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Canadian Immigration

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On 17/05/2017 at 0:41 PM, Rue said:

You back to bait? Here I am.

" bad skin complexion, tiny dill pickle, premature baldness, bad teeth, well they do make it hard to get a date  "

Rue 1176




Why should I bait? I was responding to JBG. You decided to intervene.

4 hours ago, Rue said:


The words you stated were and  quote: " Preferably fewer immigrants from muslim countries and more jews must be welcomed to Canada."

Now you want to pretend your concern is Muslim terrorism?

I lived in one of those countries and witnessed Muslim terrorism first hand and it doesn't make me hate Muslims.

"The boy ain' too bright- h keeps trying to deny the smell hoping no one notices the stain.."

Rue 1348

"so this dude in front of me in line was screamin all kinds of things  so  I patted him on his shoulder and asked-"say boy what gives-you got per -pants on  too tight or what?- well he turns around, notices the yamaka on my head,  shrieks  in horror and ran-the Muslim standing behind me says, don't worry ....must be some misunderstanding , you aint ain that much of a big shot.."

Rue 1652






Which Muslim country did you live? Id you say you have lived there then you know what kind of savagery goes on there.

I didn't say I hate all Muslims. I just don't want them to come to Canada. Most of the terrorism is done by the Muslims.

Why do you have a problem with me saying Jews are welcome to Canada? They are surrounded with Muslim countries.


Goh Shenas 1666    


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To reiterate my opinion, and brings things back on topics, immigration is one of the biggest, costliest programs the federal government operates. Yet decisions on how many immigrants and what type are made by cabinet for political reasons. Witness Trudeau promising more family class (the second worst performing group, economically) increasing refugees (the worst performing group) and bringing in more seniors, who will require expensive health care but won't be paying anything into it.

Canadian immigration numbers and types ought to be decided by professionals in keeping with demographic and economic analyses. The immigrants brought here should be, except in humanitarian cases, able to support themselves and contribute to the tax base in at least equal amounts to what they receive in services. That means we should recruit and give preference to those with the most marketable skills from the regions which produce the most economically successful, and culturally comparable immigrants.

At the moment, given government figures, that means Europe, India, and the Philippines should be given preference. People from the Middle East, China and North Africa should be given a much lower priority, as government figures show these areas produce the least economically successful immigrants and their cultures are not a harmonious fit with ours.

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44 minutes ago, Argus said:

The immigrants brought here should be, except in humanitarian cases, able to support themselves and contribute to the tax base in at least equal amounts to what they receive in services.

No they should just have to be likely to be be net contributors to the economy within a few years of arrival. How much money they put in government coffers is not how you measure the economic contribution of person in a service based economy unless you don't understand economics. We have millions of net contributors that don't pay taxes. A senior living off their savings, a business owner that invests all his profits back into the company, or depreciates or takes depreciation on capitalizable assets. A student that is going to school to acquire the skills to make this country successful in the future. A corporation that pays all its net profits out in dividends. A house flipper that builds or buys a house and lives in for a year then sells it tax free (but increases the size of the money supply by the size of his loan and spends that all into the economy creating jobs for other Canadians).

In a service based economy the most important thing you can do for the economy is to buy goods and services from others. Taxation is a tiny bit player. 


At the moment, given government figures, that means Europe, India, and the Philippines should be given preference. People from the Middle East, China and North Africa should be given a much lower priority, as government figures show these areas produce the least economically successful immigrants and their cultures are not a harmonious fit with ours.

A regional policy would still be stupid though, because even if theres a lower percentage of good immigrants in those other areas there is still millions of useful people that could contribute. So if you want to increase the amount of people we let in for economic reasons that's fine, but any individual from anywhere should have a chance to be considered based on that new criteria.

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12 hours ago, Omni said:

Obviously you don't know much about the country in which you live. It was built by immigrants and also native people. Study a little history might be a good idea for you. Perhaps people might take you seriously after.  

I know plenty about this country. And I know that extremist far left people like yourself are out to destroy it. Canada was built by Caucasians. Indians did nothing with the place, and still do nothing. Perhaps if you studied your history a lot more, I could then have a decent conversation with you, and people might start to take you seriously. But I do not see that happening for a long time yet. First thing you need to do is ween yourself away from liberal extremist propaganda brainwashing. 

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7 hours ago, Rue said:

Doesn't take much to summarize your agenda. The thing is you can't even admit its not white skins you defend. Yah tell this Jew you are concerned about my white skin.


