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Posted (edited)

Just to test your honesty user47.  

1 - Was the President elected in 2021 or selected (known even before election to be the next president)?

2 - An unelected group (appointed by supreme leader) disqualified over 95% of candidates for presidential election. Only those acceptable by the supreme leader got to compete in presidential election not nation (which makes the powerless president selected not elected). A mockery of democracy.

3 - Does the elected/selected president holds most the important powers in islamic republic or the selected (supreme leader not elected by nation)  others?

In the US president is elected by the nation and indeed holds most of the power. 

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)

I have already shown my honesty, but when you're lied to what can I do? 

About your America, if you really think the people choose  the president I have to say you must be kidding! "Electoral College" choses, not American nation, as well as it chose Bush and Trump despite the fact that most people voted for their opponents. 5 times it has happened, this is the neoconservative Zionists who pull the strength in America not even American politicians. 

America has two major political parties, have you ever seen other candidates from other political parties that attend in the presidential debates? No, cause the US political system is a monolith system, these Democrat and Republican stories are red herrings to fool these American people. (This is my personal opinion not the Iranian media's narratives, I don't watch mainstream media) 

About Iran, let me tell you that if the US's lie about Mr. Khamenei was true, that all the power is in his hands, people like Khatami, Rouhani, Bani Sadr would never never become president, I don't know say fortunately or unfortunately but every election in Iran has been a new storm that shook Iran and it obviously shows that the presidents hold the power, and no president ever shook Iran as much as Rouhani did, you know what political stream Rouhani was from? (No!) He was awfully inclined to west, he and his officials, and if the leader had power, the damn JCPOA would have never been signed in 2015, and Iran would have never join the FATF or 2030 agenda of the UN. 

The US as usual lies and exaggerates on issues, 80% of power is on hands of the president and his ministers and officials, a 20% share of power is with the leader, and never forget that he has never interfered in economics or even politics, I don't want to say some certain points, because I'm sure there would be a misunderstanding but no, he has not absolute power, even Ahmadinejad that your media told a lot of fairy tales about, didn't have good relationships with Mr Khamenei ?? ironic, but true! I can't remember a president that has totally been agreed with Mr Khamenei.

Third, no before Raisi runs for presidency I wasn't sure what was supposed to happen, your perspective isn't real, I doubt if you really understand what I say (no offense I mean comprehend) I have read these American media for a long long time, and know how do you depict Iran in your mind but that's all the US's delusion.

You don't see the Zionists as bad guys so what can I say? Politics in Iran is very sophisticated and the reason is that no country has as much enemy and betrayer as we do, but we still have so many good guys that we're still alive, Raisi and his ilk have been always been sacrificed by the political streams in Iran, that's unimaginable for you, but real....... the guy is not a monster. 

Edited by User47
Posted (edited)

Leave alone America's lies, Iran is being pushed between the pro west liberals and neoliberals, and the other revolutionary guys who gave just arisen (hope they don't disappoint us), these clergy men that the US constantly talks about aren't monsters the same as teachers, doctors, engineers that have good guys and bad guys the clergy men have good and bad ones, I don't understand these lies of the US, they just try to play the game of clergy and the people, this was the people that every time chose a clergy, who voted for Rouhani and Rafsanjani and Khatami while all their opponents weren't clergy men? Yeah, we really don't give a damn to these issues, despite what the US says..... 

You know why the US has been trying to destroy Iran for more than 43 years but they didn't succeed? Cause they have no idea of what is happening here, they just have delusion, and don't really know Iran, they don't know Iran's political atmosphere and that's why they every time make mistakes. They don't know the Iranian people, if right of the bat the US stopped its hostility and tried to back stab us, it would have been more successful than now! 

