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East Jerusalem does not belong to Israel.


When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always. Gandhi

1 hour ago, Hudson Jones said:

East Jerusalem does not belong to Israel.


source:   https://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/qa/what-is-grandiose-delusional-disorder

What is grandiose delusional disorder?


A person with grandiose delusional disorder has an over-inflated sense of worth, power, knowledge, or identity. The person might believe he or she has a great talent or has made an important discovery.



I come to you to hell.

Posted (edited)
46 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

According to Israel they do control all of Jerusalem. So at the moment, it does. 


For most of us who are supporters of Israel  we don't define Jerusalem by simplistic notions such as control.

We in fact recognize a complex series of religious and spiritual connections as well as practical and physical realities.

We also know damn well what neighbourhoods are lived in or "controlled"  by Ultra-orthodox Jews, ( many who do not recognize the state of Israel's existence), non religious Jews, Muslim Israelis, Christian Israelis and non Israeli citizen Christians and Muslims.

 We see Jerusalem as a tri-cultural city that will always hold religious meaning to at minimum Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

In an ideal world if there was no terrorism there would be a trilateral city with no need for an Israeli military presence.

Unlike you I don't presume and I have the right to tell any citizen of Jerusalem a damn thing. I  treat them all as equal in rights and beliefs. I don't define them by what they control or don't control. That to me is a stupid and idiotic fiction you fabricated because you like to hear yourself fart out loud.

 I do not presume to tell any Israeli or Palestinian a damn thing. Not a damn thing. They will come up with their own solutions and they will.

One day when terrorism ends these things will sort themselves out in spite of people like you, Hudson Jones, Marcus et al egging on Jews and Palestinians like pit bulls in a dog fight. 

That's our difference.  I am proud to say I rehabilitate dogs abused by people like you and those dogs taught me never to give up in believing goodness prevails despite people like you.



Edited by Rue

I come to you to hell.

On 3/13/2018 at 8:02 PM, GostHacked said:

There were no semantics.   Connection without control really means nothing. 


You just denied connection has any relevance for the sixth time.

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I come to you to hell.

On 3/14/2018 at 8:27 AM, Penderyn said:

That Nazis lack foreskins doesn't make them Jews.    The Zionists, as you know, always detested traditional Jewry.   Who do you believe is interested in your standard racist hogwash?

Your statement above shows what level of discourse you are at.

Zionists don't detest traditional Jewry or anything else. The fact that they define Jews as a national collective means they define Jews not just by their religious beliefs but cultural, ethnic, social and political beliefs and needs. Zionism does not define Jews as a race let alone a superior race let alone superior to anyone or anything.

You like most anti semitic bafoons have no clue what Zionism stands for. Go on provide one word from any Zionist that defines Jews as a race let alone a superior one like Nazis did Germans. Go on find one word from me on this board where I stated Jews were a superior race or that I even believe in using "races" to define anyone.

It does not exist.

You need to go back to Stormfront.

I come to you to hell.

25 minutes ago, Rue said:

You just denied connection has any relevance for the sixth time.

Incorrect, I said it was meaningless.  But you know, that's just anti-semantics.

27 minutes ago, Rue said:


For most of us who are supporters of Israel  we don't define Jerusalem by simplistic notions such as control.

That's all fine, but that does not go against what I said.

To have a nation, you have to be in control of the land that the capital resides in.  Canada cannot call Ottawa the capital without being in control of the land in which Ottawa is in.  Before the re-creation of Israel as a modern nation in 1948 indicates that Jews were not in control of Jerusalem. Now after 1948 and the declaration by Israel saying that Jerusalem is their capital can only be done if they were in CONTROL of Jerusalem.

Not sure why this is difficult to understand. I am being very clear and concise, but you will always assume I am not posting in good faith. That's a problem for you, not me.

Now I will not deny the spiritual connection, never have, never will. But to claim a city as your capital you need to be in control of it. Plain and simple. Otherwise my understanding of nation-states is incorrect.

Now I have corrected myself on my own, no thanks to you and others who want to throw insults like Herr Gost, around. I now know that Israel has absolutely taken control of all of Jerusalem. I looked that up on my own after you and another disrespectful member kept pushing back and not giving a lick of evidence. No evidence, just insults, over and over again.

And even with that statement where I corrected Pendryn inidicating that Jerusalem is controlled by Israel,  you still want to come at me and claim what I put forth is incorrect. Citing semantics between the difference of control and connection.

