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Another Terrorist Attack in Canada

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You most certainly can find an awful lot who support violence, with no difficulty whatsoever. That's one of the reasons why terrorism thrives in the middle east, because so many Muslims, even if they eschew terrorism themselves, are highly sympathetic to the goals of the terrorist groups.

And on certain issues, finding a plurality isn't all that hard either. Murdering apostates, for example, or blasphemers.

In Canada?

Get a grip.


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How many times do you have to be told that there IS no difference. The mental competence of the individual highlighted in this topic is rightly in question - and that's why police did not call it a terrorist act - and to my knowledge still don't. There's a big, big difference between a mentally ill individual who hears voices - and those hordes of real terrorists who indiscriminately kill and main in the name of Allah. If you can find people who do likewise in the name of God or any other deity - they too would be terrorists. Are you getting it yet?

The only kind we've seen in Canada have been loonies or coaxed by cops.

This thread is about Canada.


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Trudeau stated yesterday that Canada is not at war with ISIS . This is interesting because ISIS has declared war on Canada and it's allies and attacked and murdered civilians in many NATO countries . Think France , Belgium and Turkey are impressed by the comment and timing of it ? Do you also think our other allies like the US , UK , Australia , Netherlands , Italy , Germany will be impressed with this misguided comment ? Justin has now displayed three traits from his father , wreck less spending habits , arrogance and speaking before thinking . Canada has become an international embarrassment when just ast year we where ranked most respected country in the world . Let me guess , Trudeau's plan is to get Ban Ki Moon to word a strong message verbally undressing ISIS for be mean while they murder , rape , enslave and destroy world historic sights and if they don't stop Canada will be forced to do another blanket drop and break out the mighty UN pen again . lol

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Prove to me that it is useful at all!

Where's the evidence?

Where's the accountability for effective use of our money?

So far we have a million dollars spent to CREATE fake terrorists out of handicapped people.

We pay your salaries for THAT!?!??!!

Pretty pathetic.


Since you've evaded answering my question as to why you used the term "your salaries", I have to assume from the nature of your posts that you are a First Nations person - one who might not consider themselves to be Canadian - and thus consider certain issues "us versus them".......or was it just a Freudian slip?

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Since you've evaded answering my question as to why you used the term "your salaries", I have to assume from the nature of your posts that you are a First Nations person - one who might not consider themselves to be Canadian - and thus consider certain issues "us versus them".......or was it just a Freudian slip?

Hmm ... you're very defensive about that.

I was speaking to any law enforcement/RCMP who might be browsing here, as they often do, expressing my outrage as a taxpayer that we paid $1m in salaries for them to victimize two mentally incompetent people, coaxing, teaching and supplying them with materials to commit a violent act ... then arresting them as 'terrorists'.

You arrived here on mlw telling us that 'law enforcement' has terrorist threats well under control.

Thanks for the opportunity to keep repeating and reinforcing my view that that was absolute NONSENSE, incompetence by police, politically motivated ... and EXPEN$IVE for Canadians.

That $1m doesen't even count the court time and salaries for the trial and now for the investigation of police entrapment.

That fake 'terrorist act' was funded by all Canadians, and we're still paying for it!!

Thanks again for the repeated opportunities to address this issue.


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Trudeau stated yesterday that Canada is not at war with ISIS . This is interesting because ISIS has declared war on Canada and it's allies and attacked and murdered civilians in many NATO countries . Think France , Belgium and Turkey are impressed by the comment and timing of it ? Do you also think our other allies like the US , UK , Australia , Netherlands , Italy , Germany will be impressed with this misguided comment ? Justin has now displayed three traits from his father , wreck less spending habits , arrogance and speaking before thinking . Canada has become an international embarrassment when just ast year we where ranked most respected country in the world . Let me guess , Trudeau's plan is to get Ban Ki Moon to word a strong message verbally undressing ISIS for be mean while they murder , rape , enslave and destroy world historic sights and if they don't stop Canada will be forced to do another blanket drop and break out the mighty UN pen again . lol

Are you deliberately dishonest or someone that only reads headlines?

