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Jerusalem is Israel's Capital...

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22 hours ago, Rue said:

No here it is.

Your attempt to deny the Jewish connection to Jerusalem by re-writing history and using the word control was clumsy and failed.


Where have I denied the connection?  Right, no where. It was the CONTROL of Jerusalem. Without the control the connection means nothing.

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On 3/11/2018 at 9:33 AM, Penderyn said:

Israel ceaeed to exist back in Roman times.  'Israel' is a product of Hitler.

Your first statement is ignorant. You falsely suggest that since there was no Jewish kingdom, Jews stopped living as a state. You are wrong and yet another

self proclaimed expert on Jewish history.  You of course missed the point which is Jews remained as a collective community within the area of Palestine even after they

ceased being its "ruler". The fact that there were other leaders, did not mean they did not remain as a collective community (state) with their own leaders and laws.

The myth that you have to control others to be considered a state or a collective is nonsense. 

Jews returned to Israel because they never left Israel and always remained connected to where they came from. That's precisely why they returned. They were indigenous to the lands they returned to. This idiot notion they should have made a state in Germany or as Churchill once felt make a state in Uganda missed the point as you and all those ignorant of Jewish history do. Israel is the indigenous land of the Jews. That's why they went back their. The false narrative that Jews were colonialists from Europe who moved there is just that. In fact the Arab League Armies were from Britiain and French colonial invented states. In fact the Arab League Armies like their governments were rub by the British, French, Nazi Germans then Soviets. The only non colonial indigenous people in the Middle East who refused to be colonial puppets were the Jews and Druze and certain Beduin tribes who in fact donated land to Jews and fought beside them along with the Druze. You clearly have no clue about the history of Jews and from the sounds of it could care less. No not all Jews who came to Israel were from Nazi Germany contrary to your false stereotype. In fact 700,000 Jews who started the nation were expelled from Arab nations. Most Jewish immigrants from Europe were not even German  but in fact came from other European states and they came not simply because of Hitler but because after the war, the nations liberated by the allies (the US, Britain) refused to  give back stolen businesses and properties to Jewish survivors. In the nations taken over by the Soviets, any Jew who did not swear allegiance to Stalin and denounce their Jewishness were arrested. But hey its easy just say Hitler did it. No Hitler may have implemented the holocaust but contrary to your simplistic stereotype it took a hell of a lot of people not just Hitler but in many countries to steal the property of and kill Jews, not that you noticed. I doubt you have a clue the UN refused to help Jews displaced after the war and turned its back on them. In fact Elenor Roosevelt the wife of the deceased Franklin Roosevelt, the High Commissioner for Jewish Refugees of the UN was ignored by them and it was she  single handedly who fought the world, the entire world after WW2 demanding Jews be allowed to go to Palestine as no one else wanted them in Europe but that was only the European Jews. Jews in the Middle East had been subject to attacks in all the pro Nazi Arab colonial empires sympathetic to Hitler and then the British after WW2 who occupied Palestine and tried to prevent a Jewish state to placate their Arab oil allies.

You know zero about Jewish history since the Roman  Empire ended.

Jews never stopped living as a collective community with its own leaders within the continuing change of rulers up until 1949.



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On 3/7/2018 at 12:31 PM, GostHacked said:

Without the control the connection means nothing.

No. The above is your subjective opinion. Its not a fact. Again you spew absolute decrees like you are some infallible Holy Gost.

Get off the toilet.

The Jewish connection to Jerusalem never ended. The fact Jews did not rule Jerusalem did not mean their spiritual connection to it ended. Its people never stopped living in Jerusalem and Palestine and never stopped their religious practices or living within their collective communities within Palestine. As numerous rulers came and went. Jews continued to live and survive following their own sets of rules and laws within the greater states imposed by rulers who came and went.

Your comment is stupid. If what you said is true, and you don't ever think when you write, then using your logic, since the Israelis rule the West Bank the Palestinian feelings towards it mean nothing.

Palestinians have never controlled anything. They have never been a nation. In fact the term Palestinian as its used today only  came about in 1967 and means a Muslim who wants a Sharia law state in Israel, Jordan and the West Bank and wants to live under sharia law and expel Jews and Christians and any other Muslim with a land title, which is in fact how the PA and Hamas define the word.

A collective of Muslims in specific geographic areas whose sole vision is wanting a sharia law state where Jordan and Israel are now situated and who do not control that land they want is exactly what Palestinians are.

