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A vote for the liberals in this election means you support corruption within the Canadian government.So either you are corrupt yourself,or your livelihood depends on a liberal win.If it is the latter,it is a very sad state of affairs when a corrupt government has enough power to force you to support their corruption in order for you to survive in a democratic country.

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A vote for the liberals in this election means you support corruption within the Canadian government.So either you are corrupt yourself,or your livelihood depends on a liberal win.

By your account there should be a lot of Liberal MP's in the current government that were named by Gomery to be corrupt and later charged with said offence. Please list them..

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Certainly nobody in this present version of the liberal party.Not even Martin who was finance minister at the time.wink wink.The liberals would never deceive one of their own,it would not relate to their high ethics.wink wink.They would never put anybody of question in places of authority within their party,like members of the bloc,wink wink.And certainly they would not post one person of prime suspicion to be diplomat of Denmark,wink wink.Etc.,Etc.

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A vote for the liberals in this election means you support corruption within the Canadian government.So either you are corrupt yourself,or your livelihood depends on a liberal win.If it is the latter,it is a very sad state of affairs when a corrupt government has enough power to force you to support their corruption in order for you to survive in a democratic country.

Well... it is in all Canadians' benefit to ensure that the CPC party doesn't get in, so what do you suggest... a Layton majority government ????

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A vote for the liberals in this election means you support corruption within the Canadian government.
So you are saying Canadians should simply disconnect their brain and vote for a party with many policies that they absolutely oppose? Harper has finally shown some willingness to moderate his policies to the point where the CPC is now a credible alternative - however, Harper wasted way to much time expecting a free ride into power because of the sponsership scandal.
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Canadians' apparent unwillingness to toss the Liberals out for the scandals, corruption and outright lies shows we have little in the way of ethical standards left. We are a people who live by fear. Fear of change. Fear of the Americans. Fear of Harper. Fear of Health care problems. Fear that SSM might be revisited with a free vote. Fear that any part of our lives might not be covered by a gov. program. And so we might just get the government that can manipulate our fears best. How sad.

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You wrote- " Harper wasted to much time expecting a free ride into power because of the sponsership scandal."

I think it is incredible that Canadians did not react negatively to Liberal corruption concerning the sponsership program and this shows how tightly the Liberal politcal noose concerning an institutionalized Canada is.

I think if Harper wants to win he will have to 'out spend' the Liberals with election promises as it seems this is what Canadians vote for -their wallets.

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I must admit Bro your powers of persuasion have convinced me, I will vote for the NDP.

I think it is incredible that Canadians did not react negatively to Liberal corruption concerning the sponsership program and this shows how tightly the Liberal politcal noose concerning an institutionalized Canada is.

No I think it shows how poorly the consveratives responded...wether or not people trust the liberals is one thing and for the most part Canadians do not trust the liberals. However there needs to be more than a lack of trust their needs to be a trusted replacement, someone to fill their shoes. Unfortunantley at this point the CPC and Stephen Harper have failed to adequately proove that they can replace the Liberals.

I think if Harper wants to win he will have to 'out spend' the Liberals with election promises as it seems this is what Canadians vote for -their wallets.

No, such a naive view would be why Harper would not win. Most Canadian view election tiem promises very skeptical we are not to opptomistic that they will come true. If Harper wants to win the election he must realise he is fighting not the Liberals but Conservatives or atleast the publics perception of them. The biggest enemeny to a CPC government is how people view the CPC.


Canadians' apparent unwillingness to toss the Liberals out for the scandals, corruption and outright lies shows we have little in the way of ethical standards left.

And who made you the judge of ethical standards? Infact why is it that the unwillingness to toos the liberals shows this? I think it woudl be better to say that Canadain un-willingness to toss the Liberals is because the CPC has failed to gain their trust.

We are a people who live by fear.

Whats this, a conservative who mimics Michael Moore? Do you have a funny South Park cartoon for me?

Fear of change.

No Fear of bad change, which is perfectly rational.

