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Disney CEO questions whether Florida wants Disney World to stay

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This just ups the PATHETIC ante to new heights.


CEO Iger Asks Whether DeSantis Wants Disney in Florida

Disney CEO Bob Iger questioned whether Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wants the entertainment giant to remain in the state given the contentious relationship that has developed between them.

"Does the state want us to invest more, employ more people and pay more taxes, or not?" Iger asked Wednesday during the company's second quarter earnings call.

After Iger's predecessor, Bob Chapek, spoke out last year against Florida's parental rights in education bill championed by DeSantis, the governor and prospective candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination moved to dissolve the company's more than 50-year agreement with the state to self-govern a nearly 39-square-mile parcel of land in central Florida on which it built the Walt Disney World resort.

Talking points here.

1. Disney didn't just "speak out" about the Parental Rights In Education Bill. Disney threatened LEGAL ACTION, involving the COURTS, just so some schoolteachers could groom children into sex change operations. The Florida legislature and Governor DeSantis responded to that threat by taking away Disney's special privileges.

2. The question should be, does Disney still want to be in Florida, now that it's radical homosexual agenda has reached the public spotlight. (For those of you who don't know, I LIVED in Orlando for 18 horrendous years. The Orlando Sentinel DID run a story each year (beginning around the early 90s) about there being a special GAY DAY at the Magic Kingdom. AND Disney discriminated against straight employees wanting housing in favor of homosexuals.

3. Disney is initially responsible for the WORST traffic in the history of Orlando. (I don't blame the company, though. Walt warned the city fathers of Orlando that they should start building roads immediately. The city fathers didn't listen.)

4. Does Disney have the money to relocate? Are there any other states as attractive to a Disney theme park as Florida? (Walt was originally going to locate Disney World in St. Louis, until Augustus Busch made that crack about not being able to sell tickets to a park that didn't serve alcohol.) Where would Disney take all those established attractions. (The Magic Kingdom; Epcot Center, Animal Kingdom, Disney Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM theme park); Animal Kingdom? How about Downtown Disney, (which features Cirque De Solei)? How about all those hotels that are making a ton of money for Disney? For that matter, Disney STILL holds title on EVERY house sold in Celebration. Will Iger just let those properties go as well?

5. Let's remember that the ONLY reason Disney was able to get that Florida deal was the 70 plus dummy corporations who were able to secretly buy up the land in Central Florida, without anyone knowing that DISNEYLAND would be building a theme park.  Imagine how much the land would have cost back then if people had known. Does Iger think there is ANY place in the United States, (any place with as  nice a climate as Florida)  where the land owners won't jack up the price of the land in anticipation. Does  Disney have the money for such a move? 

(Yes, I lived in Central Florida for 18 years. I can tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about Disney properties there.)

6. Oh, by the way. Disney is NOT the only theme park in Central Florida. There is still Universal Studios, Sea World, Citiwalk, Wet And Wild, and tons of others. And I'm sure there are more companies who would buy that Disney property and put more theme parks there. They could also use the many hotels still standing.

7. Oh, by the way. Disney is NOT the largest employer in Florida. Walmart is.


Edited by reason10
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6 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:


Wow - so upset that she went right to the memes :)

The left is furious about this. The fact is disney really can't move very effectively. DeSantis is schooling them pretty hard (haha) and at the end of the day they'll likely have to back down and take their lumps.

They'll never get what they want anywhere else that's got a suitable climate. And the left is very concerned that this is going to wind up as yet another 'get woke go broke' moment. Disney already got the snickerdoodles kicked out of it by star wars fans and hasn't fully recovered from that little "woke" episode, and after this i suspect they'll make a point of not picking fights in the future, or certainly not nearly as aggressively.

And once again it's a message to business - 'even mighty disney does badly when it pushes a woke agenda'. They'll start thinking "Maybe we should just make products and run our businesses".

And that is VERY damaging for the left. They are quickly losing corporate america as an ally and that makes it MUCH harder to push their agenda forward.


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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Wow - so upset that she went right to the memes :)

The left is furious about this. The fact is disney really can't move very effectively. DeSantis is schooling them pretty hard (haha) and at the end of the day they'll likely have to back down and take their lumps.

Disney as a corporation is super corrupt. I'm enjoying how they keep humiliating DeSantis, but there are no good guys in this war. Same thing with Anheuser-Busch.

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7 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

Disney as a corporation is super corrupt. I'm enjoying how they keep humiliating DeSantis, but there are no good guys in this war. Same thing with Anheuser-Busch.

You were all pro disney in that other discussion :) And it looks like DeSantis is coming out on top on this one. Disney tried to have their own people on the board and DeSantis wiped them out and put in his - and then undid everything the disney board had done. Now Disney can pout and whine and cry and threaten but they lost.

