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Michael Moore Owns Haliburton!

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A must read book!

"I don't own a single share of stock!" filmmaker Michael Moore proudly proclaimed.

He's right. He doesn't own a single share. He owns tens of thousands of shares – including nearly 2,000 shares of Boeing, nearly 1,000 of Sonoco, more than 4,000 of Best Foods, more than 3,000 of Eli Lilly, more than 8,000 of Bank One and more than 2,000 of Halliburton, the company most vilified by Moore in "Fahrenheit 9/11."

If you want to see Moore's own signed Schedule D declaring his capital gains and losses where his stock ownership is listed, it's emblazoned on the cover of Peter Schweizer's new book, "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy."

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Other great examples:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who proclaims her support for unions, yet the luxury resort, the vineyard and the restaurants she partly owns are strictly non-union

Noam Chomsky has made a reputation for calling America a police state and branding the Pentagon "the most hideous institution on earth," yet his entire academic career, writes Schweizer, has been subsidized by the U.S. military

Barbra Streisand is another proponent of environmentalism, yet she drives an SUV, lives in a mansion and has a $22,000 annual water bill. In the past, she has driven to appointments in Beverly Hills in a motor home because of her aversion to using public bathrooms

Ralph Nader plays the role of the citizen avenger – the populist uninterested in wealth and materialism, pretending to live in a modest apartment. In fact, he lives in fancy homes registered in the names of his siblings


Apparently there's some great stuff on George Soros as well. This bleeding heart liberal has more tax shelters then most people have socks. Everyone should read the book and finally tell all these stupid liberal hypocrites to shut the hell up, once and for all!

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You make it sound like these folks (Moore, Striesand, Chomsky) are the "leading lights" of the left. Two out of the four listed are entertainers, and one's an aged linguist. Nader is just eccentric. Hypocrisy runs rampant on both sides (look no further than our former Liberal government). In Moore's defense, I probably have stock in Halliburton and don't know it. My broker handles my portfolio and I have little interest in knowing what investments I currently have. It will be interesting though to see how Mr. Moore will get out of this one.

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Speaking of stocks, I wouldn't put much stock in anything WolrdNut has to report

Of course you don't. because if you accept the truth, that Michael Moore owns Haliburton stock, your head would explode. You're just part of the culture of hypocrisy that exists on the left.

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I sent an email to Mr Moore and he graciously replied.

From: [email protected]  View Contact Details 

Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 11:40:13 EST

Subject: Re: Is it true? 

To: [email protected]


I have never owned stock in anything in my life. neither has any business i own. i am personally opposed to owning stocks. i think they are taking the fact that i sit on the board of a charity that once briefly owned stock but no longer does.. The right is only interested in smearing their loudest critis (ask joe wilson).

Hmmmm.... This is straight from the horse, where did they get their info from?

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Of course you don't. because if you accept the truth, that Michael Moore owns Haliburton stock, your head would explode. You're just part of the culture of hypocrisy that exists on the left.

Why would I care? If true, all that it would show is that hypocrisy is a human trait and not the sole domain of right wingers.

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So Moore is a loudmouthed hypocrite. So what? Does that make his factual arguments any less valid, or are you actually fool enough to think that an ad hominem attack in leiu of rebuttal is valid? I go to his film but I verify the facts with a bit of reading afterwards. But even when he's exaggerating, he's still funny.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who proclaims her support for unions, yet the luxury resort, the vineyard and the restaurants she partly owns are strictly non-union.

Are you saying that she should only own union resorts, restaraunts, and vineyards? Why do you think that makes any sense whatsoever? Just how many resorts, restaraunts, and vineyards ARE union? You have no point, and even as a smear this isn't up to muster.

Noam Chomsky has made a reputation for calling America a police state and branding the Pentagon "the most hideous institution on earth," yet his entire academic career, writes Schweizer, has been subsidized by the U.S. military.

Just how is THAT possible... given his employment and writing history, that rings fasle on its face. LINK.

