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On 4/2/2022 at 4:37 PM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I let the readers to read and decide who lost. You who supports the murderous islamic republic of Iran, who has no problem with child brides and legalized prostitution under islamic republic you support or me who oppose all of above.

I let you have the last word. Just stay the **** away from my country.


Son...pay no attention to this Tweenkie.

As long as you're hear legally and live within the laws...do your thing.

If you want to stay...please do that LEGALLY or you'll have reasonable people like me to deal with as well. But I sense you are not interested in being any sort of criminal so...have a happy and productive life...and remember...about 75% of the human population are easily lead by the nose. You've been argueing with a card-carrying member of The 75% Club. Its meaningless.

  • Thanks 1

Its so lonely in m'saddle since m'horse died.

Posted (edited)
On 4/2/2022 at 1:02 PM, User47 said:

That's all lie, hijab is not mandatory I everyday see young girls that wear the clothes that even their stomach is clear and on the other hand I see the girls who like to wear modestly,


Lying mercenaries. Traitors to your own nation. Hope you burn in hell in afterlife, if not in this life by the massive uprising of a suppressed nation for lies and atrocities against your defenseless nation.




Edited by CITIZEN_2015
1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:


Lying mercenaries. Traitors to your own nation. Hope you burn in hell in afterlife, if not in this life by the massive uprising of a suppressed nation for lies and atrocities against your defenseless nation.




Lol...a supposed Iranian woman with freaked out hair.


Its so lonely in m'saddle since m'horse died.

Posted (edited)

The guy is getting back at me here because he lost the Convoy thread. So childish.

Yes, there is no limit to idiocy!!!!. Yes in Afghanistan too, the Taliban are banning the supposed Afghan girls from schools!!!!!!!!

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

the Taliban are banning the supposed Afghan girls from schools!!!!!!!!

And I said death to Taliban, because you idiot guy even don't know what is the opinion of Iran about the Taliban, i'm sure you don't, cause you even didn't know the easiest things about Iran let alone this.

Both people and the government hate the Taliban and we never had any good feeling about them, you know why? Cause they're as liar as your western politicians, however there's no surprise, they are created by your politicians so this is pretty natural to be like yours. The same as ISIS and Al Qaeda that are created by the western countries.

If you didn't know, please know it, that Iran has always been on the brink of a war with the Taliban once when they gotten power 20 years ago and once when they gotten power recently, the only reason that we didn't attack them is that we have learned lessons from the disgraceful withdrawal of the US and NATO from there, people themselves have to make decisions if the Afghans don't want the Taliban, they have to fight with that and hold a revolution as well as so many nations have ever done so to their dictator governments, basically that's why the US left the Taliban in the neighbor of Iran, cause it thought it can make a phony crisis for Iran and create a war for us, but thanks to God, Iran was a lot smarter than falling into the US's trap. And yeah "Death to the Taliban" and their lies and allies. 

Second, you're a damn Albany agent being paid by Tel Aviv and the Queen, I have talked to countless people from those who agree with the regime and those who don't (However who the hell are you to be opposed to "our" government? Good or bad ourselves know how to handle ourselves as well as we have always done in this 7000 years of existence, I dint think the countries which themselves aren't older than 250 years have so much to say to one of the first and oldest civilizations on the earth), your language is not even for CNN and Fox, that's for BBC Farsi and the rest of the UK's/US's propaganda machines. 

For the hypocrisy of your governments that's enough to say that while an American has to pay money to watch basic TV channels like CNN and the rest, your governments have established more than 250 satellite TV channels, radio stations and websites, which all are "free" and in "Persian"!!!! If you could hear anything other than the lies of CNN, this would speak a lot, and all of those 250 channels are creating the lies you're just parroting.

If even once you tried to understand something, you would have seen that "hijab" in the meaning you're using doesn't exist in Iran at least not anymore, if anyone has hijab, it is their personal decision, but most young girls don't literally have, I'm not happy to say that the youth of my country are exactly going through the path of the west in these issues, cause I can already see the decline of morality and ethics in the west and the western civilization, recently even homosexuality hasn't been enough for the west and they're trying to show it good to have 'sex' with animals.... (Hollywood has a lot to say about it!), if you stopped lying and tried to find this out, you would have seen it, they only have hijab in the TV, even in the cinema of Iran there's no "hijab", I doubt if you really know what "hijab" is.....

