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The WONDERFUL uses for Fossil Fuels

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Let me count the ways:

1. Powering the vehicles that transport the sick and injured to the hospital, SAVING THEIR LIVES.


 2. Powering HOSPITALS.


3. Powering daily operations of Congress


4. Powering AirForce One


5. Powering the POLICE who save your lives.


6. Powering John Kerry's private jet


7. Keeping the lights and air conditioning on in Barak Obama's mansion.


8.Powering and outfitting those who protect our country.


9. Powering electric cars.


10. Powering large cities.


11. Powering Beijing



1. The earth has enough fossil fuels to maintain human civilization for centuries.

2. Air or wind power will not power a SINGLE HOUSE for an hour much less a city. And it takes fossil fuels to manufacture windmills and solar collectors.

3. Land surface makes up 29.2 percent of the ENTIRE surface of the earth. Humans take up not even HALF of that. To suggest that on this planet


humans who take up not even 15 percent of the ENTIRE surface are somehow producing fossil fuels which HEAT THE PLANET (even though the planet has heated and cooled CENTURIES before the first humans arrive) is dangerously stupid.

If you want to be an idi0t and live off the grid, survive TOTALLY WITHOUT FOSSIL FUELS, that's your business. But you have NO right to force the rest of the planet back to the stone age, based on junk science.

Grow a brain, libs. You have ZERO science pointing to anything negative about fossil fuels.


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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

Your analysis is completely false. 

You are describing the benefits of ENERGY, which can be provided without using fossil fuels (except in jets), and you’re demonstrating the reason why fossil fuel use is not a good solution for this task:


You're starting to embarrass yourself with your stupid attempts to spin the truth. You know you're WRONG in this.

Today ENERGY to even  run your mobile home CANNOT be produced by anything OTHER than fossil fuels. Jets cannot fly without fossil fuels, unless you're talking about commercial GLIDERS,  but they still have to be hauled into the air by a fossil fuel burning JET.

Maybe 100 years in the future, when you and I will be worm food, but not now.

Right now, even the energy powering that computer that you continue to make a fool out of yourself every day on, is powered by FOSSIL FUELS.

NO transportation today is made possible by anything other than fossil fuels. Electric cars (which cost a goddam fortune) are powered by FOSSIL FUELS.

Prove me wrong. Show a person with a WINDMILL at his house, powering the recharging of an electric car as well as keeping the place lit and the temperature controlled.

Not gonna happen any time soon. And only a brain dead MOR0N thinks government can CHANGE THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH WITH CARBON TAXES.

Solar? Here's an idea: KIck EVERYONE out of Califagula and make that entire state a giant solar collector. Then pick the ONE US city that it will power.

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

Your analysis is completely false. 

You are describing the benefits of ENERGY, which can be provided without using fossil fuels (except in jets), and you’re demonstrating the reason why fossil fuel use is not a good solution for this task:


You know he is only going to ridicule you without actually addressing the inanity of his thread. By mid-century, long after you and I and NuttyReason has passed away, fossil fuels will become SO expensive due to declining sources, that no one but the rich can afford them. If Reason actually had some Reasoning skills he would ask himself how the world will be powered if fossil fuels are declining and unaffordable. 

Of course NuttyReason would NEVER check facts or stats, because THAT would require some sagacity, intuitiveness and wisdom

He will almost certainly call any site that backs up what I am saying as "Leftist filth" because that is all those mindless mor*ns are capable of responding with.

But for those, like yourself, who ARE interested in facts:

https://octopus.energy/blog/when-will-fossil-fuels-run-out/#:~:text=If we keep burning fossil,will be depleted by 2060.


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33 minutes ago, reason10 said:

You're starting to embarrass yourself with your stupid attempts to spin the truth. You know you're WRONG in this.

Today ENERGY to even  run your mobile home CANNOT be produced by anything OTHER than fossil fuels. Jets cannot fly without fossil fuels, unless you're talking about commercial GLIDERS,  but they still have to be hauled into the air by a fossil fuel burning JET.

Maybe 100 years in the future, when you and I will be worm food, but not now.

Right now, even the energy powering that computer that you continue to make a fool out of yourself every day on, is powered by FOSSIL FUELS.