The  actual fact is Palestinians are no more or less connected to where they live than Israelis are. That is the only fact. The rest is your contradictory subjective bull shit.

Collectives like Jews, Palestinians, don't exist only when they control land. They both have equal rights to call themselves what they want and claim connections to the land. Neither is right or wrong. You choose to ignore the Jewish connection in favour of the Palestinian one. 

You show just how full of shit you are because Palestinians control no land yet you side with their claim to take over Israel and turn it into a sharia law state.



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1 hour ago, Rue said:

No. The above is your subjective opinion. Its not a fact. Again you spew absolute decrees like you are some infallible Holy Gost.

Get off the toilet.

The Jewish connection to Jerusalem never ended. The fact Jews did not rule Jerusalem did not mean their spiritual connection to it ended.


Nowhere have I denied the spiritual connection.

1 hour ago, Rue said:

You show just how full of shit you are because Palestinians control no land yet you side with their claim to take over Israel and turn it into a sharia law state.

Conjecture and projection.

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14 hours ago, Rue said:

Your first statement is ignorant. You falsely suggest that since there was no Jewish kingdom, Jews stopped living as a state. You are wrong and yet another

self proclaimed expert on Jewish history.  You of course missed the point which is Jews remained as a collective community within the area of Palestine even after they

ceased being its "ruler". The fact that there were other leaders, did not mean they did not remain as a collective community (state) with their own leaders and laws.

The myth that you have to control others to be considered a state or a collective is nonsense. 

Jews returned to Israel because they never left Israel and always remained connected to where they came from. That's precisely why they returned. They were indigenous to the lands they returned to. This idiot notion they should have made a state in Germany or as Churchill once felt make a state in Uganda missed the point as you and all those ignorant of Jewish history do. Israel is the indigenous land of the Jews. That's why they went back their. The false narrative that Jews were colonialists from Europe who moved there is just that. In fact the Arab League Armies were from Britiain and French colonial invented states. In fact the Arab League Armies like their governments were rub by the British, French, Nazi Germans then Soviets. The only non colonial indigenous people in the Middle East who refused to be colonial puppets were the Jews and Druze and certain Beduin tribes who in fact donated land to Jews and fought beside them along with the Druze. You clearly have no clue about the history of Jews and from the sounds of it could care less. No not all Jews who came to Israel were from Nazi Germany contrary to your false stereotype. In fact 700,000 Jews who started the nation were expelled from Arab nations. Most Jewish immigrants from Europe were not even German  but in fact came from other European states and they came not simply because of Hitler but because after the war, the nations liberated by the allies (the US, Britain) refused to  give back stolen businesses and properties to Jewish survivors. In the nations taken over by the Soviets, any Jew who did not swear allegiance to Stalin and denounce their Jewishness were arrested. But hey its easy just say Hitler did it. No Hitler may have implemented the holocaust but contrary to your simplistic stereotype it took a hell of a lot of people not just Hitler but in many countries to steal the property of and kill Jews, not that you noticed. I doubt you have a clue the UN refused to help Jews displaced after the war and turned its back on them. In fact Elenor Roosevelt the wife of the deceased Franklin Roosevelt, the High Commissioner for Jewish Refugees of the UN was ignored by them and it was she  single handedly who fought the world, the entire world after WW2 demanding Jews be allowed to go to Palestine as no one else wanted them in Europe but that was only the European Jews. Jews in the Middle East had been subject to attacks in all the pro Nazi Arab colonial empires sympathetic to Hitler and then the British after WW2 who occupied Palestine and tried to prevent a Jewish state to placate their Arab oil allies.

You know zero about Jewish history since the Roman  Empire ended.

Jews never stopped living as a collective community with its own leaders within the continuing change of rulers up until 1949.



The point, quite simply, is that the current Nazi colony in Palestine is a product of racist European nationalism.    Many persons born Jewish hated everything Jewry stood  and decided their future was to become yet another boring, tedious Volk after the Nazi model, while their Great Model murdered  normal decent Jewish people.   The Zionists, of course,  mainly got out in plenty of time.

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8 hours ago, Penderyn said:

The point, quite simply, is that the current Nazi colony in Palestine is a product of racist European nationalism.    Many persons born Jewish hated everything Jewry stood  and decided their future was to become yet another boring, tedious Volk after the Nazi model, while their Great Model murdered  normal decent Jewish people.   The Zionists, of course,  mainly got out in plenty of time.

