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GOP decide to blame China, because Trumps actions are indefensible

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'Don't Defend Trump, Attack China,' GOP Memo Says

GOP memo urges anti-China assault over coronavirus

“Don’t defend Trump, other than the China Travel Ban — attack China,” the memo states.

because Trump is indefensible i guess!

"When asked whether the spread of the coronavirus is Trump’s fault, candidates are advised to respond by pivoting to China. "

and yes, they know he fucked up.

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You should be fair to, Trump, and delete this thread instantaneously.

Your OP makes a claim, then refuses to validate that it is true.

The non-USA facts say that the disease started in China and the facts say that waaaaay back in 2018, the USA (officials on the ground in Wuhan) cautioned the USA GOVT and  the China GOVT about the Chinese lab workers' irresponsible physical handling of processes involving these specific bats and this specific virus. Yes. Facts say we should exactly be blaming China for what went on in its own nation, so please, show us readers why it is not okay to blame China when China is actually responsible for some horrid act. Yes, or else please delete this thread, on behalf of fairness??

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didn't say it wasn't appropriate to blame China. just pointing out that the R's don't know how to defend Trump because he's such an idiot!

hey, where did your post go where you were saying D's were forcing black women to procreate with white men? i enjoyed that one. did it get toasted by the mods? didn't think there were any... anyways, it was a pretty funny post.

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Basically you are posting running-in-circles rhetoric, by you agreeing that China is to blame ---but then you whine and complain when China gets blamed instead of Trump getting blamed. That's because you suffer, gravely, from Trump Derangement Syndrome; you want Trump blamed, even when you agree that it's not his fault! lol

And yes, I see you are hurt that I illuminate the Dems plan and efforts to get rid of negros. Yes you thought it was unnoticed how the Dems now cram it down our throats/White men-Black women couples. Yes. All day, all night, every channel, every city and every website's cookie where MSM reigns supreme lol. You know it's true, that's why I bet you would be enraged if the FCC reqd Dems' MSM to add that disclaimer to every WM-BW tv commercial and Internet Ad.

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4 hours ago, Tdot said:

And yes, I see you are hurt that I illuminate the Dems plan and efforts to get rid of negros. Yes you thought it was unnoticed how the Dems now cram it down our throats/White men-Black women couples.

No comment, just wanted to highlight to make sure everyone else was getting a laugh.

Are they doing the same with asians and brown people? Do tell!

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3 hours ago, godzilla said:


Are they doing the same with asians and brown people? 

No need to. They are already Caucasian.

Just because you got duped into calling them, brown, does not alter the fact that they look like Caucasians and have Caucasian DNA. When you look at one of Obama's HISP dreamers from the USA southern border ---do they look like negros who were enslaved, or do they look more like the White Masters who enslaved the negro?


And if you cover an Asian-American's eyes and go by their hair and skin color only, you can't tell if you are looking at a northern-European human.

You are retarded and deceitful  but you are not, blind, so you see how Obama favored the Whitest HISP ---and you see the fact that the most-successful Asians in the USA have the whitest skin. That is not a coincidence.

You also saw that Obama changed the U.S. Census in 2010, and created a box for HISP to claim that they are Caucasian. That is not a coincidence.

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2 hours ago, Tdot said:

No need to. They are already Caucasian.

Just because you got duped into calling them, brown, does not alter the fact that they look like Caucasians and have Caucasian DNA. When you look at one of Obama's HISP dreamers from the USA southern border ---do they look like negros who were enslaved, or do they look more like the White Masters who enslaved the negro?


And if you cover an Asian-American's eyes and go by their hair and skin color only, you can't tell if you are looking at a northern-European human.

You are retarded and deceitful  but you are not, blind, so you see how Obama favored the Whitest HISP ---and you see the fact that the most-successful Asians in the USA have the whitest skin. That is not a coincidence.