Have Jews had a spiritual connection to Jerusalem during the hundreds of years of the diaspora? Yes indeed.

Have I denied that? No.

Will you contest that again.  Yes you will I can bet on it.


Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser

ohm on soundcloud.com

2 hours ago, Rue said:

We in fact recognize a complex series of religious and spiritual connections as well as practical and physical realities.


In what order?  If its the supernatural nonsense first then it's no wonder the whole shebang is FUBAR.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

16 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Danzig does not belong to Poland.

Meh...BC's salmon belong to Ottawa but Alberta's oil belongs to Alberta...

That's the beauty of flung shit, you can make it into anything you like.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

18 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


Thucydides, actually. Hitler quotes should be accurate. Your concept that Jews are Nazis is laughable. 

Thucicides said something like it, but not very.   Who said Zionists were Jews?   Nazi are Nazis everywhere, whatever their ludicrous racist excuses for capitalist colonialism.

Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Rue said:

Your statement above shows what level of discourse you are at.

Zionists don't detest traditional Jewry or anything else. The fact that they define Jews as a national collective means they define Jews not just by their religious beliefs but cultural, ethnic, social and political beliefs and needs. Zionism does not define Jews as a race let alone a superior race let alone superior to anyone or anything.

You like most anti semitic bafoons have no clue what Zionism stands for. Go on provide one word from any Zionist that defines Jews as a race let alone a superior one like Nazis did Germans. Go on find one word from me on this board where I stated Jews were a superior race or that I even believe in using "races" to define anyone.

It does not exist.

You need to go back to Stormfront.

Try reading someone - Koestler, for instance - who knows something about the matter, and stop quacking your ludicrous Nazi drivel.

Edited by Penderyn
5 hours ago, Penderyn said:

Try reading someone - Koestler, for instance - who knows something about the matter, and stop quacking your ludicrous Nazi drivel.

Try understanding that even trying to talk down to me and pose as someone superior because you read the above abd think Jews are Kazars is hilarious.

Lol. Run along and waste the Stormfront act with someone else.

I come to you to hell.

21 hours ago, Rue said:

source:   https://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/qa/what-is-grandiose-delusional-disorder

What is grandiose delusional disorder?


A person with grandiose delusional disorder has an over-inflated sense of worth, power, knowledge, or identity. The person might believe he or she has a great talent or has made an important discovery.

I'm glad that you're able to self-diagnose.

Good on you Rue. That's the first step towards becoming a better person. 

Second step is to acknowledge the facts and reality, like for example, East Jerusalem does not belong to Israel. Israel has illegally annexed East Jerusalem and all jurisdictions, outside of Israel, agree with this simple fact. 

Here is Canada's and the rest of the world's on:

Status of Jerusalem

Canada considers the status of Jerusalem can be resolved only as part of a general settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. Canada does not recognize Israel's unilateral annexation of East Jerusalem.



When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always. Gandhi

5 hours ago, Penderyn said:

Thucicides said something like it, but not very.   Who said Zionists were Jews?   Nazi are Nazis everywhere, whatever their ludicrous racist excuses for capitalist colonialism.

Now you want to name drop Thucicides. Lol.

Capitalist colonialism. Nazis everywhere.

Your words evidence the sentiments of someone who has never worked a day in his life or left Mummy and Daddy's basement, lives on the internet, read some philosophy and now thinks he can project on the world simplistic labels to explain things that frighten him and he does not understand. Nazis everywhere. Capitalist colonialism.

Yep that's one way to evidence how simplistic and rigid your perceptions of the world are. Lol. Nazis. Capitalist colonialists.  Yes Sir. Those are some deep, profound insightful labels. 

Congrats. You are now God. Thou hast commanded. Look upon ye capitalist colonialist Nazi sinners! Sinners they be! Cast them out!

Ahahahah. Arm chair Marxist preachers. Ahahahahah.


I come to you to hell.

On 12/6/2017 at 7:05 PM, Scott Mayers said:

I'm a bit surprised no one else here even mentioned it yet. What do you guys think?

This thread is locked.

If you wish to continue this discussion, feel free to create a continuation thread entitled Jerusalem is Israel's Capital...Part 2.  If the jokers avoid personal attacks, I may merge it back into this original thread for continuity. 

We do not have time for a meeting of the flat earth society.

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