Edited by User47
Posted (edited)

That is not the Supreme Leader that qualifies the candidates that's the Guardian Counsil, and that works based on the constitution not leader's opinion, for example if you don't have PHh you're not qualified, or if you are older than 70 or something like this (I can't remember exact number) you're not qualified, if it was based on the leader's command, as I said people like Rouhani, Khatami and a few others would not been qualified, just something jumped to my mind, you said your country shuts down the opponents, no it doesn't, I can name more than 100 Iranian newspapers and channels that are everyday publishing  new things, and they are indeed the enemy of my people and my government, but the government doesn't shut them down, but uhhhh, I don't want to point out domestic issues of my country in a Canafian forum.....or else there's a lot of words to be said.

Sorry for bringing up this subject again, you don't need to respond, I just wanted to point out the election turnout of Iran, that's all, have a nice day!

Edited by User47
Posted (edited)
As I have already said, those guys were from MEK (Mjahedeen khalgh) and they have murdered 17000 Iranians in the early times of the revolution that everything was messed up, they set up bombs in public places and killed innocent ordinary people, as I said once, they burnt a hospital with all of it's people in it in Kurdestan, and they killed even more than this 17000 figure, and guess what, when the war between Iraq and us broke out, MEK just backed Iraq (!!!!) and the death of their own people, it gets more interesting when you know the hellish American regime that claims to fight with communism, supports these guys!!! Even Bolton and Pompeo attended in the meeting that these murderers held in the previous year.
Eye for an eye, they killed our people so their  punishment had to be the same thing, they weren't political prisoner, and I'm just asking you, we must have let them to walk free and kill more people? and they're still proud of their barbaric acts, and now they're being supported by the French and American and other western governments, why the west supports such terrorists that killed 17000+ people in cold blood? Remember Albany trolls? Half of them are the MEK guys who every day and night spread lies about Iran in social media, if the government didn't punish them then it meant that it has concent with their crimes.
Second, propaganda means to get a story  and say half of it, but fake the other half and embed your own lies in that, the US exactly did so with this story as usual, Raisi was not the judge who issued those sentences, he was the deputy of the judge and a deputy would not have the authority to execute some one. 
If these Americans are honest about what they say, why they're supporting MEK murderers now?
About the link you sent, that is really disgusting and is sickening to stomach indeed, the Iran prime is the Zionists lier propaganda machine..... 
They attacked so many poor nations, for the phony pretext of fighting with communism, what happens that now they're cooperating with the semi communist militias? 

In the US there's No difference between right and left, and subsequently no democracy, whenever you said something against their lies and your comments and accounts didn't get deleted then talk with me about democracy in the west, whenever I say something in an American or Israeli website it gets deleted at the heat of the moment, is it democracy? The poor American general who only criticized  the disgraceful withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan was fired and even jailed, this is democracy? Oh, thanks, people don't need this kind of democracy, the American democracy is this: either you're our lackey or you're dead! As we've seen it so many many times. 



Edited by User47
7 hours ago, User47 said:
Eye for an eye, they killed our people so their  punishment had to be the same thing,

They were also your people but with a different political ideology. Many of them were executed between 1981 to 1987 so there was a war between them and the regime of mullahs. I am not sure they killed people but may be those associated with the regime. Regardless I am not fond of them as later they allied with the murderous regime of Saddam Hussain who invaded Iran. But they should have put on a fair trial one by one and if found guilty of murder, then punished not summary mass executions over few days. This is islamic republic justice. Even within regime there were opponents of this barbaric act. Like the second in commend at the time, ayatolah Montazeri.

These people helped your mullahs to come to power in 1979 with their armed soldiers but them and all others (the communists, the liberals, the nationalists) who helped mullahs to power and caused the revolution wee later rooted out by the same mullahs. 

Posted (edited)

Hmm, they were my people but they killed from my people, how can I have mercy for a person who kills a 6 year old kid and her 22 year old mother in the street only because they wanted to start a guerrilla style war in Iran? 

I don't know that all those who were executed were murders or not, but I know that the whole story is that, and maybe some innocent people were among them too that killed mistakenly, however I doubt it, Mjahedeen itself took responsibility of 4.5 thousand death some times before that....