NO transportation today is made possible by anything other than fossil fuels. Electric cars (which cost a goddam fortune) are powered by FOSSIL FUELS.

Prove me wrong. Show a person with a WINDMILL at his house, powering the recharging of an electric car as well as keeping the place lit and the temperature controlled.

Not gonna happen any time soon. And only a brain dead MOR0N thinks government can CHANGE THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH WITH CARBON TAXES.

Solar? Here's an idea: KIck EVERYONE out of Califagula and make that entire state a giant solar collector. Then pick the ONE US city that it will power.

I am curious. Do you reside in a mental hospital and they give you access to a computer? Or are you just a very lonely, unloved, basement dwelling dweeb who has nothing better to do with his life than post tripe?

You DO know that fossil fuels are finite, right? OR do you need a dictionary to look up the word finite?

I try to picture you out there in the real world. An unkept, overweight, slovenly, angry and often drunk nobody who has never loved anyone and has never been loved. I would clean myself up, lose weight, stop drinking, get out for a walk every day, make something of myself, and stop being such a monumental ass.

It's pathetic to live life the way you are living it. 


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1 hour ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

You know he is only going to ridicule you without actually addressing the inanity of his thread. By mid-century, long after you and I and NuttyReason has passed away, fossil fuels will become SO expensive due to declining sources, that no one but the rich can afford them. If Reason actually had some Reasoning skills he would ask himself how the world will be powered if fossil fuels are declining and unaffordable. 

Of course NuttyReason would NEVER check facts or stats, because THAT would require some sagacity, intuitiveness and wisdom

He will almost certainly call any site that backs up what I am saying as "Leftist filth" because that is all those mindless mor*ns are capable of responding with.

But for those, like yourself, who ARE interested in facts:

https://octopus.energy/blog/when-will-fossil-fuels-run-out/#:~:text=If we keep burning fossil,will be depleted by 2060.


I have provided more FACTS in this thread than you and the rest of the goose stepping NAZIS have even SEEN in your ignorant lives. Right now, ELECTRIC CARS are so expensive on the super rich can afford them. What an uneducated idi0t like you fails to grasp is this little thing called the FREE MARKET. When the world is finally depleted of fossil fuels (and the United States is sitting on 200 YEARS of oil alone, other sources will come on line and the FREE MARKET will make them readily available.

'One thing your kindergarten dropout education failed to teach you was that in the late 19th Century, before the invention of the first internal combustion engine automobile, fuel for transportation was created on MANY ACRES of land to produce HAY for the highest polluting transportation modes ever;  SHITTING HORSES. The market adjusted. Covered wagons and stage coaches were replaced by cars, busses, cabs, etc.

The free market took the computer (which in the 50s cost over a MILLION DOLLARS, FILLED UP ENTIRE ROOMS AND DIDN'T HAVE THE COMPUTING POWER OF A MODERN DAY CELLPHONE) and evolved it to where it costs penniies on a dollar what it used to cost even TWENTY years ago.  I saw this when I first started substitute teaching in 1999 (Probably the year your grandparents were born because you sound  like a fcking school skilling idi0T KID.) I would have to take entire classes to the COMPUTER LAB in 99, and today EVERY kid has a school  provided chromebook. For that matter, the phones these kids have come with more computing power than those  1999 computer labs.

Face it, You're STUPID. You have no idea what you're talking about. And THANK GOD humanity isn't depending on brain dead MOR0NS like you for our progress. You'd still have us without the invention of the WHEEL.

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1 hour ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

I am curious. Do you reside in a mental hospital and they give you access to a computer? Or are you just a very lonely, unloved, basement dwelling dweeb who has nothing better to do with his life than post tripe?

You DO know that fossil fuels are finite, right? OR do you need a dictionary to look up the word finite?

I try to picture you out there in the real world. An unkept, overweight, slovenly, angry and often drunk nobody who has never loved anyone and has never been loved. I would clean myself up, lose weight, stop drinking, get out for a walk every day, make something of myself, and stop being such a monumental ass.

It's pathetic to live life the way you are living it. 