And just like bud lite others will be noticing and thinking twice about getting woke or 'political'.

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8 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You were all pro disney in that other discussion

WTF? I was criticizing Disney. I was saying that they don't have LGBT representation.

This is actually why it's so ridiculous to paint Disney as left-leaning. While plenty of the artists who work there are left-leaning, the company is owned by conservatives who don't want their product to come across as too progressive. They want to be able to market their movies in Muslim theocracies.


And it looks like DeSantis is coming out on top on this one.

Yeeeeeeah, we'll see about that. So far, Disney has definitely been the Roadrunner in this feud.

Like I said, I don't like the Disney corporation, but this is pretty funny.



And just like bud lite others will be noticing and thinking twice about getting woke or 'political'.

The boycotts haven't hurt Anheuser-Busch.


This is something that most leftists don't understand either. Boycotts don't work.

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3 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

WTF? I was criticizing Disney. I was saying that they don't have LGBT representation.

Not when you were talking to me you weren't . (although in fairness nobody actually reads all your crap so i might have missed it)

3 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

This is actually why it's so ridiculous to paint Disney as left-leaning. While plenty of the artists who work there are left-leaning, the company is owned by conservatives who don't want their product to come across as too progressive. They want to be able to market their movies in Muslim theocracies.

If that were true half their upper people would have been fired years ago and we wouldn't have had to suffer through 'woke star wars'.

3 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

Yeeeeeeah, we'll see about that. So far, Disney has definitely been the Roadrunner in this feud.

Nope.  They're losing the fight at every turn. They interfere in politics - they got slapped hard and lost their special privlidges.  they tried to take over the board to restore some of those - desantis wiped out that board and put in his own with a new law that says no one can serve if they have any ties to disney in the last 3 years.  Disney's board tries to pass a bunch of laws on the way out - desantis has them all overturned. Disney complains - desantis wonders if perhaps building a prison facility close to disney land would be a good idea.

Desantis has won at every step of the way - disney has lost horribly.

3 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

Like I said, I don't like the Disney corporation, but this is pretty funny.


Uhhh - you know desantis won that one right :)   Soooo if you find disney losing to be funny that one was hilarious :)

3 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

The boycotts haven't hurt Anheuser-Busch.


This is something that most leftists don't understand either. Boycotts don't work.

Well first off it isn't a boycott. People just decided they didn't want to buy their product because they were pissed at them. Lefties think everything is a 'boycott' for some reason but their customers just left. So left wing publications will claim it's a 'boycott!!!!' and that it "Didnt' work!!!" because they're desperate to fight the 'get woke go broke' reality.

The simple truth is people got pissed and as individuals they decided they'd buy something else for a while

Second - it absolutey did hurt them. They lost billions in sales and are still losing money. 



And it's spread to other InBev products:




So yes - it cost them billions. Their stock is lower than it should be. Billions in sales lost and still being lost.

And this was over ONE CAN OF BEER the put someone's picture on.

Get woke go broke.   The left can lie all it likes but businesses can see the truth.


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Disney as a corporation is super corrupt. I'm enjoying how they keep humiliating DeSantis, but there are no good guys in this war. Same thing with Anheuser-Busch.

Let's see. (Since your head is so far up MSNBC's ass on this one).The Florida Legislature passed a bill giving PARENTS more protection in the decision making process in public education, and Governor DeSantis signed it into law. Disney responded by THREATENING A LAWSUIT.

So Governor DeSantis takes away Disney's special privileges. Kinda like a parent taking away a kid's cell phone for a few days as punishment.

Are you REALLY so stupid that you don't see the facts? Or are you just OKAY with  Pedophiles and grooming minors into castration procedures?

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On 5/15/2023 at 4:23 PM, impartialobserver said:

nothing but a game of chicken. To move all of the Disney facilities from FL to GA, CA, or LA (only states that I can think of that have the climate and water).. would be so astronomically expensive that they would go bankrupt. Therefore it is just people taking shots at each other from their side of the fence. 

Governor DeSantis taking away Disney's special privileges is hardly just a shot from a fence. It pretty much forces Disney to live under the same rules as every one else.

Hell, let Disney move to Chicago and have a special attraction called RELOCATED ILLEGAL ALIENS. The blacks in Chicago don't want those poor while souls in their neighborhoods anyway.

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1 hour ago, reason10 said:

Hell, let Disney move to Chicago and have a special attraction called RELOCATED ILLEGAL ALIENS. The blacks in Chicago don't want those poor while souls in their neighborhoods anyway.

Don't be so silly. That's a TERRIBLE idea.

Martha's vineyards.  That's where you put Relocated Illegal Alien World. Not Chicago.  Yeash.