"A war is something that can be won by one side or the other and there is no path for ISIL to actually win against the West," Trudeau said.

"They want to destabilize, they want to strike fear. They need to be stamped out."

Dion suggested the notion of labelling the fight against extremists as an actual war might simply be outdated.

"If you use the terminology 'war,' in international law it will mean two armies with respecting rules and it's not the case at all," Dion said.

"You have terrorist groups that respect nothing. So we prefer to say that it's a fight."

A fight, Dion added, that the West is determined to win. "Each of the attacks will only strengthen our resolve."


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The only kind we've seen in Canada have been loonies or coaxed by cops.


But to your way of thinking any time a Muslim engages in terrorism he is removed from the box that says "Muslim" and instead goes into the box that says "Loonie". This allows you to pretend there are no Muslim terrorists here.

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Trudeau stated yesterday that Canada is not at war with ISIS . This is interesting because ISIS has declared war on Canada

Harper was fond of saying that. Doesn't make it true.

Harper was a war monger, likely beholden to the war industry.

Harper was like the kid in the playground who would provoke people ...

"Let's you and him fight."

... while he's selling them both brass knuckles.

Harper bought right into ISIS' plan of provocation.

Just like Trump does ... letting ISIS push his buttons, overreacting, blaming and punishing all Muslims.

The backlash against all Muslims plays right into ISIS' plan.

Harper is gone now.

Hopefully cooler, smarter Canadian heads will prevail.

Warmongering is not our national style.

Justin has now displayed three traits from his father , wreck less spending habits ...

Auto correct contradictions are hilarious, eh?!?


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I don't recall making a claim that law enforcement agencies are only targeting brown people. However, we do have several members here who paint all of Islam as Islamists yet are able to distinguish Christian extremists from the rest of the flock. We also have men vying to be the leader of the most powerful nation in the world vowing to kill the family members of terrorists and put a permanent police presence in Muslim neigbourhoods. That's a problem.

My point here is that Our nations law enforcement agencies, take every threat seriously, regardless of color , race, religion that home grown extremists are hunted down with the same vigor as Muslim extremists regardless of what is said here or in forums across the country....And will be that way well into the future.

The reason we can separate Christian extremists from the flock is because the major of the population does not act in the same manner. most of us have the common sense to live within our laws and know what is socially right and wrong. Stoning your wife in public for your cheating is not socially accepted, nor is beating a young women to death over an accusation of burning a book. And yet all this videos clearly show there is not the same level of restraint in the average Muslim citizen....

Yes there has been some cases of this behavior in the west the LA riots are a sample of this behavior, those responsible were caught and put on trail, but these samples are very rare in our society , but when a closer look is made or typical Muslim countries one can not say the same thing, these things are common place..... Hard not to form an opinion when the facts are staring us in the face...

For the record the US presidential race is a concern for most Canadians, including myself, some of the candidates do have some very radical ideas , that seem to be gaining traction with US voters, not because they are Christian , racist but because they are running out of options on how to solve this problem of radical Muslims, people are concerned, and afraid for the future.... But in order for all this to happen a lot of existing laws and constitutional issues will have to be changed first, and I don't think the people of the US are ready to do that just yet....It is just candidates saying what they think the people want to here, more promises they never intend to keep or reality says can't be done...

We have Christian populations in the US inserting creationism into science class, creating laws that allow for discrimination against homosexuals and women, allowing business owners to inflict their religious views over the healthcare options of their employees, preventing people from dying with dignity, restricting feminine healthcare, etc. Religion is a problem, especially when used by authoritarian leaders, but that's not just a Muslim issue.

No one is saying it is just a Muslim issue, what they are saying is on the Muslim side of the house the problems are much larger, when was the last time here in the west a gay man was dragged into the streets and stoned to death....Even you must be able to see the difference or gap between our culture and theirs...You must see the speed at which our culture is evolving, and the speed at which theirs is, there is no comparison....