Barbra Streisand is another proponent of environmentalism, yet she drives an SUV, lives in a mansion and has a $22,000 annual water bill. In the past, she has driven to appointments in Beverly Hills in a motor home because of her aversion to using public bathrooms.

Again, so one proponent of environmentalism doesn't live up to her ideals... I can find a laundry list of consevatives who lobby for exceptions to get around the limitations of the free market, who succeed in getting corporate welfare for their pet interests, and a variety of other hypocritical endeavors. I can also point out a variety of highly immoral, unethical, and dastardly religious fundamentalists. So what? It wouldn't prove one side or the other more "valid" either way.

Ralph Nader plays the role of the citizen avenger – the populist uninterested in wealth and materialism, pretending to live in a modest apartment. In fact, he lives in fancy homes registered in the names of his siblings


Apparently there's some great stuff on George Soros as well.  This bleeding heart liberal has more tax shelters then most people have socks.  Everyone should read the book and finally tell all these stupid liberal hypocrites to shut the hell up, once and for all!

Then again, maybe not.

Having read your "source" at the WorldNetDaily, which I rate as about as reliable as the latest liberal news releases from "MoveOn.org", I think you ought to do the reading. You need to get a hefty dose of reality: you, like the liberals you criticize, choose to believe highly biased sources that pre-chew your ideas for you. You don't check facts. You don't do your own thinking. You don't bother to question the motives of those you quote.

To me, you are just as bad as the worst knee-jerk bleeding-heart rabid liberal: you are wholly unencumbered by the thought process.

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I sent an email to Mr Moore and he graciously replied. 
From: [email protected]  View Contact Details 

Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 11:40:13 EST

Subject: Re: Is it true? 

To: [email protected]


I have never owned stock in anything in my life. neither has any business i own. i am personally opposed to owning stocks. i think they are taking the fact that i sit on the board of a charity that once briefly owned stock but no longer does.. The right is only interested in smearing their loudest critis (ask joe wilson).

Hmmmm.... This is straight from the horse, where did they get their info from?

Well, there ya go. Marxist Mikhael Moore-on (the terrorists who are slaughtering innocent Iraqis are Freedom Fighters/Minute Men) insists that that he never owned any Halliburton stock...except that...

Liberal hypocrisy

Members of the liberal/left exude an air of moral certitude. They pride themselves on being committed and selfless and seem particularly confident of the purity of their motives and the evil nature of their opponents. To correct economic and social injustice, liberals support a whole litany of policies and principles: progressive taxes, affirmative action, greater regulation of corporations, raising the inheritance tax, strict environmental regulations, children’s rights, consumer rights, and more.

But do they actually live by these beliefs? Peter Schweizer decided to investigate in depth the private lives of prominent liberals. Politicians like the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, the Kennedys, and Ralph Nader; commentators Michael Moore, Al Franken, Noam Chomsky, and Cornel West; entertainers or philanthropists Barbra Streisand and George Soros. Using everything from real estate records, IRS records, court depositions, and their own statements, he sought to examine whether they lived by the principles they so forcefully advocate.

What he found was a long list of contradictions. All these proponents of organized labor had developed various methods to sidestep paying union wages or avoid employing unions altogether. They were adept at avoiding taxes; invested heavily in corporations they had denounced; took advantage of foreign tax credits to use non-American labor overseas; espoused environmental causes while opposing those that might affect their own property rights; hid their investments in trusts to avoid paying estate tax; denounced oil companies but quietly owned them. The same applied to causes like affirmative action, civil liberties for accused criminals, and expanded rights for minor children.

Schweizer’s conclusion is simple: liberalism in the end forces its adherents to become hypocrites. They adopt one pose in public, but when it comes to what matters most in their own lives–their property, their privacy, and their children--they jettison their liberal principles and adopt conservative ones. Schweizer’s book thus exposes the contradiction at the core of liberalism: If these ideas don’t work for the very individuals who promote them, how can they work for the country?