Fear of the Americans. Fear of Harper. Fear of Health care problems. Fear that SSM might be revisited with a free vote. Fear that any part of our lives might not be covered by a gov. program.

I think you have misdiagnosed the problem, the problem is not fear. The problem is that the CPC does not represent what even 30% of Canadians belive. Instead the problem is not fear but the lack of an issue. The CPC was instrumental in forcing this election, but now that they have it they have been unable to dictate the major issue. It should be no suprise that people are not flocking to the CPC, The CPC has high aspirations but no rocket fuel, an election with out an issue????

If the biggest party involved in calling this election cannot come up with the issue of the election then people will not support that party. It would be just plain stupid to put a party in power if they cannot even come up with key election issues, how coudl we trust them to come up with key government issues, it is not fear but a lack of an issue.

of Fear. Infact the problem is that the conservatives do not represent what 30% of the population wants let alone the majority. Most polls in this election show that no major issue has been raised this election. It is no suprise that people are not running to the CPC, if the opposition which called thsi election cannot comeup with a single issue for it that resounds with the voters, people are going to ask why have it and they certainly are not going to vote with the people who called it.

And so we might just get the government that can manipulate our fears best. How sad.

Listen if you want to be the governing party but are unable to set the tone for the election your not going to get elected. It is that simple and any party that belives otherwise will be doomed to opposition status because this excuse requires in action. It justifies the party as beeing the better one and therefore requiring no change for next election.

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How those who say the Liberals are using "fear" in their campaign are THE VERY SAME PEOPLE who say that (their hero) George Bush DID NOT use fear to get elected. Pfft.

And those very same people who say stuff like "that lying liberal media" ALSO admire FOX news in the USA that spews ONLY rightwing republican propaganda.

Yes, darn it, of course I am afraid of what MY Canada would become under a Harper govt. Anyone with any brains knows that he'd sell us off to the Americans. Bye bye Canada, hello 51st state.

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Canadians' apparent unwillingness to toss the Liberals out for the scandals, corruption and outright lies shows we have little in the way of ethical standards left.   We are a people who live by fear.  Fear of change.  Fear of the Americans.  Fear of Harper.  Fear of Health care problems.  Fear that SSM might be revisited with a free vote.  Fear that any part of our lives might not be covered by a gov. program.  And so we might just get the government that can manipulate our fears best.  How sad.

From someone who seems to love the Bush administration and all its policies (Orange Terror Alert!!!!) this is rather comical.

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You wrote- " Any one with any brains knows that he would sell us off to the Americans."

The next time you go to the supermarket look at the shelves and understand if the endless line of tractor trailers stuffing AMERICAN food onto shelves of supermarkets were to cease, the shelves of supermarkets across Canada would be stripped bare 3-10 days.

After you enjoy your AMERICAN Mc. Donald's meal jump into your AMERICAN Candian assembled or fully U.S. made SUV or whatever and proceed home with your AMERICAN made movie rentals to watch their movies on that AMERICAN set up factory in China that produces cheap DVD's or VCR's or just about everthing you use in your home. Or sit down in front of your t.v. to watch programs originating from AMERICAN satellites or Canadian cable companies that all source AMERICAN programming, which most Canadians watch.

As you probably know Canada exist for a single reason.

Total dependency on AMERICAN trade (85%) is the life blood of Canada's prosperity and existence.

Check out how many real jobs there are in Canada and you will find the bulk of Canadian jobs is providng SERVICES of one sort or other many sourced to AMERICAN equipment and parts and assemblies.

And I wonder if Canada relies on AMERICAN armed forces for protection originating from any one of several sources since it has no substantial armed forces of it's own.

And of course Canada does not have any use for all that AMERICAN manufactured equipment and literature on everything from computers to medical equipment to weaponery for the armed forces.

Now, what were you saying that anyone with any brains knows Stephen Harper would sell us out to the Americans???

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How those who say the Liberals are using "fear" in their campaign are THE VERY SAME PEOPLE who say that (their hero) George Bush DID NOT use fear to get elected. Pfft.

