tml12 Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 The CPCs platform, as agreed to this past spring, is far closer to the old PC party's than any other party that make up the new party. Alas, eureka, you would neve ractually take the time to do the research and actually look into this. Would you... With a former PC policy perhaps! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yup it is, it is more red tory than Alliance, like its been said, the CPC is liberal lite now. I've read these misconception before and nobody actually reads the darned thing. Too bad these people who spread untruths around should read the proposed policy documents and what was passed and what was turned down. I used to read all kinds of strange accusations and myths on the old 50plus forums, most if it rarely was based on fact and current issues. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't think people agree with this because they think Harper is going Liberal lite to get elected. I am not sure what I believe that government can't go on like this for much longer... Quote "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." -Alexander Hamilton
tml12 Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 No actually I don't. Believe it or not, not all CPC supporters are well versed in the bible! So the prodigal son has returned home. But you know how the rest of the story goes with the son who remained loyal. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats another myth dispelled LOL for sure they are not well versed, I'm not - <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL!!! I dunno what we are going to do with guys...surely there must be a hotel near where you live!!! Quote "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." -Alexander Hamilton
shoop Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 I'm sure I could find a bible *somewhere* if I *wanted* to read one... LOL!!! I dunno what we are going to do with guys...surely there must be a hotel near where you live!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote
tml12 Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 I'm sure I could find a bible *somewhere* if I *wanted* to read one...LOL!!! I dunno what we are going to do with guys...surely there must be a hotel near where you live!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am not too skilled in the Bible either. I probably should brush up on it... LOL no one except commies think every CPC voter is a Nazi. Quote "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." -Alexander Hamilton
Shakeyhands Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 without a stitch of doubt Harper.. however I know once he is gone the CPC has a snowballs chance... Quote "They muddy the water, to make it seem deep." - Friedrich Nietzsche
cybercoma Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 I know she's not a current MP, but Susan Whelan of the Liberal Party in Essex. She's apparently putting "re-elect Susan Whelan" on her lawn signs, even though the incumbent is Jeff Watson of the Conservative Party. Although she did hold that seat before Jeff Watson, I find it to be in incredibly bad taste for her to be pulling this stunt. Quote "Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions." --Thomas Jefferson
shoop Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 Shakey in spite of the Trudeau quote I feel you are probably a decent person, so please accept this question without taking too much offence. What the heck did you mean in your last post? without a stitch of doubt Harper.. however I know once he is gone the CPC has a snowballs chance... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote
shoop Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 Hey CC, I just went to another site (election to read up on Essex. The vibe there was that Whelan had a good shot of getting elected if she had a weak ND opponent. Here is Taras Natyshak's 'bio'? from the NDP web site. Your Candidate in Essex Taras Natyshak I believe politics should be about people. So does Jack Layton. That’s why the NDP made Parliament work and got results for people. While the Liberals were mired in scandal and Stephen Harper played political games, the NDP put forward constructive proposals and gained budget improvements that invest in Canadian families. With your support, we can do more. Looks like Whelan has a chance of going back to Ottawa. I know she's not a current MP, but Susan Whelan of the Liberal Party in Essex. She's apparently putting "re-elect Susan Whelan" on her lawn signs, even though the incumbent is Jeff Watson of the Conservative Party. Although she did hold that seat before Jeff Watson, I find it to be in incredibly bad taste for her to be pulling this stunt. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote
kimmy Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 On Anne McLellan: I'm surprised to see so much dislike of Landslide Annie. While she has all the charm and personal appeal of a wet dog, I don't know of anything in her record in public office that would inspire such dislike. Can somebody fill me in? On the debate between Slavik44 and Argus, I will just point out that it's probably better to be Bloc Alberta than to be Bloc Elsie Wayne. On other candidates who deserve to be out of a job: oh man, I can't believe I forgot Joe Volpe. Man, is that guy ever a prick. So the prodigal son has returned home. But you know how the rest of the story goes with the son who remained loyal. Lessee.... the prodigal son returns home to repent after his dubious ventures out into the wider world, and the father celebrates his return by killing the fatted calf for a feast. The loyal son becomes jealous: he stayed home and worked while his brother was away pursuing folly, so why no feast in *his* honor? He mockingly calls his brother "this, thy son." "This, thy brother," the father reminds him. The story is about forgiveness, and also leads us to ask which one is *really* the prodigal son: the one who has come home to repent his errors, or the one who is envious of the welcome given his brother? The loyal son, in truth, seems quite distant from his father's generous and forgiving spirit: perhaps he is actually the one who has strayed? Nonetheless, I'm not exactly sure what this actually has to do with the Progressive Conservative/ Canadian Alliance merger. -k Quote (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Friendly forum facilitator! ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
tml12 Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 On Anne McLellan: I'm surprised to see so much dislike of Landslide Annie. While she has all the charm and personal appeal of a wet dog, I don't know of anything in her record in public office that would inspire such dislike. Can somebody fill me in?On the debate between Slavik44 and Argus, I will just point out that it's probably better to be Bloc Alberta than to be Bloc Elsie Wayne. On other candidates who deserve to be out of a job: oh man, I can't believe I forgot Joe Volpe. Man, is that guy ever a prick. So the prodigal son has returned home. But you know how the rest of the story goes with the son who remained loyal.<{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lessee.... the prodigal son returns home to repent after his dubious ventures out into the wider world, and the father celebrates his return by killing the fatted calf for a feast. The loyal son becomes jealous: he stayed home and worked while his brother was away pursuing folly, so why no feast in *his* honor? He mockingly calls his brother "this, thy son." "This, thy brother," the father reminds him. The story is about forgiveness, and also leads us to ask which one is *really* the prodigal son: the one who has come home to repent his errors, or the one who is envious of the welcome given his brother? The loyal son, in truth, seems quite distant from his father's generous and forgiving spirit: perhaps he is actually the one who has strayed? Nonetheless, I'm not exactly sure what this actually has to do with the Progressive Conservative/ Canadian Alliance merger. -k <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't know Kimmy...I just don't like her. She seems arrogant and quite appalingly boring. My friends in her riding in Edmonton despise her. They say her losing would be fantastic. They also say a lot of Conservatives in her riding vote for her because they think the Liberals are going to win anyway and they want Alberta represented in government. I think (see my National Representation post) that if the CPC could get her riding the Liberals would NOT be able to play the national unity card so easily anymore if they get knocked out of Alberta. Quote "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." -Alexander Hamilton
shoop Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 From very personal experience I can tell you that Anne is an incredibly nasty biotch. Anne might lose this time around. If the polls are sitting right about where they are now come election time I think she will lose. Her re-elections have been to guarantee the riding a cabinet minister. To her *credit* she has brought a lot of pork to the riding, which unfortunately sways some voters. Nobody would vote for her as a potential backbencher.... I don't know Kimmy...I just don't like her. She seems arrogant and quite appalingly boring. My friends in her riding in Edmonton despise her. They say her losing would be fantastic. They also say a lot of Conservatives in her riding vote for her because they think the Liberals are going to win anyway and they want Alberta represented in government. I think (see my National Representation post) that if the CPC could get her riding the Liberals would NOT be able to play the national unity card so easily anymore if they get knocked out of Alberta. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote
tml12 Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 From very personal experience I can tell you that Anne is an incredibly nasty biotch.Anne might lose this time around. If the polls are sitting right about where they are now come election time I think she will lose. Her re-elections have been to guarantee the riding a cabinet minister. To her *credit* she has brought a lot of pork to the riding, which unfortunately sways some voters. Nobody would vote for her as a potential backbencher.... I don't know Kimmy...I just don't like her. She seems arrogant and quite appalingly boring. My friends in her riding in Edmonton despise her. They say her losing would be fantastic. They also say a lot of Conservatives in her riding vote for her because they think the Liberals are going to win anyway and they want Alberta represented in government. I think (see my National Representation post) that if the CPC could get her riding the Liberals would NOT be able to play the national unity card so easily anymore if they get knocked out of Alberta. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wouldn't mind if my MP loses... Not only does she not live here but half the people who live in my apartment don't even know she is an invisible Cabinet Minister. Everyone knows Dion, Pettigrew, and Lapierre but no one knows her!!! Quote "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." -Alexander Hamilton