Like I have mentioned many times before. I am a pro-white activist looking out for white interests. I am getting fed up with watching my people get the raw end of the deal these days. I am pretty sure that you are pro-jewish also, eh? And I will bet that you would not find anything wrong with being just that, eh? Why is it that people like you seem to have this hatred for white people who show an interest in their race? We always have to be deemed to be racist or white supremos or Nazi. Why? Can you explain this one to me? Over. 

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

I know plenty about this country. And I know that extremist far left people like yourself are out to destroy it. Canada was built by Caucasians. 

Since youre throwing around stupid accusation, can please link me a single extreme opinion that Omni has ever had? I'm not saying he hasn't had any but I have seen one.

Is this like one of those Argus insults where fling your own feces at the wall, hope something sticks, then abandon thread when youre asked to back your shit up?

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4 minutes ago, taxme said:

Like I have mentioned many times before. I am a pro-white activist looking out for white interests. I am getting fed up with watching my people get the raw end of the deal these days. I am pretty sure that you are pro-jewish also, eh? And I will bet that you would not find anything wrong with being just that, eh? Why is it that people like you seem to have this hatred for white people who show an interest in their race? We always have to be deemed to be racist or white supremos or Nazi. Why? Can you explain this one to me? Over. 

"White people" are not your race. You don't speak for them. You don't represent them. And most white people find white nationalism just as disgusting as anyone else. White people don't have a homogeneous set of "interests", they are a collection of individuals with diverse interests and every opinion under the sun. 

White people are ashamed of people like you so stop trying to pretend you are looking out for anyone besides yourself.

Edited by dre
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8 minutes ago, taxme said:

I know plenty about this country. And I know that extremist far left people like yourself are out to destroy it. Canada was built by Caucasians. Indians did nothing with the place, and still do nothing. Perhaps if you studied your history a lot more, I could then have a decent conversation with you, and people might start to take you seriously. But I do not see that happening for a long time yet. First thing you need to do is ween yourself away from liberal extremist propaganda brainwashing. 

Apparently you know very little about this country. Go to google perhaps (you've heard of it eh)? and find out who built the CPR.

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2 minutes ago, dre said:

Since youre throwing around stupid accusation, can please link me a single extreme opinion that Omni has ever had? I'm not saying he hasn't had any but I have seen one.

Is this like one of those Argus insults where fling your own feces at the wall, hope something sticks, then abandon thread when youre asked to back your shit up?

I have plenty of websites to back me up, and I have mentioned many here already. Obviously, you have not taken the time or even bothered to go check them out. Your problem, not mine. Far left extremist liberals here can never produce any proof of anything understandable or truth or fact. They just like to brainwash anyone who will listen to their drivel. 

Omni likes to try and teach and preach liberalism. One of the most stunned ism's alongside communism on earth.  

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15 minutes ago, dre said:

Since youre throwing around stupid accusation, can please link me a single extreme opinion that Omni has ever had? I'm not saying he hasn't had any but I have seen one.

Is this like one of those Argus insults where fling your own feces at the wall, hope something sticks, then abandon thread when youre asked to back your shit up?

I think to this guy saying you like to put a "liberal" amount of butter on your toast makes you an extremist.

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10 minutes ago, taxme said:

I have plenty of websites to back me up, and I have mentioned many here already. Obviously, you have not taken the time or even bothered to go check them out. Your problem, not mine. Far left extremist liberals here can never produce any proof of anything understandable or truth or fact. They just like to brainwash anyone who will listen to their drivel. 

Omni likes to try and teach and preach liberalism. One of the most stunned ism's alongside communism on earth.  

Ok... try to follow along. You accused him/her of being an extreme leftist, and I asked you to name an extreme position he has taken. You replied with some nonsense that did not even attempt to constitute a germane reply.

Lets try it again... go slow... think it through.

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26 minutes ago, dre said:

No they should just have to be likely to be be net contributors to the economy within a few years of arrival. How much money they put in government coffers is not how you measure the economic contribution of person in a service based economy unless you don't understand economics. We have millions of net contributors that don't pay taxes. A senior living off their savings, a business owner that invests all his profits back into the company, or depreciates or takes depreciation on capitalizable assets.