You also saw that Obama changed the U.S. Census in 2010, and created a box for HISP to claim that they are Caucasian. That is not a coincidence.

i'm retarded? seriously? asian people are already Caucasian? lol!

you must be talking about this with the Census... not sure how people not answering questions truthfully, or thinking that they are being truthful but have the wrong answer, is somehow associated with Obama. but probably they are just afraid of racist politicians. and who could blame them with guys like Trump around.

Millions of Americans changed their racial or ethnic identity from one census to the next

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2 hours ago, godzilla said:

 asian people are already Caucasian? lol!

Stop blaming me for the real North America, I only report on the facts.  Go to any Canadian province/any USA state, then any city: The most successful, wealthiest Asians will be the ones with the Whitest skin color. It's the American Way!! lol

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2 hours ago, godzilla said:

i'm retarded?

Of course not! LOL

BUT YOU ARE brainwashed by the Dem's and their MSM for sure. And since they cause you to come here and call President Trump evil names, unfairly, then I call you evil names in return since Trump is not here to defend himself. That's all.

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On 4/27/2020 at 12:06 PM, godzilla said:

"When asked whether the spread of the coronavirus is Trump’s fault, candidates are advised to respond by pivoting to China. "

Where they'll be reminded how Trump praised China 15 times in January and February.

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe 

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Another moronic premise for a thread.

Trump has been THE TOUGHEST President vs China in US history. Just because he stroked Xi's ego to try and get access for his scientists to get into China doesn't mean that he was fooled by them, unlike the MSM and Canada.

Trump's anti-covid strategy was far better than Canada's anti-covid strategy, which included such things as "don't wear masks" and "we're not doing anything until March 16th". 

Where's your thread about how bad Trudeau was? He was far worse by and standards. But you give your own PM a pass. Why? Are you just a media stooge? 

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11 minutes ago, godzilla said:

we'll be finding out soon enough that plenty of intel from the most powerful intelligence apparatus on the solar system was provided to Trump on the situation in China... and that he scoffed at it.

Did he?

Was Trump the one telling Americans to go on a hug-a-thon in late February, or was that Nancy Pelosi? Was he the one telling New Yorkers to ride the subway and eat in restaurants like everything was a-ok like DeBlasio and his top Public Health official?

Trump was wa ahead of every Dem in the country on recognizing that there was a pandemic coming. 

He was ahead of Pelosi and the Demmies, 45 days ahead of Trudeau. Trump rocked it compared to Pelosi, the WHO, and Trudeau. You should at least acknowledge that before you plow ahead with criticisms.

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20 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Did he?

Was Trump the one telling Americans to go on a hug-a-thon in late February, or was that Nancy Pelosi? Was he the one telling New Yorkers to ride the subway and eat in restaurants like everything was a-ok like DeBlasio and his top Public Health official?

Trump was wa ahead of every Dem in the country on recognizing that there was a pandemic coming. 

He was ahead of Pelosi and the Demmies, 45 days ahead of Trudeau. Trump rocked it compared to Pelosi, the WHO, and Trudeau. You should at least acknowledge that before you plow ahead with criticisms.

Here we go again...string and post-it notes.  So where do Hillary and AOC fit into the picture again? I forget.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Trump was way ahead of every Dem in the country on recognizing that there was a pandemic coming.

thats good... since he's the only guy with direct access to the intel. you know that, right?

heck if Pelosi wanted that intel in this environment then the House would have to subpoena, the administration would ignore, the House would sue, the administration would argue that courts are not the place to argue the case... etc.

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14 minutes ago, godzilla said:

thats good... since he's the only guy with direct access to the intel. you know that, right?

Don't forget the access his administration had to the WHO, there's no way Trump could have had less than anyone else with all the officials he had in position there.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Here we go again...string and post-it notes.  So where do Hillary and AOC fit into the picture again? I forget.

Which part are you questioning eyeball? Are you forgetful? It's all been here before.

Trudeau did zero before March 16th - FACT.

