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There is no such thing as an "Israeli".

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Bud did you say secrets? Remember I am still waiting for you to disclose details as to the thesis

you wrote and referred to and your ethnic and religious status all things you refuse to respond to

on this thread. You really want to keep going like this?

Bud you have accused me and others of being bias but you spin around your own.

That is the point and the more you deny it, the more absurd it becomes.

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Bud did you say secrets? Remember I am still waiting for you to disclose details as to the thesis

you wrote and referred to and your ethnic and religious status all things you refuse to respond to

on this thread. You really want to keep going like this?

Bud you have accused me and others of being bias but you spin around your own.

That is the point and the more you deny it, the more absurd it becomes.

you can wait all you want. it's no secret that i'm not going to share more than i want to.

i do take some delight in seeing you admit that your way of thinking resembles the immoral, unethical colonialist behaviour of the early 'white man' and their treatment of aboriginals.

here you are admitting to it. this is after i mentioned that in this day and age, canada would never engage in the behaviour that israel is engaging in now, as it doesn't match with the standards in morality and ethics that we have set for ourselves:

All you have done is proven Israel is faced with no different a problem than Canada, the US or Australia now has with its aboriginal people, precisely the point I made.

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Clearly Bud when you make the comments you do I can only assume you are

posing as a Canadian.

You again show how absurd your comments are when bashing Israel.

Canada is engaged in the exact same legal conflict as Israel to this day.

For you to suggest its resolved all its conflicts with the aboriginal nations over land access rights, etc.

is past absurd.

Now you try use Canada as a model to Israel on how to deal with its aboriginals? You even know what

that means Bud? Not a clue-you haven't a clue as to the unresolved legal disputes and conflicts that continue.

You are hilarious.

Bud I am still waiting for details of your thesis, ethnicity and religion and connection to Iran or Arab nations so

I can see if you are an ultra-nationalist Iranian supporter.

One other thing Bud, just for one day hold off the Israel bashing.

Let the thread on Nelson Mandela take its course. Have the decency just once to know when to stop.

I will not respond further today to you in deference to those who want to spend their time talking about


I put him in a category with Ghandi and Martin Luther King. I think the three were remarkable in that they

could have chosen violence but transcended violence and were able to transcend the race wars they

battled to be seen as representing people of all colours, faiths.

Great people like these three are ordinary people asked to do extraordinary things and they remain


I would like to think they are all sitting around drinking a beer and having a good laugh with Moses, Jesus

Prince Sidharta, Lao Tzu, Lincoln, Freud and Anne Frank. I would say Muhammed but I hear he is busy

arm wrestling Golda Maer.

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For you to suggest its resolved all its conflicts with the aboriginal nations over land access rights, etc.

is past absurd.

If I had a nickle for every time someone suggested aboriginals should just get over the loss of their lands because it was ancient history...

Didn't anyone think to suggest that to Zionists way back in the day?

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Canada is engaged in the exact same legal conflict as Israel to this day.

your comments are absurd.

in this day and age, with our moral and ethical standards and with our human rights laws, canada would NEVER do to the natives of canada as israel is doing to the palestinians and to the bedouins.

imagine if canada suddenly declared that they are transporting 40,000 aboriginals and declaring the land for non aboriginals only.

you cannot compare israel to any western country in today's world. israel is in a class of its own when it comes to being racist and discriminatory.

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your comments are absurd.

in this day and age, with our moral and ethical standards and with our human rights laws, canada would NEVER do to the natives of canada as israel is doing to the palestinians and to the bedouins.

imagine if canada suddenly declared that they are transporting 40,000 aboriginals and declaring the land for non aboriginals only.

you cannot compare israel to any western country in today's world. israel is in a class of its own when it comes to being racist and discriminatory.

So I see you could not take one day off. The continuig situation faced by today's aboriginals in Canada is no different then what is facing the Beduins across the Middle East. You would know that if you were in fact Canadian.

For you to pretend this is not so and the Canadian government's current approach to aboriginal legal conflicts is on a higher moral ground than it is in Israel is past absurd.

It is clear Bud you can not speak of any issue unless you attach it to an attack on Israel. You are so blinded by your hatred for Israel it dominates every sentence you spit out.

The official Israeli government response to the Beduin issue is as follows:


Its based on policies Israel looked to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the US when deciding a compensation plan for Beduins.

