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The Spectacular of Peaceful Protest in Hong Kong


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On ‎8‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 12:28 AM, xul said:

There were millions of Nazis but only a few of them had chance to wear SS swastika boots for kicking Jewish people's asses in concentration camps.Which doesn't mean the rest were good people. Being good people doesn't mean you never make mistake. BC2004 may vote for President Hitler merely because President Hitler promises to make America great again. Army Guy may vote for PM Hitler simply because PM Hitler has announced that he will buy thousands of warships, tanks and F-35 stealth fighter jets for Canadian military. Egghead may vote for General Hitler because General Hitler's black shirt mob army is the only thing on par with Carrie Lam's international police brigades.....But when this President/PM/General Hitler's crimes are revealed, you need to denounce his crime to prove that you are good people. So far, I haven't seen any peaceful protester denounces their violent comrade yet. So a peaceful Nazi was still a Nazi. I suppose Joseph Goebbels had never killed or even kicked any Jews in person. But he was the mastermind and instigator of those violent Nazis which makes him even worse than those violent ones. 

I am not sure who you are claiming are Nazis with your analogy but I think accusing anyone who has a political disagreement and takes to the streets to demonstrate as being a Nazi is illogical and I am not sure whether I would refer to the Chinese regime as Nazi either. I think using Nazi analogies is not helpful at all on either side of this debate and simply calls names. Calling someone a Nazi shuts down debate. Its like calling someone violent. Its a word used to shut down discussion as to the conflict and label one side as evil and blame them for it.

Let's be clear, China is run by a highly totalitarian, centralized form of government that does not permit free speech or individual rights. It fears with 2 billion people if it allowed it there would be anarchy if they did not keep extreme and tight control. On the other hand, Hong Kong was an isolated British outpost, a colonial vestige completely antithetical to the mainland's way of doing things since 1949. The tensions and clash were inevitable.

What is clear is China will do what it always has, use its military to crush and destroy opposition to  the government. Calling Hong Kong citizens who want democratic rights Nazis or violent terrorists is as illogical as calling he Chinese government the same. Both are on opposite sides of how to run a society. Both have legitimate concerns but China is a totalitarian state and will crush democracy lets not pretend otherwise and in that sense it has  more in common with Nazi totalitarian control of the masses than Hong Kong citizens who protest right down to the boots and goose-stepping of its soldiers.

China has no respect for democracy and will crush it in Hong Kong and calling protesters violent is just the pretext it uses to dehumanize Hong Kong citizens to soon justify crushing them to death. Its easier to justify crushing an evil violent person than a legitimate one. In that sense China is doing to Hong Kong citizens what Nazis did to Jews and other opponents of its regime-reclassifying them as less than human so as to be able to easier justify their exterminating them whether it be physically or  just their voices.

Because of the geographic location of Hong Kong, it will be swallowed. The only reason it lasted this long is because corrupt Chinese Communist Party officials needed it to launder their money. That will soon change.

Because Hong Kong is clearly inside China, no one will overtly challenge  Chinese sovereignty over it. Let's not kid ourselves.

Hong Kong is a symptom of an economic and cultural war China engages in with free markets around the world.

If it has to crush Hong Kong to show its muscle it will. It may ironically though cause it much harm cutting off markets it badly needs for trading its goods.



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On 9/2/2019 at 11:49 AM, egghead said:

He is wrong, and he shall show more living condition of regular.  However, the living condition is an easy fix. HKG just don't have the will to do it. and it can fix within 5~6 yrs. Why? it is be'cos it does not fit the CPC proposition.

When a problem is related with economy, usually there isn't an easy fix. I have just joked on YouTube at a CBC news Pharma industry challenges Trudeau plan to lower drug prices:

"Pharma industry challenges Trudeau plan to lower drug prices. Oil industry wants Trudeau to raise oil price but Trudeau tells them No because He can't.."

If Trudeau or any Canadian PM has not power to manipulate drug price and oil price in Canada, HK government or CPC will also have no power to manipulate residential property price in HK.

HK is just a small place where 800 million people are crammed in. Most of HK territory is filled with hills, so the habitable area even far smaller than its geographic area. Unless HK government builds thousands of 300 floors residential skyscrapers, there is no way to improve the living conditions of HK citizens.

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On 9/3/2019 at 9:42 PM, Rue said:

I am not sure who you are claiming are Nazis with your analogy but I think accusing anyone who has a political disagreement and takes to the streets to demonstrate as being a Nazi is illogical and I am not sure whether I would refer to the Chinese regime as Nazi either. I think using Nazi analogies is not helpful at all on either side of this debate and simply calls names. Calling someone a Nazi shuts down debate. Its like calling someone violent. Its a word used to shut down discussion as to the conflict and label one side as evil and blame them for it.

Let's be clear, China is run by a highly totalitarian, centralized form of government that does not permit free speech or individual rights. It fears with 2 billion people if it allowed it there would be anarchy if they did not keep extreme and tight control. On the other hand, Hong Kong was an isolated British outpost, a colonial vestige completely antithetical to the mainland's way of doing things since 1949. The tensions and clash were inevitable.