I am curious. Are you FCKING TEN YEARS OLD? Or is it possible that some kindergarten teacher socially promoted you out of there after spending SIX YEARS learning to finger paint? The whole forum pictures you as a Downs Syndrome kid, slobbering all over the place, shittting himself and barely making human noises. But I know better. A Downs Syndrome kid would score higher on any tests than you did.

As far as the word "finite" goes, it only applies to your intelligence, which right now appears to be a fraction of a completely mentally retarded individual.

As far as my life goes, I have two good jobs (which I need because my welfare taxes pay for your food stamps, you lazy fcking MOOCH) and I have the respect of my community and my peers, all of which are MENTAL GIANTS compared to whatever underachieving blue state school socially promoted you out of kindergarten.

The FREE MARKET (AND NOT GRETA THUNBERG'S GOAL OF CARBON TAXING HUMANITY INTO THE STONE AGE) will maintain our way of life. Just shut the fck up because the experts are on it. Right now, we ALL are paying for your existence using FOSSIL FUELS, and we'll continue to do so until the FREE MARKET comes up with something better.


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1 hour ago, reason10 said:

goose stepping NAZIS


1 hour ago, reason10 said:

your kindergarten dropout education


1 hour ago, reason10 said:



1 hour ago, reason10 said:

brain dead MOR0NS like you


1 hour ago, reason10 said:

spending SIX YEARS learning to finger paint?


1 hour ago, reason10 said:

I have two good jobs (which I need because my welfare taxes pay for your food stamps


1 hour ago, reason10 said:

you lazy fcking MOOCH


1 hour ago, reason10 said:

Just shut the fck up


1 hour ago, reason10 said:


You mad bro?

Talk about a tirade.

Jaysus man, I am retired and rolling in dough. Know why? I never made sorry ass excuses for my life like you are doing.

As for your "insults" (cough cough), I have heard better in kindergarten. You really need to up your game to even be in the same league as me.

I also find it fascinating you didn't dispute my claims about you....

3 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

I try to picture you out there in the real world. An unkept, overweight, slovenly, angry and often drunk nobody who has never loved anyone and has never been loved. I would clean myself up, lose weight, stop drinking, get out for a walk every day, make something of myself, and stop being such a monumental ass.

I mean seriously dude, if you are working at two jobs to make ends meet how pathetic is that. That also doesn't address the fact that you are a loser with a capital L. Be angry. Rant n rave. Throw kindergarten insults like above. That won't get you laid. No one is going to care about you let alone love you. If you want to be a loser the rest of your life, well, that is YOUR choice. I would chose a different direction. 

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18 hours ago, SNOWFLAKE said:









You mad bro?

Talk about a tirade.

Jaysus man, I am retired and rolling in dough. Know why? I never made sorry ass excuses for my life like you are doing.

As for your "insults" (cough cough), I have heard better in kindergarten. You really need to up your game to even be in the same league as me.

I also find it fascinating you didn't dispute my claims about you....

I mean seriously dude, if you are working at two jobs to make ends meet how pathetic is that. That also doesn't address the fact that you are a loser with a capital L. Be angry. Rant n rave. Throw kindergarten insults like above. That won't get you laid. No one is going to care about you let alone love you. If you want to be a loser the rest of your life, well, that is YOUR choice. I would chose a different direction. 

I'm just putting you in your place, like I do all idi0ts.

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9 minutes ago, SNOWFLAKE said:

Grow up, become a person, learn to love someone, and stop being such a loser. 

This thread is about FOSSIL FUELS. It's not my fault the extra chromosome crowd is TOO FCKING STUPID to discuss issues without personal insults that have nothing to do with the subject.

In my real life, concepts of love are NONE OF YOUR FCKING BUSINESS.

The subject is fossil fuels. Discuss them or ADMIT YOU TOO FCKING STUPID to do so.

I don't get paid to  placate your feelings, GOOSE STEPPER.

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1 hour ago, reason10 said:

In my real life, concepts of love are NONE OF YOUR FCKING BUSINESS.

Because there is NONE. That is why my comments are triggering you SO badly. A couple of rightwing fools on here at least have figured out the best way to deal with me is to stop responding to me. To just ignore me. Too bad you don't have the brains to figure that out. As long as you engage me I will call you out for the unloved, sexless Incel loser you are. Get it?

