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The left outed once again

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I trust Michelle Malkin than I do the liberal media--which has been caught time and time again lying--and especially those moonbat sites on Gadflyer's (your source) blogroll.

Malkin is so dangerous to the liberal ideology that she receives hate mail like this.

What the hell is the left's obsession with the word "whore" when it comes to attacking rightwing females?

They call her a lot worse, actually. Her and Anne Coulter are so dangerous! Ah Lefties, if only we could get them mad at the real enemies, there's no limit to the damage they could do.

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Malkin is so dangerous to the liberal ideology that she receives hate mail like this.
Every celebrity gets hate mail but only right wing pundits seem to publish them to get sympathy from there adoring fans. I suspect this is because right wing pundits make a career out saying things that make people angry. They must consider it a badge of honour to get hate mail and would be disappointed if they did not get any.
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I trust Michelle Malkin than I do the liberal media--which has been caught time and time again lying--and especially those moonbat sites on Gadflyer's (your source) blogroll.

Of course you do: you're a monomaniac.

Deleted...as I decided not to take the troll bait.

Edited by Montgomery Burns
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Hmm. I make a point about your overriding obsession with one subject and you respond with a purile insult. I guess that's because the left is so full of hate while we watch the Soviet-style, taxpayer-funded CbC and count all the blood money we recieved from Saddam while enabling terrorists and freedom-hater everywhere. :rolleyes:

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Malkin is so dangerous to the liberal ideology that she receives hate mail like this.
Every celebrity gets hate mail but only right wing pundits seem to publish them to get sympathy from there adoring fans. I suspect this is because right wing pundits make a career out saying things that make people angry. They must consider it a badge of honour to get hate mail and would be disappointed if they did not get any.

Sparhawk, take a look at your remarks. You are capable of more than childish stereotypical remarks that only smear. Nobody likes hate mail, and the kind that Michelle gets include remarks that are so gross I became quite upset just reading them. The level of hate is scary, and for you to make these remarks shows you haven't seem much of it.

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Nobody likes hate mail, and the kind that Michelle gets include remarks that are so gross I became quite upset just reading them.
We live in a culture where rap artists like to get shot because it its good for their 'street cred'. Pundits like Michelle, Coulter, and Micheal Moore are not journalists - they are provocateurs who seek to develop an audience by taking extreme positions that are superficially logical to their intended audience but also inflame the political opponents. Moore would never put out a movie that did not make the right wing pundits froth at the mouth - in the same way columnists like Michelle and Coulter seek to inflame the left.

That is why I think they like to get the hate mail: it proves to them there are succeeding in pissing off their political opponents. The fact that Michelle went an posted the hate mail adds credence to my theory: the only reason for her to do that is to build her 'street cred' as a right wing pundit.

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Dear sharkman,

Sparhawk is right, in a weird way. Adolf Hitler said, "If you pick up your newspaper in the morning and don't see yourself being attacked by your opposition, you aren't doing a good enough job".

Pundits like Michelle, Coulter, and Micheal Moore are not journalists - they are provocateurs who seek to develop an audience by taking extreme positions that are superficially logical to their intended audience but also inflame the political opponents.
It's all about sales. And since sales have been deemed 'the greatest good', how can there be a 'bad way' to achieve them?
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I got a kick out of this.....

Are you kidding? They have organizations for that sort of thing.

It details a group called "Protest Warriors", right-wingers who attend left-wing rallies to try stir up sh!t.

One of them made a sign which read "Except for Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism and Communism, War Has Never Solved Anything".

Let's see now, slavery is still quite alive and well, it's just living in other places. Although a lot of immigrants, some legal, some not, have indentured themselves to plantations in Florida, which is tantamount to being a slave-laborer.

Nazism has ended??? Hmmm. Type "Nazism" into Google and you'll find about 50 or more nazi-promoting websites. Nazism isn't dead, it's simply gone underground.

Hopefully it'll stay there.

Fascism??? Still plenty of that around. Saddam's gone, but there are still plenty more like him in plenty of countries, treating their own population in a brutally sadistic manner.

As for Communism, I am assuming the anti-protest-protester is referring to the fall of Communism in Russia. After all, there were never any other serious "Commie threats".

Well, war didn't solve Russia's communist "problem", economics did.

So, the sign, while funny, and useful in achieving its goal of irritating the real protesters, was wholly inaccurate.

I must say, though, that I found the guys' approach refreshingly original.

I wish I had been there to see some of the reactions first-hand.