What is clear is China will do what it always has, use its military to crush and destroy opposition to  the government. Calling Hong Kong citizens who want democratic rights Nazis or violent terrorists is as illogical as calling he Chinese government the same. Both are on opposite sides of how to run a society. Both have legitimate concerns but China is a totalitarian state and will crush democracy lets not pretend otherwise and in that sense it has  more in common with Nazi totalitarian control of the masses than Hong Kong citizens who protest right down to the boots and goose-stepping of its soldiers.

China has no respect for democracy and will crush it in Hong Kong and calling protesters violent is just the pretext it uses to dehumanize Hong Kong citizens to soon justify crushing them to death. Its easier to justify crushing an evil violent person than a legitimate one. In that sense China is doing to Hong Kong citizens what Nazis did to Jews and other opponents of its regime-reclassifying them as less than human so as to be able to easier justify their exterminating them whether it be physically or  just their voices.

Because of the geographic location of Hong Kong, it will be swallowed. The only reason it lasted this long is because corrupt Chinese Communist Party officials needed it to launder their money. That will soon change.

Because Hong Kong is clearly inside China, no one will overtly challenge  Chinese sovereignty over it. Let's not kid ourselves.

Hong Kong is a symptom of an economic and cultural war China engages in with free markets around the world.

If it has to crush Hong Kong to show its muscle it will. It may ironically though cause it much harm cutting off markets it badly needs for trading its goods.



Comparing the activity and tactics of HK protesters with Nazi's doesn't mean I claim them Nazis. For example, in a post above I compared a PLA Navy type 052C destroyer with US Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyer and mentioned the similarity of their design. But it doesn't mean I thought they were the same things. In another post, I said "UK and American submariners copied Nazi submarine tactics so good that Hitler's successor Grand Admiral Karl Donitz was able to use it to get rid of some war crime charges in Nuremberg Trails", which doesn't mean I though British or US were Nazis.

As for your accusations against China, you need to present proof or reasonable argument to support them. The launder things for example: If all HK citizens hated CCP as you believed, why would CCP officials use HK to launder their money? Would it be too risky to get their unlawful activity leaked and exposed by some insiders?

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On 9/7/2019 at 7:39 AM, xul said:

When a problem is related with economy, usually there isn't an easy fix. I have just joked on YouTube at a CBC news Pharma industry challenges Trudeau plan to lower drug prices:

"Pharma industry challenges Trudeau plan to lower drug prices. Oil industry wants Trudeau to raise oil price but Trudeau tells them No because He can't.."

If Trudeau or any Canadian PM has not power to manipulate drug price and oil price in Canada, HK government or CPC will also have no power to manipulate residential property price in HK.

HK is just a small place where 800 million people are crammed in. Most of HK territory is filled with hills, so the habitable area even far smaller than its geographic area. Unless HK government builds thousands of 300 floors residential skyscrapers, there is no way to improve the living conditions of HK citizens.

Give me a break, you can stop your CPP's propaganda here. All HKer know the real problem is the 150 daily immigration quote. It has little to do economy. BTW, you are cluelss on the drug priceing and Oil pricing, and you better learn some Canada history if you want to a good 5 cents :lol:

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This girl is the vice  president of the Student Union of Hong Kong Baptist University. But in this video, her IQ seemingly doesn't match her title. I think anyone whose IQ is above a kid's level knows it is normal that international passengers' belongings get checked by customs. I can't see why she felt angry with Australian customs officers. Did she really think she should be treated like a queen just because she was a protester?  And she believed that her, a Hongkie's freedom of traveling to Australia should be protected by Aussie's constitution? If it was true, what would be the use of customs?


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At least eight passengers were injured when an MTR train derailed in Hong Kong on September 17, 2019, leading to a service suspension on the East Rail Line.


So far there is no way to tell what is the cause of the incident. But previously protesters were found throwing debris on railways to stop train.

Protesters have created their anthem: Glory to Hong Kong. 

Considering all these violence caused by their fellow mob protesters in their home city, it is obvious that different people have different views on what is glory and what is shameless.



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19 hours ago, xul said:

At least eight passengers were injured when an MTR train derailed in Hong Kong on September 17, 2019, leading to a service suspension on the East Rail Line.


So far there is no way to tell what is the cause of the incident. But previously protesters were found throwing debris on railways to stop train.

Protesters have created their anthem: Glory to Hong Kong. 

Considering all these violence caused by their fellow mob protesters in their home city, it is obvious that different people have different views on what is glory and what is shameless.



C'mon,. you are fake news. The second video was published on Sep 1, 2019, and it was about the protest at airport. You know what; the MTR's ex-CEO says that the  derailment of the train has nothing to do with debris on railway. It is becasue the first three wagons had passed.



BTW, I feel sorry for you. 

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A Thailand insecticide ad has been turned into a parody to reflect current events in HK by pro-police Hongkies.

