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Political Correctness Ignores Muslim rape gangs in UK


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Hudson Jones you just revealed once again your agenda and your opinions which are clearly bigoted against Jews.

The bolded words and !!!! points speak for themselves as does the lack of rationality in your response.

We were discussing the co-relation between Muslim fundamentalist religious views and rape.

If as you say any clergyman let alone a Rabbia is a pedophile how would that be related to the religious preachings? Do you know? could you discuss it intelligently without screaming?

Are you forever going to be a victim and take every comment made that defends Muslims (your eternal enemies) and criticism of Israel as an attack on Jews? You need to change your mindset and not take everything as an attack on your Jewishness.

Hudson has clearly demonstrated that the acts of a group of people who follow a certain religion does not represent the whole religion. To me it's clear that he is saying that the group of pedophile rabbis do not represent Jews.

There is obviously a problem with the group of British Pakistanis who are okay with the treatment of women. But they don't represent the religion as a whole. Kind of like Catholic priests who have raped children. This doesn't mean that there is a problem with every person who is a Catholic.

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Hudson Jones you just revealed once again your agenda and your opinions which are clearly bigoted against Jews.

The bolded words and !!!! points speak for themselves as does the lack of rationality in your response.

We were discussing the co-relation between Muslim fundamentalist religious views and rape.


Good reply Rue, and the previous one, I posted before I saw it.

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I am mature enough to know that the acts of a group of people with a certain religious background does not represent that religion.

And that is the point here: Criminals are criminals. Every religion and culture has them.

But the Muslim haters go to great lengths to try to make criminals out to represent the religion and all of its people.

And when you use examples of eg Jews who are also criminals to make that point, you are accused by rue of being a Jew hater.

Because of course anyone who opposes discrimination against Muslims must be a Jew hater ... in some people's minds. :rolleyes:

Maybe you should stick to using Christian rapists and pedophiles to make that point.

That would be a long list indeed!! :lol:


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And that is the point here: Criminals are criminals. Every religion and culture has them.

But that's not the point here at all. It never was. It was assumed to be the point by those on this site who cannot see Muslims doing bad things without seeing Islamophobia by those doing the reporting.

The point here was the behaviour of the authorities in Rotherham, and their reluctance to do anything about the reports of abuse, apparently because the perpetrators were Pakistanis.

Edited by bcsapper
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It's pretty widespread. Maybe the UK needs a royal commission on why the U.K. police let political correctness stop them from investigating Pakistani grooming gangs.



More raids coming in Manchester


The scale of the operations being drawn up across the country is said to be ‘almost beyond comprehension’. The number of victims will make the Rotherham child abuse scandal – in which 1,400 children were abused over a 16-year period – look like the ‘tip of an iceberg’.

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And that is the point here: Criminals are criminals. Every religion and culture has them.

But the Muslim haters go to great lengths to try to make criminals out to represent the religion and all of its people.

Every religion has criminals. No question. What we're discussing, however, is a cultural background which gives rise to certain types of criminality on the part of Muslims. In this case it is extreme disrespect for women, especially women who refuse to keep themselves modest, pure, and sufficiently meek.

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Column on the subject by a UK Labour MP, in today's Telegraph.


Interesting column, and reads quite true. I've seen it in other organizations, as well, where qualifications are determined not by what people know, or how talented or skilled or intelligent they are, but what papers they have. The social welfare agencies are stuffed full of people with degrees in sociology and psychology and their ilk, almost all of whom are very nice people who come from middle and upper middle class families and have virtually no idea of what it's like growing up dirt poor in a council house. They're full of theories and love to develop policy (complete with multi-coloured pie charts, of course) but getting down into the dirt to deal with problems themselves is simply beyond them.

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It's pretty widespread. Maybe the UK needs a royal commission on why the U.K. police let political correctness stop them from investigating Pakistani grooming gangs.


Political correctness is an unnatural phenomenon for police. It always comes from outside the force, from municipal councils who choose chiefs specifically because they agree with their own political and ideological views. This is not unique to the UK. We see similar things in Canada. In Australia a few years back it led to race riots after police, under pressure from politicians, ignored repeated incidences of verbal and physical abuse of women by Muslims until it exploded and Aussie men (including thugs) began hunting down any man who looked like a Muslim on the beaches and meting out beatings.

