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The Operation "Peace Springs" 2


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1 hour ago, Rue said:

In regards to your first comment, No of course its not holding.

In regards to your second comment, you Trump supporters live in a fantasy land.




We can only hope it does hold, and they come to a reasonable solution. I'm only pleased that the US showed restraint and did not escalate, in that I prefer peace whenever possible. Other than that have no skin in this game. What is Syria to me? Not serious...

Very interesting to watch certain factions actually get angry that the US did not play the aggressor and stand in the path of the Turkish army. Not saying you do that, Rue. So what would you do with the 800 US troops? Plus, this is Syria which really is a major Russian ally. Two superpowers staring each other face to face? Third, that Turkey is a member of NATO and importantly, has US nukes on their soil... rather sensitive situation. Engage or not engage?

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

I challenge this thread as being an automated spambot  script from the New Turkey Digital Office as I did on another thread. 

Oh come on.

And don't forget, we don't know much else about the problems there. For all we know, the motivation for Turkey to attack the Kurds is a valid one, and may have the approval of mjor players in the region. Certainly, we haven't heard much condemnation from the UN against Turkey. Everyone just wants the US to do something. Well tell you what. If I was Donald Trump I would do exactly the same thing he does. I would turn around and look at the TV camera, and give all you people the finger.

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Trump threated Turkiye again, saying that Turkiye complately understand that not to fire on Kurds. If Turkiye do that he will apply heavy sanctions.

Means: "Turks, you can do whatever you want there."

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- US  insistently wants Turkish officials to contact with a PYD terrorist named Mazloum Abdi. Turkiye rejected the offer.

- US opened a Twitter account for this terrorist and on next day Twitter gave blue tick to it.

- US is going to try to make Turkish officials and this terrorist sit on the same desk in Geneva meetings and will create another crisis between Turkiye and US.

- After all US will give Nobel Peace Prize to this terrorist. 

- US will offer this terrorist as the president of Federal Syria Kurdish autonomous region. 

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On 10/24/2019 at 11:40 PM, Altai said:

- US still very hopeful about changing the safe zone situation in Syria if they can achieve to change government in Turkiye. 

British state controlled media agency Reuters claimed that a high rank US official says that US government is insistently hold talks with Turkish govt to send Russian S400 missiles back to Russia or not to activate them.

Means: We are trying to make another coup in Turkiye but S400 is a big obstacle for us. 

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Russian Defence Ministery said that US smuggling oil from resources in Northern Syria and makes about 30 Million $/month profit. They claims they know that because they also sell oil to Assad regime under their supervision. What about ISIS ? :rolleyes: Were you not there to fight ISIS ? or did you create ISIS to steal resources of ME.

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On ‎10‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 9:50 PM, OftenWrong said:

We can only hope it does hold, and they come to a reasonable solution. I'm only pleased that the US showed restraint and did not escalate, in that I prefer peace whenever possible. Other than that have no skin in this game. What is Syria to me? Not serious...

Very interesting to watch certain factions actually get angry that the US did not play the aggressor and stand in the path of the Turkish army. Not saying you do that, Rue. So what would you do with the 800 US troops? Plus, this is Syria which really is a major Russian ally. Two superpowers staring each other face to face? Third, that Turkey is a member of NATO and importantly, has US nukes on their soil... rather sensitive situation. Engage or not engage?

WE have great respectful disagreements on this, you, me, Y, Bush et al. No prob! I obviously have a more traditional Republican view on foreign policy similar to Mit Romney and John McCain and mybias is upfront and blatant and just as bias and blatant  as it is for pro Trump people-no probs ! None of us hide our partisan views.  I have no issue with the US picking and choosing where it puts its soldiers as you and Buch-C and Y said. That issue I have no issue with.  Its not up to me to say or volunteer anyone for death or needless war. I get that and what you said and if Trump is indeed motivated by peace I would never disagree with that kind of motive. I just did not like the way he in the next  breath explained moving US soldiers to Saudi Arabia because the Saudis pay. That lowers the US to being a whore. Excuse me but I do not see the US as a whore or its soldiers as mercenaries as naïve as that may sound. 