The plot of the parody:

A woman comes back home with her kid and finds 3 曱甴, which means cockroach in Cantonese but also refers to mob protesters recently by pro-government Hongkies, in her kitchen. The cockroaches pick up 3 molotov cocktail bottles with labels of power, violence and political-correctness and demand her to revoke the bill. The woman hastily picks up a spray with Fresh Air label on it, which represents "cancel the bill", but gets jeered by cockroaches.

"Are you trying to reason with them?" The kid questions his mom.

Then the woman takes out an insecticide spray which represents "enforce law", and cockroaches die.


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On 9/18/2019 at 2:26 AM, egghead said:

haha, that is why people are saying only undercover cops thowing the molotov cocktail 

There are thousands of mob protesters. Do you think all of them are undercover cops?

If the mobs were undercover police officers, why would so-called peaceful protesters and the opposite party leaders always demand government to pardon them but send them to prison?

If they were undercover cops, I suppose you would be happy to see riot police beating them. But since it seems like you are not happy with riot police's action, I suppose these mobs are not undercover cops but true protesters.

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6 hours ago, xul said:

There are thousands of mob protesters. Do you think all of them are undercover cops?

If the mobs were undercover police officers, why would so-called peaceful protesters and the opposite party leaders always demand government to pardon them but send them to prison?

If they were undercover cops, I suppose you would be happy to see riot police beating them. But since it seems like you are not happy with riot police's action, I suppose these mobs are not undercover cops but true protesters.

You don't get the joke :lol:

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On 8/13/2019 at 6:14 PM, xul said:


Democracy means if you outnumber someone, you can illegally detain, tie up and beat him if he doesn't agree with you


told you so; that 2 reporters were the "head" giving. HKG needed them for the political propaganda. HKG's hand-out at the OHCHR (too bad, they forget to ps the gun out from the undercover cops)


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There are still some darkest spots on HK's glorious moment....LOL....There is still  light in HK's darkest hour

It seems like some young volunteers stand out to clean up the mess left by protesters

But even these volunteers are under attack by radical protesters


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58 minutes ago, egghead said:

No 5 cents for you this time :P:lol:




Continually using personal attacks on me won't help you to make a credible argument. But still thank you for providing the prologue of the event.

From the video you provided, I see the old man had some kinds of quarrels with the protesters at the beginning. Then he chased one or more protesters to the middle of the street. He waved a whine bottle but not used it attacking protesters. At 0:32, a protester threw something on him then fled. Then the man chased the protester around street. 

At 0:17, the old man race to the right side of the video picture then turned to left and was blocked by a group of protesters. Obvious he was not against all protesters but just chasing a particular protester who probably had thrown something on him prior the video took place.

So what difference could your video make? The man was attacked later by young mob protesters who equipped with long steel bars. What he only had was the bottle in his hand and we don't see he used it attacking anyone. In the video I posted, until he was knocked down by mob protesters, the bottle was still in his hand. Probably he was a drinker just coming out a bear store, who knows.

Obviously the old man wasn't a mob, because not only he is too old to fight these young men, but also a whine bottle isn't a good weapon for fight--even James Bond can't use glass against a mob with long stick:


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56 minutes ago, xul said:

Continually using personal attacks on me won't help you to make a credible argument. But still thank you for providing the prologue of the event.

From the video you provided, I see the old man had some kinds of quarrels with the protesters at the beginning. Then he chased one or more protesters to the middle of the street. He waved a whine bottle but not used it attacking protesters. At 0:32, a protester threw something on him then fled. Then the man chased the protester around street. 


haha, whatnever you said. The old man is not just an old man. He is a pro-gov't mob.

Are you dare to post the news from one week ago?  Or, you have no idea what is "警黑合作"? 


民間記者會斥警黑合作 反抗不是「私了」而是「以武抗黑」


民間記者會:警方執法不公 生命受威脅須自衛


BTW, are you VPN from china? It is against the law :rolleyes:

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Unbelievable!  Finally mob protesters have achieved something...

"Hotel rates cheaper than flat rents in Hong Kong"

This is why the number of protesters has significantly dropped from 2 million wich media claimed earlier to a few thousands recently. Probably they all have moved from their cage homes to luxury hotel suits and forget to go on streets....LOL


 Protester's press conference: If Carrie Lam refuse to agree our demands, we will stage a big show for the National Day of P.R.China, which is Oct. 1.

It seems like these idiots really think the central government will pay the bill for repairing all the public and private properties which they destroyed.

And the media they used to watch probably never cover what Xi Jinping has been doing recently....

The world's largest airport inaugurated in my home city Beijing a few days ago.

I don't know why Xi rode a subway car to attend the airport inauguration ceremony. Maybe he did care the situation of HK more than he wanted to show to Chinese public, so he wanted to send a message to Hongkies: We are building new subways and airports meanwhile you are destroying yours. How stupid you are...LOL





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On 9/24/2019 at 11:07 AM, egghead said:

Another NYT report :rolleyes:


Maybe you should go to US and teach their police how to treat their citizens who don't obey police officers' orders.



The Hongkie protesters are just like some spoiled kids who smash their old Xbox 360 consoles when their dads refuse to buy brand new Xbox One consoles for them...  




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