All of those require the individual to have their own money. And actually, even there the net contribution is debatable. Is a senior really a net contributor even if they have their own savings? If they have a LOT, perhaps. But a lot live mainly on pensions, and consume an awful lot of health care resources. I'm not begrudging that, except in the case of immigrant seniors, but merely stating it.

26 minutes ago, dre said:

A student that is going to school to acquire the skills to make this country successful in the future.

A student contributes nothing. They might well in future. But at the moment, unless they have their own sources of income they're using other people's money, including that of the government which largely funds their education. That money would otherwise be spent on something else, so I fail to see the net contribution.

26 minutes ago, dre said:

In a service based economy the most important thing you can do for the economy is to buy goods and services from others. Taxation is a tiny bit player. 

If it were that simple we'd simply bring in tens of millions of third world people and put them on welfare. What a boon that would be for the economy! Think of all the goods and services they'd consume!

26 minutes ago, dre said:

A regional policy would still be stupid though, because even if theres a lower percentage of good immigrants in those other areas there is still millions of useful people that could contribute.

I grant you the case. However, the government has been trying for decades to figure out which immigrants are likely to succeed and which aren't. And given the deteriorating economic success of immigrants it isn't very good at it.

There is a reason why business would rather hire graduates from Harvard than the University of South Dakota. That doesn't mean there might not be great people at USD but the odds are better at Harvard. What we do know about the reasons for economic success is that strong familiarity with English (or French in Quebec) is extremely important, as is education in a recognized university (preferably western) or skills training and experience at a level similar to what is practiced here. Immigrants from China and the Middle East generally have none of this, which is probably why they perform poorly.

26 minutes ago, dre said:

So if you want to increase the amount of people we let in for economic reasons that's fine, but any individual from anywhere should have a chance to be considered based on that new criteria.

That's not the case now and nobody seems bothered.

I mean, it's not like we currently asses ALL applicants world-wide, and decide which of them is the best. That's not how it's done. Each visa processing centre is allotted a specific number of visas at the beginning of the year, and that is how many immigrants can come from there. So there might be twenty five thousand great applicants from the UK and Ireland, but that hardly matters if the London visa centre only has 10,000 visas to hand out.. Fifteen thousand or so are out of luck no matter how spectacular their applications. Meanwhile, applicants to the Beirut centre might find it easier going.


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1 hour ago, Argus said:

If it were that simple we'd simply bring in tens of millions of third world people and put them on welfare. What a boon that would be for the economy! Think of all the goods and services they'd consume!


No no no... To be a net contributor you need produce or cause to be produced more than you consume. A permanent welfare recipient clearly does not do that. However the immigrant unemployment rate is only a tiny bit higher than the unemployment rate as a whole, so this is normally not the case.


A student contributes nothing.

That's a narrow view. Educating people to provide the skills the economy needs is one of the most important economic activities we engage in. You need to look at the big picture. That senior has paid into his pension and payed taxes his whole life, and is now spending the proceeds into the economy. Seniors right now are creating a massive amount of jobs in health care, and assisted living, and they are paying for a lot of it themselves, or their families are paying for it.


And given the deteriorating economic success of immigrants it isn't very good at it.

At least part of that is our own fault. We have an obsession with regulation and compliance, that prevents many immigrants and Canadians as well from applying their skills. There's all kinds of barriers that we create. For example... we have a chronic shortage of family physicians, but thousands of good doctors who have aced our medical exams and gotten certified, still cant work because they cant get residency slots, and because the certification process is controlled by "medical associations" that also negotiate for doctors wages, and have an interest in creating artificial scarcity to drive up prices.


That's not the case now and nobody seems bothered.

Well, I wouldn't say I'm "bothered". This is a super easy place to make money and have a good life. Immigration policy has not been a barrier to my success. But I do agree we should bring in the right immigrants for our economy. Sometimes those people will be highly skilled professionals, and sometimes they will be laborers.

In any case if the economy is your concern there's a lot of bigger fish to fry than immigration. We should try to build a more productive activity. Canadian business owners lack creativity and innovation. We are too used to just cutting down trees, or digging holes in the ground.

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1 hour ago, dre said:

No no no... To be a net contributor you need produce or cause to be produced more than you consume. A permanent welfare recipient clearly does not do that.

I was pointing out your argument was not very nuanced. You don't contribute simply by buying goods and services. Therefore, how economically successful immigration is depends on who we bring in, and what they can command in the way of earnings.

1 hour ago, dre said:

However the immigrant unemployment rate is only a tiny bit higher than the unemployment rate as a whole, so this is normally not the case.