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I guess the moral of this story is that it is more important to help the victims than worry about accusations of racism. There was a documentary made on this subject in 2004 but was cancelled over the same worries. Maybe if they had shown it then it would have helped stop the future abuse.

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I guess the moral of this story is that it is more important to help the victims than worry about accusations of racism. There was a documentary made on this subject in 2004 but was cancelled over the same worries. Maybe if they had shown it then it would have helped stop the future abuse.

Clearly the moral of the story is the dangers and futility of overlooking crime for the purpose of avoiding controversy or worse.

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Even labour leaders are agreeing that the left wing political correctness lead to ignoring the abuse


A culture of Left-wing political correctness led politicians and officials to ignore the plight of young girls who were being sexually abused by Asian men, Labour figures have warned.


The authorities in Rotherham failed to act because the race-fixated dogma of anti-discrimination meant that they had completely lost their moral bearings and every last vestige of compassion

Since the publication of the report, the media has been full of bewildered cries asking why this scandal was allowed to happen. But there is no mystery.

The fashionable political orthodoxy that has gripped much of the public sector, especially social work, holds that, in racially prejudiced Britain, ethnic minorities are perpetual victims and white people their oppressors.

Immersed in this doctrine the social services and police shamefully refused to confront the reality of predatory Muslim gangs attacking white girls.

This week's report admits that dark truth.

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It's fairly clear that police were either completely uncaring or else actually in collusion with the Pakistani rapists, perhaps in exchange for money. And as these people realized they could act with almost complete impunity their actions became worse. I think both the police and social services need to be gone over with a fine tooth comb, but especially police. As the following cite shows, police made little or no effort to stop any of this, and may have actually willingly turned the other way.

And the other factor, the way east indian men think of women, and that includes young girls, is not unique to this particular town, or, I would imagine, to the UK. Women are chattel, and any who don't abide by their backward moral code are whores, and that's particularly so of white girls, even as young as 11.

The victims identified in the report were all white, while the perpetrators were mostly of Pakistani heritage, many of them working in nighttime industries like taxi driving and takeout restaurants. The same was true in recent prosecutions in Oxford, in southern England, and the northern towns of Oldham and Rochdale, where nine men of Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Afghan origin were given long prison sentences in 2012 for abusing up to 47 white girls. Investigators in Scotland have reportedly uncovered a similar pattern of abuse.


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But doesn't it still all boil down to the damning fact that none of this is really the fault of the rapists or police?

By employing the use of political correctness as a tool of social engineering, Labour figures and labour leaders, unions, lazy teachers, anti-Semitic, climate alarming, eco-terrorizing, feminist, granola-crunching hippies in the UK have groomed society in Rotherham to behave the way they has.

It sounds to me like we need to seriously consider stamping out leftist thinking. Maybe it should be treated like Islamic extremism or a crime against humanity.

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But doesn't it still all boil down to the damning fact that none of this is really the fault of the rapists or police?

By employing the use of political correctness as a tool of social engineering, Labour figures and labour leaders, unions, lazy teachers, anti-Semitic, climate alarming, eco-terrorizing, feminist, granola-crunching hippies in the UK have groomed society in Rotherham to behave the way they has.

It sounds to me like we need to seriously consider stamping out leftist thinking. Maybe it should be treated like Islamic extremism or a crime against humanity.

This act wasn't even very good when Cybercoma did it.

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Came across this article from last year mentioning the situation in the UK, and suggesting it's happening around Europe, in the US, and in Canada, as well. Though it mentions the problem in the US is Somalians. I haven't seen anything of a 'grooming gang' talk in Canada, but I can certainly note that there have been numerous prosecutions of Somali men here for prostitution, drug and sex related violence.

It's an interesting aspect of a religious culture which will tolerate the murder of girls and women for not being as modest and moral as possible, but basically allow men to have as much sex as they can get, at least, as long as it's not with Muslim women or girls.


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