Same reasons as Hitler. People have been made to be angry and like to blame their problems on others, especially the very racist, Christian base.

Now who is talking smack, a comparison with Hilter, next we will be discussing concentration camps and the final solution. People are angry and concerned with the growing problem of ISLAM, so far there is no long term solutions being discussed, and people are willing to listen to or grab onto any straw put out there....And it is not just the Christian base or racists , it is much larger than that....

Lets not forget this is not a one way street we walk down, Racism is very much alive and well is Islam as well, to the point it is acceptable to drag those who do not share their believes into the streets and kill them with the support of the public....while we struggle with racism here in the west, we have very much moved beyond dragging people into the streets and killing them, while onlookers cheer them on....

There are no moderate Muslims eh? You have no credibility sir. I don't think I would fare too well if I burned a Koran in a Muslim country, nor would I if I burned an Eagles flag in an inner-city Philly neighbourhood. However, both acts seem like a ridiculous thing to do.

I did not say that there was no Muslim Moderates, I asked where they where in the videos I mentioned , I did not see any one man or women step forward and try to stop the horrific events that where taped, perhaps they feared for their lives, knowing very well anyone that stepped in to intervene would also become a victim.....And I get that, fear is a very powerful motivator , but it would also convince me that it would be a good time to re evaluate my believes , my culture and my religion.....it would be time for me to move my family to a safer place...It might even motivate me once in a safe place to speak out as many people have such as DR Wafa Sultan, an ex Syrian , EX Muslim does, she currently lives in the US and speaks out on the dangers of being Muslim and the religion.. She is on the intra net , she is a good orator, and has a lot of sound ideas, none of them radical , she does not preach hatred, what she does is speak common sense.... You might give her a look , and listen to her for 5 mins.....

While I doubt anyone would do the things I described, both would have very different consequences, one you would pay with your life, the other maybe a bloody nose.....but what if you had done them un intentional, such as thrown out some old books one happened to be a Koran, or you got in a fight with your wife about some cheating, and she was dragged out into the street.....

Ever been to China? That is an extremely different culture and we manage to coexist. We will always have problems with religion. Christians were slaughtering non-believers 500 years ago and now they aren't. The religion didn't vanish, the culture changed. Sure, Christianity is still a problem but not like it was. There are radicals like Pat Robertson, Bryan Fischer, Ted Cruz, etc. wanting to impose their extreme views on society but most don't. Similarly, some Muslims North Americans try to ensconce their religious ideas in secular law, but most don't. There does need to be a reformation of the culture in many Muslim majority societies and it is happening, just like it did in Christian societies in the past.

Your Us vs Them mentality based on religion is counterproductive. You come of like a man in a glass house throwing stones


No I have not been to China, but I have been to Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Afghanistan, Pakistan...And while there all have some beautiful countries, and I did get to meet some wonderful people, I was always grateful that I was a Canadian , and my family could grow up in our nation, and not face the day to day struggles Muslims face everyday....Most of them forced upon the population by religion, and culture.....

I don't have an us or them attitude, that is your perception, my opinions are based on years of experiences, and life events that are happening around us.

I have never said we live in a perfect society, but it seems perfect when compared to most Islamic states, or Muslim run countries....I make no excuses for our problems, but I also see through all the smoke and mirrors that surround the Islamic faith, and how they portray themselves as peaceful people....

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Most of Canada's Muslims were born elsewhere, mostly in the middle east. So yes, in Canada.


Most of Canada's Muslims fled here to get away from the fanatic violent extremists who were trying to oppress them.

Show me where Canadian Muslims support violence.



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My point here is

Who are you quoting/replying to?

... that Our nations law enforcement agencies, take every threat seriously, regardless of color , race, religion that home grown extremists are hunted down with the same vigor as Muslim extremists regardless of what is said here or in forums across the country....And will be that way well into the future.