No the point is not simple. You call it simple because you project your own simplistic stereotypes to complex historic conflicts. The fact you use a term like Nazi colony of Palestine shows you have a pronounced anti Israeli and anti semitic bias. Calling Israelis Nazis engages in holocaust inversion. Its an old and tiresome anti-Semitic device.

Next you pose as if you spoke with and represent now th eopinions of  as you call them, "many persons born Jewish hated everything Jewry stood(sic) and decided their future was to become yet another, boring tedious Volk after the Nazi model...while the Great Model murdered normal decent Jewish people."

You create then project your own bizarre conceptualization of " many persons born Jewish" who supposedly  "hated everything Jewry stood (sic)". Who are these Jews and how did you determine they exist. What method did you use to determine and  identify them and their opinions? You of course did nothing of the sort. You simply invented this category and it represents a figment of your projections of Jews. They don't exist. Go on prove they exist. Provide how you determined them. Which method of measurement and verification did you engage in?

Then you make the comment that the Zionist concept of the collective Jewish identity is based on "Volk" and the Nazi model. This then renders how lacking in credibility your comments and shows your complete and utter ignorance as to what Zionism is.

All you have done is recycle the Zionists are Nazis canard. Its not original however in each and every anti Israeli thread its only a matter of time until an anti semite like you equates Israelis as Nazis.


The Zionism is racism (Nazism) canard is  old and was created in fact by the KGB. Palestinians that are anti Israeli openly supported Hitler and to this day Hamas, Hezbollah and the PA openly applaud Hitler and their terrorists goosestep and give the Nazi salute.


I myself would not waste any energy explaining the difference between Nazism and Zionism to  you other than to provide these and to say seeing you on this thread should be no surprise to anyone:



When you are done with your pathetic attempts to slur Jews and Israelis as Nazis go provide the Zionist literature and bring it here and show where it defines Jews as a race, let alone a superior race. Go show where it defines the Jewish collective as a race based on superior genetic codes. Lol.

You are a fool. You haven't got a clue that Jews are not a race we are a collective based on many things OTHER than race. We have used dna to prove our ancestors came from Israel contrary to people like you pretending we are  not real but that is about it. We Jews would never claim we are a race. We are like all humans a mix of many peoples and we range from pale white to dark black with every variation in between including Indian and Chinese.

Run along and burn a cross on someone's lawn and stop using a thread on Jerusalem as a pretense to spew hatred about Jews.

You do  have one use. You show how the anti Israeli left and the neo Nazi right speak the same language and prove my point as to what fascists the whole lot of you are posing as trendy leftists. Zeig Heil.




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On ‎3‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 12:31 PM, GostHacked said:

Where have I denied the connection?  Right, no where. It was the CONTROL of Jerusalem. Without the control the connection means nothing.

In every one of your posts. Its there for anyone to read. Do your fly  up. If you point that thing and then deny its tiny, its kind of silly don't you think?

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2 minutes ago, Rue said:

In every one of your posts. Its there for anyone to read. Do your fly  up. If you point that thing and then deny its tiny, its kind of silly don't you think?

Where have I denied the connection? Care to show me where I made the error? You show me exactly that and I will concede.

I'll wait.

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On ‎3‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 2:46 PM, GostHacked said:

Jews can claim some historical religious connection to Jerusalem which I am not denying at all. However, you must have a nation to claim a city as it's capital. And you must remain in control of the capital.

Your posing as thinking you can tell we Jews what we can claim is ignorant, bigoted  and patronizing. You have zero role in telling any Jew what we can and can not think. This delusion you have that you tell Jews what we can think is past pathological on this and other threads-it shows an engrained superiority complex, an uncontrolled, pathological drive to control and put Jews in our place Herr Gost. Sorry those days are over Herr Gost. You don't get to tell us where to walk, how to talk, what to wear.

Next using your comment " you must have a nation to claim a city as its capital and you must remain in control of the capital is hilarious. According to that reasoning Israel has the only right to Jerusalem at this time.

I point that out because when I point out how stupid  and contradictory your comments  have become you call it conjecture. No its your own  words.

How about you read your own words above before you write as you did:

"That backs up my argument more than it does for Rue's."

In fact you contradict everything you stated about why Jews should have no capital in Jerusalem with the above statement. Lol.