tml12 Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 From very personal experience I can tell you that Anne is an incredibly nasty biotch.Anne might lose this time around. If the polls are sitting right about where they are now come election time I think she will lose. Her re-elections have been to guarantee the riding a cabinet minister. To her *credit* she has brought a lot of pork to the riding, which unfortunately sways some voters. Nobody would vote for her as a potential backbencher.... I don't know Kimmy...I just don't like her. She seems arrogant and quite appalingly boring. My friends in her riding in Edmonton despise her. They say her losing would be fantastic. They also say a lot of Conservatives in her riding vote for her because they think the Liberals are going to win anyway and they want Alberta represented in government. I think (see my National Representation post) that if the CPC could get her riding the Liberals would NOT be able to play the national unity card so easily anymore if they get knocked out of Alberta. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wouldn't mind if my MP loses... Not only does she not live here but half the people who live in my apartment don't even know she is an invisible Cabinet Minister. Everyone knows Dion, Pettigrew, and Lapierre but no one knows her!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That is one of the other reasons I may vote Conservative challenger was (and is until 31 Dec.) my member of City Hall and she lives very close to me. She also cares about the riding and will put more of a face on it!!! Quote "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." -Alexander Hamilton
wellandboy Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 Belinda and Joe Volpe and John Maloney my local MP. I had a meeting with the latter on a local issue. Never received a response until I wrote him a follow-up letter. His suggestion was that I should consider hiring a lawyer. Three months wait on a routine question that if I wanted to jump through the bureaucratic hoops I could have of obtained from Transport Canada myself. Shameful. Quote
Guest eureka Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 To think that the Conservatives now are close to the old PC party is to show that the announcements are not registering in their import. So far, all we have heard is that Harper is going to give back your "hard earned" money depreciated by the cost of collecting it and paying his expenses. The CPC is indeed closer now to the PC's. The exigencies of politics make it so. Yet, it is a very long way from being conservative or being honest. Quote
Canuck E Stan Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 Eureka, This thread is about Which MP should get the boot. Your opiniion about the CPC is well documented over and over again on all the other threads. Quote "Any man under 30 who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over 30 who is not a conservative has no brains." — Winston Churchill
shoop Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 What? This doesn't make any sense. By lowering the GST rate, it allows Canadians to keep more of their hard earned money. No quotes because some of us don't demean how hard people really do have to work for their money. So far, all we have heard is that Harper is going to give back your "hard earned" money depreciated by the cost of collecting it and paying his expenses. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote
dugger Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 Which MP would you most like to see lose their seat ?Me: Scott Brison and Belinda Stronach <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They're on my list. Parrish isn't running again. I hate Fry. Be nice to see her lose, the shrill, whiny, bigoted old crone. I'd like to see Volpe go. Everything about him smells of sleaze. I despise Eleanor Caplan, too. Good riddance when she's gone. Liza Frulla is an arogant, elitist snot. Ditto for Pierre Pettigrew. Uffal Dosanjh is a two-faced political snake, Don Boudrea, as greasy a political operator as Ontario ever produced, won't run again, thankfully. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> C'mon now...tell us how ya REALLY feel "Bigoted old that!!! As for me, in my riding Ruby..the bollywood movie star and "beauty pagent winner"..Dahlia is the incumbent...haven't got a clue as to what she has done... She's as thick as a plank.....Will she lose? Does it matter, cause the CPC candidate will probably be just as dumb....will vote Rhino Party I was told, by the way, Eleanor Caplan was snokeling in waters off Nova Scotia last summer and a tourist boat was going by, looking for whales, just as she surfaced. The Captain shouted "Thar She Blows".....and all the tourists got a good picture of, what they thought was a whale. Turned out to be Eleanor. Other than that I can't stand Joe Fontana, that Fry twit, Anne Mclellan...Now that is a piece of work. Her voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard, smarmy, arrogant ...jeez..imagine waking up next to her every morning.... I think I would not want to wake up...and, of course, Belinda "I'm sooo beautiful and rich and you're na" Stronach.....a pox on them all. Oh yea..Scott Brison.....yuk... almost forgot...Pierre Pettigrew.....reminds me of the alter ego of the Purple Pimpernel....Could just see Pierre in purple tights and a tutu leaping and dancing on Parliament hill singing the Lumberjack song.... Quote
