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Biden Department of Education: "School Discipline Is Racist."

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5 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Yes and for that 1 kid, your band-aid worked...apparently. 

The "cause" though...is millions of similar angry kids who have no father at home. As young kids they see dads out playing with their children and feel left out. Mom can't spend that quality time because she has to work 2 jobs just to get by. So the kid steels himself and gets...angry.

They begin to resent their mothers and idolize men who have kids all over the place.

Reintroduce the value of family. Make divorce harder to get. Promote family values. And watch things begin to change to a more productive results. 

I wasn’t going to solve the classroom situation by calling politicians and asking for changes to divorce laws, was I? 

See, I’m a lot more conservative than you think.  I had a situation to deal with, and I dealt with it. I solved the problem. I got sh1t done. That’s what matters.  

As for this kid… he had a mother who was struggling, and she went way, way out of her way to get her kid into the “nice” elementary school. I don’t know how she pulled it off, but she did, and then she drove extra far every day to get her kid there.  So there’s something positive going on there. Imperfect, but positive.  

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7 minutes ago, Rebound said:

You did change the headline, a-hole. 

STOP LYING. The title of the thread is not the same as the title of the Fox News article you linked.  If you cannot admit that simple fact, then you are a delusional person. 

Besides, you obviously didn’t even read the article, because you think the person who made the comment is a man. If you read the first two sentences of the article, you’d know she’s a woman. 

You're such a whiny bbbitch when you lose an argument.

And who cares if the Department is a man or a woman, since your side of the aisle believes they are interchangeable?

The thread title:

Biden Department of Education: "School Discipline Is Racist."

The CREDIBLE LINK that has your panties and man bra in such a twist:

Biden Department of Education official claims 'school discipline' is 'racist,' blames 'whiteness

Earth to third grade dropout. If the official said it, the DEPARTMENT said it. 

The idiotts surrounding Unelected joe would be quick to correct that statement if they did not believe it was true.


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2 minutes ago, reason10 said:

You're such a whiny bbbitch when you lose an argument.

And who cares if the Department is a man or a woman, since your side of the aisle believes they are interchangeable?

The thread title:

Biden Department of Education: "School Discipline Is Racist."

The CREDIBLE LINK that has your panties and man bra in such a twist:

Biden Department of Education official claims 'school discipline' is 'racist,' blames 'whiteness

Earth to third grade dropout. If the official said it, the DEPARTMENT said it. 

The idiotts surrounding Unelected joe would be quick to correct that statement if they did not believe it was true.


You’re lying. 

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7 minutes ago, Rebound said:

I wasn’t going to solve the classroom situation by calling politicians and asking for changes to divorce laws, was I? 

See, I’m a lot more conservative than you think.  I had a situation to deal with, and I dealt with it. I solved the problem. I got sh1t done. That’s what matters.  

As for this kid… he had a mother who was struggling, and she went way, way out of her way to get her kid into the “nice” elementary school. I don’t know how she pulled it off, but she did, and then she drove extra far every day to get her kid there.  So there’s something positive going on there. Imperfect, but positive.  

Fine. As I said, you managed to impact one kid positively. That's a good thing. Now, follow through.

Advocate for a solution...not endless band-aids.

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1 minute ago, Rebound said:

I wasn’t going to solve the classroom situation by calling politicians and asking for changes to divorce laws, was I? 

See, I’m a lot more conservative than you think.  I had a situation to deal with, and I dealt with it. I solved the problem. I got sh1t done. That’s what matters.  

As for this kid… he had a mother who was struggling, and she went way, way out of her way to get her kid into the “nice” elementary school. I don’t know how she pulled it off, but she did, and then she drove extra far every day to get her kid there.  So there’s something positive going on there. Imperfect, but positive.  

So you think the sole job of a child psychologist is to call politicians and ask for changes in divorce laws?

Divorce laws? Seriously?

(See, THIS is where I start to think ALL of you liberals are teenagers who are just making crap up.)

They are called FAMILY LAW STATUTES, and they are legislated and administered at the state level.

(My Family Law prof was a liberal from Arkansas, and she claims to have met the KKKlintons, so there's no chance what I learned would have ANY linkage to anything remotely right wing.)

I can only speak about Florida. Here child support is statutory, and it exists regardless of whether or not the parents ever were married. A guy knocks up a slut and tries to run away, she need only report him and get a DNA sample from the amniocentesis and the swinging dick is on the hook for child support, same as a divorced husband.

If the baby is created and the slut cannot remember the name of the father (because there had been so many sperm donors) then it's a problem. I'm not suggesting the mother of that trouble making child in your life was either a divorcee or just an irresponsible slut. And her color doesn't matter. Sluts come in all colors.