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On ‎3‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 9:22 PM, maymoon said:

I don't think there would be any issue with the wall if it was within the internationally recognized Israeli territory. The problem with the legality of the wall is that it cuts well into Palestinian land. In some cases, the wall isolates and separates Palestinian land from other Palestinian areas, including schools and hospitals.

Many, including myself, see the wall not just as a defensive measure, but also as a way to continue to annex Palestinian land. 


I would disagree with your assessment that the Palestinians are their own worst enemy. I would argue their worst enemy are the right wing Israelis who continue to want to take as much as land as possible and the neighbouring Arab governments who have chosen to respond to the financial and diplomatic incentives given to them by the U.S. government. In some ways I understand why these Arab governments do this. These governments (Jordan, Gulf States, Egypt and Saudi) know that without the diplomatic and financial incentives, they would very quickly lose power.

I don't agree that the Palestinians don't deserve a Palestinian State or that Israel should be given a pass for their numerous illegal actions because Hamas came to power. Before Hamas came to power, the PLO, who eventually and officially accepted a Palestinian State were in power. Israel continued to annex land and violate the rights of the Palestinians. I find it wrong to try to deflect and shift the blame on the Palestinians for what Israel is doing.

The PA is definitely not innocent. At the same time, the PA's corruption is not an excuse to not criticize Israel's actions. I believe Israel is the major culprit. They have never shown real intentions to allow a Palestinian State to be formed.


Your bottom line is that. I disagree that it's up to Israel to decide on Jerusalem. If we continued to allow the status quo to continue, Israel would continue to do what it has been doing in the past several decades. Which is to continue to annex Palestinian land. Unfortunately, one Israeli government after another, to different degree, have continued the same status quo. I don't think Israel has any appetite to change the course. There needs to be some accountability.  I am still not convinced the BDS is the right approach, to push Israel to do the right thing. I feel that it will only push Israel to isolate itself and the people in Israel, just like most other people around the world, will end up backing their government, when they feel that they're being attacked. The question is, how can the rest of the world empower the people in Israel to stop supporting their government's illegal actions? How do we get these people to find empathy and sympathy for each other? Is this even possible?

In regards to  your first sentence and second sentence you've never been to Israel and therefore your opinions mean very little. You have no clue as to the actual nature of the proximity between Palestinian terrorists and Israeli citizens-none, not a clue and that means your opinion is necessarily defective. Its based on arm chair conjecture from a sheltered world where you have never walked or lived in a world of  terrorists. The wall by the way separates as many Israelis as it does Palestinians from schools and hospitals but yah you knew that,. You also knew that what you call  "Palestinian land" is an assumption you make based on your political bias. Internationally recognized Israeli territory does not exist. The Arab League of nations and majority of UN nations will not recognize any Jewish state. Yah you knew that.  Next under international law no Israel border has ever been defined. Yah you knew that. Next, any internationally recognized Israeli border can not FORCE Israel to agree to a border that would endanger its citizens and expose them to terrorist attacks. Yah you knew that.

Yah you also know since the wall went up in-coming terror attacks from the West Bank all but stopped. This is why now people like you who don't see the wall as a defensive measure are considered idiots by people like me. You have no clue how many terrorists attacks used to come in from the West Bank and how they stopped after the wall went up. Not a clue.

I disagree with your third paragraph because unlike  you I have lived and worked in Israel, the West Bank, the Sinai and Jordan as a volunteer. What I know first hand and you have no clue about is that the so called right wing parties you talk about have names. You haven't a clue who those parties are. What you clearly can't fathom is that these right wing parties are empowered because they are fueled by Palestinian terrorism. Their existence is fed by Palestinian terrorism. If there was no Palestinian terrorism their very raison d'etre would end.  Their purpose of demanding absolute defense to terrorism of Palestinians would end. The quickest way to empower Israeli moderates and enable us to reach out to Palestinian moderates is to disarm and defang terrorists no different than the British had to do with the IRA before peace talks could come about.

You have no clue what I stand for or how I defend Palestinian rights. You assume because I fight Palestinian terrorism, I hate all Palestinians. I do not and I am typical of who you would meet in Israel, someone not formally religious and who is forced to fight because the PA who you defend have a charter calling for  violence and terror as  justifiable means to destroy Israel. The PA and Hamas and indeed their bretheren on this form call for the one state solution. You do know what that is hmmm? Its a euphemism for killing all the Jews and turning Israel Jordan and the West Bank into a sharia law state. See that is the difference between us. I have lived there. I know the difference between an Israel and a Palestinian, an extremist terrorist Palestinian from a moderate one and a moderate Israeli from what you think are extremist ones.

