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Putin Dummying Another Dem President

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8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Bipartisan support. Look that up.

Lie. And Gaslighting  You are so full of shit  

Bipartisan support in the days after 911 granting Bush the power to respond as he saw fit. There was not bipartisan support for the Iraq invasion in 2003 and Republicans literally screamed for 6 year that the Dem traitors would support their patriotic war. Remember the movie Fahrenheit 911?  Remember Republicans screaming at Michael Moore during the Oscars? Remember Dixie Chix getting banned from country radio?  Remember Cheney henchman Scooter Libby purposely blowing CIA operative Valerie Plame’s cover in retaliation against her husband, a diplomat who debunked their “yellow cake uranium” lie?   On and on it went day in, day out until Bush left office  Of course you conveniently don’t recall any of that  


8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Uh-huh. And the Japanese fighter pilots all wore thick glasses. Maybe that's why they kept crashing into ships when they had the whole open ocean to go around them, right Beave? Now I kinda see how your world makes sense to you.

So the Russian military disaster is actually a clever kamikaze operation eh LMAO Just when I think can’t possibly say anything dumber than you already have….you continue to surprise me!


8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Do the math, Einstein. The labs are from the cold war era, as are some of the bioweapons. They couldn't be doing research on them for 25 years without replenishing some of the stock….

So you have no evidence of any bioweapons being produced there just your high-school dropout math.  You fundamentally don’t understand what the bio research facilities  do and therefore can’t fathom what legitimate or peaceful purpose they could have.  Once again your ignorance makes you vulnerable to propaganda. In the age of nukes why would the US want to develop new bioweapons, much less  in partnership with the Ukraine and why would they want to develop new one when so many kinds are already invented?  It is Russia not USA or Ukraine who has an active bioweapons program   


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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Lie. And Gaslighting  You are so full of shit  Bipartisan support in the days after 911 granting Bush the power to respond as he saw fit. There was not bipartisan support for the Iraq invasion in 2003 and Republicans literally screamed for 6 year that the Dem traitors would support their patriotic war. Remember the movie Fahrenheit 911?  Remember Republicans screaming at Michael Moore during the Oscars? Remember Dixie Chix getting banned from country radio?  Remember Cheney henchman Scooter Libby purposely blowing CIA operative Valerie Plame’s cover in retaliation against her husband, a diplomat who debunked their “yellow cake uranium” lie?   On and on it went day in, day out until Bush left office  Of course you conveniently don’t recall any of that  


You just wanted to use the word liar so you blabbed that out there knowing that you were lying again. You're filth, Beave. 


The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002,[1] informally known as the Iraq Resolution, is a joint resolution passed by the United States Congress in October 2002 as Public Law No. 107-243, authorizing the use of the United States Armed Forces against Saddam Hussein's Iraq government in what would be known as Operation Iraqi Freedom.[2]


An authorization by Congress was sought by President George W. Bush soon after his September 12, 2002 statement before the U.N. General Assembly asking for quick action by the Security Council in enforcing the resolutions against Iraq.[5][6]

Of the legislation introduced by Congress in response to President Bush's requests,[7] S.J.Res. 45 sponsored by Sen. Daschle and Sen. Lott was based on the original White House proposal authorizing the use of force in Iraq, H.J.Res. 114 sponsored by Rep. Hastert and Rep. Gephardt and the substantially similar S.J.Res. 46 sponsored by Sen. Lieberman were modified proposals. H.J.Res. 110 sponsored by Rep. Hastings was a separate proposal never considered on the floor. Eventually, the Hastert–Gephardt proposal became the legislation Congress focused on.

Passage of the full resolution[edit]

Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002, in conjunction with the Administration's proposals,[3][8] H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296–133,[9] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77–23.[10] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107–243 (text) (PDF) by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

United States House of Representatives[edit]

Party Ayes Nays Not
Republican 215 6 2
Democratic 81 126 1
Independent 0 1 0
TOTALS 296 133 3


United States Senate[edit]

Party Yeas Nays
Republican 48 1
Democratic 29 21
Independent 0 1
TOTALS 77 23

In case you're keeping score, the Democrats said that they expected to get 'bipartisan support' to appoint Kitanji Brown Jackson to the SC, and by that they meant just 3/50 Republicans. FYI that's 6%.