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On 7/28/2023 at 10:32 AM, reason10 said:

You're starting to embarrass yourself with your stupid attempts to spin the truth. You know you're WRONG in this.

Today ENERGY to even  run your mobile home CANNOT be produced by anything OTHER than fossil fuels. Jets cannot fly without fossil fuels, unless you're talking about commercial GLIDERS,  but they still have to be hauled into the air by a fossil fuel burning JET.

Maybe 100 years in the future, when you and I will be worm food, but not now.

Right now, even the energy powering that computer that you continue to make a fool out of yourself every day on, is powered by FOSSIL FUELS.

NO transportation today is made possible by anything other than fossil fuels. Electric cars (which cost a goddam fortune) are powered by FOSSIL FUELS.

Prove me wrong. Show a person with a WINDMILL at his house, powering the recharging of an electric car as well as keeping the place lit and the temperature controlled.

Not gonna happen any time soon. And only a brain dead MOR0N thinks government can CHANGE THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH WITH CARBON TAXES.

Solar? Here's an idea: KIck EVERYONE out of Califagula and make that entire state a giant solar collector. Then pick the ONE US city that it will power.

You are embarrassingly dumb.

Cars can obviously run on electricity.  So can trucks. Amazon is transitioning all of their delivery fleet to electric because it’s more efficient and saves them money.  
Trains can very obviously run on electricity, and most do.  

So I can’t find somebody with a windmill at their house? Can you find somebody with a natural gas turbine or a nuclear reactor at their house? 

You are the biggest dope I’ve ever come across.  

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Cars can obviously run on electricity.  So can trucks. Amazon is transitioning all of their delivery fleet to electric because it’s more efficient and saves them money.  
Trains can very obviously run on electricity, and most do.'

And that electricity is produce by FOSSIL FUELS. Or did you even bother reading the first post of this thread, MOR0N? EVERYTHING can run on electricity, but wind or solar can barely produce enough electricity to run anything.

So I can’t find somebody with a windmill at their house? Can you find somebody with a natural gas turbine or a nuclear reactor at their house? 

That's because (a) a windmill will NOT even power a flashlight, much less a house, and (b) you Nazis voted down nuclear power, even though it is the cleanest and safest.


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On 7/29/2023 at 2:13 PM, Rebound said:

Cars can obviously run on electricity.  So can trucks. Amazon is transitioning all of their delivery fleet to electric because it’s more efficient and saves them money.  
Trains can very obviously run on electricity, and most do.  

Cars and trucks can run on electricity, but the technology overall is nowhere near the range and power you can get with fuel.

Trains are no different, and require an overhead catenary system in order to function, limiting its use. Freight trains, still use diesel as far as I can see.

Buses are no different. Efficient within a city, but if doing cross border or province or state travel, stop being efficient or useful. Same can be said for pick up trucks. The technology is not yet affordable. 

Range requires a 100k investment. I could get a well equipped luxury trim for under 90k as an ICE.

Its not even a consideration for commercial aircraft, proving that while it is the future, it still has ways to go.

Fuel should be phased out, not abruptly eliminated. The globe is still heavily fuel dependent. Will be for decades.

No amount of virtue signaling will change that reality.

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2 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Cars and trucks can run on electricity, but the technology overall is nowhere near the range and power you can get with fuel.

Trains are no different, and require an overhead catenary system in order to function, limiting its use. Freight trains, still use diesel as far as I can see.

Buses are no different. Efficient within a city, but if doing cross border or province or state travel, stop being efficient or useful. Same can be said for pick up trucks. The technology is not yet affordable. 

Range requires a 100k investment. I could get a well equipped luxury trim for under 90k as an ICE.

Its not even a consideration for commercial aircraft, proving that while it is the future, it still has ways to go.

Fuel should be phased out, not abruptly eliminated. The globe is still heavily fuel dependent. Will be for decades.

No amount of virtue signaling will change that reality.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. 

In the first place, nobody anywhere is contemplating the elimination of fossil fuel. Can you get that through your skull? Nobody is saying that because it is unnecessary and impossible. 