The reason we can separate Christian extremists from the flock is because the major of the population does not act in the same manner.

Nor do the majority of Muslims.

Most of them fled here to be safe from the violent extremist minority.

most of us have the common sense to live within our laws and know what is socially right and wrong. Stoning your wife in public for your cheating is not socially accepted, nor is beating a young women to death over an accusation of burning a book. And yet all this videos clearly show there is not the same level of restraint in the average Muslim citizen....

Absolute nonsense!

You are close to hate speech against "the average Muslim citizen".

There are a million Muslims in Canada.

Mostly they aren't even noticeable because they are just average Canadians.

Yes there has been some cases of this behavior in the west the LA riots are a sample of this behavior, those responsible were caught and put on trail, but these samples are very rare in our society , but when a closer look is made or typical Muslim countries one can not say the same thing, these things are common place..... Hard not to form an opinion when the facts are staring us in the face...

You are talking about Muslim countries overrun by violent extremist fanatics.

This thread is about Canada, where innocent and peaceful Muslim people came here to get away from the violence and oppression ... and hate.

For the record the US presidential race is a concern for most Canadians, including myself, some of the candidates do have some very radical ideas , that seem to be gaining traction with US voters, not because they are Christian , racist but because they are running out of options on how to solve this problem of radical Muslims, people are concerned, and afraid for the future.... But in order for all this to happen a lot of existing laws and constitutional issues will have to be changed first, and I don't think the people of the US are ready to do that just yet....It is just candidates saying what they think the people want to here, more promises they never intend to keep or reality says can't be done...

Trump is gaining traction because it suits the military-industrial establishment to keep poor and gullible people living in fear of some enemy ... greases the wheels of their industry, ya know.

It's how the rich and powerful have always controlled and used the masses to fill their own agenda ... and their own bank accounts: Convince the gullible that they are under attack.

No one is saying it is just a Muslim issue, what they are saying is on the Muslim side of the house the problems are much larger, when was the last time here in the west a gay man was dragged into the streets and stoned to death....Even you must be able to see the difference or gap between our culture and theirs...You must see the speed at which our culture is evolving, and the speed at which theirs is, there is no comparison....

Homophobic attacks still happen here, and have nothing to do with Muslims.


I'm not justifying it. I'm saying we don't have a 'Muslim problem' in Canada that justifies hate speech.

I did not say that there was no Muslim Moderates, I asked where they where in the videos I mentioned , I did not see any one man or women step forward and try to stop the horrific events that where taped, perhaps they feared for their lives, knowing very well anyone that stepped in to intervene would also become a victim.....And I get that, fear is a very powerful motivator , but it would also convince me that it would be a good time to re evaluate my believes , my culture and my religion.....it would be time for me to move my family to a safer place...

Yes that is why they came to Canada.

Can you respect that?


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And I get that, fear is a very powerful motivator , but it would also convince me that it would be a good time to re evaluate my believes , my culture and my religion.....it would be time for me to move my family to a safer place..

But if you tried to move to a safe place you would be accused of being part of a muslim conspiracy to take over whatever safe place you were trying to move to.

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Harper was fond of saying that. Doesn't make it true.

Harper was a war monger, likely beholden to the war industry.

Harper was like the kid in the playground who would provoke people ...

"Let's you and him fight."

... while he's selling them both brass knuckles.

Harper bought right into ISIS' plan of provocation.

Just like Trump does ... letting ISIS push his buttons, overreacting, blaming and punishing all Muslims.

The backlash against all Muslims plays right into ISIS' plan.

Harper is gone now.

Hopefully cooler, smarter Canadian heads will prevail.

Warmongering is not our national style.

Auto correct contradictions are hilarious, eh?!