110 Dems voted in favour of war in Iraq. 

Do you know the difference betweeon 110/257 and 0/257 or were you lyng again Beave? The first one is 43% and the second one is 0.0%.

FYI 43% is more than 6% and it's more than 0%.

So you're just lying on top of your other lies on top of your other lies on top of your other lies. Your whole day has just been another stupid liefest. 


So the Russian military disaster is actually a clever kamikaze operation eh LMAO Just when I think can’t possibly say anything dumber than you already have….you continue to surprise me!

So the Russian military thing is "I don't even know wtf to say from listening to CCCG."

Theoretically the Russians are committing genocide and these are the numbers:

15,000 Russian soldiers killed

1,035 Ukrainians killed (as of March 24th)....

Ummmmm, did they mean a reverse-genocide? Is there really such a thing?

In Rwanda they killed people 100x as fast with machetes as Russians killed people with tanks, artillery, missiles and fighter planes. So weird.

From their numbers it sounds like the Russians are being very careful not to kill civilians, but whatever. 


So you have no evidence of any bioweapons being produced there just your high-school dropout math.  You fundamentally don’t understand what the bio research facilities  do and therefore can’t fathom what legitimate or peaceful purpose they could have.  Once again your ignorance makes you vulnerable to propaganda. In the age of nukes why would the US want to develop new bioweapons, much less  in partnership with the Ukraine and why would they want to develop new one when so many kinds are already invented?  It is Russia not USA or Ukraine who has an active bioweapons program   

Beave, when the Americans admit to doing bioweapons research in Ukraine it's understood that they are doing bioweapons research there, period. Your high school dropout math is failing you, as well as your grade school dropout level of reading comprehension, in addition to the fact that you don't have any facts on your side so you just tell more stupid lies every time you post. 

Honestly, 'no bipartisan support'? Have you never heard of the internet? If you have, do you know that I'm also on the internet? Do you know about Google? Do you know how easy it is to find this kind of information on Google? Did you think that I couldn't prove how much of a lair you are? Or how incredibly stupid you are? I've done it 1,000 times now Beave...

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  • 7 months later...
On 12/7/2021 at 10:57 PM, WestCanMan said:

In spring, right after President Teluhhhprompter took over, the Russians started flooding troops to their western border with Ukraine. 

Biden chose to appease Russia, and put an an end to Trump’s kibosh on the LNG pipeline to Germany.  

Now there are 175,000 Russians at the border with Ukraine and Putin is the one making demands.

Just remember that when Obama was prez, Putin took over Crimea and annexed part of Ukraine. Obama sat on his hands and did squat.

Then when Trump was prez, all that happened was Trump bombed Russia’s ally twice and then killed 200 of their mercs. Putin rattled his sabre the first time Trump bombed Syria, then he stfu the second time, and Russia buried their soldiers without a peep.

The return of weak, stupid Dems has given rise to more Russian aggression.

China could also be on the verge of taking over Taiwan.

Biden’s Afghan debacle is also fresh in the minds of Putin and Xi. 

Dems ?

My my how perceived reality changes in the mind of a Tucker-brainwashed MAGA parrot 


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On 2/25/2022 at 4:34 PM, WestCanMan said:

Remember when King John signed the Magna Carta? Who does the Royal Family blame that on?

Remember when Napoleon got his goose cooked at Waterloo? Napoleons can still cook geese but it's no comfort to him. And he also takes the blame.

You can piss and moan and absolve Obama [the 'reset button' POTUS who had the unfortunate 'Vladdy' hot mic incident] and Biden of any guilt within your own mind, but history just records names and dates ?

2008-2016 Obama - Prez when Putin said "I'll take all of this and some of this", who had his thumb up his arse the whole time. Prez who said "Let them kill all of our men in Benghazi. We will lie about the reason why they were attacked."

You have to make excuses for Obama to act as if everything was ok.