Guest eureka Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 Canuck, if you would keep up to speed, you would realise that I am replying to the statement that the CPC is close to the old PC Party and showing why it is not. shoop, no quotes because I am able to do some thinking for myself. If you care to look at what was offered you would see that it is nothing that would create anything least of all daycare. The "daycare" programme is as related to daycare as Klein's return of money to Albertans was. It will no create one space and it simply gives one sector of the population some extra money ro do with what they please. Hpw does that relate to what MP I would like to see gone. Well, I can think of quite a few starting with my own riding. But Harper tops the list for his totally cynical attempts to buy votes and lying about the purposes of his largesse. There are other reasons, more fundamental, behind the reduction of revenues he wants. Quote
shoop Posted December 6, 2005 Report Posted December 6, 2005 That 'sector' of the population is families raising parents. People who would like help making the correct choices, in their views, for providing care for their children. shoop, no quotes because I am able to do some thinking for myself. If you care to look at what was offered you would see that it is nothing that would create anything least of all daycare. The "daycare" programme is as related to daycare as Klein's return of money to Albertans was. It will no create one space and it simply gives one sector of the population some extra money ro do with what they please.<{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote
CoachCartman Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Would love to see Goodale gone. All the years he was in charge of the Canadian Wheat Board made me sick. (not that is has got better). Annie can go. Then how would the Liberals play the "Canadian card"? 2 provinces without a Liberal....... Quote
shoop Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Because it is on the insignificant prairies. The Liberals don't really care about the prairies. Never have and never will. Would love to see Goodale gone. All the years he was in charge of the Canadian Wheat Board made me sick. (not that is has got better). Annie can go. Then how would the Liberals play the "Canadian card"? 2 provinces without a Liberal....... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote
cybercoma Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Hey CC,I just went to another site (election to read up on Essex. The vibe there was that Whelan had a good shot of getting elected if she had a weak ND opponent. Here is Taras Natyshak's 'bio'? from the NDP web site. Your Candidate in Essex Taras Natyshak I believe politics should be about people. So does Jack Layton. That’s why the NDP made Parliament work and got results for people. While the Liberals were mired in scandal and Stephen Harper played political games, the NDP put forward constructive proposals and gained budget improvements that invest in Canadian families. With your support, we can do more. Looks like Whelan has a chance of going back to Ottawa. I know she's not a current MP, but Susan Whelan of the Liberal Party in Essex. She's apparently putting "re-elect Susan Whelan" on her lawn signs, even though the incumbent is Jeff Watson of the Conservative Party. Although she did hold that seat before Jeff Watson, I find it to be in incredibly bad taste for her to be pulling this stunt. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, the unions refuse to endorse Natyshak. In fact, Hargrove used him as the example in his federal speech. I'm wondering if the autoworkers from down here, that are fed up with the claiming there will be no job losses (then losing their jobs anyway) will re-elect Jeff Watson, or split their votes to Natyshak anyway. Quote "Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions." --Thomas Jefferson
normanchateau Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Would love to see Goodale gone. All the years he was in charge of the Canadian Wheat Board made me sick. (not that is has got better). Annie can go. Then how would the Liberals play the "Canadian card"? 2 provinces without a Liberal....... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not likely that Goodale will be gone. The 12/03/05 Ekos poll for Saskatchewan and Manitoba combined (I don't know how it breaks down further between the two provinces) shows Liberal support at 34%, NDP support at 34%, CPC at 27% and Green at 4%. Not a big surprise in provinces with NDP governments although I had anticipated CPC would do better. But there's still at least 6 weeks to go and miracles do sometimes happen although they're statistically improbable. Quote
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