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Harper shuns Duceppe's pre-debate handshake

Published: Friday, December 16, 2005

Vancouver -- Prior to Thursday's French-language debate, television cameras zoomed-in as the four Federal party leaders met to shake hands -- and caught this: Conservative leader Stephen Harper refusing to shake hands with Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe, despite two attempts


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Thanks for the link, I looked at the video there.

Now I'm no fan of Harper, as many here are aware, but he did seem to be involved in some heated discussion during the handshakes, and being that I like to give the benefit of the doubt, this may well have been a simple oversight.

It is, after all, difficult to shake hands when you're using both of yours in some frantic gesticulations whilst trying to make some sort of point.

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Did he not know the camera's where running?

This is another simple thing that Harper has bungled, either through arrogance or stupidity. It looked to me that he gestured with both hands that he did not want to shake hands. Why?

What is the reason for this slight?

The conservatives say it was an oversight. An oversight? Like not being able to utter the phrase "I love Canada". That kind of oversight?

I will choose to take the conservatives at their word. I was an oversight. OK, he simply forgot to shake hands with his best ally. Is he an IDIOT? He forgot to shake hands, while on National TV.

Again it just shows me why I cannot support Harper. If his speech isn't prepared for him he is useless. Whenever he has to act or think for himself he screws up. I used to think he was a smart man, I no longer do. He does not appear to be able to think on his feet and continuously demonstrates behaviour unbecoming anybody, who would be Prime Minister of this great country.

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Again it just shows me why I cannot support Harper. If his speech isn't prepared for him he is useless. Whenever he has to act or think for himself he screws up. I used to think he was a smart man, I no longer do. He does not appear to be able to think on his feet and continuously demonstrates behaviour unbecoming anybody, who would be Prime Minister of this great country.

He does seem to show poor judgment these days. Why would he choose British Columbia to announce that he would not decriminalize marijuana? And why take such a hardline position anyway? When he was leader of the Alliance Party of Canada, he took a more nuanced and thoughtful position in that he was prepared to go along with decriminalization under certain conditions. I wonder if he forgot what he said previously or whether he didn't mean what he said previously or if he's simply become more hardline.

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What was Duceppe saying to him?

I watched the video, and though I admit that I'm not very good at lipreading, from the other leaders' expressions, it would appear that only standard pleasnatries were being exchanged.

Maybe Harper was not shaking the hand of his previous ally (in the attempts to tear down our government) because he didn't want to be perceived as "being in bed with the Bloc" 1.

Most people would be appalled by such a refusal to shake hands with an opponent before the debate, as it is a sign of respect for the opponent. If one aspires to leadership, they have to at bite their tongue and at least feign the respect, or risk that everyone would think that he's an arsehole.... with not respect for other people's positions/opinions.

I suppose he can't hide his spots forever.... Lets hope that lots of Canadians see this.....

1 - "Being in bed with the Bloc" is not a sexual reference, Cybercoma (because I know you CPC types are high-strung about any sexual references), but rather one suggesting a "close partnership".

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It's quite amusing to see those who found nothing wrong with the beer and popcorn comment, or Martin's use of a private clinic while insisting that public healthcare be preserved, or criticism of the Americans on their emissions record when it far surpasses Canada's, now get bent out of shape over a mere handshake.

For the record, I think Harper was wrong to not shake hands, and I'd like to hear his response to the criticisms raised.

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I suppose Harper has simmering anger underneath that uncomfortable-appearing exterior....

probably like Mulroney.. just not as cunning... i wonder if he swears a lot... or has contempt for both his allies and foes...

usually when the neocons make a slight like that, they mean it... hate is their badge...

remember george bush not thanking canada directly after 9/11... on purpose of course...

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Has it occurred to anyone that a picture of Harper and Duceppe shaking hands would be ammuntion for a Liberal smear campaign? Keeping in mind, too, that Duceppe represents a party who's primary goal is tantamount to treason.

That is conveniently ignored.

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I'm sure Liberal strategists are salivating at the thought of running video of Harper giving Duceppe the "back off" gesture in response to the offered handshakes.

What could be better, especially after Martin has spent the past year trying to depict Harper and Duceppe as best buddies?

If the Liberals want to try and turn this into an election issue, feel free.

Meanwhile, I'm sure that this will find a lot of traction with the same people who considered the "Do you love Canada?" question hard-hitting journalism. You know. Dumb-guys, and people who were already dead-set on voting against Harper anyway.


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Has it occurred to anyone that a picture of Harper and Duceppe shaking hands would be ammuntion for a Liberal smear campaign? Keeping in mind, too, that Duceppe represents a party who's primary goal is tantamount to treason.

Mr. Duceppe doesn't belong in Canada and should have his citizenship revoked. Someone with a paramount plan to separate Quebec from Canada should not be sitting in the House of Commons in Ottawa.

I would personally like to see the rules governing recognized parties changed so that if a party's wants to be recognized in the House it should have to run in no less than two provinces. I would have rather seen the green party at the English debate instead of the BQ.

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It's quite amusing to see those who found nothing wrong with the beer and popcorn comment, or Martin's use of a private clinic while insisting that public healthcare be preserved, or criticism of the Americans on their emissions record when it far surpasses Canada's, now get bent out of shape over a mere handshake. 

For the record, I think Harper was wrong to not shake hands, and I'd like to hear his response to the criticisms raised.

Personally, I think the "beer and popcorn" comment was politically incorrect, and maybe even distasteful.... but there's a ring of truth to it.... They never should have said it, and could have implied that the funds would likely be mis-directed in a more tasteful way... Note however, that this type of message is commonly presented by Conservatives in the provincial forum....

