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Normandy Priest Butchered by ISIS


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Hollande: Deadly church attack in France carried out in name of ISIS

One of two suspects in a church attack that left a priest dead in northern France was known to anti-terror authorities after attempting a trip to Syria, a French anti-terrorism prosecutor said Tuesday.
Adel Kermiche, 19, was wearing an "electronic tag" during the deadly hostage incident at a Catholic church in the town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, prosecutor Francois Molins said.

ISIS "fighters" murdered a defenseless, gentle 84 year old priest in Normandy. This is one of the mounting number of attacks on defenseless people having nothing to do with the alleged "cause" of ISIS in the Middle East struggle. This is murder for the sake of murder.

Where are the campus movements? Where are posters such as Marcus? For that matter, where is any outrage? Has either U.S. Presidential candidate, Obama or Trudeau said anything?

No, that violates the politically correct "go along to get along" mentality. Revolting.

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Hollande: Deadly church attack in France carried out in name of ISIS

ISIS "fighters" murdered a defenseless, gentle 84 year old priest in Normandy. This is one of the mounting number of attacks on defenseless people having nothing to do with the alleged "cause" of ISIS in the Middle East struggle. This is murder for the sake of murder.

Where are the campus movements? Where are posters such as Marcus? For that matter, where is any outrage? Has either U.S. Presidential candidate, Obama or Trudeau said anything?

No, that violates the politically correct "go along to get along" mentality. Revolting.

What did France expect? France let them in by the thousands. Sweden and Germany are reaping what they have sown also. Trudeau would never condemn what those killers did. After all his excuse will be that not all Muslims are bad like that. Ya, maybe so, but which ones are? We have been lucky in Canada so far although there has been an incident where some Muslims got a little pushy with some Canadians in Halifax months ago.

Campus movements only go ballistic if they find out that a Conservative person did something like that. Political correctness has now gone mad.

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Are we getting to the point where nothing ISIS does surprises us anymore?

ISIS wants Sharia law for the world, and they won't stop until they get it. And that will not change until they are wiped out. Of course with western leaders these days, they appear to be supporting them for some unknown reason. Russia is the only country that is bombing the hell out of them. And Trump wants to put an end to them too, and he will, if he does become President.

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Count me among the outraged, but protesting ISIS atrocities sounds like a joke. And why would a presidential candidate be expected to comment on the atrocious actions of two teenagers in another country? They're just two worthless punks trying to get some kind of glory through cold-blooded murder. They are not at the front of a clash of civilizations. They're just garbage. Treat them as such.

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I know. If people think that the murder of a priest is not newsworthy, then maybe a cat fight...

Well one of the articles featured the non-fatal stabbing of aBelgian priest who refused to turn over his money to a person. The police said they "could not conclude" that terrorism was involved. Avoiding the obvious?

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Hollande: Deadly church attack in France carried out in name of ISIS

ISIS "fighters" murdered a defenseless, gentle 84 year old priest in Normandy. This is one of the mounting number of attacks on defenseless people having nothing to do with the alleged "cause" of ISIS in the Middle East struggle. This is murder for the sake of murder.

Where are the campus movements? Where are posters such as Marcus? For that matter, where is any outrage? Has either U.S. Presidential candidate, Obama or Trudeau said anything?

No, that violates the politically correct "go along to get along" mentality. Revolting.

Your grasp of basic logic is so tenuous its astounding its amazing you can function from day to day. The expression of outrage is partially based on shock and surprise. Nobody is surprised that ISIL does what they do... they are scum... violent ultra conservative religious thugs. People want them all dead. What would be the point of having a protest every time murders murder someone? What would a campus movement accomplish exactly?

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Well one of the articles featured the non-fatal stabbing of aBelgian priest who refused to turn over his money to a person. The police said they "could not conclude" that terrorism was involved. Avoiding the obvious?

Why is it obvious? Robbing people, including clergy and churches is not new.

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I think that these two were just the run of the mill murdering scumbags - but they are continuing the ISIS long term strategy:

1. Savagely kill innocent people and make sure of world wide media coverage.

2. Outrage in the West, airplanes into Middle East to kill terrorists but killing a lot of civilians in process.

3. Relatives of dead civilians (collateral damage) and other Muslim fanatics race to Middle East to support ISIS.

4. New recruits more than replace terrorists killed in bombings and the numbers increase.

5. Go to 1.

Looks like this Junior Varsity has created a loop which is causing absolute chaos in the Middle East and a refugee crisis affecting the whole world.

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I think that these two were just the run of the mill murdering scumbags - but they are continuing the ISIS long term strategy:

1. Savagely kill innocent people and make sure of world wide media coverage.

2. Outrage in the West, airplanes into Middle East to kill terrorists but killing a lot of civilians in process.

3. Relatives of dead civilians (collateral damage) and other Muslim fanatics race to Middle East to support ISIS.

4. New recruits more than replace terrorists killed in bombings and the numbers increase.

5. Go to 1.

Looks like this Junior Varsity has created a loop which is causing absolute chaos in the Middle East and a refugee crisis affecting the whole world.