2016 - 2020 Trump - The POTUS who cleared out islamic state, fragged Iran's top two generals for killing a single American contractor, and collected terrorist leaders' heads like as many postage stamps. Putin did NOTHING while Trump was POTUS, aside from laugh while the Dems took the Russian bait - hook, line and sinker. The Taliban peacefully awaited Trump's departure from the WH. 

You don't have to make any excuses for Trump. He inherited a complete shitshow from Obama, but all of America's enemies bit the pillow while Trump was POTUS. 

2020 - 22[?] Biden - The self-proclaimed toughguy POTUS who got dummied by some goat-herders with 1955 assault rifles and homemade pipe bombs, who just stammered when Putin said "I'll take it all, bitches".

You have to make excuses for Biden to act as if everything was ok, and he has only been POTUS for 14 months.


Obama and Biden were more yellow than orange - it sucks to suck.  

Tell me more, professor. 

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On 2/24/2022 at 6:25 PM, WestCanMan said:

Dude, this isn't an issue where "we need to put some sanctions on Russia so that they don't do it again."

It's an issue that's supposed to make us realize that electing a weak, doddering fool has harsh consequences and it looks exactly like this.

Putin got a conquest boner when he saw that Biden was elected. He started putting extra troops on the Ukraine border right away and nothing happened, Biden just polished his pipeline to Germany. Then Putin almost ejaculated prematurely when he saw how badly the Afghan withdrawal was bungled.

Russia can't count on getting a better chance to take Ukraine than they have right now. All the stars have aligned. The pretty girl just invited them to the prom and all they have to do is say "yes". 

The same thing happened when Putin saw that Obama's primary objective was dividing the US and leaving their soldiers to die in Benghazi. He knew that they were too busy virtue-signalling and promoting racial division to do anything intelligent on the foreign policy front. He said "Obi, we love you. Russia loves you. Sadly, our tanks love Crimea more. It's not you, it's us."

I'm not saying that all Dems are weak and all GOPers are strong. I kinda remember the Dubya years, try as I may to forget them. I'm just saying that electing a weak, stupid, POS who needs two naps a day is never a good idea.

….so no Biolabs and NATO aggression amd ridiculous comparisons between Putin and JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis then?

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On 2/11/2022 at 6:55 PM, WestCanMan said:

You really love your opinions, I'll grant you that, but do you have anything that anybody else would care about?

Can you reply to any of this?

You have a meme that makes you look stupid but you keep posting it. Good job.

If you think that Putin didn't take over Crimea when Obama was prez, just say so.

If you think that Putin didn't annex part of Eastern Ukraine when Obama was prez, just say so.

If you think that Obama said or did something to give Putin reason to pause, just say so.

If you think that Putin was still a bully when Trump was Prez just prove it.

If you think that Trump didn't kibosh Putin's pipeline then prove it.

If you think that Putin didn't ramp up pressure on Ukraine's border within two months of Biden taking over then prove it. 

If you don't think that Biden polished Putin's pipeline then say it. (TBH it's quite possible that Putin or Merkel just told Biden to f-ck off in 2021, so Biden just pretended the green-light it)

You seem to think that you're right and I'm wrong and all that need are some idiotic memes to prove it. Drop some fact bombs buddy. Cease the stupidity now.

….but Obama and Biden were planning a surprise bioweapons sneak attack on Russia out of the blue and for no reason you say?

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On 12/13/2021 at 3:52 PM, WestCanMan said:

I get that you hate Trump but literally every single thing that you say is just your own idiotic opinion.

Putin went to war against Ukraine and seized Crimea when Obama was president and what did Obama do Beave? That's a question that you need to answer if you want to have any credibility here Beave.

Then Putin's militias pretended to be Ukrainian revolutionaries, and they were used to take over part of Eastern Ukraine. What did Obama do? Again, nothing. He didn't even give them any good weapons to help them fight for themselves.

Do you understand that Russia was more aggressive while Obama was president than they were at any time since before the Berlin Wall came down?

If Trump was so soft on Russia then what did they manage to do when Trump was president? Nothing. Russian troops advanced on some of Trump's soldiers and all 200 of them got wasted for their trouble. Then Trump shut down their pipeline, even though Germany also wanted it built. Putin and Merkel together couldn't do anything but pout until another president was elected.

