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Saudi Arabia expells Canadian ambassador

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16 hours ago, Wilber said:

Betsy, it's pretty obvious what you don't like but I have no clue what you do stand for. One minute you are criticizing Trudeau for not kissing Saudi ass and the next its for not retaliating.



I'm not berating him for not retaliating.  I'm responding to Gosthacked's comment about USA kissing ass.  It's the same with other nations that don't even have any peep about this - why?  Why are the other allies quiet - especially Macron and Merkel?   Why is Trudeau not retaliating at all?


BECAUSE - it's another form of "kissing ass!"   They don't want to get the Saudi's angry at them - and Trudeau doesn't want to farther enrage the Saudis!

In other words - we're bending over.  




You berate him for the few tweets that come out of his government but drool over every tweet that comes out of Trump's can at 3 AM.

Because they tweet without thinking!  He's causing  dismal results FOR ALL CANADIANS! 

His reason for his tweets is self-serving (like the open invitation to all persecuted) - they're simply grandstanding.  

They have no plan(s) for the repercussions being caused by their actions!   This latest fiasco with the Saudis make  me think of Trudeau like a yappy chihuahua!  His bark has no bite!


Trump has his own agenda - and hes' working on it (thru tweets) - tweeting, is his style.   It's working, isn't it?   Even the media hangs on his every tweet!





You seem to have no point of view other than hatred of Trudeau

hatred is a strong word....but yes, i don't like Trudeau for so many reasons.





.....and would see your own country screwed if only it had a negative impact on him.


Heck, I'll be most likely to be screwed by this economy more than you all, but like I've said before - I welcome it!  So be it.

Sometimes, you'd have to learn to be able to tighten your belt - make sacrifices for the better.   You should look farther than the tip of your nose. See the broader picture.  

No pain, no gain.

That's why the sooner he's out, the better.   Why prolong our torment and heap more disaster on Canada?  Boy, he's burying us deeper with every decision he makes - don't you care at all?





Frankly, you and BC2004 would make a great couple.

If we are a couple - at least, our kids  won't be morons. giggle.gif

Anyway, we're both married.....and this isn't a match-making board.  Btw, my husband has even more worse things to say about Trudeau!




I am not a liberal. I have never been a fan of JT and his preachiness as always grated on me. I also abhor Donald Trump

That explains it.  You must be a true-blue socialist! :lol:







However, the law of probabilities tells me that neither of them are going to be wrong about everything, all of the time and both of them are going to be right about some things, even if it is only occasionally.

Lol.  He's defying the law of probability -  that's shaping up to be the scarey reality - but of course,  you won't see that.  




I know that is heresy to the terminally partisan like you but it is reality.

You don't want to see that because Trudeau looks as socialist!  So.....don't be hypocritical and  pretend you're not in favor of burying us deeper .....for the sake of partisanship.  That's the true reality.

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15 hours ago, betsy said:

He's violating human rights!  That's what he claims to be fighting for - heck, so it's blatant hypocrisy. 

Their method may not be exactly the same......but still same violation of human rights.

You've lost the argument comparing Trudeau to Saudi Arabia in terms of human rights. There is simply no comparison between them that you can make with a reasonable argument. I am no fan of Trudeau, but this is absolutely preposterous.

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2 hours ago, GostHacked said:

You've lost the argument comparing Trudeau to Saudi Arabia in terms of human rights. There is simply no comparison between them that you can make with a reasonable argument. I am no fan of Trudeau, but this is absolutely preposterous.

You're merely focusing on the amount of suppression and  methods that they do and use (Trudeau and Saudi)  - of course, there's no comparison with the amount of loss of freedom, also the killings and withholding grants as punishment. 

I'm saying Trudeau is as much a violator of human rights (freedom to express and freedom of Religion) since he's also suppressing them. 

An analogy   would be someone who stole 1 million dollars (Saudi)   and another who stole 10 dollars (Trudeau)  - though the amount are not comparable - both are still thieves.   "I stole only $10 dollars," doesn't mean you're not a thief.


A thief has no business condemning other thieves, and  preaching  against stealing.


You and I aren't on the same page.


Edited by betsy
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I'm beginning to wonder if this brouhaha isn't all planned in order to take the heat off Trudeau for all his fumbling and faux pas likely give him some points for standing up to the Saudis',  but I doubt they expected such a knee jerk reaction.    If they can get his numbers up this Fall they could call a snap election but I'm thinking instead they will prorougue Parliament then try resetting the agenda.  