And you hate mullahs and Ayatollahs so why do you even mention Montazeri? Hmmm, i don't know when did he say the word you claim (actually IranPrime clsimes) but the guy finally betrayed on our country and our people so this isn't so much far fetched if he had said so, he said some other traitorous ans seditious words too, and as far as I know those Mujahideen guys who hadn't kill anyone and declared that they were not a member of Mujahideen anymore were not executed, I don't know what happened after that for them. 

Again, this doesn't change the concept, Raidi was not in the authority to do so, so the story is wrong from the root, and never forget that these guys hold a referendum and 98% of the people voted for the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Edited by User47

2.3 thousand of our soldiers died to destroy ISIS, what the US did? Actually founded that and by the help of countries like Turkey and the occupied Palestine's terrorist regime, they supported and sustained ISIS, and their final aim from all this was to destroy Iran, which would never happen. 

Posted (edited)


No soldiers, if you read history you see there was no soldiers, the Shah fled the country and the people won, no soldiers or guns. 

Edited by User47
Posted (edited)

What is my source of hate, you asked. I hate everyone who suppresses women and their equal rights (so I hate mullahs in Iran and Afghanistan, the only two countries in the world who refuse women's entry into stadiums), I hate every murderous regime or act of murder (like I hate Russia in Ukraine, I hate America in Vietnam, I hate Assad of Syria, I hate Israeli attacks against defenseless Palestinians, I hate American coups in Chile and Iran,  I hate mullahs in Iran).

Mullahs were wrongfully popular among Iranians at the beginning in 1979 but it was their reactionary, backward oppressive murderous actions overtime which made them so hated by Iran nation. As of now over 70% of Iranians maybe as much as 80% hate the mullahs. Only those corrupt elements who benefit from corruption and sanctions support them.

There has been many uprisings against mullahs recently but all brutally suppressed and in each uprising many unarmed defenseless demonstrators were targeted and shot in the hearts and heads.. Many arrested and tortured in prisons. If you really love Iran as you claim then you must oppose those who kill Iranians and those who are trying so hard to kill pre-islamic Iran (like Noruz celebrations) and oppose those who are killing Iran with their policies causing destruction of economy, discriminate against your sisters, mothers and daughters, and fuel separatism as racial and religious minorities are fed up with 43 years of oppression and rights violations and they may wish to separate after 2500 years.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)

Hmm, I do have the same opinion about the oppressors, but the point is that none of these things you think are happening here.... what a waste I'm helpless to change your mind, I don't have CNN to feed you 24/7, these words are not true, these are propaganda against Iran and not true , no offense but you're awfully brainwashed...

I'm just saying that when 73% participated in the 2017 election, it proves the falsehood of your claim that 70% don't want the regime, it's exactly otherwise. 

Edited by User47
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

FIFA has warned Tehran against a return to its policy of barring women spectators from attending games. Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Wednesday slammed Iranian authorities over an incident in which hundreds of women spectators were locked out of a World Cup qualifying match. Women were attacked by islamic security guards and pepper sprayed while the interior minister accused women of trying to break the stadium doors!!!!!

It will be a disgrace if islamic republic Iran is allowed to participate in the world cup.

Iran regime continues to suppress the defenseless nation while regime associates are robbing the nation blind while 80% of population leaving in poverty unable to put bread on table, the former revolutionary guard commander, Ghalibaf and close ally of the supreme leader is caught to have purchased millions of dollars worth of luxury apartments in Turkey and his family are recently caught buying expensive gifts in their trip abroad while he himself is claiming that his fridge is empty of food items and lives in poverty. More workers and farmers are joining other workers and go on strike while the hatred for the islamic regime is increasing every day.

This nasty islamic regime is sinking in its own dirt and corruption and is coming to an end with a mass revolution. Democracy will be back to Iran and these evil mullahs will be sent to hell next to their boss, Satan.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015

I often laugh to myself...mostly because crying would be messy...about people who think they know enough about a foreign society to pass judgments on them. So if I may...let's find REALITY...shall we?