Go on Bud instead of attacking Israel just once admit you haven't a clue what it is you are now trying to exploit and attach to yet another attack on Israel read:

Meaningful Consultation in Canada: The Alternative to Forced Aboriginal Assimilation


Lol y ou now claim to be an expert on the aboriginals of Canada and pronounce Canada on a higher moral ground....hah....can't wait for your anti Zionist colleague Dre to spin your way out of this one....ahah....Bud aboriginal experty, here have fun with this article:


Say now Bud aren't you always quoting how the UN points out how bad Israel is....go on then read....


Finally Bud an article just for people like you who try use the plight of aboriginals to engage in hatred against Israel.. It comes from the Nitzkor project, a project dedicated to teaching the world what happened in the holocaust so it is not repeated again:


The above shows Canada is faced with the exact same problem with its own aboriginals as Israel is Beduins and this is not a matter of one country in the world being evil and all the rest being morally superior, it is about MANY nations of which Israel and Canada are but 2 that struggle with how to deal with their peoples.

You Bud now make a mockery of the suffering of aboriginal people as you do Beduins and Palestinians. All you care about is using them to attack Israel.

Israelis and Beduins have a conflict over how to deal with the tiny country of Israel's land and they will eventually resolve it.

Until then Bud, your attempts to exploit this issue while ignoring the identical issues in other Middle East states and Canada and pretending Israel is the only state with this problem shows how lacking in credibility you are.

Go on Bud keep pretending Beduins face this problem only in Israel. Go on. Keep playing that Israel should be looked at n a vacuum of hatred.

Bud, still waiting. Where are the details of that thesis. what is your ethnicity and religion and does this refusing to provide it infer you are so blinded by your ethnic and religious hatred for Jews and Israel you are an Arab or Iranian ultra nationalist?

Go on Bud, finish what you started. You made that accusation against me. Now tell us what your ethnic and reigious identity is. Why do you hide it?

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you still haven't been able to respond to the fact that what israel is doing to the bedouins today, would never be accepted by canada or canadians, today. when the history of the european colonizers in canada and their treatment of the aboriginals is talked about, it's agreed that it was a shameful period in canadian history. you want to justify israel's actions by saying that canada did the same thing to the aboriginals in the past.

once again, just more typing and no substance by you. not to mention a reference to the holocaust.

how is it that there are some jews who never really learned from the holocaust? how is it that some of them are now advocating the way israel is treating the palestinians, which includes, systematic ethnic cleansing. especially in east jerusalem. does the statement "never again" only refer to the jews only?

the great people in the past century, especially the champions of human rights have condemned israel's treatment of palestinians. this includes gandhi and mandela. there is a reason for that: it's because israel's treatment of palestinians and other non-jews is wrong.

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That's funny Bud. You accuse me of failing to respond? Lol. I provide you ample evidence of

what is still happening to aboriginals in Canada no different to the Beduins in Israel and you

think you can just pretend to ignore it?

Lol. Go on Bud. Explain why you are ignoring the articles I provided you in direct response to your

assertion that aboriginals are just peachy keen in Canada.

Go on Bud finish what you started.Lol. Once again you get directly responded to and that's the tactic

you use-ignore and tell me I haven't responded?

Lol right Bud.

You still have not responded and indicated your ethnicity, religion and provide information on your thesis.

Now once again you refuse to respond directly to the articles I gave you to prove you dead wrong and busted yet again.


I love it. Now you are so blinded by your need to bash Israel, you pretend aboriginals have no issues in Canada with displacement and land rights.


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That's funny Bud. You accuse me of failing to respond? Lol. I provide you ample evidence of

what is still happening to aboriginals in Canada no different to the Beduins in Israel and you

think you can just pretend to ignore it?

Lol. Go on Bud. Explain why you are ignoring the articles I provided you in direct response to your

assertion that aboriginals are just peachy keen in Canada.

Go on Bud finish what you started.Lol. Once again you get directly responded to and that's the tactic

you use-ignore and tell me I haven't responded?

Lol right Bud.

You still have not responded and indicated your ethnicity, religion and provide information on your thesis.

Now once again you refuse to respond directly to the articles I gave you to prove you dead wrong and busted yet again.


I love it. Now you are so blinded by your need to bash Israel, you pretend aboriginals have no issues in Canada with displacement and land rights.


of course aboriginals have a lot of problems and there needs to some changes in canada. but their treatment by our government cannot be compared to what israel is doing to the palestinians and bedouins.

again, the transferring of 40,000 bedouins is not something canada of today would ever do. these racist and discriminatory actions by israel are something that perhaps a canada from over 100 years would be capable of doing, or a nazi regime would do in order to keep control and ethnically cleanse a population.

shame on you for trying to excuse such an action.

