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“The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit,” - Obama Admin Official

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Well now, this last post merely confirms #1.

Oh look another psychiatrist.

Lol. You do realize you just fed right in to the very phenomena I ridiculed.

Zip over his head again.

How about this one:

from Wikepedia;

"sheep have a deeply entrenched place in human culture, and find representation in much modern language and symbology. As livestock, sheep are most often associated with pastoral, Arcadian imagery. Sheep figure in many mythologies—such as the Golden Fleece—and major religions, especially the Abrahamic traditions. In both ancient and modern religious ritual, sheep are used as sacrificial animals."


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Being anti Israel is being anti-Semitic. They are one and the same. You cannot be against Israel without being against the Jews. I wonder how and why it became ok to hate the Jews again...

Wrong. Israel is a state whose religion is Judaism. Being anti-Israel is not being anti-semetic. That is ridiculous.

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Wanting Israel wiped off the map is antisemitic because Israel is set up as a Zionist state. So if Israel falls so to will the Jewish people cease to exist freely. They will once again become slaves. This is unacceptable to me. Siding with the Palestinians is antisemitism because if you side with them you are siding with Hamas and Fatah. Two groups who has the mantra of wiping Israel of the map. Do you see my rationale here?

So you would agree with the statement that EVERY and ALL religions should be given a state to exist within freely?

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Could it be Dre you in fact have a cognitive deficit or impairment impacting negatively on your reasoning ability and this makes me appear deluded to you and why you don't differentiate between, yourself (I), "you" (others) and "most of the members" (others) when you express your views?

Did you know as well Dre that paranoid reactions could be caused from a decline in brain circulation as a result of high blood pressure or stiffening of artery walls? Have you had any medical issues in this area?

Early onset of Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, brain tumours could also manifest such symptoms as could adverse reactions to drugs or mixing drugs and alcohol or hormonal imbalances that can come with aging.

This leads me to these concluding comments to Dre and I did take the time to respond because Dre you did say I never respond directly to the threads.

You exhibited the very qualities in your response to me you accused me of. I appreciate you felt the need to insult me and put me down.

I appreciate the need you needed to place yourself in the role of righteous one putting down the heretic.


I like that. I embrace you feeling the need to cast me from the heavens with a wave of your wand.

That is funny because of nothing else your need to belittle me shows you felt this need to judge and impeach me.

You have felt the need to accuse me of these things because clearly you can't address my arguements but feel the need to get at moi, the moi behind the words.

Say now, someone has pride and ego showing.

Rue has whats known in pshychiatric circles as a garden variety persecution complex. This causes him to subsitute the reality around him, with an alternate reality generated by his mind. Thats why its so hard to understand what the guy is saying... You will write something, and he will reply not to what you wrote, but instead to his own mental projection onto what you wrote. As most of the membership here as expressed at various times, it can be very confusing.

This is manifested in the constant labelling of anyone that disagrees with him as an "anti-semite", or a "racist", or "terrorist apologist", and in the kind of paranoid delusions you referenced in your post. And then after his constant barrage of insults, out comes the VICTIM CARD. "Youre insulting me!".

As hard as it is to believe, he REALLY DOES THINK, that he is in the midst of an anti-semitic conspiracy that wants to silence him and suppress his opinions. These kinds of demons are not easy to live with and we should all cut the guy some slack.

Dre and Rue - stop making this about each other and make it about the subject at hand.

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Wrong. Israel is a state whose religion is Judaism. Being anti-Israel is not being anti-semetic. That is ridiculous.

Wrong Israel is a state whose religion is Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahaiism, Atheism, Humanism, Druze.

The right to practice religions other than Judaism is enshrined in its laws. The state laws concerning Jews is as to citizenship as Israelis based on their being Jewish nationals not Jews who practice Judaism.

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So you would agree with the statement that EVERY and ALL religions should be given a state to exist within freely?

They do in Canada and Israel. Why are you asking him that? Captain Canada is very clear that he respects my right to practice Judaism in Canada as I do his religion. He also recognizes me as a Jew not just because of my religious beliefs but my collective Jewish identity. Captain Canada also already knows my religious beliefs are identical to his in that everything Jesus taught, we believe as Jews. The only difference in our religions is the belief of Jesus as THE son of God and not A son of God and in the grand scheme of things it means nothing-what counts is he is an ethical man whose beliefs like mine believe in a sancity of life. He also knows Israel enshrines in its laws protection of Christian rights and access to their land titles.

The state of Israel pays rent to Christian churches for the right to have built their knesset and government buildings on Christian titled lands.

Israel recognizes Canon law land title rights, the Muslims do not. The Palestinian Authority does not, Israel does.

Israel considers certain Christian sites sacred and protected and will protect them for Christians. It welcomes Christian tourists. It welcomes the support

of Christians who have formed extensive support networks not just for the state of Israel's charities but inter-faith groups across Canada.

I can have a debate with Captain Canada and he will most certainly disagree with some of my views and vice versa, but there is tolerance and respect. He will not kill me and try convert me.

Can I make that any clearer? Christianity and Judaism both continue to evolve and change. Part of it comes from our inter-faith dialogue. Some of the most brilliant Talmud Scholars are ironically Christian clergy who study them not just Jewish scholars and vice versa.

Some of the best explanations of Jewish religious concepts came to me by an Anglican Minister in university not a Rabbia. In fact that Minister inspired me to embrace certain Jewish concepts and taught me they were concepts all faiths follow.

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Wrong Israel is a state whose religion is Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahaiism, Atheism, Humanism, Druze.