Trains, you knucklehead, run on TRACKS.  There are lots and lots and lots of electric trains all around the world.  They work great. And the diesel trains you mention, by the way, are nearly diesel-electric, meaning, the drive to the wheels is ELECTRIC.  

Electric cars are FASTER than gas powered cars and have far better acceleration. Are the fastest EV’s expensive? Yes, but so are Porsches and Corvettes. 
Electric cars have the same or greater range as gas powered cars, and fast charging times are now only 20-30 minutes to get 80% full, which is shorter than the average rest stop on a long drive anyway.  

The technology works, you’re just too pigheaded to admit it.  And here’s why: It’s cause you’re TOO DUMB to realize that ALL of the anti-climate change thought has been created by OIL COMPANIES.  They’re f-ing all of us over.  The truth they don’t want you to know is that we can deploy renewable electrical generation that’s vastly cheaper than oil and will result in not only clean energy but UNLIMITED energy.  

Check out what Fervo Energy is doing.  It’s incredible: They basically convert water into unlimited electricity, nearly anywhere, by using hydraulic fracking technology to drill into heat-generating fissures. They pump water into these fissures, thereby creating geothermal plants nearly anywhere.  And most of the water is recaptured.  Oil is done for. If America doesn’t capitalize on this, we will be a second place nation.  

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

The technology works, you’re just too pigheaded to admit it.

Never said it didn't work, nor did I state that it wasn't the future. My statement was based on the technology not quite being there, to switch transportation onto it, the largest culprit when it comes to fossil fuel gluttony.

The largest takers, being air transportation, trucks and public transportation. 

The latter can easily be electrified, and the first two aren't quite there yet.

You need to reduce the weight of the batteries and extend their range, if you are going to be worthwhile for drivers whom rely heavily on payload to make a living.

2 hours ago, Rebound said:

Electric cars are FASTER than gas powered cars and have far better acceleration.

Most families in the US, aren't worried about racing. They are worried about range. Road trips. Affordability. 

Like I said. Its near but the technology isn't quite there yet.

2 hours ago, Rebound said:

You don’t know what you’re talking about. 

So much so, that you insult your way into the debate, without bringing much to it. Oh wait. That's you, sorry. 

If I liked being condescending, I would remind you that the concept of debate, is to do just that based on the points being made.

Insulting, or yelling don't do much to support your debate, and in fact, remove from it.

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2 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Never said it didn't work, nor did I state that it wasn't the future. My statement was based on the technology not quite being there, to switch transportation onto it, the largest culprit when it comes to fossil fuel gluttony.

The largest takers, being air transportation, trucks and public transportation. 

The latter can easily be electrified, and the first two aren't quite there yet.

You need to reduce the weight of the batteries and extend their range, if you are going to be worthwhile for drivers whom rely heavily on payload to make a living.

Most families in the US, aren't worried about racing. They are worried about range. Road trips. Affordability. 

Like I said. Its near but the technology isn't quite there yet.

So much so, that you insult your way into the debate, without bringing much to it. Oh wait. That's you, sorry. 

If I liked being condescending, I would remind you that the concept of debate, is to do just that based on the points being made.

Insulting, or yelling don't do much to support your debate, and in fact, remove from it.

Look, first you say electric cars don’t have “the range and power you can get with fuel [SIC].”

Then, after I point out that you’re utterly wrong about the power of electric cars, you whine about their weight.  Really? Do you know, off the top of your head, how much your car weighs? Does anybody ever ask a car salesman how much the car weighs?  No on both counts.

You’re engaging in the desperation of somebody who knows he’s losing his argument. But but but but… vehicle weight! Yeah, that’s it… vehicle weight matters!  Yeah!  

Oh, and of course since you know perfectly well that electric cars absolutely work, and people buy them and drive them, you want to shift the argument to the false claim that airplanes consume more petroleum than passenger vehicles.  Not by a long shot!!!! Sure, one jet uses way more fuel than one car, but there are a LOT more cars. Worldwide, passenger cars output five times more CO2 than aircraft. The solution for aircraft is to increase efficiency, which aircraft manufacturers have been doing for decades. Note the elimination of the venerable Boeing 747, because it simply isn’t efficient to operate any longer. Higher efficiency = lower CO2 emissions. 