Enter Sandman.

As soon as Sleepy Joe was elected he gave Putin's pipeline the green light, but Russia still went right back on offence. Tens of thousands of troops went to the Ukrainian border that spring. Less than 6 months later there was an invasion force of nearly 200,000 Russians there and now Putin is giving the US ultimatums. 

I know that you want the Dems want to engage in brinkmanship here but they can't project power right on Russia's border. The cost would be astronomical, both in dollars and in money, and Russia would certainly win there. The US will just have to eat their own words if they talk too tough. Putin outmanoeuvred another Demmie and now he's one of the two most powerful men on earth, neither one of them being Joe Biden. 

If you understand all of these things, that's great. If you want to make an argument against any one of those points then that's great too, but don't talk about fondling people's balls here. You're conflating your chat forums. 


Cole's notes: Russia dummied Demmie 1 by conquering America's 'ally', Trump brought Russia to heel, then Russia almost instantly dummied Demmie 2. Now the US is in concession mode (or stupid mode).

I’ve highlighted my favourite parts for you

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

….so no Biolabs and NATO aggression amd ridiculous comparisons between Putin and JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis then?

I didn't know about biolabs back then, or how serious American aggression against Russia was. 

When Obama was POTUS he put on a show about the great reset, then Crimea was attacked. It wasn't that big of a deal. It just happened quickly and the world got over it. We paid attention to other things.

The truth remains that Obama's stupidity and weakness cause the Crimean incident, and now Biden's weakness and stupidity is causing an even bigger tragedy. Elect stupid people, win stupid prizes.

Now it's a big deal. This war is going to cost more lives outside of Ukraine than within due to the decreases in food, fertilizer and energy exports from Ukraine and Russia. 

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

….but Obama and Biden were planning a surprise bioweapons sneak attack on Russia out of the blue and for no reason you say?

After all this time you still can't challenge any facts on that list?

If I was you I wouldn't have brought it up under those circumstances, but whatever floats your boat I guess.

I really wish that I didn't have to explain this to you, because I have way better things to do with my life than educate you, but I never said that anyone was planning a sneak bioweapons attack on Russia. That would just be speculation.

What you need to consider though, because facts are facts and threats from nearby WMDs are really hard to ignore, is that Russia was no happier with bioweapons and bioweapon research in Ukraine than the US was with missiles in Cuba.

Just consider that. No one is right or wrong here, just think about how Russia would have felt about that and feel free to keep your idiotic opinion to yourself if you want. I honestly dgaf what you think about it. 

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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

After all this time you still can't challenge any facts on that list?

If I was you I wouldn't have brought it up under those circumstances, but whatever floats your boat I guess.

I really wish that I didn't have to explain this to you, because I have way better things to do with my life than educate you, but I never said that anyone was planning a sneak bioweapons attack on Russia. That would just be speculation.

What you need to consider though, because facts are facts and threats from nearby WMDs are really hard to ignore, is that Russia was no happier with bioweapons and bioweapon research in Ukraine than the US was with missiles in Cuba.

Just consider that. No one is right or wrong here, just think about how Russia would have felt about that and feel free to keep your idiotic opinion to yourself if you want. I honestly dgaf what you think about it. 

Your baseless bioweapons and Russian self-defense lies are not only hilarious but directly contradict your earlier claim that the dems were cowardly and afraid to stand up to evil Russian aggression . It can’t be both dude.

You changed your story 180 degrees because Tucker told you to and you can’t think for yourself. 

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18 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Your baseless bioweapons and Russian self-defense lies are not only hilarious but directly contradict your earlier claim that the dems were cowardly and afraid to stand up to evil Russian aggression . It can’t be both dude.

You changed your story 180 degrees because Tucker told you to and you can’t think for yourself. 

My story has never changed at all.

Obama was stupid. Obama was weak. 

The only difference, like I mentioned before, is that I wasn't aware of the bioweapons research (which Tory Nuland referred while under oath). I may or may not have been aware of the seriousness of the NATO issue, I don't remember exactly what I mentioned when I correctly predicted this war.

Why don't you make a prediction that come true one time instead of just lying and regurgitating obvious propaganda? 

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