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You are capable of more than childish stereotypical remarks that only smear. Nobody likes hate mail, and the kind that Michelle gets include remarks that are so gross I became quite upset just reading them. The level of hate is scary, and for you to make these remarks shows you haven't seem much of it.

Please. No one goes around spewing the kind of garbage that Coulter and Malkin et al do without intending to provoke a reaction. In fact, in the many, many discussions we've had on these types of people, I can't count how many times I've been told that Coulter's schick is intentionally "over-the-top" and how she exists to "get a rise out of liberals". Well congratulations: apprently, its working.

Oh and here's some "Classic Coulter Quotes" for sharkman to knaw on:

The "backbone of the Democratic Party" is a "typical fat, implacable welfare recipient"---syndicated column 10/29/99

To a disabled Vietnam vet: "People like you caused us to lose that war."---MSNBC

"Women like Pamela Harriman and Patricia Duff are basically Anna Nicole Smith from the waist down. Let's just call it for what it is. They're whores."---Salon.com 11/16/00

"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote."---Hannity & Colmes, 8/17/99

"I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote."---Politically Incorrect, 2/26/01

"If you don't hate Clinton and the people who labored to keep him in office, you don't love your country."---George, 7/99

"The thing I like about Bush is I think he hates liberals."---Washington Post 8/1/00

"My libertarian friends are probably getting a little upset now but I think that's because they never appreciate the benefits of local fascism."---MSNBC 2/8/97

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I got a kick out of this.....
Are you kidding? They have organizations for that sort of thing.

It details a group called "Protest Warriors", right-wingers who attend left-wing rallies to try stir up sh!t.

One of them made a sign which read "Except for Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism and Communism, War Has Never Solved Anything".

Let's see now, slavery is still quite alive and well, it's just living in other places. Although a lot of immigrants, some legal, some not, have indentured themselves to plantations in Florida, which is tantamount to being a slave-laborer.

Nazism has ended??? Hmmm. Type "Nazism" into Google and you'll find about 50 or more nazi-promoting websites. Nazism isn't dead, it's simply gone underground.

Hopefully it'll stay there.

Fascism??? Still plenty of that around. Saddam's gone, but there are still plenty more like him in plenty of countries, treating their own population in a brutally sadistic manner.

As for Communism, I am assuming the anti-protest-protester is referring to the fall of Communism in Russia. After all, there were never any other serious "Commie threats".

Well, war didn't solve Russia's communist "problem", economics did.

So, the sign, while funny, and useful in achieving its goal of irritating the real protesters, was wholly inaccurate.

I must say, though, that I found the guys' approach refreshingly original.

I wish I had been there to see some of the reactions first-hand.

Protest Warriors protest the leftwing protestors.

The number of rightwing groups that protest is nothing to the number of leftwing protestors. Why?

Because rightwingers generally have dignity and a J-O-B.

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You are capable of more than childish stereotypical remarks that only smear. Nobody likes hate mail, and the kind that Michelle gets include remarks that are so gross I became quite upset just reading them. The level of hate is scary, and for you to make these remarks shows you haven't seem much of it.

Please. No one goes around spewing the kind of garbage that Coulter and Malkin et al do without intending to provoke a reaction. In fact, in the many, many discussions we've had on these types of people, I can't count how many times I've been told that Coulter's schick is intentionally "over-the-top" and how she exists to "get a rise out of liberals". Well congratulations: apprently, its working.

Oh and here's some "Classic Coulter Quotes" for sharkman to knaw on:

The "backbone of the Democratic Party" is a "typical fat, implacable welfare recipient"---syndicated column 10/29/99

To a disabled Vietnam vet: "People like you caused us to lose that war."---MSNBC

"Women like Pamela Harriman and Patricia Duff are basically Anna Nicole Smith from the waist down. Let's just call it for what it is. They're whores."---Salon.com 11/16/00

"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote."---Hannity & Colmes, 8/17/99

"I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote."---Politically Incorrect, 2/26/01

"If you don't hate Clinton and the people who labored to keep him in office, you don't love your country."---George, 7/99

"The thing I like about Bush is I think he hates liberals."---Washington Post 8/1/00

"My libertarian friends are probably getting a little upset now but I think that's because they never appreciate the benefits of local fascism."---MSNBC 2/8/97

Are you sure you want to get into a pissing contest about which side spews the most hate? :lol:

An astonishing lack of Coulter:

Remember this maxim: when a liberal says something outrageous, it's a courageous embrace of First Amendment freedoms, intended to catalyze discussion; when a conservative does the same, it is hate speech. This is the lesson liberals at the University of Connecticut (UConn) were attempting to teach students until last Wednesday, when they went too far by repeatedly interrupting Ann Coulter's remarks....She wasn't long into her speech before UConn's sound system interrupted her, belching out the lyrics to cartoon show South Park's song, "Kyle's Mom is a Big Fat *****," as well as the theme song to the classic Nintendo game, "Super Mario Brothers." Coulter's biting humor has elicited heckles before, most notably at University of Arizona, where assailants with terrible aim attacked her with a pie.