A minimum wage earning immigrant isn't productive either, at least not in a welfare state.

1 hour ago, dre said:

That's a narrow view. Educating people to provide the skills the economy needs is one of the most important economic activities we engage in.

Granted. But the student him/herself is not a producer. They're either living off their parents or off government grants, and in neither case are they paying the real cost of their education.

1 hour ago, dre said:

You need to look at the big picture. That senior has paid into his pension and payed taxes his whole life, and is now spending the proceeds into the economy.

Perhaps. But seniors today didn't contribute nearly enough to result in the pensions they're getting from government. The contribution rates were too low.

1 hour ago, dre said:

Seniors right now are creating a massive amount of jobs in health care, and assisted living, and they are paying for a lot of it themselves, or their families are paying for it.

A lot of people are paying for it. Seniors did not contribute enough for their pensions, and unless they have big savings are not paying for today's health care with their money. Health care has always been a system whereby young people pay for the health care of their seniors. Todays seniors were lucky in that when they were young health care contributions were low because health care costs were (comparatively) much lower.

1 hour ago, dre said:

At least part of that is our own fault. We have an obsession with regulation and compliance, that prevents many immigrants and Canadians as well from applying their skills. There's all kinds of barriers that we create. For example... we have a chronic shortage of family physicians, but thousands of good doctors who have aced our medical exams and gotten certified,

The problem with doctors being unable to get internships and residencies is a result of governments trying to keep the numbers low so as to keep health care costs low. They could increase the number any time they wanted to. As to the rest, the problem lies in trying to verify the credentials of immigrants from parts of the globe where corruption is endemic, and the quality of local universities or colleges is unknown. Add in a serious problem with language skills and things are unlikely to get better.

1 hour ago, dre said:

In any case if the economy is your concern there's a lot of bigger fish to fry than immigration. We should try to build a more productive activity. Canadian business owners lack creativity and innovation. We are too used to just cutting down trees, or digging holes in the ground.

Our problems are many, including no free trade between provinces and massive government red tape, which is increasing not decreasing. But immigration is an enormous program with a barely understood cost, being run to the benefit of politicians, not the country. And it not only has a deleterious impact on budgets and the economy but poses risks of creating large ethnic enclaves with values and beliefs hostile to ours.

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9 hours ago, Goh Shenas said:

Why should I bait? I was responding to JBG. You decided to intervene.

Which Muslim country did you live? Id you say you have lived there then you know what kind of savagery goes on there.

I didn't say I hate all Muslims. I just don't want them to come to Canada. Most of the terrorism is done by the Muslims.

Why do you have a problem with me saying Jews are welcome to Canada? They are surrounded with Muslim countries.


Goh Shenas 1666    


I have a problem because I think your words from past posts indicate you hate not just Muslims nd Jews and a lot of other groups of people.

I have a problem with people using such threads to make passive aggressive hate comments and dilute the subject being discussed.

I have a specific problem with you being unable to admit what you actually stand for as well.

Yah I got a problem with mama's basement posers.

Save the Madonna dance routine.

" uh say now Donny Osmond wants to sing Hava Nagilah...no wonder we invented Uzis...."

Rue 1742

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6 hours ago, taxme said:


Omni likes to try and teach and preach liberalism. One of the most stunned ism's alongside communism on earth.  

speaking about stunned isms...this coming from someone who professes white-skinism? Really?

" I mean really being an Albino is a drag man...we get sun burned real easy man and chicks don't dig my blue veins...."

Edgar Winter speaking to Rue, BB King and Charlie Musselwhite, 1963, in Memphis at the Albino Blues festival


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7 hours ago, taxme said:

Like I have mentioned many times before. I am a pro-white activist looking out for white interests. I am getting fed up with watching my people get the raw end of the deal these days. I am pretty sure that you are pro-jewish also, eh? And I will bet that you would not find anything wrong with being just that, eh? Why is it that people like you seem to have this hatred for white people who show an interest in their race? We always have to be deemed to be racist or white supremos or Nazi. Why? Can you explain this one to me? Over. 

MY PEOPLE, go on spit it out, define them. Who is YOUR PEOPLE. Clearly they aren't  white Jews, white Muslims, white gays, whiote communists, white Liberals, whites who don't abide by your beliefs. So go on spit it out WHICH WHITES ARE YOUR PEOPLE.