I’ve rented Teslas. Their charging setup is great. When you run low, the car automatically asks you if you want to navigate to a charger, then it reserves a spot for you and navigates you while preconditioning the battery for fast charging.  The fast DC charge gets you to 80% charge in about 20 minutes.  Of course, this is only on long drives, because most times you just plug your car in at home and it fully charges overnight for many times less than the price of gas.  You never go to a gas station again! 

Or, if you’ve been driving locally and just need to top off before driving home, you go to a public charger, plug in for five or ten minutes, then hit the road. Couldn’t be simpler.  

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3 hours ago, Rebound said:

Look, first you say electric cars don’t have “the range and power you can get with fuel [SIC].”

Find me a pickup truck with the same range, power at an equivalent rate as an ICE. Find me a freight truck.

Battery technology isn't there yet.

Drive more EVs and you will see, that to get a comparatively priced vehicle as an ICE, when you reach pickup truck or freight truck size, your range will be garbage.

Want to match it, your F150 will cost you over 100k. 

3 hours ago, Rebound said:

Or, if you’ve been driving locally

Locally to some businesses, has a person covering hundreds of kilometers in a  day. If you're doing service calls, find me a commercial vehicle that can provide that type of performance under 100k.

3 hours ago, Rebound said:

The solution for aircraft is to increase efficiency

They still use a lot of petrol. Freight ships. You can point to their efficiency all you like, if you're going to electrify vehicles, you would think you would start with the segment that cause the most pollution.

Justin Trudeau virtue signaling to Canadians for fossil fuel use, using his "efficient" jet to do a lot of leisure trips, still remains hypocritical, until that technology is revisited. Again, we are nowhere near that point.

Billionaires using "efficient" yachts, and pushing green initiatives, are being hypocrites.

3 hours ago, Rebound said:

Does anybody ever ask a car salesman how much the car weighs?

No, but for freight trucks, this matters immensely. They get paid for payload.


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4 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Find me a pickup truck with the same range, power at an equivalent rate as an ICE. Find me a freight truck.

Battery technology isn't there yet.

Drive more EVs and you will see, that to get a comparatively priced vehicle as an ICE, when you reach pickup truck or freight truck size, your range will be garbage.

Want to match it, your F150 will cost you over 100k. 

Locally to some businesses, has a person covering hundreds of kilometers in a  day. If you're doing service calls, find me a commercial vehicle that can provide that type of performance under 100k.

They still use a lot of petrol. Freight ships. You can point to their efficiency all you like, if you're going to electrify vehicles, you would think you would start with the segment that cause the most pollution.

Justin Trudeau virtue signaling to Canadians for fossil fuel use, using his "efficient" jet to do a lot of leisure trips, still remains hypocritical, until that technology is revisited. Again, we are nowhere near that point.

Billionaires using "efficient" yachts, and pushing green initiatives, are being hypocrites.

No, but for freight trucks, this matters immensely. They get paid for payload.


Amazon is replacing all of their delivery trucks with electric trucks. You’re ignoring fuel cost and reliability.  Especially for in-city driving with a lot of start/stops, electric is fantastic. For cross-country trucking, it isn’t there yet. 

But you’re digging up one corner case after another instead of looking at the plain truth that electric passenger vehicles are superior. You plug in at home, pay 1/4 as much for fuel and NEVER go to a gas station.

And electric vehicles have FAR FAR less parts. No alternator. No engine, meaning no pistons, cylinders, rods, valves, spark plugs, engine oil, no transmission at all, no alternator.  Just battery, cooling system and a big electric motor. Regenerative braking means brake pads and rotors easily last 100,000 or more.  It is likely we’ll see electric vehicles hit 400,000 miles without difficulty. Some range loss, but with little mechanical maintenance. 

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

Amazon is replacing all of their delivery trucks with electric trucks. You’re ignoring fuel cost and reliability.  Especially for in-city driving with a lot of start/stops, electric is fantastic. For cross-country trucking, it isn’t there yet. 