I just think on this particular specific thewithdrawal exposing the Kurds Trump blew it on his timing and has exposed Kurd civilians to needless death bnot to mention embarrassing the  Kurds which will come back to haunt him if he needs them again to fight ISIL which will resurge.  I make no bones about it. I think Erdogan like Putin and Kim are not the kind of allies Trump should be cozying up to. These are anti-thetical for everything the US stands for.,You know my biases. I felt Obama sold out the US on foreign policy and I think Trump has as well. I again state ultimately only Americans can rule or vote on that not me. Just my opinion.  I see Trump as compromised by Putin and doing his bidding. There is zero doubt in my mind Putin has dirt on Trump he has used to manipulate him and control US foreign policy and

I think all the Americans blindly following Trump need a wake up call. The isolationism he stands for is nothing new. Its exactly the same kind of isolationism Henry Ford and pro Nazi Americans stood for. I Eisenhower was no communist for defeating Hitler. My idea of a Republican is Eisenhower or McCain or Romney not Trump.

I do not think Trump is cleaning up anything. He is simply looking after his own selfish interests. He compromised US relations with Ukraine over what-a personal vendetta with Biden and Biden's son over an appointment to a board  for Biden Jr. that most certainly came about because of a political connection which I do NOT  excuse but Trump is mixing up his personal vendetta with the interests of the US as a whole and Trump's children and son in law and daughter are knee deep in financial scandals while he is in office so he needs to start with his own behavour.

Trump is cleaning up no swamp. He brought one with him, over 10 years of tax invasion to avoid paying tax and rip off people he did not want to pay with repeat bankruptcy manouvers. He is no loyal American he is a whore and a parasite in my opinion and someone who evaded military service and paying his fair share of taxes. He is no role model. Erdogan is a dangerous, unstable, totalitarian dictator no better than Hussein,  Ghaddafi. Stalin,  Assad, Mussolini, Hitler.

Edited by Rue
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21 minutes ago, Rue said:

...I think all the Americans blindly following Trump need a wake up call. The isolationism he stands for is nothing new. Its exactly the same kind of isolationism Henry Ford and pro Nazi Americans stood for. I Eisenhower was no communist for defeating Hitler. My idea of a Republican is Eisenhower or McCain or Romney not Trump.


...and I think that Trump and America at their most isolationist are still far more materially engaged than Canada or other EU/NATO deadbeats.   But that's just my opinion supported by actual defence spending and boots on the ground, ships/subs at sea, planes in the air, and satellites in orbit.

Don't like Putin or Erdogan ?   Then do something about it instead of expecting that Trump/America should do it instead.


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Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:


...and I think that Trump and America at their most isolationist are still far more materially engaged than Canada or other EU/NATO deadbeats.   But that's just my opinion supported by actual defence spending and boots on the ground, ships/subs at sea, and planes in the air.

Don't like Putin ?   Then do something about it instead of expecting that Trump/America should do it instead.


In regards to your first statement it is my opinion as well and I believe it could be proven as a FACT with measure objective analysis because the actual defence spending and boots on the ground is factual reality not your subjective feelings so I defer to that opinion, myself.

I am doing something about Putin. I speak out about him and urge Americans not to ally with him. I think he is as dangerous as Stalin, Hitler or any other totalitarian dictator. I think he is a threat to any democracy. I speak out about Putin no differently than I do Trump or the Chinese government or when Trudeau abuses his political powers and threatens democracy.  

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14 minutes ago, Rue said:

In regards to your first statement it is my opinion as well and I believe it could be proven as a FACT with measure objective analysis because the actual defence spending and boots on the ground is factual reality not your subjective feelings so I defer to that opinion, myself.