What I am saying is that you have a kind heart and you took a hell of a chance. Not knowing anything about that violent first grader, it could be as you believe, or the kid might have showed up at the party with a knife. There's no way you could have known.

It's not fair that school districts and teachers have to also do the job of social workers. Schools are designed to TEACH, not parent.

Bottom line (and maybe it's because this is Florida, with the top public schools in the country) I trust the public school discipline system. Educated kids are graduating here. It works, most of the time.

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8 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Fine. As I said, you managed to impact one kid positively. That's a good thing. Now, follow through.

Advocate for a solution...not endless band-aids.

I have the solution right here, and most accomplished teachers would agree with me.

Dismantle the Department of Education in Washington. It is a HUGE waste of taxpayer money. It does not educate ONE CHILD. It merely vomits mandates and clutters up the landscape.

And thanks to this unelected senile pedphile, the Department of Education now is saddled with someone who believes school discipline is racism.

That is an indictment, a bell that cannot be un rung. It is wrong. It is ignorant.

Oh, and only about 7 percent of all education  funding comes from the DOE, but most of the mandates do.

The lion's share of educating funding occurs at the county level, through property taxes. That is why Orange County in Florida could have so many dysfunctional ghetto schools, while neighboring Seminole County (with affluent neighborhoods like Heathrow and Sweetwater) have brand new schools, including Lake Brantley High, (one of the top high schools in the country, in terms of college placement.)

There's NOTHING that can be done on a national level. But when you have clowns there saying that school discipline is racist, it hurts EVERYONE, especially the blacker schools.

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4 minutes ago, reason10 said:

So you think the sole job of a child psychologist is to call politicians and ask for changes in divorce laws?

Divorce laws? Seriously?

(See, THIS is where I start to think ALL of you liberals are teenagers who are just making crap up.)

They are called FAMILY LAW STATUTES, and they are legislated and administered at the state level.

(My Family Law prof was a liberal from Arkansas, and she claims to have met the KKKlintons, so there's no chance what I learned would have ANY linkage to anything remotely right wing.)

I can only speak about Florida. Here child support is statutory, and it exists regardless of whether or not the parents ever were married. A guy knocks up a slut and tries to run away, she need only report him and get a DNA sample from the amniocentesis and the swinging dick is on the hook for child support, same as a divorced husband.

If the baby is created and the slut cannot remember the name of the father (because there had been so many sperm donors) then it's a problem. I'm not suggesting the mother of that trouble making child in your life was either a divorcee or just an irresponsible slut. And her color doesn't matter. Sluts come in all colors.

What I am saying is that you have a kind heart and you took a hell of a chance. Not knowing anything about that violent first grader, it could be as you believe, or the kid might have showed up at the party with a knife. There's no way you could have known.

It's not fair that school districts and teachers have to also do the job of social workers. Schools are designed to TEACH, not parent.

Bottom line (and maybe it's because this is Florida, with the top public schools in the country) I trust the public school discipline system. Educated kids are graduating here. It works, most of the time.

I think the ultimate cause of such situations is our eroded family values as well.

Such a solution is a long haul...but it would produce wide-spread positive effects.

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2 minutes ago, reason10 said:

I have the solution right here, and most accomplished teachers would agree with me.

Dismantle the Department of Education in Washington. It is a HUGE waste of taxpayer money. It does not educate ONE CHILD. It merely vomits mandates and clutters up the landscape.

And thanks to this unelected senile pedphile, the Department of Education now is saddled with someone who believes school discipline is racism.

That is an indictment, a bell that cannot be un rung. It is wrong. It is ignorant.

Oh, and only about 7 percent of all education  funding comes from the DOE, but most of the mandates do.

The lion's share of educating funding occurs at the county level, through property taxes. That is why Orange County in Florida could have so many dysfunctional ghetto schools, while neighboring Seminole County (with affluent neighborhoods like Heathrow and Sweetwater) have brand new schools, including Lake Brantley High, (one of the top high schools in the country, in terms of college placement.)

There's NOTHING that can be done on a national level. But when you have clowns there saying that school discipline is racist, it hurts EVERYONE, especially the blacker schools.

Libbies spend a good deal of time looking for excuses to cry "RACISM". Unfortunately most of them have the analytical capacity of a plank.

To address this issue, we need to address the problem.

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1 minute ago, Nationalist said:

Libbies spend a good deal of time looking for excuses to cry "RACISM". Unfortunately most of them have the analytical capacity of a plank.

To address this issue, we need to address the problem.

Here's the problem, according to one very intelligent source.