"God" is not yours and neither mine, and sure we'll soon see who would be burnt at hell, despite you, I have no arrogance and don't think I'm gonna go to heaven, but I'm sure liars don't go either. 

Besides if I were a Canadian my own oppressed nation would have been more important to me than others, however you're not oppressed are you? Of course that a sheeple is never oppressed....

Besides we don't have "death to" in English, guess what, you're not the one who you pretend to be, and as Nationalist said this is pretty meaningless to discuss with you, if other than lying you have once traveled to Iran, you would have understood that everyone wears in the way themselves like and having hijab or not having it is a personal decision, if you have any familiarity with the meaning of "personal" decision. 

And if you ask me, I say death to all extremists both of the Taliban guys and ...

And OMG about your CBS video, I though this is only the problem of sheeples like you that still don't know what is the difference between IRGC and police, but apparently your ignorance has roots somewhere else...

Edited by User47
Posted (edited)

Damn lying traitor idiot. So many women are forced to wear hijab or they will be attacked, arrested and beaten you dare to come here and manufacture lies like this?. I have provided historical events proving my claim in above post of these facts  Just two examples out of thousands.

The regime you support is even arresting teenage girls for dancing in their own bedroom. 

Why the hell are you on a Canadian political forum anyways. Since when our politics concerns you? I tell you why. You are paid to come here to spread lies. Mercenary traitor.


Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)

Ok, look at the clothes of the girl in the film you posted, I have several times seen girls wear the same sort, they just put a scarf around their neck and all of their hair is out of the scarf, and this is not hijab.... and no one forces them to change that attire...

I don't need to convince you and as I said drown in your ignorance.

Edited by User47
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, User47 said:

Ok, look at the clothes of the girl in the film you posted, I have several times seen girls wear the same sort, they just put a scarf in their head which is not hijab, and all of their hair is out of the scarf, and this is not hijab....

So you just admitted that you LIED before and you are trying to cover your lie by having a different definition for hijab? If they are forced to wear scarf on their head then you are not stepping on their right to choose or their equality? You beat them up, arrest them and put them in jail if they refuse. You spray pepper in their eyes if they want to come to sporting events to support their team!!!!!! and attack them too. This is the standard of the regime you lie for.

Btw, do not change the subject with another lie. The teenage girl who was arrested was arrested because she was dancing in her own bedroom!!!!!!!. Girls or women are banned to sing or dance under Islamic republic dictatorship. If you dare then give them a choice. People are being lashed for drinking bear. This is your democracy. Shame.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)

Talking to idiots is a real torture, CIA can efficiently use it, It even works better than waterboarding!

As I said you don't even know what does hijab mean, you don't know anything about Iran. You just know how to parrot other sheeple's lies, i'm sorry for you. 

Edited by User47
  • Like 1
On 3/30/2022 at 5:39 PM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

The regime in Iran continues to ban Women from entering stadiums to watch soccer games in spite of promises they made to FIFA to allow women spectators. But yesterday on the orders of islamic regime which has taken this defenseless nation hostage terrorizing them every day, women were attacked with tear and pepper gas by islamic revolutionary thugs (guards).


BAN IRAN FROM WORLD CUP AND ALL SPORTING EVENTS until such time the nation can free itself from this occupation by terrorists.


I don't doubt for a second those Shiite dogs are a bunch of savages. As to Iranian people, the few I've met were happy to get out of Iran. There are some in Iran who oppose the Islamic fundamentalist dictatorship, but I suspect there are also many who support it. All it requires is a sizable population of stupid people, and that, is surprisingly easy to make it seems.

A totalitarian government needs people to be stupid and uneducated to support them. Their message appeals to the more primitive and barbarous, so there must be many religious zealots in Islamic countries.

As for banning the soccer team, not sure if that would accomplish anything. It's better to engage with your adversary in some ways. Iran the country does not deserve praise or recognition, but banning has problems of its own.

You want to do something useful ban FIFA instead. And ban the bloody Olympics, too.


  • Like 1
12 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

The guy is getting back at me here because he lost the Convoy thread. So childish.

Yes, there is no limit to idiocy!!!!. Yes in Afghanistan too, the Taliban are banning the supposed Afghan girls from schools!!!!!!!!