@CITIZEN_2015 Neither you nor I know jack-shit about Iranian society. We are shown images of Mullahs and fed some slogans but...we know jack...jack.

Do I think Iran is a nice place for women? I don't know...and neither do you. Hell I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out Iranian women are quite happy...thank you very much...as they have a population of real men who are unafraid to be "men", instead of this limp dish of goo our strange society encourages our men to be.

You and this @User47 person have been going at it for pages and what have you discovered? Well...he appears to know more about our society than we do of his...hers...or whatever...

And in the end, what has our ignorance and lack of information gotten us? An enemy that's aligning itself with our other enemies...China and Russia.

Now...I'm sure a lot of your argument here has to do with the ever so nonsensical skree..."We do what's morally right." Yet again...BY WHO'S STANDARDS??? What makes you think YOUR morality is something the Iranian people have any interest in? What right do you have to try to impose this nonsense on people on the other side of the planet and a society that predates ours by...what...a 1000 years at least?

If I were you @CITIZEN_2015...I'd be more concerned with the Zionists and their "glass parkinglot" policy, than I am about Iran and their soccer team.

  • Like 1

Its so lonely in m'saddle since m'horse died.

Posted (edited)
On 4/27/2022 at 11:22 AM, Nationalist said:


Do I think Iran is a nice place for women? I don't know...and neither do you. Hell I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out Iranian women are quite happy...thank you very much...as they have a population of real men who are unafraid to be "men", instead of this limp dish of goo our strange society encourages our men to be.


Yeah I bet women in Iran are happy as they are attacked and beaten up by morality police for bad hijab or refused equal rights in many aspects of life like equal division if inheritance or right to divorce and child custody or even travel abroad. They are arrested and put in prison for simple task of singing or dancing even in their own bedrooms.

Dictatorships don't last forever. They will fall sooner or later. Even powerful dictatorships like Nazi Germany and evil Soviet empire fell. Islamic republic will fall too hopefully sooner rather than later.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)

You're making me heave...I wish for one second you could have think, only one second. Those who create these lies aren't worse than those who parrot them.

Indeed you're an example of a mind slave of Hollywood and the American and Zionist medias.

Edited by User47
Posted (edited)

All true. 100% true and you know it. 

So much corruption within the regime itself, the latest as I said is Ghalibaf, the regime is sinking into its own dirt. People are hungry, the price of bread even tripled while housing and food prices increasing exponentially (It is Iran government own statistics so call them lies too!!!!!!!!), and people sink deeper in poverty (again this is internal government statistics), while regime associates (a small minority), likely yourself among them are benefiting from sanctions and widespread theft and corruption. 

The regime has failed the nation miserably in all fronts. Slightest criticism ends you in jail. This regime must go.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)

Indeed you're an example of a mind slave of Hollywood and the American and Zionist medias.

Who the are you to call me a regime associate? You really don't understand the meaning of "free human" I'm sorry, If I defended my country while you've been lying about it, it doesn't mean that I'm satisfied with every thing, you don't even know the meaning of patriotism...

How can I change the opinion of someone who is brainwashed for his entire life? No brain is really left, I don't mean to offend, but this is exactly what is happening, in this world, most people are the slaves of the western Zionist system, some are mind slaves, some sex slaves some are economic slaves, and what they all have in common is that you can never hear from them in a discussion that they say "I think" cause they basically don't think, they only parrot, the people who are manipulated to embrace their own slavery, and unfortunately these manipulations doesn't only effect the western societies, this has occupied the whole world, from east to west.

I'm not gonna continue this in vain discussion cause after 94 comments, all my words fell on deaf ears and they made no difference, so why should I even bother!!