Don't know what this means....the U.S. spends far more and has far more assets in not only this region, but in several regions mostly because of post WW2 cock-ups.  Canada actually removed strike and support aircraft from the Kurd's/ISIS fight long ago, and "betrayed" them on promised military aid, even the pittance that it was.



I am doing something about Putin. I speak out about him and urge Americans not to ally with him. I think he is as dangerous as Stalin, Hitler or any other totalitarian dictator. I think he is a threat to any democracy. I speak out about Putin no differently than I do Trump or the Chinese government or when Trudeau abuses his political powers and threatens democracy.  


I know...talk is cheap.   Far easier to bitch about Trump/Americans not doing what you want from Canada.

President Trump did the right thing here...for U.S. troops...NATO ally Turkey.... Incirlik Air Base ...and 50 B61 nuclear gravity bombs.   Canada cannot play in this league.

The GOP does not represent Syrian, Russian, or Canadian interests.   Syria is the enemy...long time.

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2 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Don't know what this means....



 Far easier to bitch about Trump/Americans not doing what you want from Canada.

President Trump did the right thing here...for U.S. troops...NATO ally Turkey.... Incirlik Air Base ...and 50 B62 nuclear gravity bombs.   Canada cannot play in this league.

The GOP does not represent Syrian, Russian, or Canadian interests.   Syria is the enemy...long time.

I deleted your comments except for the above which I now address for the sake of brevity not to take your words out of context:

In regards to 1, Trump does nothing for the US or Canada. He simply acts for his own self interests which you pose as being one and the same as US interests because of your partisan bias for Trup.

In regards to 2,  its not easy to point out to you what Trump has done wrong. You are in denial. I would do an intervention but you will probably show up with a Trump hat and some US piss beer and start singing Glod Bless America. Thanks but I pass. I also do not find it easy trying to explain to Canadians why we need a proper Armed Forces but I try.

In regards to 3, the GOP at this point is a bunch of self centered Republicans deciding should they sink or swim with Trump. I have never stated or felt they favour any specific interests. I appreciate in American politics, like all politics, politicians first and  foremost worship their own needs and then form alliances based on preserving their butt. I am not the one pretending any of these politicians are Saints as you do Trump. You mistake me for you when it comes to inflated delusional expectations or perceptions as to politicians.



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13 minutes ago, Rue said:

I deleted your comments except for the above which I now address for the sake of brevity not to take your words out of context:

In regards to 1, Trump does nothing for the US or Canada. He simply acts for his own self interests which you pose as being one and the same as US interests because of your partisan bias for Trup.


Trump is just another American president executing his own domestic and foreign policies, same as any other U.S. president.   U.S. interests for trade, defense, illegal and legal immigration, climate change, alliances (including Israel), etc. are just part of a long list of "files" that will be managed by present DC politics and national priorities.

Trump owes Canada nothing, and is not responsible for Canada...that is Trudeau's job.   Bug Trudeau to get what you want....not Trump/Americans.



In regards to 2,  its not easy to point out to you what Trump has done wrong. You are in denial. I would do an intervention but you will probably show up with a Trump hat and some US piss beer and start singing Glod Bless America. Thanks but I pass. I also do not find it easy trying to explain to Canadians why we need a proper Armed Forces but I try.


I did not vote for Trump, but he is the president until he is no longer the president.  I don't care what you explain to Canadians about being a NATO deadbeat...actions mean far more than your pitiful attempts at "trying".



In regards to 3, the GOP at this point is a bunch of self centered Republicans deciding should they sink or swim with Trump. I have never stated or felt they favour any specific interests. I appreciate in American politics, like all politics, politicians first and  foremost worship their own needs and then form alliances based on preserving their butt. I am not the one pretending any of these politicians are Saints as you do Trump. You mistake me for you when it comes to inflated delusional expectations or perceptions as to politicians.