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6 hours ago, reason10 said:

Governor DeSantis taking away Disney's special privileges is hardly just a shot from a fence. It pretty much forces Disney to live under the same rules as every one else.

Hell, let Disney move to Chicago and have a special attraction called RELOCATED ILLEGAL ALIENS. The blacks in Chicago don't want those poor while souls in their neighborhoods anyway.

To move Disneyworld from FL to GA would be astronomically expensive therefore not going to happen. Besides... without those tourism dollars, Orlando sees a sizeable decrease in jobs, population, and income. The politicians would not let that happen. 

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On 5/15/2023 at 11:00 AM, CdnFox said:

Not when you were talking to me you weren't . (although in fairness nobody actually reads all your crap so i might have missed it)

You can just admit you were wrong, you don't need to get big mad.

On 5/15/2023 at 11:00 AM, CdnFox said:

If that were true half their upper people would have been fired years ago and we wouldn't have had to suffer through 'woke star wars'.

Is this the Star Wars that was woke because the main character was black?

I really can't follow all the cases where someone or something "goes woke."

On 5/15/2023 at 11:00 AM, CdnFox said:

Uhhh - you know desantis won that one right :)   Soooo if you find disney losing to be funny that one was hilarious :)

I think you kinda know this isn't true. That's why you used two smilies in one sentence. You're doing that thing where you're crying behind the smiling mask.


Well first off it isn't a boycott. People just decided they didn't want to buy their product because they were pissed at them.


Have you been trolling this entire time as a way to satirize how dumb conservatives are? If so, kudos.


Second - it absolutey did hurt them. They lost billions in sales and are still losing money. 

Stocks go up and down all the time. There's no evidence that the boycott has caused a dip in there stock. And even if that was the case, they recovered, anyway.



And this was over ONE CAN OF BEER the put someone's picture on.

Yes... it's almost like a perfect example of how insane the Right has gotten or something. But I guess it's still overreacting to talk about trans genocide, yes?


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11 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

You can just admit you were wrong, you don't need to get big mad.

Well being a right winger i have trouble lying like that. It doesn't come to me as easily as it does you.

11 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

Is this the Star Wars that was woke because the main character was black?

No? oh - i keep forgetting you just ramble about crap you don't know anything about. Sorry - got confused there and though i was talking to a real person.

11 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

I really can't follow all the cases where someone or something "goes woke."

Unfortunately you'll have a problem following the ones where they 'went broke' as well then - it's about the same number.

11 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

I think you kinda know this isn't true. That's why you used two smilies in one sentence. You're doing that thing where you're crying behind the smiling mask.

ROFL - aww muffin :)  Denial is such a good look for you   :)

Sorry - i'm laughing behind and in front of the laughing mask :)   And Disney just got its ASS handed to it - Desantis totally won. Disney has no where to go, they've lost a great deal of local power they really wanted to keep, and desantis remains untouched and his policies are still law.

I don't know about the rest of the dwarves, but Disney is certianly grumpy and dopey! LOL!

11 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:


Have you been trolling this entire time as a way to satirize how dumb conservatives are? If so, kudos.

This is because everyone thinks you're a false flag because you're so dumb isn't it :)   Well done, you've acheived the intellectual level of a parrot!

11 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

Stocks go up and down all the time. There's no evidence that the boycott has caused a dip in there stock. And even if that was the case, they recovered, anyway.

There is not only a massive hunk of evidence, but you keep ignoring the BILLIONS OF DOLLLARS IN SALES it also cost them.  Which arguably will hurt more.

You have to be pretty bad at math to think that losing billions of dollars is 'no effect'.

11 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:


Yes... it's almost like a perfect example of how insane the Right has gotten or something.

it ain't just the right. Sorry. Everyone is getting fed up with the woke agenda and having that crap in their face all the time.

11 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:


But I guess it's still overreacting to talk about trans genocide, yes?

It's never too early for you to say something stupid (apperently) so if you like i suppose?

But - it would be wrong.

First off, Gender dysphoria is an illness. Wiping out trans people would mean curing an illness. We like to cure illnesses. If we could invent a pill tomorrow that cured them so they weren't gender dysphoric - that would be a good thing.  It's like talking about the great 'cancer genocide'.

Second, there is no genocide in the slighest, it doesn't meet ANY of the accepted definition. Sorry.

But it sure SOUNDS cool! Right? And we all know the left  is all about optics over facts!! So YAY!

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On 5/15/2023 at 2:30 AM, Americana Antifa said:

Disney as a corporation is super corrupt. I'm enjoying how they keep humiliating DeSantis, but there are no good guys in this war. Same thing with Anheuser-Busch.

Who says Disney is humiliating anyone other than its stockholders? Governor DeSantis and the Florida legislature just smacked that goose stepping entitled company down.

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