Edited by User47
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, User47 said:


Who the are you to call me a regime associate? You really don't understand the meaning of "free human" I'm sorry, If I defended my country while you've been lying about it, it doesn't mean that I'm satisfied with every thing, you don't even know the meaning of patriotism...


Instead of making personal attacks, debate the post. This shows your nature.


That said, you appear to hate the regime yourself that calling you an associate of the regime, that you see it as insult and you are so offended by my accusation!!!!!!!!!!.

The meaning of patriotism is to love your country and ready to die for its well being and preservation (and you appear to qualify for both) but hate the enemies of your country and your nation, that is the regime of islamic republic who are destroying both your country and your nation. Defending this corrupt regime causing so much suffering on your people when people are hungry and rivers dried up and air polluted (because of their corrupt policies) and prisons are full of opponents and nation in suffering because of them is not patriotism but treason.

Are you denying there is high inflation in your country? Are you denying widespread poverty in your country? Are you denying widespread corruption in your country by those associated with the regime like Ghalibaf?

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)

I'm not gonna continue this in vain discussion cause after 94 comments, all my words fell on deaf ears and they made no difference, so why should I even bother!!

Besides, I do hate the enemies of my nation, the regime which killed 270 of my people by targeting their plane and later other than apologizing our people, they gave medal to the guy who did it, I do hate the "regimes" that supported Saddam to drop chemical bombs on my people, I do hate those who supported Saddam and caused death of 250 thousand of my people in Iran-Iraq war, I do hate those who founded ISIS to destroy us and caused 2.3 thousands of the soldiers of my country to get killed by the US's ISIS (Israel's Secret Intelligence Service) in Iraq and Syria, I do hate those who had sanction my country, but you know what makes me to hate the American Zionist regime the most? That they murdered 3000+ of their own people in Twin Towers and thousands of their own soldiers in the post-911 wars to have an admissible reason to attack the poor Iraqis and Afghans and their final aim was to attack Iran.

As I mentioned once, I don't hate any nation even if I hate their criminal regimes, I feel more pity for these Americans and westerners than my own nation, cause their governments don't give a damn to them and even sacrifices them to reach to its own aims but those people still think that their governments are their loving mothers.


Edited by User47
Posted (edited)
57 minutes ago, User47 said:

I'm not gonna continue this in vain discussion cause after 94 comments, all my words fell on deaf ears and they made no difference, so why should I even bother!!

Besides, I do hate the enemies of my nation, the regime which killed 270 of my people by targeting their plane 

Because you defend the UNDEFENDABLE and losing the debate.




Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, User47 said:

I do hate the "regimes" that supported Saddam to drop chemical bombs on my people, I do hate those who supported Saddam and caused death of 250 thousand of my people in Iran-Iraq war,

Yes it was the murderous regime of Saddam Hussain who invaded Iran and many countries including Russia and France armed the bastard to teeth but what caused his invasion was the new islamic regime who purposely weakened the Iranian army by mass execution of top army officers for self preservation. Saddam wanted to end the aggression and pay huge war reparation in 1981 but the islamic regime refused as they wanted to keep the army busy at the borders and strengthen their own position further inside Iran using war as an excused for mass arrests and crack down on opponents closing news papers and arresting opposition. As a result of this deliberate action over a quarter of million more Iranians died including children who were brainwashed or forced to cross mine fields. 


Edited by CITIZEN_2015
Posted (edited)

As I said i curse the one who lied in this thread. Whoever she or he may be. Hope the liar or mercenary burns in hell till eternity.

In many places, security forces responded by opening fire on unarmed protesters, largely unemployed or low-income young men between the ages of 19 and 26,


Human rights violations condemned by U.N.


Methods of torture in Iran documented by Amnesty International over the past years include floggings, electric shocks, mock executions, waterboarding, sexual violence, suspension, force-feeding of chemical substances, and deliberate deprivation of medical care


Poverty spikes in Iran as prices for essential items rise sharply


Regime's mercenary morality police attacks woman for bad hijab.


Edited by CITIZEN_2015

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