Nobody loses arguments with you. They realize how pedantic you are and quit.

@User47 dude...I'm sure by now you have realized how very silly this CITIZEN_2015 person is. 

I'm sure your homeland has plenty of fanatics. This person is one of ours. If you want to see him go even further toward insanity...tell him you like Donald Trump. 

Lol...he'll pee his pants.

Its so lonely in m'saddle since m'horse died.

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

If you want to see him go even further toward insanity...tell him you like Donald Trump.  Lol...he'll pee his pants.

??? yeah, I have had such discussions somewhere else and that was so funny! 

Thanks for the time you took, but after all of this in vain discussion with CITIZEN_2015, it pays to add that 

4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I'm sure your homeland has plenty of fanatics.

No, this isn't really right or fair, it doesn't matter what the US says but it was Iran that has given away 2.5 thousand of its soldiers to destroy the US-made ISIS in Iraq and Syria, I don't say we have no "fanatics" as you pointed out all nations have fanatic people, but this is really unfair to think most of the Iranians are fanatics, they're really innocent and harmless.

Have a nice day! 

Edited by User47
10 minutes ago, User47 said:

??? yeah, I have had such discussions somewhere else and that was so funny! 

Thanks for the time you took, but after all of this in vain discussion with CITIZEN_2015, it pays to add that 

No, this isn't really right or fair, it doesn't matter what the US says but it was Iran that has given away 2.5 thousand of its soldiers to destroy the US-made ISIS in Iraq and Syria, I don't say we have no "fanatics" as you pointed out all nations have fanatic people, but this is really unfair to think most of the Iranians are fanatics, they're really innocent and harmless. 

Most people in all countries only want to live their lives and don't want to harm others, but when the American politicians and the Zionists started a game against some other people who are basically harmless, nothing would be the same as the past. 

I can imagine what is in your mind about us, since I have listened to all lies that they have told to you, I have an American friend who I met at the office, the guy really hated me because I am a "proud" Iranian, one day he came to me with a very different attitude, and showed me some videos from the westerners who had traveled to Iran and posted on YouTube, and the guy said my point of view is totally different now.....give it a try.

Have a nice day! 

I didn't mean to suggest that most Iranians are fanatical. Just that every population has their own.

  • Like 1

Its so lonely in m'saddle since m'horse died.

Posted (edited)

Iran has a highly educated population. Literacy rate is close to 100%. Women in Iran are too highly educated and open minded and starving and fighting for total equality and rights. The Pahlavi dynasty ruling Iran for half a century left its positive influence on Iran society to make it very advanced, especially women who were granted total equality before the coup of 1979.

There are few religious fanatics in Iran. However, regime supporters are estimated at around 25 to 30%. They are supporting the regime not for religious reasons but rather self interest. Those associated with the revolutionary guards, secret police and basij, and those clergy who are associated with the regime and their families. They are highly paid and well taken care of while the remaining 70% of population leave in poverty. For first time the absolute poverty is now a majority under this regime.

Unlike other fanatical Islamic countries women in Iran enjoy lots of freedom to go to universities (majority being female), drive, work, even vote and be elected except being a judge, singer, dancer, clergy or president of republic which has no power anyway (the unelected body holds all the power in Islamic Republic) or appear in public without scarf as that would be against Islamic laws of 14 centuries ago!!!!That is why the backward regime has so much problem imposing rules or laws belonging to 14th centuries ago upon relatively advanced nation as the nation would fight back hard and disobey and the regime cannot kill or imprison everyone. If they could they would have loved to impose Taliban like rules in Iran but they can't. Thanks to half a century progressive Pahlavi dynasty.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

لابد همه اون ۷۳٪ که در انتخابات ۱۳۹۶ شرکت کردن برا کیک و ساندیس رفته بودند. ??? lol, Albany troll! 

Thank you, you proved the falsehood of all your previous comments. 

Edited by User47

What a troll. This is a Canadian forum not Arabian forum. If you have something to say then say it in a language that we all can read and understand.

What the hell has Albany got to do with anything!!!!!!. All I know is that Albany is a small poor European country and has nothing to do with FIFA or Iran politics.