I have always defended the right for Palestinians to  have a state. I have always challenged their refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. I have always challenged their belief that the only solution as it says in their charter is one sharia law state where Israel, Jordan and the West Bank are. Unlike you I deal with what the PA and Hamas actually stand for. I don't pretend they recognize an Israeli state and simply want to live side by side Israel and are picked on for no reason and that the only problem is caused by Israeli settlers. I don't buy that shit you do because my life is not dependent on reading web-sites about conflict zones I claim to be an expert on its about living with the very people you assume to know and watching them die.

You blame Israel all  you want. In my analysis I don't blame either side. That is nonsensical. In any conflict there is no side that is worse or more evil or badder as you say more to  blame. That is bullshit. Its a rationalization for you having an anti Israeli bias. In my analysis both sides are equally as culpable for the conflict for many complex reasons. There is no culprit. What there is, and you really do need to appreciate is a Muslim religion that defines Jews as well as other non Muslims as not being equal to Muslims. Its called sharia law and dhimmitude. It is the belief no Jew can own land and therefore have their own state. Its a religious belief. As long as it prevails and as long as Islam teaches its people Jews and non Muslims are dhimmi, second class without the right to own land, this conflict will continue. Its not an accident the PA, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, ISIL, Islamic Jihad, Intifada, Fatah Hawks and Eagles, quote the Koran and justify their political views of the denial of a Jewish  as Muslim religious beliefs they quote from the Koran.

You live in some antiseptic wifi world of sound bite articles written by people who have no clue about Jewish history, the Muslim religion or the extent of terrorism on the West Bank and in Gaza not to mention the Muslim on Muslim violence in the Middle East that has gone on for 4,000 years. The dispute over Palestine with Jews is but one of hundreds of thousands of disputes with Muslims all across the world and particularly in the Middle East.



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54 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

Where have I denied the connection? Care to show me where I made the error? You show me exactly that and I will concede.

I'll wait.


Posted March 1

The Jews lost ancient Israel centuries ago. Why do the Jews get their land back after all this time?

Posted March 1

How am I misrepresenting the Jewish connection? There is a difference between having connection and having control. The control aspect is what I was speaking of.

Posted March 1

The Jews lost a long time ago. What's the complaint here?

Posted March 1

So was there ever a time where Jews were not on CONTROL of Jerusalem?

Posted March 1

I thought this was about moving Israel's capital to Jerusalem and recognizing all of Jerusalem as part of Israel.  Hence it is about control.

Posted March 1

What is the relevance to the Jews not being in control of Jerusalem for centuries? The fact is Jerusalem has been in Jewish control (again) for only the last 80-100 years..

Posted March 1

I guess my statement should be that Jerusalem has only been back in Jewish control for about the last 80 years.


Posted March 3

Jews can claim some historical religious connection to Jerusalem which I am not denying at all. However, you must have a nation to claim a city as it's capital. And you must remain in control of the capital. There were centuries where the Jews simply did not control Jerusalem. 

Posted March 7

Where have I denied the connection?  Right, no where. It was the CONTROL of Jerusalem. Without the control the connection means nothing.

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The thing about you which is clear for all to see Mr. Gost is that you deny Israel's right to claim Jerusalem as its capital saying its spiritual connection is not relevant only actual control of it is relevant. Then you state Israel has been in control of Jerusalem 80 years but continue to deny it should have Jerusalem as its capital not withstanding that control.

Oh let's summarize what your words I reproduced show shall we Mr. Gost....:

1. You are  quick to deny in the very same sentence what you contend, i.e., your March 7 post where you stated and I quote without the control the connection means nothing which clearly denies the Israeli connection to Jerusalem and therefore the right that comes from that connection.

2. Your attempt to back step and play semantics with the words "connection" and "control". You make it clear Israel's spiritual connection is irrelevant to its right to call Jerusalem its capital. You try defend that argument of saying the Jewish spiritual connection does not create a right to call Jerusalem the Jewish capital because without control it means nothing.

3. You admit Israel has been in control of Jerusalem 80 years but oopsy even though Israel has controlled Jerusalem 80 years its not relevant to you. Lol.