I have never, ever claimed that Trump is/was a "saint", far from that.   Trump is the crude bastard that came along at just the right time....and he is OUR BASTARD.   Don't like it ?   Too bad....

America first....Syria last.

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35 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Trump is just another American president executing his own domestic and foreign policies, same as any other U.S. president.   U.S. interests for trade, defense, illegal and legal immigration, climate change, alliances (including Israel), etc. are just part of a long list of "files" that will be managed by present DC politics and national priorities.

Trump owes Canada nothing, and is not responsible for Canada...that is Trudeau's job.   Bug Trudeau to get what you want....not Trump/Americans.



I did not vote for Trump, but he is the president until he is no longer the president.  I don't care what you explain to Canadians about being a NATO deadbeat...actions mean far more than your pitiful attempts at "trying".



I have never, ever claimed that Trump is/was a "saint", far from that.   Trump is the crude bastard that came along at just the right time....and he is OUR BASTARD.   Don't like it ?   Too bad....

America first....Syria last.

Canada first.....NATO last.  Fight the commies on your own then.

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President Erdogan: "If terrorists makes an attack to our security forces from out of safe zone, we will follow them to neutralize whereever they flee, does not matter it is out of safe zone."

President Erdogan: "If European countries will not support safe zone works, we will open border gates for millions of refugees." 

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On 10/23/2019 at 10:25 AM, Altai said:

- After Turkey gets agree with Russia about joint patrolling in safe zone area, Germany and France also want to be part of patrolling. 

- US is planning the safe zone area to be controlled by NATO in 2020. 

- Turkiye is not planning to give the safe zone area to NATO. 

- NATO and Turkiye is trying to terminate each other. 

- Russia is also in Syria to have benefits of Mediterranean Sea and they agree with NATO about sharing the slices of the cake. 


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On 10/24/2019 at 11:40 PM, Altai said:

- According to intelligence reports, US and Russia terror organizations are planning to establish a federative government structure in Syria consist of Sunnia area, PYD area, Nusayr area, Christian area.

- They are planning to give the regions with oil reserves and agricultural lands to PYD terror organization.

- Trump who is bluffing before the elections planning to increase military existence in Syria by fabricating some more excuses.

- US still very hopeful about changing the safe zone situation in Syria if they can achieve to change government in Turkiye. 



On 10/25/2019 at 8:22 PM, Altai said:

- US  insistently wants Turkish officials to contact with a PYD terrorist named Mazloum Abdi. Turkiye rejected the offer.

- US opened a Twitter account for this terrorist and on next day Twitter gave blue tick to it.

- US is going to try to make Turkish officials and this terrorist sit on the same desk in Geneva meetings and will create another crisis between Turkiye and US.

- After all US will give Nobel Peace Prize to this terrorist. 

- US will offer this terrorist as the president of Federal Syria Kurdish autonomous region. 

- US official Trump said that the labratory terror organization ISIS leader have been killed. 

- So ISIS has successfully completed its service for US "in Syria". Now it is time to create Federative Syria. 

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5 hours ago, Altai said:

- Pro-PKK terrorists keep attacking Turkish civilians in Europe.


This news is given by British state controlled media Independent with title of "Opposing sides clashes. A car with Turkish flag hit a protestor. 7 people are taken into custody." 

So according to Western media, here "the car" waiting in red light and some "innocent protestors" attack each other and the car hits an "innocent protestor".  :lol:

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19 minutes ago, Altai said:

- US official Trump said that the labratory terror organization ISIS leader have been killed. 

- So ISIS has successfully completed its service for US "in Syria". Now it is time to create Federative Syria. 

Now we are waiting for the next episode of the theatre. What is going to be found out in his phone and laptop ? :rolleyes: whose phone number he have ? What his memory cards includes ? Maybe some documents and some heroin ? I am sure Hollywood is preparing some nice scenarios for it too. 

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