And those very same people who say stuff like "that lying liberal media" ALSO admire FOX news in the USA that spews ONLY rightwing republican propaganda.

Yes, darn it, of course I am afraid of what MY Canada would become under a Harper govt. Anyone with any brains knows that he'd sell us off to the Americans. Bye bye Canada, hello 51st state.

Anyone with any brains wouldn't spew out such a statement, he wouldn't do that at all, whatever its supposed to mean. And...considering he's been talking about abandoning trade with the U.S. its even more silly. I disagree with Harper on this one,.


Just 'who' has George Bush as their hero, and geez, maybe if you watched Fox a bit you might not 'spew' so muchl Pffftttt

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It is sad that you people will spend your time running down the Conservatives and their policies, when you have all admitted they are the only alternative to the corrupt Liberals.

Also, all you talk about tolerance and yet you support a motion in parliment that people were FORCED to vote for(SSM). You have a real problem with the Conservatives having a FREE vote on this subject, although Canadians in a majority were against this. You agree with democracy, except when it would allow something you disagree with. Nobody in the Conservative party wants hatred towards homosexuals, but you will paint them as intolerant because they,(like most Canadians) do not agree with SSM.

I am beginning to think many of you people are absolutely pathetic, because you only think of yourselves and not for your country and would have a government that would steal from your pockets instead of a government that would be accountable. This pathetic cry you have against Harper is falling on deaf ears, because I think he will form the next government.

I don't know about you, but I am completely tired of Martin calling Canada "a country of minorities" trying tp appeal to people's weakness for sympathy for minorities, when he could truly give a shit about minorities or their supposed oppression!!

Open your eyes and close your mouths, you'll be so much farther ahead!

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I am beginning to think many of you people are absolutely pathetic, because you only think of yourselves and not for your country and would have a government that would steal from your pockets instead of a government that would be accountable.
You are presuming that Conservative gov't would be more accountable. I frankly belive that after 2 majorities a Conservative gov't would be just as 'corrupt' as the Liberals supposedly are. Many other people fell the same way which is why concerns about policy trump concerns about corruption.
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You wrote- " I frankly believe that after two majorities a Conservative government would be just as corrupt as the Liberals supposedly are. Many other people feel the same way which is why concerns about policy trump concerns about corruption."

The fact is the Liberals have created a democratic deficit and are corrupt as attested to large amounts of money disappearing (stolen) under Liberal government control as opposed to speculated potential frivolous policy concerns by a government who as not yet proven itself in power.

I don't want anything to do with Liberal policy personally as I don't have any requirement for a Liberal government to create a horrible democratic deficit all in the name of power and votes.

This in effect is dismantling Canadian society and installing a Liberal institutionalized society which is the furthest aspect of a democratic country you can possibly have.

A child will always hold his or her hand out for candy also and if given when demanded could very well be uncontrolable in later years.

This institutionalized Liberal diversity will result with the same problems.

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How those who say the Liberals are using "fear" in their campaign are THE VERY SAME PEOPLE who say that (their hero) George Bush DID NOT use fear to get elected. Pfft.

And those very same people who say stuff like "that lying liberal media" ALSO admire FOX news in the USA that spews ONLY rightwing republican propaganda.

Yes, darn it, of course I am afraid of what MY Canada would become under a Harper govt. Anyone with any brains knows that he'd sell us off to the Americans. Bye bye Canada, hello 51st state.

Which begs the question, "What's so bad about the US that we shouldn't want to become part of it?"

I guess I'm just not smart enough to be a Liberal.

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It is sad that you people will spend your time running down the Conservatives and their policies, when you have all admitted they are the only alternative to the corrupt Liberals.

Also, all you talk about but you will paint them as intolerant because they,(like most Canadians) do not agree with SSM.

"Corrupt" Liberals? What evidence do you have that my Vancouver Liberal MP, a fine, decent, hard-working man, is corrupt? :angry:

What evidence do you have that any Liberal MP outside of Quebec is corrupt?