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opefully soon this poster and his disingenuous posts will be gone. Then he can infest some other site, claiming to be punted from MLW for using the word..."the".
Frankly, I find his capacity for twisting the facts to fit his world view and the fact that there is a entire world of right wing pundits who seem to share those views quite informative in terrifying sort of way.
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Dear Shakeyhands,

Hopefully soon this poster and his disingenuous posts will be gone. Then he can infest some other site, claiming to be punted from MLW for using the word..."the".

wanna make the likes of Michael Moor and Ann Coultier go away? Ignore them. They represent a population of people so small in this country its ridiculous. The fact they get any attention at all astounds me. Ann Coultier is a hate-filled intolerant bigot, Michael Moore is a vicious liar.

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So Moore is a loudmouthed hypocrite. So what?

So what? He's the left's God. That's why it's so relevant. He was at the Democratic National Convention last fall. He is the God of the left and especially the kook-left. And now, we find out, as if we didn't already know, that he's a lying, hypocrital sack of crap. Becareful not to worship false god's.

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So Moore is a loudmouthed hypocrite. So what?

So what? He's the left's God. That's why it's so relevant. He was at the Democratic National Convention last fall. He is the God of the left and especially the kook-left. And now, we find out, as if we didn't already know, that he's a lying, hypocrital sack of crap. Becareful not to worship false god's.

Lying about what now?

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Dear Shady,

So what? He's the left's God. That's why it's so relevant
No, he is not. Be careful with that incredibly broad brush, you might find you have painted yourself the colour of 'nincompoop'.

Personally, I find Moore to be way over-dramatic, to the point of ruining the message (and facts) he tries to convey. I found 'Bowling for Columbine' to be very interesting, and apart from a few sappy moments, a genuine critical self-examination of the American gun culture. F-911, though it presented some few interesting revelations, (most I already knew about) was a self-serving jack-off of triteness and saccharin-laced pap. Don't let his big box-office numbers fool you, most people (including my wife and myself) went in expecting far more than this crap.

And now, we find out, as if we didn't already know, that he's a lying, hypocrital sack of crap.
Slander and libel are indictable and punishable offenses. The 'right' would like nothing better than to see him charged for 'his lies', yet that has not happened yet.

Why do you suppose that is? Feel free to provide proof that he lied.

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Guest American Woman
I sent an email to Mr Moore and he graciously replied. 
From: [email protected]  View Contact Details 

Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 11:40:13 EST

Subject: Re: Is it true? 

To: [email protected]


I have never owned stock in anything in my life. neither has any business i own. i am personally opposed to owning stocks. i think they are taking the fact that i sit on the board of a charity that once briefly owned stock but no longer does.. The right is only interested in smearing their loudest critis (ask joe wilson).

Hmmmm.... This is straight from the horse, where did they get their info from?

Is that a real email from Michael Moore? Because it would seem to be in direct conflict with pictures I've seen of his tax returns. The picture doesn't show the date, though. So I'm thinking that might be relevent and therefore conveniently left out of the picture.

But he apparently did own the stock at one time, or his corporation did. It's on a schedule D which would mean it was sold, so he doesn't own it now. I've read that he buys stock so he can sit in on the stock meetings and vote, but if that's the case, why didn't he say that in his email?

I'd like to see this addressed on his website.

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I sent an email to Mr Moore and he graciously replied. 
From: [email protected]  View Contact Details 

Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 11:40:13 EST

Subject: Re: Is it true? 

To: [email protected]


I have never owned stock in anything in my life. neither has any business i own. i am personally opposed to owning stocks. i think they are taking the fact that i sit on the board of a charity that once briefly owned stock but no longer does.. The right is only interested in smearing their loudest critis (ask joe wilson).

Hmmmm.... This is straight from the horse, where did they get their info from?

Is that a real email from Michael Moore? Because it would seem to be in direct conflict with pictures I've seen of his tax returns. The picture doesn't show the date, though. So I'm thinking that might be relevent and therefore conveniently left out of the picture.