And what's wrong with Martin using a private clinic.... as long as no taxpayer money goes to subsidize his visits... ie. he pays the full shot from his own pocket, then what's the problem.... Public healthcare should be preserved for all of the Canadian public.... Those with tons of money can fly to China for acupucture if they want... or pay for an acupunture clinic in downtown Montreal...

And as for pollution, Martin must be more proactive, and not be hypocritical... Note, however, that the CPC would not "wasted any money" on a "deeply flawed protocol" such as Kyoto.... (Harper's words in the quotations)

If you care about these kinds of issues, vote NDP.

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I'm sure Liberal strategists are salivating at the thought of running video of Harper giving Duceppe the "back off" gesture in response to the offered handshakes.

What could be better, especially after Martin has spent the past year trying to depict Harper and Duceppe as best buddies?

It shows a deep lack of respect for someone he was in bed with just last month.... I think is shows his untrustworthyness very well....
You know. Dumb-guys, and people who were already dead-set on voting against Harper anyway.
Wow, that's a broad group, naming orthogonal sets of people who won't vote for Harper....
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I'm sure Liberal strategists are salivating at the thought of running video of Harper giving Duceppe the "back off" gesture in response to the offered handshakes.

What could be better, especially after Martin has spent the past year trying to depict Harper and Duceppe as best buddies?

It shows a deep lack of respect for someone he was in bed with just last month.... I think is shows his untrustworthyness very well....
You know. Dumb-guys, and people who were already dead-set on voting against Harper anyway.
Wow, that's a broad group, naming orthogonal sets of people who won't vote for Harper....

Thanks for providing an example.

Simple question: if this was such a big faux-pas by Harper, why haven't any of Harper's opponents tried to take advantage? If it was a mistake by Harper, wouldn't his opponents be quick to capitalize on it?

I'm pretty sure that the Liberal campaign strategists have a better grasp on what will score points with voters than you or I. So I'll tell you what. If Martin starts talking about this event during his speeches, or if the Liberals use this in their advertising, then I'll say "Wow, I guess you were right, err."


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I'm sure Liberal strategists are salivating at the thought of running video of Harper giving Duceppe the "back off" gesture in response to the offered handshakes.

What could be better, especially after Martin has spent the past year trying to depict Harper and Duceppe as best buddies?

It shows a deep lack of respect for someone he was in bed with just last month.... I think is shows his untrustworthyness very well....
You know. Dumb-guys, and people who were already dead-set on voting against Harper anyway.
Wow, that's a broad group, naming orthogonal sets of people who won't vote for Harper....

Thanks for providing an example.

Simple question: if this was such a big faux-pas by Harper, why haven't any of Harper's opponents tried to take advantage? If it was a mistake by Harper, wouldn't his opponents be quick to capitalize on it?

I'm pretty sure that the Liberal campaign strategists have a better grasp on what will score points with voters than you or I. So I'll tell you what. If Martin starts talking about this event during his speeches, or if the Liberals use this in their advertising, then I'll say "Wow, I guess you were right, err."


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(sorrry for previous... morning coffee not consumed yet)

Simple question: if this was such a big faux-pas by Harper, why haven't any of Harper's opponents tried to take advantage?  If it was a mistake by Harper, wouldn't his opponents be quick to capitalize on it?

I'm pretty sure that the Liberal campaign strategists have a better grasp on what will score points with voters than you or I.  So I'll tell you what. If Martin starts talking about this event during his speeches, or if the Liberals use this in their advertising, then I'll say "Wow, I guess you were right, err."

And wouldn't you think it could be an important strategy not to be seen to be guilty of petty finger-pointing themselves, but rather let other people do it ....

... and if the "other people" didn't do it (or notice it), all they need is to have a few "friends" post info about it on a few sites like this....

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Mr. Duceppe doesn't belong in Canada and should have his citizenship revoked. Someone with a paramount plan to separate Quebec from Canada should not be sitting in the House of Commons in Ottawa.

I would personally like to see the rules governing recognized parties changed so that if a party's wants to be recognized in the House it should have to run in no less than two provinces. I would have rather seen the green party at the English debate instead of the BQ.

Some months ago I suggested that (if there is not already) there should be an oath taken when a person becomes an MP, something along the lines of "To serve and protect Canada and her constitution".

Any MP refusing to take such an oath would not be allowed to sit in Parliament.

And, as law, any MP who is found in breach of this oath could be charged with treason, or at the very least, expelled from Parliament.

This would throw some cold water on the Bloc's damnfoolishness.

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(sorrry for previous... morning coffee not consumed yet)
Simple question: if this was such a big faux-pas by Harper, why haven't any of Harper's opponents tried to take advantage?  If it was a mistake by Harper, wouldn't his opponents be quick to capitalize on it?

I'm pretty sure that the Liberal campaign strategists have a better grasp on what will score points with voters than you or I.  So I'll tell you what. If Martin starts talking about this event during his speeches, or if the Liberals use this in their advertising, then I'll say "Wow, I guess you were right, err."

And wouldn't you think it could be an important strategy not to be seen to be guilty of petty finger-pointing themselves, but rather let other people do it ....

... and if the "other people" didn't do it (or notice it), all they need is to have a few "friends" post info about it on a few sites like this....

Absurd. The Liberals won't attempt to make an issue of it, because whatever tiny amount of mileage might be in "bad manners" as an election issue would be more than wiped out by contradicting the message they've been trying to push all year-- Harper and Duceppe as buddies.

As for not want to appear guilty of petty finger-pointing, just wait until January. The Liberals themselves have already promised a very negative campaign, and they promised that they're going to begin in earnest in January. So no, don't imagine for a minute that they're worried about appearing above petty finger pointing. This is going to get very ugly.


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