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No where Bud have I excused anything. You can try taunt me all you want it won't work.

I have not made excuses for anyone or anything.

What I have stated is the situation still facing aboriginals in Canada is the same as with Beduins

across the Middle East.

You Bud have no clue what you are talking about and your latest back pedal won't weasel your way out

of your latest absurd comments.

How about you find out what is going on with the aboriginals in Canada before you try use them as a pawn

in attacking Israel as you do Beduins and Palestinians tossing all three out like rag dolls as long as you think

you can attach them to anti Israeli comments.

Start with Labrador and their Inuits.

Then go speak with your anti Zionist ally Dre. I am sure he can educate you although mind you he seems to have oopsy

left town on this one although no doubt the Hudson to Bud Bud to Hudson relay responses no doubt will be back.


By the way, you still have not discussed what is happening to the Beduins in the rest of the Middle East.Why is that Bud?

Is that the same reason you won't disclose your ethnicity, religion, connections to Iran and the Middle East? Have a bias do we?

Are you an ultra nationalist by any chance? I mean isn't that what you said of me? Why haven't you finished that yet Bud?

Where is the thesis?

You start a lot of posts Bud, but you never finish them. That is why you are being debated by me. You never miss the opportunity

to hold Israel and Jews to yourself and the people you think you are a member of and hide.

Canadian eh and you have no clue as to what is happening to the Inuit as we speak.


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you have very little focus and attention span. once again, you're trying to cloud the debate by introducing what is in your head, which is unfocused misinformation that you have decided to splatter on a message forum.

israel plans to forcibly transfer a minority group, all because they are not jewish.

you, myself and everyone else know that an action like that would never happen in today's canada. at least not in the western world where we have set standards in morality, ethics and of course, we have international law which sees ethnic cleansing to be a war crime. unfortunately, now you're wasting time by trying to compare today's treatment of the aboriginals in canada by the canadian government to israel's treatment of its non-jews.

israel and the people who control it do not care about morals, ethics and international law, when it comes to their vision of jewish only, racist zionist vision of greater israel and you are here to support their shameless behaviour and regime.

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Bud you blew yourself out on this and every other thread you have tried to turn into a

platform for Israel bashing. You even stooped so low as to hijack a thread on Mandela's

death to try get yourself attention.

Now this is your response? You get responded to word for word by me and you refuse to

address the issues you started and you think if you taunt me that will focus away from your failures to respond?


You tried in this particular thread to deny Canada has the same issue with its aboriginals as

Israel does Beduins and you were busted Bud and then did a bit of back pedalling.

Lol you claim to be Canadian and urge Canadians to hate Israel and attack me a Canadian because I am a Jew.

You claim my being a Jew makes me a tribal bias zealot for Israel and an ultra nationalist while refusing to disclose

your own ethnicity, religion and ties to Iran.

You came on this forum quoting a thesis you wrote and refused to explain what that thesis was

and who it was written for.

Now you claim to be Canadian and you continue the pretense that aboriginals today in Canada

do not face the same issues in Canada as Beduins do in Israel.

How if you are Canadian do you not know in Labrador alone far more Inuits have been and will be displaced than Beduins?

How would a good Canadian like you not know that or the thousands of aboriginals who were displaced and placed in reservations and are still in court disputing broken treaties that are not resolved?

How do you not claim to not know of the pandemic of suicides of children in the North and how the

forced reservation system is a cause of a collective psychological and spiritual disease killing

the aboriginals and still needs to be resolved?

How would you not know as we speak aboriginals are in continuous disputes because they refused to

be displaced by mineral and oil exploration companies or people seeking to cut down trees for lumber?

Your ignorance as to the aboriginal peoples speaks for itself. It is a testament as to how you exploit people and

misappropriate issues you know nothing about to bash Israel and then try bluff your way through the issues you exploit claiming to understand the issues you exploit.

You haven't a clue who Beduins are any more than you do Jews, Israelis or aboriginals. Not a clue

and it shows in your responses.

It also shows how disingenuine you are as to the true challenges faced by Beduins because you refuse to acknowledge they face the exact same problems in the rest of the Middle East and refuse to admit that Beduins

receive benefits in Israel they will not receive in Arab countries.