YOUR PEOPLE? Go on define who qualifies as an acceptable white in need of your salvation.

"white people" uh but wait not white Jews, not white gays, not white Muslims, not white communists, not white Liberals...lol. You?

Go on explain who YOUR PEOPLE are and what you really advocate. Go on. What are you afraid of?  Explain how you are hard done by. Explain your programs to protect YOUR PEOPLE. Lol, do you have any policy or plan other than coming on this forum and refusing to admit your actual agenda? Lol.

"the idiot tried to burn a cross on my lawn and then asked why I thought he was starting  a fire....no one said these boys were swift"

Rue 1927

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4 hours ago, Rue said:

MY PEOPLE, go on spit it out, define them. Who is YOUR PEOPLE. Clearly they aren't  white Jews, white Muslims, white gays, whiote communists, white Liberals, whites who don't abide by your beliefs. So go on spit it out WHICH WHITES ARE YOUR PEOPLE.

YOUR PEOPLE? Go on define who qualifies as an acceptable white in need of your salvation.

"white people" uh but wait not white Jews, not white gays, not white Muslims, not white communists, not white Liberals...lol. You?

Go on explain who YOUR PEOPLE are and what you really advocate. Go on. What are you afraid of?  Explain how you are hard done by. Explain your programs to protect YOUR PEOPLE. Lol, do you have any policy or plan other than coming on this forum and refusing to admit your actual agenda? Lol.

"the idiot tried to burn a cross on my lawn and then asked why I thought he was starting  a fire....no one said these boys were swift"

Rue 1927

If one native indian can say "my people" than why can I not say the same thing?

The white people that I consider are my people are the ones that realize the importance of white people uniting against a common foe. The enemy that is out to destroy the white race. The others you mentioned above could careless as to what happens to their white race. They only have and show interests in themselves and their pet little projects and agendas which have no bearing on trying to save the white race at all. Some of them appear to just want to destroy their white race. There is no salvation with those fools. 

So, what is my actual agenda that you appear to be so afraid of, and appears to be hurting your sensitive feelings?


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4 hours ago, Rue said:

speaking about stunned isms...this coming from someone who professes white-skinism? Really?

" I mean really being an Albino is a drag man...we get sun burned real easy man and chicks don't dig my blue veins...."

Edgar Winter speaking to Rue, BB King and Charlie Musselwhite, 1963, in Memphis at the Albino Blues festival


You talk stupid, man. :blink:

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

The white people that I consider are my people are the ones that realize the importance of white people uniting against a common foe. The enemy that is out to destroy the white race.

I have to imagine "your" white people probably wear peaked hats, squeeze their noses to blow out snot on the street, and burn crosses. Not my white people I assure you.

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5 hours ago, Rue said:

I have a problem because I think your words from past posts indicate you hate not just Muslims nd Jews and a lot of other groups of people.

I have a problem with people using such threads to make passive aggressive hate comments and dilute the subject being discussed.

I have a specific problem with you being unable to admit what you actually stand for as well.

Yah I got a problem with mama's basement posers.

Save the Madonna dance routine.

" uh say now Donny Osmond wants to sing Hava Nagilah...no wonder we invented Uzis...."

Rue 1742

Dude what is your problem?

I was merely responding to a comment by JBG in an earlier post and you decided to intervene and now derail the topic by accusing me of hatred.

It shows ignorance when you don't even read posts and accuse others of hatred of jews/ muslims. I asked you a question about which Muslim country you have lived and you still have not answered.

Back to the topic I do not want to see excessive immigration of muslims to Canada because of terrorism. I want more peace loving jews to come to Canada. I love them. 

Fyi, I prefer Bob Marley and Snoop Dogg dance routine with a bit of hash.


Goh Shenas sticks the Uzi up....1768

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11 hours ago, dre said:

Ok... try to follow along. You accused him/her of being an extreme leftist, and I asked you to name an extreme position he has taken. You replied with some nonsense that did not even attempt to constitute a germane reply.

Lets try it again... go slow... think it through.

Read slowly. I will explain it to you. I mentioned to him that anytime someone who is showing any support for the Caucasian race or has conservative views and opinions is always called a far right racist or nazi. So, I decided that anytime someone like him says anything against pro-activist Caucasians or conservatism that I do not like to read I will call them a far left liberal extremists. He may not be an extremist but it's tit for tat. If one labels me with something, I will respond and label them back with something. Got it now? 

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