not external

The reason you're desperately clinging to this is you're trying to avoid the fact that the liberals dental program is a failure.

 Sorry -  our current inflation interest issues and cost of living problems are largely due to the liberals - AND the liberal dental rebate is a failure.  Sucks to be liberal doesn't it big guy ;) 

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21 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

But lets get real.  You know you're wrong, the english is clear.  50 percent of the problems were internal and not external

No muppet:

19 hours ago, CdnFox said:

a.      Around 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors. These include US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate.

b.     Supply challenges that largely reflect developments at the global level account for another 35% of the rise in inflation.

50% to global factors like inflation, commodity prices and exchange rates. 

35% to global supply chain problems, because our supply chains are...*gasp* global. 

The english, as you say, is fairly clear, but your obstinate stupidity and belligerence forces you to dig your heels in and argue even when caught cornered and clueless...like how the Roman Empire apparently didn't have standing armies.  I'll always remember that gem too.  ??

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7 hours ago, Moonbox said:

No muppet:

50% to global factors like inflation, commodity prices and exchange rates. 

35% to global supply chain problems, because our supply chains are...*gasp* global. 

The english, as you say, is fairly clear, but your obstinate stupidity and belligerence forces you to dig your heels in and argue even when caught cornered and clueless...like how the Roman Empire apparently didn't have standing armies.  I'll always remember that gem too.  ??

Still trying to dodge the fact that the lib dental plan failed i see :)


50% to global factors like inflation, commodity prices and exchange rates. 

So - inflation is due 50 percent to inflation.  ROFLMAO!!!!!!  Holy shit kid - you've hit peak stupid :)   LOLOL

See how dumb you look when you just make shit up?  :)   "inflation is caused by inflation".  Gotcha :)  

Half the problems were foreign - half were domestic - and he had an easy solution to fix things which the bank identified and he didn't use it.

And his dental plan is a failure - if you try to dodge that issue any harder you'll pull a muscle :) 

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17 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So - inflation is due 50 percent to inflation.  ROFLMAO!!!!!!  Holy shit kid - you've hit peak stupid :)   LOLOL.

It was in Scotiabanks quote:

a.      Around 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors. These include US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate.

US inflation pushed Canadian inflation up with it, because we buy a lot of shit from the US, because the economy is...global, you know?  

17 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

See how dumb you look when you just make shit up?  :)   "inflation is caused by inflation".  Gotcha :) 

See how dumb you look when you think you've made a good point, but really fallen on your face and knocked out your own teeth?  ?

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3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Around 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors. These include US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate.

Umm  that's the foreign factors.  YOU claimed that inflation elsewhere was the NON foreign factors. :) that's what you said you were talking about :) 

LOL  - you can't even keep your own screw ups straight ;) ROFLMAO !!!!!  You effed up again and realized your mistake i take it :) LOLOL

holy shit kid - just when i think you've been as dumb as possible you prove me wrong

So.  once again-  the initial inflation bump was 50 percent FOREIGN - such as US inflation etc -  and 50 percent was things that were NOT foreign -  not things like other country's interest rates but things we can coontrol :P

And the bank said if they cut spending the problem gets solved.


AND - Trudeau's dental plan, which you must be paid to try to distract from considering how hard you try - is a failure :)  Just like everything else he does.

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39 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

AND - Trudeau's dental plan, which you must be paid to try to distract from considering how hard you try - is a failure :)  Just like everything else he does.

No it was always Jagmeet's plan and you can be quite certain thousands of families will indeed benefit from it and the NDP is the only reason that benefit exists.

As for the hooey you've presented to prove your claim there's zero financial effect for anyone who uses the federal dental care, I'm reminded of the hooey people around here use to prove COVID vaccine made things worse.


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45 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No it was always Jagmeet's plan

well...  fair enough i suppose. But I think in reality it's not what jagmeet wanted at all.


and you can be quite certain thousands of families will indeed benefit from it

That does not appear to be the case unless they're applying somewhat fraudulently. And as noted inflation wiped out the megre benefit already anyway so in the end people are still worse off. It's not even a dental plan it's a really weak dental rebate which only covers people who for the most part were already covered by a provincial equivalent.

It's pretty useless. Trudeau neutered it pretty thoroughly.



and the NDP is the only reason that benefit exists.

That much is true but all things considered - propping up the libs for THAT was selling your party out for pennies on the dollar.


As for the hooey you've presented to prove your claim there's zero financial effect for anyone who uses the federal dental care, I'm reminded of the hooey people around here use to prove COVID vaccine made things worse.

Well it DOES involve math so it's not like anyone expected you to get it in the first place.  I mean, you'd have to take your mitts off and everything. ,

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39 minutes ago, eyeball said:

What new hooey is this now?


oh dear - i see we've run into your basic comprehension problems again.  Which words confused you this time, we'll see if we can sort it out


It's hooey you're using not math. It's barely arithmetic.

So you can't understand it so you're having a bit of a mental break down.  Got it.