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11 hours ago, cannuck said:

US direct cash farm subsidies are (or at least were, haven't done a recent comparo) something over 3/4 of the total Canadian ag GDP!   At last count, there were over one thousand people inside of the beltway who received more than $1mm each annually in ag subsidies.

Supply management doesn't exactly work, but neither do ag subsidies.  Governments have no business picking winners and losers in ANY business - ag included.   If we simply let genuine market forces alone, the right quantities at the right price of the right products will be produced.

I am reminded of the total collapse of the New Zealand economy when they subsidized wool production heavily.  When Douglas took over finance, he cut those subsidies immediately.  Less than two years later, the ag business was back on its feet - and still raising lambs.  The difference was that the wool subsidies were greater than the value of wool that nobody wanted.   In a totally free market, the same farmers discovered that the real demand was for mutton, so that is what they produced and exported - profitably.

Canada is famous for converting surplus milk into powder, and dumping that either by lowball sale, outright gift or simply throwing away powder, butter and eggs.  It allows bureaucrats to play with and in the politics of food, but by a large, supply management does NOT work well at all.

This is way off topic but matching supply with demand will always be a big challenge with things like dairy regardless of what system you use. It takes years to build a herd, cows have to be milked every day and the product is perishable. It's not like a factory that can shut down for a few weeks while its excess inventory draws down and then start up again.

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21 minutes ago, scribblet said:

I'm beginning to wonder if this brouhaha isn't all planned in order to take the heat off Trudeau for all his fumbling and faux pas likely give him some points for standing up to the Saudis', 

I wonder about that, too.  It's possible.   It worked when he "stood" up to Trump.




but I doubt they expected such a knee jerk reaction. 

.....he was silent for several days.  Could've been dumbstruck.

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2 hours ago, GostHacked said:

You've lost the argument comparing Trudeau to Saudi Arabia in terms of human rights. There is simply no comparison between them that you can make with a reasonable argument. I am no fan of Trudeau, but this is absolutely preposterous.

TDS. Another form. I can use labels to.

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1 hour ago, Wilber said:

Mostly dictators.

Not even them. For a man his age who has spent his life partying and socializing Trump appears to have almost no real friends. His 'friends' are the sorts of people who proclaim their admiration and love for him for what they can get out of it, but will turn on him in a second, like his former lawyer Cohen. It's hard to keep friends when you have a habit of stabbing them in the back, as Trump has bragged about doing.

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4 hours ago, betsy said:

You're merely focusing on the amount of suppression and  methods that they do and use (Trudeau and Saudi)  - of course, there's no comparison with the amount of loss of freedom, also the killings and withholding grants as punishment. 

I'm saying Trudeau is as much a violator of human rights (freedom to express and freedom of Religion) since he's also suppressing them. 

An analogy   would be someone who stole 1 million dollars (Saudi)   and another who stole 10 dollars (Trudeau)  - though the amount are not comparable - both are still thieves.   "I stole only $10 dollars," doesn't mean you're not a thief.


A thief has no business condemning other thieves, and  preaching  against stealing.


You and I aren't on the same page.


I am not sure you are on a page at all.  But you proved my point. Trudeau may have been doing it for a year or so. The Saudi's have been doing it for DECADES.  You obviously know the difference, but ignore it to make a failing argument.

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On 8/8/2018 at 1:46 AM, betsy said:

The thing unusual about those tweets.....is why on earth are they tweeting subjects that should be discussed diplomatically?  

THEY ARE NOT TRUMP - so stop copycatting Trump!  Tweeting his policies and decisions - that's the signature of Trump!  Only Trump can pull that off!

Trump is okay to do it. The Liberals cannot.

You are quite consistent with your double standards and selectiveness. 

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19 hours ago, betsy said:

I'm saying Trudeau is as much a violator of human rights (freedom to express and freedom of Religion) since he's also suppressing them. 


The Trudeau government is as much a violator of human rights as the Saudi government?


I mean, fine, don't like the guy - I'm not a fan either - but I suggest not to make such asinine comments, otherwise you'll continue your downward spiral towards becoming irrelevant on this forum. 

22 hours ago, betsy said:

In other words - we're bending over.  

So much so, that Canada is the only Western government that is speaking out against Saudis blatant human rights violations.