I've posted video of Pelosi's Feb 24 hug-a-thon, you can google it if you don't believe me. After the first week of March America was shutting down. 

The WHO was saying that there was no H2H, masks were bad, and they bashed Trump's travel ban after he did it. Book it.

So what part are you at odds with eyeball? How can you not know this by now? You're following the topic. 

If you have some facts, bring them on in. Don't just make childish accusations without supporting facts. This isn't CNN.

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1 hour ago, godzilla said:

thats good... since he's the only guy with direct access to the intel. you know that, right?

heck if Pelosi wanted that intel in this environment then the House would have to subpoena, the administration would ignore, the House would sue, the administration would argue that courts are not the place to argue the case... etc.

You do know that Adam Schiff [Demmie] is the Chair of the House Intel Comittee, right? Do you think that the Dems lack access to intel?

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28 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Still there too where I responded to godzilla. The question you address with string and post-it note salad.

Your cute insult of the day would be applicable to a comment like “the WHO gave all the worst advice because they are....”. You see, assigning my reasons to their actions makes it a conspiracy theory. 
Just saying what they did has nothing to do with string, maps, etc. Get it? Just facts. 

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35 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Your cute insult of the day would be applicable to a comment like “the WHO gave all the worst advice because they are....”. You see, assigning my reasons to their actions makes it a conspiracy theory. 
Just saying what they did has nothing to do with string, maps, etc. Get it? Just facts. 

Forget it pal, Trump Derangement Syndrome has quite a few patients here in this forum. They hate logic.

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12 hours ago, Tdot said:

Forget it pal, Trump Derangement Syndrome has quite a few patients here in this forum. They hate logic.

Here is to blame for this

Everyone. Every single person in a position of authority are to blame.  China and Xi are to blame, the WHO and the UN are to blame. Trump, Trudeau and many other heads of nations are to blame. Trump may have done SOME good things, but he cannot escape blame by saying 'I take no responsibility'.  Well as the POTUS, yes you take the blame by default. How one handles that shows what kind of leader they are.  Obviously Trump cares more about his ratings than the virus.

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1 hour ago, New World Disorder said:

Here is to blame for this

Everyone. Every single person in a position of authority are to blame.  China and Xi are to blame, the WHO and the UN are to blame. Trump, Trudeau and many other heads of nations are to blame. Trump may have done SOME good things, but he cannot escape blame by saying 'I take no responsibility'.  Well as the POTUS, yes you take the blame by default. How one handles that shows what kind of leader they are.  Obviously Trump cares more about his ratings than the virus.

I disagree.

Trump has no blame, to take, as such a statement by you does assume that Trump actually launched the CoronaVirus onto the USA.

No President has had to face this type of crisis, in 102 years, so that cannot be discounted ---when he said he takes no responsibility--- as he  is totally correct.

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2 minutes ago, Tdot said:

I disagree.

Trump has no blame, to take, as such a statement by you does assume that Trump actually launched the CoronaVirus onto the USA.

No President has had to face this type of crisis, in 102 years, so that cannot be discounted ---when he said he takes no responsibility--- as he  is totally correct.

Your assumptions are incorrect. And being the leader of the nation, he SHOULD take responsibility, even if it is not his fault. No different than a CEO taking responsibility for the problems within a corporation.

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27 minutes ago, New World Disorder said:

Your assumptions are incorrect. And being the leader of the nation, he SHOULD take responsibility, even if it is not his fault. No different than a CEO taking responsibility for the problems within a corporation.

Your assumption concepts here are not based in, logic, because if they were then Trump should also be taking responsibility for 1)the Dems filing false docx with the FISA Court ---since it worked in getting Mueller's investigation allowed. And for 2)Biden family's corruption in Ukraine from 2014-'16 yes since Trump's mentioning that is what got him impeached.

Being a USA President does not mean that some ordeal automatically becomes, your fault, just because you have the most power/influence within a response to that ordeal.

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