And please note that the rate of literacy under Paglavi's dictatorship was 41%, and in all of that 50 years of Pahlavis' regime Iran had no dramatic scientific growth, but now Iran is the first country in the world in scientific growth.

Iran couldn't even produce a single pen on its own and everything was being imported, but now Iran is one of the best countries in the medical fields, it produces car, household goods, drones, missiles, ships and all of this happened under the global sanctions, Iran is a great exporter by now.

Iran's military is among the 10 most powerful militaries in the world (according to GLOBAL FIRE POWER), Iran is the number 4 in nano technology, Iran is the second most powerful country in the field of cyberspace according to The Economist, Iran is the sixth country that sent alive animal to the space, Iran is the only producer of the medicine for controlling HIV, Iran produces 95% of the medicine the people need on its own, Iran is the top in curing the couples who can't bring child, according to the UN Iran is the most successful country in fighting with drug trafficking in its borders and dismantleming the drug trafficking gangs.

Iran is the first country that could have built a war ship named Makran that only the US has it its kind, despite all sanctions, Iran intercepted the most expensive American drone that was spying on the Iranian soil, Iran is the only country that despite all these sanctions not only survived but actually is everyday growing, all of these achievements are what the American media and scientific institution have said not me or my government, and all of these successes happened in the last 40 years, exactly since we expelled the US's/UK's puppet out of our country and overthrow the Pahlavi's dictatorship, we fought 8 years with Iraq, while they had started the war, and they were being totally supported by the west and they had chemicals and dropped on the Iranian civilians, but we didn't loose even a handful of our soil, but the hellidh incompetent Pahlavi gave away the soil of Iran to others and later other than apologizing the Iranian nation, he said "Bahrain was our daughter that gotten marrid", under Pahlavi's dictatorship Iran had no growth and all of its military power was for the sake of others and couldn't even work with any of those American equipments cause they didn't let the Iranian engineers to learn how to work with them, Iran was not independent, now Iran is as powerful as even the global bullies like the US and Israel don't even dare to start a war with us. 40% of NASA's staff are Iranian.

The most populous funeral in the world is the funeral of the founder of the Iranian revolution, Mr Khomenei, that 10-15 million Iranians went to the streets for his funeral cause they loved him, and guess what, The second most populous funeral is again for Iran, when 7 million people went to the streets for the funeral of GENERAL SOLEIMANI.....

God bless Iran and long live the Iranian nation ?? ?? ?? ?? 

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

What the hell has Albany got to do with anything!!!!!!. All I know is that Albany is a small poor European country and has nothing to do with FIFA or Iran politics.

Yes you're right, Albany has nothing to do with FIFA, but the trolls of Saudi Arabia and MEK (Mujahideen khalgh) who are mostly located in camps in Albany are actually everyday spreading lies about Iran in social media. Albany's Saudi and MEK trolls, BBC Farsi, Iranintl, I24, are are liars and in one front, that was the point, and sorry If you didn't understand that what I wrote was not Arabic, Iran is "Persian" not Arab and speaks in Farsi not Arabic, I just wanted to test you that are you really what you pretend to be? A Canadian? That I got my answer, the Persian text I wrote said "73% of the Iranians voted in the election of "2017."" 

Edited by User47
Posted (edited)

Guys Iran is a superpower!!!!!!. Who said the US is a superpower?. Who said Russia is a superpower?. Iran is the only superpower in the world for those corrupt elements is the heaven on earth where they enjoy lots of wealth by stealing from the defenseless nation or being rewarded for supporting the regime with money and power like this troll and can marry 13 year old children and pay for one night sex with a poor woman who has to feed her children or family, called Sigheh. For remaining 80% it is poverty, oppression, forced rules and discrimination something very close to hell.

It was an education though. I learned that Iran is a Superpower and that stinky Saudi Arabian regime has camps in Albany!!!!!!!.

On the claim of election participation, Less than 50% participated in latest election because the powerless President was ALREADY SELECTED. by unelected officials who hold real power in Iran. A mockery of democracy.


Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)

If Iran wasn't a superpower, your countries have attacked us and destroyed our country so many many years ago, exactly like what your governments did with Iraq and Vietnam and Syria and....... 

What must brings the global bullies to the negation table with us? Our power. 