I am guessing you don't watch the news and haven't spent anytime in Europe lately ? ISIS has declared war on us weather our PM chooses to acknowledge that is irrelevant in their eyes . Canadians already realize that Justin is weak on public safety and international policy and affairs . Our allies will not be impressed with his comments and the inept timing . Why did the budget neglect public safety spending and military increases ? Pretty short sighted when ISIS is successfully killing innocent civilians world wide but Canadians have lowered expectations since we have a P/T drama teacher as PM. Maybe Trudeau should take a lead from PM Turnbull in Australia , he takes his citizens safety seriously and they appreciate it .

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I am guessing you don't watch the news and haven't spent anytime in Europe lately ? ISIS has declared war on us weather our PM chooses to acknowledge that is irrelevant in their eyes . Canadians already realize that Justin is weak on public safety and international policy and affairs . Our allies will not be impressed with his comments and the inept timing . Why did the budget neglect public safety spending and military increases ? Pretty short sighted when ISIS is successfully killing innocent civilians world wide but Canadians have lowered expectations since we have a P/T drama teacher as PM. Maybe Trudeau should take a lead from PM Turnbull in Australia , he takes his citizens safety seriously and they appreciate it .

Again, you are comfortable making things up. Canadians realize X, World leaders state Y. Quit the BS.

I pointed out previously that your comments about Trudeau and ISIS were false, so answer the question. Are you a fool or a liar?

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Again, you are comfortable making things up. Canadians realize X, World leaders state Y. Quit the BS.

I pointed out previously that your comments about Trudeau and ISIS were false, so answer the question. Are you a fool or a liar?

OTTAWA – National Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan’s admission that withdrawing Canada’s CF-18s from the fight against ISIS is not something our allies want is an admission of failure. Please start by explaining this one small example then I will send more to follow. As stated and admitted by Canada's Bad Ass defense minister Canada is out of step with our allies and viewed as a joke internationally . Dark and sad times indeed !

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Again, you are comfortable making things up. Canadians realize X, World leaders state Y. Quit the BS.

I pointed out previously that your comments about Trudeau and ISIS were false, so answer the question. Are you a fool or a liar?

Next week, defence ministers from the coalition partners are meeting in Paris to discuss further efforts to degrade the ability of ISIS to spread its terrorism and genocidal ideology. Sajjan has said he will not be attending the meeting.

“Is Minister Sajjan skipping the meeting to avoid the ire of our allies?” asked Paul-Hus. “Or is the minister already accepting the Liberal government’s self-imposed diminished role and reduced influence in the coalition?” Canadians would love to know what the Liberals plan is as well as our confused allies . So many questions for the Liberals to answer , so few answers but their blind supporters feel they have it figured out. " It's not so much that our Liberal friends are ignorant , it's just they know so much that isn't so. " Ronald Reagan

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Again, you are comfortable making things up. Canadians realize X, World leaders state Y. Quit the BS.

I pointed out previously that your comments about Trudeau and ISIS were false, so answer the question. Are you a fool or a liar?

Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Dion rejected France's declaration that it was "at war" with jihadists, just one day after the bombings in Brussels which killed more than 30 people and injured 270. Interesting , maybe ISIS is impressed with Trudeau and Dion's statement but the French and the rest of our allies will not be . Liberals fancy themselves isolationists I guess . NATO will have a Dunce Cap waiting for Trudeau at the next summit . At some point maybe you can shed some of your wisdom on this subject. Please also pass on your vast knowledge of our intentions to our allies as I bet they won't take calls from Ottawa any longer .

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Wow, quit the baseless assertions that the World believes X, Canadians think Y, Liberals must Z. Don't try to pass off your own opinions as the views of Canadians and the world...and read more than a headline before trumpeting what you think it means.

Now you're repeating the 'Trudeau says were not at war' BS that I already addressed here. http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums/topic/25641-another-terrorist-attack-in-canada/page-11#entry1148170

Trudeau and Dion simply said the term war is outdated when describing a fight against a terrorist group:

"A war is something that can be won by one side or the other and there is no path for ISIL to actually win against the West," Trudeau said.
"They want to destabilize, they want to strike fear. They need to be stamped out."
Dion suggested the notion of labelling the fight against extremists as an actual war might simply be outdated.
"If you use the terminology 'war,' in international law it will mean two armies with respecting rules and it's not the case at all," Dion said.
"You have terrorist groups that respect nothing. So we prefer to say that it's a fight."
A fight, Dion added, that the West is determined to win. "Each of the attacks will only strengthen our resolve."