4. I also showed in a previous reply you of course hide from this statement: "you must have a nation to claim a city as its capital".  Lol, when you are told Israel is a nation you ooopsy skipped responding to that comment.

5. You have now three times denied that  the words you stated " Without control the connection means nothing."  denies Israel's right to the capital of Jerusalem. Once in the very sentence when you first stated it.

Now Mr. Gost denial is a sad thing. Its also the largest river in the world.

Go spin out of this one. Lol.

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45 minutes ago, Rue said:

Posted March 1

The Jews lost ancient Israel centuries ago. Why do the Jews get their land back after all this time?

Posted March 1

How am I misrepresenting the Jewish connection? There is a difference between having connection and having control. The control aspect is what I was speaking of.

Posted March 1

The Jews lost a long time ago. What's the complaint here?

Posted March 1

So was there ever a time where Jews were not on CONTROL of Jerusalem?

Posted March 1

I thought this was about moving Israel's capital to Jerusalem and recognizing all of Jerusalem as part of Israel.  Hence it is about control.

Posted March 1

What is the relevance to the Jews not being in control of Jerusalem for centuries? The fact is Jerusalem has been in Jewish control (again) for only the last 80-100 years..

Posted March 1

I guess my statement should be that Jerusalem has only been back in Jewish control for about the last 80 years.


Posted March 3

Jews can claim some historical religious connection to Jerusalem which I am not denying at all. However, you must have a nation to claim a city as it's capital. And you must remain in control of the capital. There were centuries where the Jews simply did not control Jerusalem. 

Posted March 7

Where have I denied the connection?  Right, no where. It was the CONTROL of Jerusalem. Without the control the connection means nothing.

So again, no where have I denied the connection. I was speaking to control. It's would be good to understand the difference.

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36 minutes ago, Rue said:

2. Your attempt to back step and play semantics with the words "connection" and "control". You make it clear Israel's spiritual connection is irrelevant to its right to call Jerusalem its capital. You try defend that argument of saying the Jewish spiritual connection does not create a right to call Jerusalem the Jewish capital because without control it means nothing.


There were no semantics.   Connection without control really means nothing. 


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14 hours ago, Rue said:

No the point is not simple. You call it simple because you project your own simplistic stereotypes to complex historic conflicts. The fact you use a term like Nazi colony of Palestine shows you have a pronounced anti Israeli and anti semitic bias. Calling Israelis Nazis engages in holocaust inversion. Its an old and tiresome anti-Semitic device.

Next you pose as if you spoke with and represent now th eopinions of  as you call them, "many persons born Jewish hated everything Jewry stood(sic) and decided their future was to become yet another, boring tedious Volk after the Nazi model...while the Great Model murdered normal decent Jewish people."

You create then project your own bizarre conceptualization of " many persons born Jewish" who supposedly  "hated everything Jewry stood (sic)". Who are these Jews and how did you determine they exist. What method did you use to determine and  identify them and their opinions? You of course did nothing of the sort. You simply invented this category and it represents a figment of your projections of Jews. They don't exist. Go on prove they exist. Provide how you determined them. Which method of measurement and verification did you engage in?

Then you make the comment that the Zionist concept of the collective Jewish identity is based on "Volk" and the Nazi model. This then renders how lacking in credibility your comments and shows your complete and utter ignorance as to what Zionism is.

All you have done is recycle the Zionists are Nazis canard. Its not original however in each and every anti Israeli thread its only a matter of time until an anti semite like you equates Israelis as Nazis.


The Zionism is racism (Nazism) canard is  old and was created in fact by the KGB. Palestinians that are anti Israeli openly supported Hitler and to this day Hamas, Hezbollah and the PA openly applaud Hitler and their terrorists goosestep and give the Nazi salute.


I myself would not waste any energy explaining the difference between Nazism and Zionism to  you other than to provide these and to say seeing you on this thread should be no surprise to anyone:



When you are done with your pathetic attempts to slur Jews and Israelis as Nazis go provide the Zionist literature and bring it here and show where it defines Jews as a race, let alone a superior race. Go show where it defines the Jewish collective as a race based on superior genetic codes. Lol.

You are a fool. You haven't got a clue that Jews are not a race we are a collective based on many things OTHER than race. We have used dna to prove our ancestors came from Israel contrary to people like you pretending we are  not real but that is about it. We Jews would never claim we are a race. We are like all humans a mix of many peoples and we range from pale white to dark black with every variation in between including Indian and Chinese.