But you’re digging up one corner case after another instead of looking at the plain truth that electric passenger vehicles are superior. You plug in at home, pay 1/4 as much for fuel and NEVER go to a gas station.

And electric vehicles have FAR FAR less parts. No alternator. No engine, meaning no pistons, cylinders, rods, valves, spark plugs, engine oil, no transmission at all, no alternator.  Just battery, cooling system and a big electric motor. Regenerative braking means brake pads and rotors easily last 100,000 or more.  It is likely we’ll see electric vehicles hit 400,000 miles without difficulty. Some range loss, but with little mechanical maintenance. 

Electric cars go NOWHERE without fossil fuels powering them.

Electric cars are EXPENSIVE. An electric car battery costs more than an ENTIRE regular car.

Electric cars are more polluting and require SLAVE LABOR for their parts.



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4 hours ago, Rebound said:

For cross-country trucking, it isn’t there yet. 

Point I have been making. Long haul driving with large vehicles aren't suited for electric.

Why would I buy something that can't do everything I want it to do, that their competitor does for much cheaper?

Makes no sense to me.

You need to understand business.

People don't buy things because you tell them to. Because they are better.

Buyers are selfish. They buy for what works best for them.

Same reason if you sent a McDonald's to New Delhi, it would fail.

You must localize the menu to the place you're selling to.

Until EVs can be adapted to meet the demands of those who buy cars, will it truly cross over.

Meaning, long range, affordable, etc.

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Once again, i have to put the idi0t in his place.

In the first place, nobody anywhere is contemplating the elimination of fossil fuel. Can you get that through your skull? Nobody is saying that because it is unnecessary and impossible.

You goose steppers want to eliminate all fossil fuels, even though they are NOT warming or cooling the planet in any way, shape or form. Your unelected PEDOPHILE has ATTACKED the US Domestic energy industry based on the global HOAX. And that's why gasoline is so high today.


Trains, you knucklehead, run on TRACKS.  There are lots and lots and lots of electric trains all around the world.  They work great. And the diesel trains you mention, by the way, are nearly diesel-electric, meaning, the drive to the wheels is ELECTRIC

Electricity that is produced by FCKING FOSSIL FUELS, shit for brains. Ten acres of windmills couldn't power a single electric city bus for a day.

Electric cars are FASTER than gas powered cars and have far better acceleration. Are the fastest EV’s expensive? Yes, but so are Porsches and Corvettes. 

And electric cars use electricity that is CREATED SOLELY BY FOSSIL FUELS. It is just my imagination or are you REALLY too FCKING STUPID to get that? It's the whole point of this thread, you mor0n.

The technology works, you’re just too pigheaded to admit it.  And here’s why: It’s cause you’re TOO DUMB to realize that ALL of the anti-climate change thought has been created by OIL COMPANIES.  They’re f-ing all of us over.  The truth they don’t want you to know is that we can deploy renewable electrical generation that’s vastly cheaper than oil and will result in not only clean energy but UNLIMITED energy.  

No one is saying electric technology doesn't work, YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT. What those of us are saying is ALL that ELECTRICITY is produced by FOSSIL FUELS. Oh, and we'll wait patiently while you produce even ONE reliable source linking fossil fuel companies to debunking the CLIMATE CHANGE LIE. (I produced a thread of SCIENTIFIC SOURCES, but we'll wait for you to check with your ONLY source of information.)


Check out what Fervo Energy is doing.  It’s incredible: They basically convert water into unlimited electricity, nearly anywhere, by using hydraulic fracking technology to drill into heat-generating fissures. They pump water into these fissures, thereby creating geothermal plants nearly anywhere.  And most of the water is recaptured.  Oil is done for. If America doesn’t capitalize on this, we will be a second place nation.  

And the ELECTRICITY to do all that comes from electricity that is generated from FOSSIL FUELS, you idi0t.

When your wonderfully limp wristed green eco energy concerns (and all the miraculous Marty McFly electric cars) are UNPLUGGED from the fossil fuel outlet, you'll have room to talk. Right now, you once again have made a colossal fool out of your self, and I have OWNED you, dog.






Edited by reason10
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