The right to practice religions other than Judaism is enshrined in its laws. The state laws concerning Jews is as to citizenship as Israelis based on their being Jewish nationals not Jews who practice Judaism.

Wrong Israel has enshrined itself as a Jewish State in it's laws. Those laws do also provide the right to practice the other religions you mentioned which of course are only Abrahamic religions and also allows the irreligious to do their thing as well.

A state religion means that the countries political parties are often dominated by the enshrined state religion, which ultimately in the end means that the state looks out for said religion above all others. They may be able to exist without scrutiny but they obviously have very little say in matters of political importance. Which is fine and dandy just don't pretend that isn't the case.

Edited by PrimeNumber
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They do in Canada and Israel. Why are you asking him that? Captain Canada is very clear that he respects my right to practice Judaism in Canada as I do his religion. He also recognizes me as a Jew not just because of my religious beliefs but my collective Jewish identity. Captain Canada also already knows my religious beliefs are identical to his in that everything Jesus taught, we believe as Jews. The only difference in our religions is the belief of Jesus as THE son of God and not A son of God and in the grand scheme of things it means nothing-what counts is he is an ethical man whose beliefs like mine believe in a sancity of life. He also knows Israel enshrines in its laws protection of Christian rights and access to their land titles.

The state of Israel pays rent to Christian churches for the right to have built their knesset and government buildings on Christian titled lands.

Israel recognizes Canon law land title rights, the Muslims do not. The Palestinian Authority does not, Israel does.

Israel considers certain Christian sites sacred and protected and will protect them for Christians. It welcomes Christian tourists. It welcomes the support

of Christians who have formed extensive support networks not just for the state of Israel's charities but inter-faith groups across Canada.

I can have a debate with Captain Canada and he will most certainly disagree with some of my views and vice versa, but there is tolerance and respect. He will not kill me and try convert me.

Can I make that any clearer? Christianity and Judaism both continue to evolve and change. Part of it comes from our inter-faith dialogue. Some of the most brilliant Talmud Scholars are ironically Christian clergy who study them not just Jewish scholars and vice versa.

Some of the best explanations of Jewish religious concepts came to me by an Anglican Minister in university not a Rabbia. In fact that Minister inspired me to embrace certain Jewish concepts and taught me they were concepts all faiths follow.

You're not getting the point, the right to practice religion and an officially recognized state religion are two very different things. I'm not disputing the fact that Canada and Israel do not allow people to practice freedom of religion. He is saying that he recognizes a religious denominations right to have their own land set aside for their own Political use. All I said is would he then recognize any religions right to have their own land set aside for political use.

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No clearly you do not get the point. The land title that Jewish Israelis have in Israel is pursuant to the same land title rights Muslim and Christian Israelis have in Israel. You don't get land rights in Israel because you practice Judaism the religion.

That is not what Zionism is about and its not what it was ever about. I could be given Israeli citizenship if I chose. The state would give me law of return to Israel, however the Chief Rabbia of Israel does not consider me a Jew and would insist I go through a ritual to become one. How the state defines a Jew and how certain orthodox Jews define Jews are entirely different things and the religious definition of a person who practices Judaism is not the reason they are given law of return. There is no religion test before I get land rights. I go to Israel I would not own land unless I purchased it.

It is possible for a non Jew to become a citizen of Israel if they are crazy enough to want to live there with all the high taxes. All it means is they have to wait longer.

Both Jews, and non Jews also can get screened out for reasons of being security risks or for reasons of defrauding the immigration rules no different than the criteria we use in Canada for bogus refugees.

You might also want to try read the immigration laws of Israel before you keep engaging in hypotheticals that misstate its laws. You may also ask yourself whether a Jew can own land in a Muslim country let alone get citizenship.

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You might also want to try read the immigration laws of Israel before you keep engaging in hypotheticals that misstate its laws.

Quote the part where I engaged in a hypothetical and misstated an Israeli law.

I also never said that people in Israel do not have land title rights. Now you're just pulling arguments out of your ass that I have said nothing about. This is like talking to a brick wall.

But since you bring up land title rights...

How about when the Israeli government kicks Palestinian people out of their own homes throwing their furniture on the streets to make room for a Jewish family to move in? Claiming that it's illegal for a muslim to live in that neighbourhood but it's legal for a Jew to move in the same day they kick them out. Giving them no restitution for the money they have lost. A family that now lives on the street. Because Israel deemed it illegal for a muslim to live in that home.

Which of course is why Israel has been condemned twice by 158 out of 166 nations in one vote, and 160 nations out of 171 nations in a 2nd vote, in the United Nations Assembly for making illegal settlements that violate the 4th Geneva Convention. But that's okay to you I'm sure because they never had the "right" to be there, yet they purchased the home legally. Resided in it legally under Israeli and international law, up until the Israeli gvoernment decided they wanted to start some shit up again so they evict them. But people have "land title rights" in Israel...

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This quote is dripping with arrogance. Junior partner? A relationship between two countries is a relationship between two separate sovereign entities, there's not a "junior partner". Israel is not America's territory or protectorate or vassal-state. Is Canada the "junior partner" in international relations with the US? Is the UK the "junior partner"?

There's always a junior partner in the real world. Canada and the UK are definitely in that category.

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In answer to the original statement, timidity is not a problem that Netanyahu suffers from. He has always been brash and he seems to make a point of pushing the boundaries with Obama.

Leaks like this happen with every administration. They don't mean anything in themselves but I'm sure a lot of US officials are exasperated with Bibi.

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