Sowell: Welfare state no ‘favor’ to blacks



One of these ‘’favors” was the welfare state. A vastly expanded welfare state in the 1960s destroyed the black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and generations of racial oppression.

In 1960, before this expansion of the welfare state, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent. By 1985, 67 percent of black children were raised with either one parent or no parent.

A big “favor” the Obama administration is offering blacks today is exemption from school behavior rules that have led to a rate of disciplining of black male students that is greater than the rate of disciplining of other categories of students.

Is it impossible that black males misbehave in school more often than Asian females? Or Jewish students? Or others?
Is the only possible reason for the disparities in disciplining rates that the teachers and principals are discriminating against black males? Even when many of these teachers and principals in black neighborhoods are themselves black?

But Washington politicians are on the case. It strengthens the political vision that blacks are besieged by racist enemies, from which Democrats are their only protection. They give black youngsters exemptions from behavioral standards, just as the Ivy League chemistry professor did.


Dr. Thomas Sowell.


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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Fine. As I said, you managed to impact one kid positively. That's a good thing. Now, follow through.

Advocate for a solution...not endless band-aids.

FWIW, I’ve been working with my state senator to pass a law making it easier for domestic violence victims to yet divorced.  
Because I think that if a spouse is convicted of an act of domestic violence, the victim should be able to get out of the marriage as easily as possible.  

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51 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Here's the problem, according to one very intelligent source.


Sowell: Welfare state no ‘favor’ to blacks

Dr. Thomas Sowell.


Exactly. Johnson's Great Society...

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3 minutes ago, Rebound said:

FWIW, I’ve been working with my state senator to pass a law making it easier for domestic violence victims to yet divorced.  
Because I think that if a spouse is convicted of an act of domestic violence, the victim should be able to get out of the marriage without penalty. 

There are obvious and realistic reasons for divorce. But this conveyor belt system encourages divorce for any excuse.

Plus...society has to reinstate the family unit as a pillar.

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2 hours ago, reason10 said:

Moonlight Graham IGNORANTLY mentioned doo rags. I mistook you for him because all you goose steppers think alike.

I mentioned Nancy Green, whose face portrayed Aunt Jemima, a character YOU goose steppers cancelled.



Nancy Green Millionaire Aunt Jemima Net Worth Revealed

Nancy Green Millionaire Aunt Jemima Net Worth revealed. She was hired to model in 1889 by Aunt Jemima Company owner Chris Rutt. Nancy Green was a millionaire.

Bottom line, an ignorant poster mentioned doo rags (which by the way, rednecks wear all the time. Redneck Son Of The South by Charlie Tatman | ReverbNation

Are we sharing selfies? No thanks.

You didn't mention Nancy Green, you lauded Aunt Jemima. You are spreading a bullshit, apocryphal version of her history that whitewashes the injustice of the time. She did not become a millionaire- as has been pointed out to you many times. Try an actual source. 

And, again, even if ANY of what you said had been true, Green wouldn't have been the first Black millionaire. 

As is your habit, you got every single point wrong.


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42 minutes ago, Rebound said:

FWIW, I’ve been working with my state senator to pass a law making it easier for domestic violence victims to yet divorced.  
Because I think that if a spouse is convicted of an act of domestic violence, the victim should be able to get out of the marriage as easily as possible.  

The real issue in domestic violence cases. (and several Florida deputy Sheriffs clued me in on this) is the victim's reluctance or even refusal to turn the animal in. Law enforcement recognizes that the most dangerous call an officer can make is a domestic violence. If victims of domestic violence (and notice I'm being very un-sexist when I left off the idea that the wife is always the victim) would come forward sooner, the law would partially take care of their situations.

It is difficult if an abusive breadwinner holds support, housing, etc over the head of the victim. Officers deal with this every day.

Bottom line, if a domestic violence perpetrator is caught, prosecuted and put in prison, divorce is very easy for the victim to obtain.

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Just now, Hodad said:

Are we sharing selfies? No thanks.

You didn't mention Nancy Green, you lauded Aunt Jemima. You are spreading a bullshit, apocryphal version of her history that whitewashes the injustice of the time. She did not become a millionaire- as has been pointed out to you many times. Try an actual source. 

And, again, even if ANY of what you said had been true, Green wouldn't have been the first Black millionaire. 

As is your habit, you got every single point wrong.


What injustice? Your Nazi cancel culture throwing out the  picture of Nancy Green?

I quoted an actual source. And I don't a rat's ass if you're too entitled and stupid to believe that source. 

So far, I haven't seen ANY sources from the Retard Brigade here, so put a sock in it.