Your so-called arguments are so bizarre. 

22 hours ago, betsy said:

Because they tweet without thinking!  He's causing  dismal results FOR ALL CANADIANS! 

And in the next breath, you got your pompoms up for President Twitter. Jesus Christ betsy!

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15 hours ago, GostHacked said:


I am not sure you are on a page at all.  But you proved my point. Trudeau may have been doing it for a year or so. The Saudi's have been doing it for DECADES.  You obviously know the difference, but ignore it to make a failing argument.


At least, you admit that Trudeau has been violating human rights.  That's good.....a step in the right direction.   But, you're still struggling with the principle.  Boy, this is like pulling teeth......


Even if Trudeau has been suppressing freedom for only a month - he's still a violator of human rights.

You seem to be having a hard time getting this.   Here's the analogy again:  if Trudeau has been stealing  for only a week, and the Saudis have been thieving for decades - Trudeau is still a thief.  He still has no business  condemning the Saudis for stealing (and telling them to stop doing it)  - nor does he have any credibility in preaching against stealing.

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19 hours ago, Wilber said:

TDS. Another form. I can use labels to.


15 hours ago, GostHacked said:


I am not sure you are on a page at all.  But you proved my point. Trudeau may have been doing it for a year or so. The Saudi's have been doing it for DECADES.  You obviously know the difference, but ignore it to make a failing argument.


Gosthacked gives lopsided rationale the same way you do.   Arguing with Gosthacked is like arguing with you.  Both of you struggle with getting it.


  You two would  make a perfect couple. :)

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2 hours ago, marcus said:


The Trudeau government is as much a violator of human rights as the Saudi government?


I mean, fine, don't like the guy - I'm not a fan either - but I suggest not to make such asinine comments, otherwise you'll continue your downward spiral towards becoming irrelevant on this forum. 

So much so, that Canada is the only Western government that is speaking out against Saudis blatant human rights violations.

Your so-called arguments are so bizarre. 

And in the next breath, you got your pompoms up for President Twitter. Jesus Christ betsy!

I don't have the time to explain to you - review the exchanges on this thread.   Coming on board swinging without knowing what's what, is ignorant.

That's the easiest and fastest way to sink to the irrelevancy bottom of ANY board. 





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2 hours ago, betsy said:


At least, you admit that Trudeau has been violating human rights.  That's good.....a step in the right direction.   But, you're still struggling with the principle.  Boy, this is like pulling teeth......


Even if Trudeau has been suppressing freedom for only a month - he's still a violator of human rights.

You seem to be having a hard time getting this.   Here's the analogy again:  if Trudeau has been stealing  for only a week, and the Saudis have been thieving for decades - Trudeau is still a thief.  He still has no business  condemning the Saudis for stealing (and telling them to stop doing it)  - nor does he have any credibility in preaching against stealing.

We have every right to tell the Saudi's to pound sand. Unless you want their form of Islamic law running Canada. Careful what you wish for.

Saudi's killed scores in Yemen while you complain about Trudeau. What a wast of time.

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1 hour ago, GostHacked said:

We have every right to tell the Saudi's to pound sand.

Free speech.  Yep.....we've got the right to say it.   Freedom of speech.    But, don't be surprised by consequences.



Unless you want their form of Islamic law running Canada. Careful what you wish for. 

Saudi's killed scores in Yemen while you complain about Trudeau. What a wast of time.


I should be the one making that statement to you.   Dictatorship is awful - no matter what stripe it is. 

Letting and supporting anyone chip away at freedom, is a good way to lose it eventually. 


Now's the time to say it loud and clear to Trudeau:  What "standing up for human rights"  are you on about?   You're  a violator too!  Hypocrite!"




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40 minutes ago, betsy said:

Free speech.  Yep.....we've got the right to say it.   Freedom of speech.    But, don't be surprised by consequences.

You know where you can't have free speech?  Saudi Arabia.

Good think you live in Canada or they would throw you in jail for insulting the Royal Terrorist Saudis.

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5 hours ago, betsy said:

I don't have the time to explain to you - review the exchanges on this thread.   Coming on board swinging without knowing what's what, is ignorant.

Not betsy.

Suggesting Trudeau is a worse violator of human rights than Saudi Arabia is ignorant.

Berading Trudeau's government for giving their stance on a political issue on twitter and then celebrating President Twitter for his tweets is also ignorant.

Shame on you.

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