Well - like i said it WOULD involve taking your mitts off and there's really no point as some of the numbers are higher than ten.

Tell me you know i'm right but don't want to say it without telling me.

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12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

So.  once again-  the initial inflation bump was 50 percent FOREIGN - such as US inflation etc -  and 50 percent was things that were NOT foreign -  not things like other country's interest rates but things we can coontrol :P

Once again:

a.      Around 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors. These include US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate.

b.     Supply challenges that largely reflect developments at the global level account for another 35% of the rise in inflation.

Your muppet logic here, obviously, is that because they said that global/foreign factors like inflation, commodity prices and exchange rates account for 50% of the inflation in 2022, then the other 35% they attribute to supply chain issues are strictly 100% internal and cannot be global (even though our supply chains are very much global) ?

Even better though, we then have to accept that the supply chain is something that we (or rather the government) can control, which unless we're a communist centralized economy is definitely not the case.  

Dumb dumb dumb.  

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38 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Cdnfox was right and i can't refute what he said.

ROFLMAO _  i see you're back to your little trick of editing quotes and pretending i said things i didn't :)  THen you erase it later and pretend you didn't :)

Sorry kid  - this is why everyone here says you'rea liar :) 



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11 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Once again:

a.      Around 50% of the increase in inflation observed since the end of 2019 can be ascribed to global or foreign factors. These include US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate.


yes - around 50 percent is due to foreign factors - the other 50 percent is not. 

I've proven you wrong on this so often now it's comical. It says it right there. Trying to twist the rest of it is a joke,

Justin IS responsible for our inflation/interest problems and the bank pointed out he could solve it by reducing spending. He increased spending instead

But lets get real - everyone knows inflation is justin's fault. That's why he's so low in the polls. The REAL reason you want to keep repeating your lies  is to distract from the fact justin's dental rebate is a failure


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59 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Justin IS responsible for our inflation/interest problems...

Sure, the same way Harper was responsible for a global financial collapse that allowed you to claim he caused CO2 emissions to fall.

Its not that you're a liar, you're just ridiculous.

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52 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Sure, the same way Harper was responsible for a global financial collapse that allowed you to claim he caused CO2 emissions to fall.

Its not that you're a liar, you're just ridiculous.

Harper was certainly responsible for the response to it - which is why we had one of the BEST economies at the time and suffered the LEAST compared to other countries. Other countries were literally looking at canada as 'how to do it right'.

Forgot about that didn't you :)

Covid wasn't trudeau's fault.  But - his response was. And his ongoing policies are.

You could solve most of our problems right now by cutting gov't spending 3 percent and reducing immigration rates till we can improve our housing output.  Instead he's increasing spending and raising immigration.

You lefties :)  LOL - you love a false equivalency don't you :)  

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6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

yes - around 50 percent is due to foreign factors - the other 50 percent is not. 

No, 50 percent is due to foreign factors like:

US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate.

Another 35% is due to:

Supply challenges that largely reflect developments at the global level account for another 35% of the rise in inflation.

6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I've proven you wrong on this so often now it's comical. It says it right there. Trying to twist the rest of it is a joke,

You're not going to convince me you're not a clueless buffoon by insisting that you're winning, over and over.  




6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Justin IS responsible for our inflation/interest problems and the bank pointed out he could solve it by reducing spending. He increased spending instead

Sure, we'd not doubt have less inflation if Justin had spent less.  The problem you have is that you've squawked, complained and claimed half or more of it is his fault, which is retarded.

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15 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

No, 50 percent is due to foreign factors like:

US inflation, commodity prices and movements in the exchange rate.

Another 35% is due to:

Supply challenges that largely reflect developments at the global level account for another 35% of the rise in inflation.

You're not going to convince me you're not a clueless buffoon by insisting that you're winning, over and over.  




Sure, we'd not doubt have less inflation if Justin had spent less.  The problem you have is that you've squawked, complained and claimed half or more of it is his fault, which is retarded.

Yawn - kid, I know you're wrong, you know you're wrong, everyone here knows you're wrong, the entire country knows you're wrong and can't wait to kick justin to the curb.

"reflect" is not the same as 'caused by'.  Sorry.

And the bank said what the solution was - so regardless it's still justin's fault for not taking action.


But of course you already know you lost that one - you're just trying to distract from justin's failed dental program which is why you keep avoiding it.

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26 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

you're just trying to distract from justin's failed dental program which is why you keep avoiding it.

Somewhere along the way it must have dawned on you how ridiculous your claim there was zero, nada, zilch benefit to be realized by anyone from the dental care program Jagmeet secured and so you dug this inflation rabbit hole to explain it all away.

No one seems to be  buying it but you're still digging.

5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Harper was certainly responsible for the response to it

So Harper's stellar economic response was responsible for the reduction of the industrial output in Canada that led to lower CO2 emissions? Okay, if you say so.  We already now you don't think the closure of a huge coal fired electrical generating plant in Ontario that year had anything to do with it. Have it your way.

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