Or we could go with:

1. Savagely kill innocent people and make sure of world wide media coverage.

2. Ignore it so there is no outrage, planes etc.

3. Savagely kill more innocent people because the last lot didn't make sure of world wide media coverage.

4. Ignore it so there is no outrage, planes etc.

5. Savagely kill even more innocent people because the last lot didn't make sure of world wide media coverage, and I mean, really try this time!

Nah, I'll stick with:

1. Savagely kill innocent people and make sure of world wide media coverage.

2. Die, with any luck.

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Or we could go with:

1. Savagely kill innocent people and make sure of world wide media coverage.

2. Ignore it so there is no outrage, planes etc.

3. Savagely kill more innocent people because the last lot didn't make sure of world wide media coverage.

4. Ignore it so there is no outrage, planes etc.

5. Savagely kill even more innocent people because the last lot didn't make sure of world wide media coverage, and I mean, really try this time!

Nah, I'll stick with:

1. Savagely kill innocent people and make sure of world wide media coverage.

2. Die, with any luck.

That is the kind of thinking that took them from a few thousand Sunni Iraqi soldiers who were fired by the Americans to the formidable world force which they are today. No wonder they are succeeding.

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That is the kind of thinking that took them from a few thousand Sunni Iraqi soldiers who were fired by the Americans to the formidable world force which they are today. No wonder they are succeeding.

Yes, because once they had killed just a few it would have been teatime, and then they would have had a rethink and had a shot at Cricket instead.

I never thought of that!

Edited by bcsapper
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I was just saying, if only we never responded to bloody murder their only option would be to give it up for sure, and take up Cricket instead.

We'd beat them then, by golly!

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The killers probably thought that people would be outraged because they killed a priest as it would be the biggest insult to muslims to attack a mosque and kill an imam.

However, they were wrong in that respect. People were outraged because the victim was an old man, not because he was a priest as in today's Europe the importance of religion has fallen to become almost irrelevant.

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The killers probably thought that people would be outraged because they killed a priest as it would be the biggest insult to muslims to attack a mosque and kill an imam.

However, they were wrong in that respect. People were outraged because the victim was an old man, not because he was a priest as in today's Europe the importance of religion has fallen to become almost irrelevant.

The killers killed the Priest as a religious statement to Christians.

People were outraged not because of the person's age but because of his being killed for being a Priest.

You can deny it all you want but it was an act against the Christian religion and the Priest was chosen not because he was an old man but because he was a Priest, a clergy, a symbol of the Christian Church.

With due respect you are out to lunch on this one. The age of the Priest is immaterial to the outrage shown by the public including Muslims who made a point of going to the church to sit with Christians and pray with them precisely to show they did not hate Christians and want Muslims to be associated with hating Christians. The Muslims showed up not because the Priest was old but because they felt there religion was misappropriated

to condone a violent religious attack on Christians. How you missed that is anyone's guess.

Your first sentence by the way makes no grammatical sense nor does it support your position.

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That is the kind of thinking that took them from a few thousand Sunni Iraqi soldiers who were fired by the Americans to the formidable world force which they are today. No wonder they are succeeding.

The fact you think terrorists are succeeding speaks for itself.

The fact you try blame other people for the actions of terrorists speaks for itself.

In your world a terrorist is not morally culpable for his choices-you simply define him as a victim of others with no freedom of thought, no responsibility for choosing terror.

The irony is you haven't a clue just how absurd your constant attempt at portraying terrorists as victims created by the West is or your claiming they

are succeeding. Succeeding at what?

Go on finish what you started. Explain to everyone the successes they have achieved.

Successful in what? Go on explain how killing people, raping and mutilating women and children, turning Muslim against Muslim, killing innocent

people and now a Priest is successful.

Who you chear lead terrorists calling their killings successful?. Golly gee No no that is not what you meant. Right.

Edited by Rue
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Being successful is defined as accomplishing an aim or purpose. ISIS, once considered a "Junior Varsity" team and dismissed by the West as harmless now controls a large part of the Middle East. I assume that their aim and purpose was to control a large part of the Middle East. Therefore anyone understanding the English language would consider ISIS to be successful.

Unsuccessful is defined as NOT accomplishing an aim or purpose. Zionists have been stealing Palestinian land and trying to convince the world that what they are doing is acceptable. The rest of the world does not believe the truth of that purpose. Therefore anyone understanding the English language would consider the the Zionists to be unsuccessful.

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ISIS, once considered a "Junior Varsity" team and dismissed by the West as harmless now controls a large part of the Middle East. I assume that their aim and purpose was to control a large part of the Middle East.

Their aim and purpose is to control everything, and to kill you into the bargain. Unless you convert, of course.

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