But he apparently did own the stock at one time, or his corporation did. It's on a schedule D which would mean it was sold, so he doesn't own it now. I've read that he buys stock so he can sit in on the stock meetings and vote, but if that's the case, why didn't he say that in his email?

I'd like to see this addressed on his website.

like ive always said, ignore idiots like michael moore. the man outright lies, or at the very least twist the truth. Wanna make someone like him go away? just dont see his movies, dont listen to a word he says.

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Guest American Woman
like ive always said, ignore idiots like michael moore.  the man outright lies, or at the very least twist the truth.  Wanna make someone like him go away?  just dont see his movies, dont listen to a word he says.

I like Michael Moore. I don't think he's perfect (who is?) and I don't agree with everything he says, but I've never known him to lie. In retrospect, he didn't lie when he said he doesn't own any stock either, since it's his foundation that owned the stock. I had said his corporation owned it, but in reality it was his foundation. From what I understand, he can't profit from that himself since it's tax exempt.

His foundation evidently owned the Halliburton stock in 2000 for less than a year. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, perhaps he was unaware of it at the time it was purchased, but I would like to see it addressed on his web site. I do think an explanation is in order in light of the fact that he's gone after people, demanding answers.

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but I've never known him to lie

Actually, he does lie.

If you've seen his "documentary", Fairenheit 9/11, he makes heavy innuendoes about the flights that took members of the Bin Laden family out of the country after Sept. 11. When the real truth is as follows:

Clarke claims responsibility

Ex-counterterrorism czar approved post-9-11 flights for bin Laden family

Richard Clarke, who served as President Bush’s chief of counterterrorism, has claimed sole responsibility for approving flights of Saudi Arabian citizens, including members of Osama bin Laden’s family, from the United States immediately after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001


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Dear Shady,

Actually, he does lie.

If you've seen his "documentary", Fairenheit 9/11, he makes heavy innuendoes about the flights that took members of the Bin Laden family out of the country after Sept. 11. When the real truth is as follows:

Well, that link opens up more questions than it answers. Actually it is pretty damning to the Bush admin. After 4 years they still can't get their story straight.

Clarke claims 'sole responsibility' for the decision, but then says "The FBI actually approved it", and the FBI denies Clarke's word.

People in the Bush admin seem to be trying to throw themselves on a grenade that hasn't gone off yet...

Seems like Moore was telling the truth, and the US gov't hasn't even settled on the lie they are going to tell the people. And you seem to have every faith in them...let us know when they finalize whatever lie they come up with at the end, and bring it back to us.

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at the end of the day it doesn't matter who authorized those flights... Bush is on the nut anyway you look at it. Also, any movement of aircraft would have to be approved at the highest levels of govenrment.. again, Bush's turf....

I'm more willing, to be truthful, to believe Moore whom I think genuinly loves his country before I believe the spinmeisters of Corporate America anyhow...

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Dear Shady,
Actually, he does lie.

If you've seen his "documentary", Fairenheit 9/11, he makes heavy innuendoes about the flights that took members of the Bin Laden family out of the country after Sept. 11. When the real truth is as follows:

Well, that link opens up more questions than it answers. Actually it is pretty damning to the Bush admin. After 4 years they still can't get their story straight.

Clarke claims 'sole responsibility' for the decision, but then says "The FBI actually approved it", and the FBI denies Clarke's word.

People in the Bush admin seem to be trying to throw themselves on a grenade that hasn't gone off yet...

Seems like Moore was telling the truth, and the US gov't hasn't even settled on the lie they are going to tell the people. And you seem to have every faith in them...let us know when they finalize whatever lie they come up with at the end, and bring it back to us.

Michael Moore doesnt not love his country. Michael Moore is a seething mass of hatred. Im ashamed he went to Michigan State University. Hes an example of everything i hate in a human being. In retrospect hate is too strong a word, so i change my statment to say "He is everything i dislike in a human being."

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