In one letter to UConn's Daily Campus, student Douglas Hamel described his disappointment in the way liberal students conducted themselves:

It isn't often that they get the opportunity to ask pressing questions of some whom they so strongly oppose. I can guarantee you that the conservatives on campus would have taken advantage of such an opportunity if we were able to see Michael Moore or Al Franken give a speech and answer questions.

In fact, they did take advantage of their opportunity only a few days earlier, at a university-sponsored speech by Cindy Sheehan. Several conservative students protested outside the speech and then quietly joined the audience. Of those protesters, Benjamin Woodard noted that "as much as they were against her, they knew how to respect her."

And her "women should not be allowed to vote" was clearly a joke. Good grief.

She is not any more offensive that Howard Dean and he is the chairman of the DNC.

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Hmm. I make a point about your overriding obsession with one subject and you respond with a purile insult. I guess that's because the left is so full of hate while we watch the Soviet-style, taxpayer-funded CbC and count all the blood money we recieved from Saddam while enabling terrorists and freedom-hater everywhere. :rolleyes:

Are you denying that the liberal media has been caught time and time again lying?

Or are you content to hurl your juvenile insults (morons, asshats)?

I think your last sentence summed things up rather well. Maybe you are coming around.

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Right or Left

Coulter or Moore

With us or against us

Bush supporter or terrorist supporter

Back the Iraq war or love Saddam

My way or the highway.


it's really unfortunate that the USA does not have a "centre".

GWB has divided the country into two camps. There is NO middle groud --frankly it's childish and ridiculous.

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So Dubya, who is supposedly pretty dumb, singlehandedly masteminded and successfully carried out a plan to divide the country into 2 camps?

The U.S. does have moderates, they just get little time in the MSM. The MSM is too busy showing lefty opinion and responses as the One True Way, and righties as sad misinformed extremists. There is only the impression of 2 camps.

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Thanks for the Coulter quotes. That woman has a finely tuned analytical prowess that leaves lefties with nothing but to sputter on about how 'controversial' she is. Too bad she's not Canadian.

Sharkman proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed bobblehead blonde is queen.

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Thanks for the Coulter quotes. That woman has a finely tuned analytical prowess that leaves lefties with nothing but to sputter on about how 'controversial' she is. Too bad she's not Canadian.

Sharkman proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed bobblehead blonde is queen.

Now there's a troll name if ever I saw one.

Coulter is amusing, in a rabid pitbull sort of way. When I read her I get the feeling she could switch sides and attack the right from a leftist standpoint without changing anything about her schtick, or missing a beat.

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Right or Left

Coulter or Moore

With us or against us

Bush supporter or terrorist supporter

Back the Iraq war or love Saddam

My way or the highway.


it's really unfortunate that the USA does not have a "centre".

GWB has divided the country into two camps. There is NO middle groud --frankly it's childish and ridiculous.

The most childish and ridiculous thing in your post is your assertion that a country as enormous and complex as the US boils down to a short list of two-option preferences. You sound like a teenager who's figured out how the whole world works and is enraged that no one takes your views seriously.

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Now there's a troll name if ever I saw one.


Don't let the member status fool ya: I'm an old hand round these parts.

So, like I said in that thread about FISA etc., you're either a current member posting under a new pseudonym for whatever purposes of devient amusement you've devised, or you've already been banned under a different name and are soon to be banned again. Which would be kind of sad, really. I've rather enjoyed our vicious little banterings here this evening. It's good to argue with someone who actually knows what they're talking about and isn't eureka. (Black Dog and newbie are okay by me, too).

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Thanks for the Coulter quotes.  That woman has a finely tuned analytical prowess that leaves lefties with nothing but to sputter on about how 'controversial' she is.  Too bad she's not Canadian.

Is that the same "finely tuned analytical prowess" that stated on national television that Canada sent combat troops to VietNam??? :D

The same prowess which when contradicted on this point, twice, left it with "I'll get back to you on that", and never did??? :lol:

The same prowess that stated that Canada better hope the USA doesn't "Roll over and crush her"??? :blink:

Just curious. I like to know exactly what YOU consider to be "Finely tuned".

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