Run along and burn a cross on someone's lawn and stop using a thread on Jerusalem as a pretense to spew hatred about Jews.

You do  have one use. You show how the anti Israeli left and the neo Nazi right speak the same language and prove my point as to what fascists the whole lot of you are posing as trendy leftists. Zeig Heil. 




That Nazis lack foreskins doesn't make them Jews.    The Zionists, as you know, always detested traditional Jewry.   Who do you believe is interested in your standard racist hogwash?

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On ‎07‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 8:39 PM, Bonam said:

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. The parts of Jerusalem west of the 1967 borders are indisputably part of Israel. There should be no problem for any country to locate its embassy in west Jerusalem. No country needs to "recognize" that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel... it's a simple fact: it is. We don't need other countries to agree that Ottawa is the capital of Canada or Washington DC is the capital of the USA, they just are. Countries get to pick their own capital cities. 

Who needs 'Israel'?

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On 3/13/2018 at 7:58 PM, GostHacked said:

So again, no where have I denied the connection. I was speaking to control. It's would be good to understand the difference.

.Without the control the connection means nothing. 

The above are your words. I also reproduced not just the above words but all your other posts indicating you denied having a connection to Jerusalem historically  gives Israel the right to call Jerusalem its capital. You then try a stupid, clumsy attempt at semantics trying to deny your denial that Israel has no right to Jerusalem by trying to create an artificial argument that when you say having a connection means nothing, it doesn't deny that connection. Oh no you didn't deny it, you just denied it has any relevance.

Not only do you want to play that stupid pathetic attempt at semantics, but then you claim control and nationhood are the only qualifications for being allowed to claim a city its capital, admit Israel has controlled Jerusalem 80 years but still argue it has no right to Jerusalem and then you come back denying your contradictions not once but 5 times with me.

This is why you have zero credibility. You don't have the balls when you are  clearly exposed contradicting yourself to know when to walk away. Its not the first or the last.

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21 minutes ago, Rue said:

.Without the control the connection means nothing. 

The above are your words. I also reproduced not just the above words but all your other posts indicating you denied having a connection to Jerusalem historically  gives Israel the right to call Jerusalem its capital. You then try a stupid, clumsy attempt at semantics trying to deny your denial that Israel has no right to Jerusalem by trying to create an artificial argument that when you say having a connection means nothing, it doesn't deny that connection. Oh no you didn't deny it, you just denied it has any relevance.

Not only do you want to play that stupid pathetic attempt at semantics, but then you claim control and nationhood are the only qualifications for being allowed to claim a city its capital, admit Israel has controlled Jerusalem 80 years but still argue it has no right to Jerusalem and then you come back denying your contradictions not once but 5 times with me.

This is why you have zero credibility. You don't have the balls when you are  clearly exposed contradicting yourself to know when to walk away. Its not the first or the last.

As Hitler said, Might is Right.   Heil Netemyahu and the Master Race!

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19 minutes ago, Rue said:

.Without the control the connection means nothing. 

The above are your words. I also reproduced not just the above words but all your other posts indicating you denied having a connection to Jerusalem historically  gives Israel the right to call Jerusalem its capital. You then try a stupid, clumsy attempt at semantics trying to deny your denial that Israel has no right to Jerusalem by trying to create an artificial argument that when you say having a connection means nothing, it doesn't deny that connection. Oh no you didn't deny it, you just denied it has any relevance.

Not only do you want to play that stupid pathetic attempt at semantics, but then you claim control and nationhood are the only qualifications for being allowed to claim a city its capital, admit Israel has controlled Jerusalem 80 years but still argue it has no right to Jerusalem and then you come back denying your contradictions not once but 5 times with me.

This is why you have zero credibility. You don't have the balls when you are  clearly exposed contradicting yourself to know when to walk away. Its not the first or the last.

As Hitler said, Might is Right!  Heil Trump and the Master Race

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2 hours ago, Rue said:

.Without the control the connection means nothing. 

The above are your words.

And I stand by them. There was no denial of the connection,  I was talking about control but you chalked that up to semantics and said that I was denying the connection. Which is incorrect.  So the problem is not in my statements but how you incorrectly interpret them.

I also appreciate the fact you did not use Herr Gost in that post. That's a welcome change.

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