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5 hours ago, Nationalist said:


What horseshit. 

If you don't want to get in trouble...

Try not breaking the rules, instead of whining. 

Everything is racist. And sexist. That's the inevitable outcome of having systems designed almost entirely by one demographic within a multifaceted society. 

Example: Seat belts are famously designed to protect men. They are not as safe for women. Why? Because of who designed them. Female crash test dummies didn't even exist until about a decade ago, so no one was even testing efficacy for female forms.

White men have held the bulk of soccioeconic power for hundreds of years. Our institutions reflect that as much as the physical world does. Our justice, education and other systems are the social analogue of seat belt design. 

If we want a society that represents and serves all of the people in it, everyone needs a seat at the table. We can't meet the needs of the people until we truly understand those needs, and that means we need representation throughout our institutions.

Before you issue some mindless, pre-packaged, rah-rah indictment of "wokeness," stop and think about it. What I'm saying is completely true. It's also the exact same augment that underpins the rural, conservative push for allocation of power to from urban population centers to the local level: those jerks in the capitol don't understand us, they don't know what we need. Same principle. Now, muster up some empathy and try to apply it to people who don't look and live as you do.

Edited by Hodad
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57 minutes ago, reason10 said:

What injustice? Your Nazi cancel culture throwing out the  picture of Nancy Green?

I quoted an actual source. And I don't a rat's ass if you're too entitled and stupid to believe that source. 

So far, I haven't seen ANY sources from the Retard Brigade here, so put a sock in it.

Um,no. You most recently cited Pinterest (checks the record) yep, that's right. Pinterest. Par for the course.





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11 hours ago, reason10 said:

The real issue in domestic violence cases. (and several Florida deputy Sheriffs clued me in on this) is the victim's reluctance or even refusal to turn the animal in. Law enforcement recognizes that the most dangerous call an officer can make is a domestic violence. If victims of domestic violence (and notice I'm being very un-sexist when I left off the idea that the wife is always the victim) would come forward sooner, the law would partially take care of their situations.

It is difficult if an abusive breadwinner holds support, housing, etc over the head of the victim. Officers deal with this every day.

Bottom line, if a domestic violence perpetrator is caught, prosecuted and put in prison, divorce is very easy for the victim to obtain.

Laws vary by state, and I don't know the law of all fifty states.

But if the perpetrator is the breadwinner, then the victim and the kids face substantial economic impact of a jailed spouse and even an un-jailed spouse.

If the survivor is the breadwinner, then he or she faces the prospect of paying support to the perpetrator, possibly for life. Very few states exempt a domestic violence victim from paying alimony.

In both instances, the situation creates a substantial economic barrier to divorce. 

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11 hours ago, Hodad said:

Everything is racist. And sexist. That's the inevitable outcome of having systems designed almost entirely by one demographic within a multifaceted society. 

Example: Seat belts are famously designed to protect men. They are not as safe for women. Why? Because of who designed them. Female crash test dummies didn't even exist until about a decade ago, so no one was even testing efficacy for female forms.

White men have held the bulk of soccioeconic power for hundreds of years. Our institutions reflect that as much as the physical world does. Our justice, education and other systems are the social analogue of seat belt design. 

If we want a society that represents and serves all of the people in it, everyone needs a seat at the table. We can't meet the needs of the people until we truly understand those needs, and that means we need representation throughout our institutions.

Before you issue some mindless, pre-packaged, rah-rah indictment of "wokeness," stop and think about it. What I'm saying is completely true. It's also the exact same augment that underpins the rural, conservative push for allocation of power to from urban population centers to the local level: those jerks in the capitol don't understand us, they don't know what we need. Same principle. Now, muster up some empathy and try to apply it to people who don't look and live as you do.

Empathy? Son...emasculated leaders produce what?

Visions of "equity".

Toppled historical monuments.

Educational creation of angry reactionaries...who burn down city blocks.

Speech rules.

Safe spaces.

Green hair.

The insane crushing of the base of the global economy.

The insane squelching of food production.

Open borders.


Rising bank rates.

Poking a nuclear armed state over a reject state.

Looming starvation.

Looming heating shortages.

Energy shortages.

Perhaps men do certain things by design...and perhaps women do other things by design. And perhaps...just perhaps...natural functions existed for...well forever...


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10 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Make me, ahole.

Lol...do you sit around thinking up novel ways to express blankness?

What is the Liberal mind? Seems a rather straight forward and self explanatory phrase. Plain English.

Something only a complete plank would need an explanation for.

Unless you're just some automaton set to create confusion and chaos.

You know...like someone bent on destruction would engage in.

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