The intolerance of extremist Harper extends beyond SSM. He voted to exclude gay bashing from hate crimes legislation and he now supports permanent criminal records and potential jail sentences for simple possession of small quantities of marijuana. What other party leader has taken such extreme positions on these issues? :angry:

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You are making quite an assumption, Leader Circle, to think that "all you people" believe that the Conservatives are the only alternative to a Liberal government.

I see them as a dangerous possibility not an alternative. Opposition to the Conservatives comes from a real concern for the country: a concern that escapes your ideological bias.

These Conservatives do not know the meaning of the word "tolerance." They are hell bent on an intolerant society and one that is as mean spirited as the one Harper has lauded in the revealed speech.

Every proposal it has made so far has been no more than we will cut your taxes regardless of the harm that will bring to Canada. There has not been a single policy statement from the Party that will no result in a cut in services as well as taxes.

The future of Canada lies in the maintenance and progressiveness of a civil society. The NDP, a much better alternative, brings us closer to that but, since that does not appear to be a possibility, the Liberals are, by far, the lesser evil..

Canada is, btw, a country of minorities, as is every country. The Conservatives are forgetting this or, more likely, do not care. The mark of civilization is the care for minorities. And that does not mean only ethnic minorities.

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Canada is, btw, a country of minorities, as is every country. The Conservatives are forgetting this or, more likely, do not care. The mark of civilization is the care for minorities. And that does not mean only ethnic minorities.

The Conservatives have written off some minorities. They like to argue that homosexuals represent a mere 1% of the population and therefore believe they can get elected without worrying about this mere 1%. Conservatives incorrectly assume that only homosexuals care that Harper voted not to include gay bashing in hate crimes legislation. Canadians are fairly civilized and you don't have to be gay to oppose gay bashing. But Harper doesn't understand that.

Of course gays and lesbians aren't alone in being written off by Harper. How about the 30,000 Canadians charged each year for possession of tiny amounts of marijuana? How about those who are jailed for possession?

And how about Quebec where Harper is running a distant third and has litttle prospect of winning a single seat? Either Harper has written off Quebec, or Quebec has written off Harper, or both.

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Wow Normie you really are a two-note act.

We get the point. The conservatives are the only national party fighting for the traditional definition of marriage (favoured by at least 45% of Canadians) and keeping pot laws where thy are.

Don't people with these views deserve to have themselves represented?

btw, Harper has not written off Quebec altogether. He has spent much more time there than Martin has spent in Alberta. Why not chastise Martin for ignoring a vitally important province in the Canadian economy.

How about the 30,000 Canadians charged each year for possession of tiny amounts of marijuana? How about those who are jailed for possession?

And how about Quebec where Harper is running a distant third and has litttle prospect of winning a single seat?  Either Harper has written off Quebec, or Quebec has written off Harper, or both.

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The Conservatives have written off some minorities. They like to argue that homosexuals represent a mere 1% of the population and therefore believe they can get elected without worrying about this mere 1%. Conservatives incorrectly assume that only homosexuals care that Harper voted not to include gay bashing in hate crimes legislation. Canadians are fairly civilized and you don't have to be gay to oppose gay bashing. But Harper doesn't understand that.

Of course gays and lesbians aren't alone in being written off by Harper. How about the 30,000 Canadians charged each year for possession of tiny amounts of marijuana? How about those who are jailed for possession?

This is just patently foolish, what is your agenda in the "gay bashing" comments? If you think your making a point you're only fooling yourself. Harper most certainly is not advocating anything like this and if you do not realize your own dishonesty then you are a fool.

As for the pot comment , you say that as though the people smoking pot had no choice but to continue with their unlawful behaviour. It is tantamount to saying "well many people speed therefore we shouldn't have speed limits".

Finally, using Quebec to make hay against Harper doesn't help your argument because no party is making a dent in the Bloc, do you think its cause they have an overwhelmingly better policy position for Canada?

What is this some high school project?

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