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Wow, quit the baseless assertions that the World believes X, Canadians think Y, Liberals must Z. Don't try to pass off your own opinions as the views of Canadians and the world...and read more than a headline before trumpeting what you think it means.

Now you're repeating the 'Trudeau says were not at war' BS that I already addressed here. http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums/topic/25641-another-terrorist-attack-in-canada/page-11#entry1148170

Trudeau and Dion simply said the term war is outdated when describing a fight against a terrorist group:

"A war is something that can be won by one side or the other and there is no path for ISIL to actually win against the West," Trudeau said.

"They want to destabilize, they want to strike fear. They need to be stamped out."

Dion suggested the notion of labelling the fight against extremists as an actual war might simply be outdated.

"If you use the terminology 'war,' in international law it will mean two armies with respecting rules and it's not the case at all," Dion said.

"You have terrorist groups that respect nothing. So we prefer to say that it's a fight."

A fight, Dion added, that the West is determined to win. "Each of the attacks will only strengthen our resolve."


Please inform our allies of this world change in theatrical language , they would greatly appreciate it and it could help offset the negative attitudes they are forming about our passive isolationist government . ISIS is quaking when they hear Dion say our resolve strengthens . . like when we pull out our CF-18's that where pounding ISIS targets with great success according to our allies ? Please keep making apologies for Trudeau and his government , they greatly appreciate your blind support . Keep up the good work soldier .

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Please inform our allies of this world change in theatrical language , they would greatly appreciate it and it could help offset the negative attitudes they are forming about our passive isolationist government . ISIS is quaking when they hear Dion say our resolve strengthens . . like when we pull out our CF-18's that where pounding ISIS targets with great success according to our allies ? Please keep making apologies for Trudeau and his government , they greatly appreciate your blind support . Keep up the good work soldier .

Don't worry our international allies are able to read beyond headlines and a fourth grade level.

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Don't worry our international allies are able to read beyond headlines and a fourth grade level.

Is that why Canada got snubbed at the last meeting to discuss ISIS ? Did you read that in your " how to be a good little Liberal " hand book ? You really seem angry , please turn to " Sunny Ways " section for a time out . Thanks and best of luck with your new stretch goal of balancing the budget , what year was that again ? Losing track of all the broken promises combined with incoming excuses from Liberal flag wavers . You seem to be devoid of facts , preferring to dabble in rhetoric and platitudes . . go figure .

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Most of Canada's Muslims fled here to get away from the fanatic violent extremists who were trying to oppress them.

Drivel. There were lots of places they could have gone for that. They came here because we're a rich country. End of story. If we were poor we'd have no Muslims because they'd have gone elsewhere for their better lives.

Show me where Canadian Muslims support violence.

Almost two-thirds (65%) "repudiate absolutely" this Islamist terrorist organisation. On the other hand, a significant minority of respondents do not. As Winn and Leuprecht note, "From a security perspective, it is difficult to know if a 65% rate of repudiation [of Al Qaeda] is re-assuring or a 35% failure to repudiate troubling."

Also troubling is the news that only a small minority of Muslim newcomers surveyed unequivocally reject Hamas, Hezbollah, or the Iranian regime. Support for the Muslim Brotherhood was stronger than expected, and not limited to Muslims who emigrated from the Middle East. In findings that will reverberate in both immigration and security policy, support for extremism was found to be just as high among Muslims born in Canada or other industrialized countries as among those coming from oppressive dictatorships, and "the most radical political views tended to be expressed by relatively secular people, often equipped with higher education in the social sciences, while devout Muslims were sometimes the most articulate advocates for Canada and democracy."


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