I just forgotten to point out, Iran is the only country on the earth that attacked the US's base (asset in general) since WWII, in response to the US's terror attack on one of its generals, and I'm just wondering what happened that the idiot Trump who threatened us that "if you respond to our terror attack we would target 52 sites in Iran", didn't even dare to attack one site? What stooped them? Of course power, the power we never had under Paglavi's dictatorship, search the name "Iran" in the American dictionaries, they tell you Iran was good till 1979, you know why? Cause back then the US and the UK stole our oil, and they did whatever they wanted to do on our soil and no one would resist against their hegemony in our country, when WWII happened, 9 milion Iranians, almost half of the population died due to a phony famine, why? Cause the country that its soil is too much productive, would produce wheat and other things, but all of them would be stolen by the UK and Soviet soldiers, Iran was the puppet of the west, we overthrow the previous regime, cause we didn't want the government be chosen by the UK, and didn't want our prime minister be overthrown by the CIA's coup, we took back our sovereignty and independence that's why we are not so favorable for the west anymore, cause they can't come and steal our agriculture products, cause they can't come and steal our oil and then laugh off the whole Iranian nation and government.... 

That's why Long live Iran, we've been ruling more than 51% of the world one day, but our power today is even more than those times. 

Edited by User47
Posted (edited)

Stop thinking like a war monger. Being a Superpower is not the size of military or the number of your nuclear weapons but rather how well your citizens are in terms of health, education, housing and food self sufficiency. When it comes to all of above then you are a Little-Power as your nation is hungry and lack proper housing and free health care. Ask your government (if you dare to do so without going to jail) to spend less on nuclear weapons and tanks and military and self preservation by taking massively oppressive actions against the defenseless nation and feed your people instead. No wonder the mullahs are the most hated class of people in Iran today.

May be I misjudged you because some of your comments smells nationalism rather than religious fanatism.  May be you are just misguided rather than being paid to defend the undefendable, In this case I apologize for some of my personal comments made before

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)

I rarely use curse worlds with the people who are not politician, if I did so here, I'm sorry about that, but you really don't know anything about Iran, literally nothing, even me, as a proud Iranian can't claim I know everything about this glorious and beautiful country, and i'm everyday trying to learn more and more about my country and my history. 

We are all fellow humans, men, women, white, black, eastern, western, non of these differences cause we forget the part of "being a human with brain", you can never trust the Israeli's narrative about us, as you mentioned I24 once, you know why? Cause they're are trators, the Iranian king freed the Jewish slaves while they were attacked and many of them killed, the Iranian king could have not to do it, but he did for the sake of humanity, and after that, other than the jews thank the Iranians, they massacred 77 thousand Iranians, and now, they every year celebrate that day, the day they killed the Iranians who freed them from slavery, you can't trust the west's narrative for the reasons I mentioned in the previous comment, Iran has written the first human rights laws in the world, all over Iran is glory, I've been proud of Iran since I really came to know it, I'm proud of it, cause we've never attacked any single nation, because we are sanctioned only cause we disagree with the illegal occupation of the Zionists in Palestine, only because we want to control our country on our own. 

Long live IR Iran ??????, and yeah, long live other nations too, why not? Those Americans or Europeans in their homes aren't my enemies, most people want to live their lives, but your governments have never been our friend and have done so many many crimes so far, that's why they lie about us, and you can never trust their narratives.

good luck to you and Nationalist and all those who take time and read this. 

Edited by User47
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)


On 4/7/2022 at 1:23 AM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

On the claim of election participation

The figure I gave was for the 2017 election, yours is for 2021 election.

For the 2017 it was 73%, 2013 it was 72%, four years before that it was 84% (Ahamadinejad), and in the first four years of Khatami it was 79%. 

And still this is a lot better than the US's, 2008 : 62%, 2012 : 58%, 2016 : 59%, and 2020 : 66%. 

And for Canada's isn't any better:

  • The average voter turnout for Canada's general elections since 1867 has been 70.5%
  • The highest voter turnouts were in 1958, 1960, and 1963, when voter turnout was over 79%.
  • The lowest voter turnout on record was in 2008, when voter turnout fell to only 58.8%.
  • Voter turnout in the 2011 federal election, at 61.4%, was the third lowest in Canadian history.
  • Voter turnout rose sharply in the 2015 federal election to 68.5%, the highest turnout since 1993
Edited by User47

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