Only you can come on this forum and claim to care about Beduins and ignore their actual plight replacing it with

Israel bashing. You will use anyone or any event to parrot your message to the point you will go on a thread about Mandela's death and not once but three times try hijack it to get attention to your name calling of Israel.

What makes you even more disingenuine is you try misrepresent what I stated as if I support hurting or abusing

non Jews.

You have tried to personally attack me in these threads as a Jew Zionistdemon because I don't agree with you never failing to tell me what I think based in your anti semitic stereotype presumptions as to Zionist Jews and Jews in general.

By the way Bud, still waiting for your ethnicity, religion, ties to Iran, details on your thesis.

I can wait Bud.


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it's interesting that whenever there is criticism of israel, there are 3 different types of responses from the zionist apologists:

a) deny the facts and spread misinformation or lies

B) try to change the course of discussion by going off on tangents

c) ask why there is no criticism of other rapists, like having other rapists around excuses the rapist being criticized

the fact remains that israel is engaging in another questionable plan to forcibly remove a group of people who are not jewish. over 40,000 bedouins are going to be removed from their land, without having discussed it with them and the zionist apologists, with their racist outlook on how things work will do everything but to admit that this is wrong.

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it's interesting that whenever there is criticism of israel, there are 3 different types of responses from the zionist apologists:

the fact remains that

First off you make a statement that suggests you are aware of every response to all statements criticizing Israel across the world.

Of course you don't but it shows you can't dettach your own world from the world around you and assume it and you are synonomous.

If anything you mean in your latest response to avoid responding directly to me and instead make negative stereotypes and generalizations as to what you think you are being challenged on so you can rationalize not responding.

The fact is you exhibit in the above response you do not know how to respond, so you revert to the very exercise you accuse others of doing in your stereotype and that is trying to change the course of discussion by going off on tangents.

All you have done is name call and refused to respond.

Your tactic is spent Bud as are your continuous anti Israel rants on this thread or any other one you try dominate.

You Bud have shown this forum that you refuse to disclose your ethnicity, religion, ties to Iran but will come on this forum and attack

others because you feel their ethnicity, religion and can be used to assume they are ultranationalist Zionists.

You smeered me Bud based on my identity and refuse to disclose yours and the silence speaks for itself. It shows

Bud that you are afraid to admit what your ethnicity and religion is because you fear people will smeer you exactly as you do me.

Bud, its over.

The fact is you have no idea how to respond to me because you can't. Your trying to deny aboriginals in Canada continue to be displaced is a

misrepresentation of fact you raised but now when caught can't finish.

Busted Bud and no amount of name calling will avoid that fact.

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there is no point in responding to someone who tries to rationalize racist acts like forcibly transferring a group of people from their land against their will. the other perspective doesn't warrant a respond or debate.

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it's interesting that whenever there is criticism of israel, there are 3 different types of responses from the zionist apologists:

a) deny the facts and spread misinformation or lies

You mean argue the actual information and points being presented? Sounds pretty reasonable to me...

B) try to change the course of discussion by going off on tangents

You mean tangents like repeatedly bashing Israel in the Mandela thread? For the amount of time you spend criticizing Israel, it's not at all surprising that more balanced posters would want to discuss other issues now and then. After all, in your thousands of posts, you've essentially never said anything besides "omg Israel is breaking international law!".. people get bored of the same thing after a while.

c) ask why there is no criticism of other rapists, like having other rapists around excuses the rapist being criticized

Your analogy is flawed, Israel is not a "rapist". Furthermore, it is entirely legitimate to question why Israel remains the sole focus of so many organizations (like CJPME), while they ignore (or give only occasional token condemnations to) far more terrible actions by other nations. Why the "bds" movement against Israel, but not against Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or even China?

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You mean argue the actual information and points being presented? Sounds pretty reasonable to me...

no. that's not what i mean. i mean, being rue and deny facts. he has such problems with facts that even dogonporch stepped in to correct him on one of the misinformation he was spreading.

You mean tangents like repeatedly bashing Israel in the Mandela thread? For the amount of time you spend criticizing Israel, it's not at all surprising that more balanced posters would want to discuss other issues now and then. After all, in your thousands of posts, you've essentially never said anything besides "omg Israel is breaking international law!".. people get bored of the same thing after a while.

there are many connections between apartheid south africa, the human rights violations and israel and its treatment of palestinians. if we're talking about the legacy of mandela and the struggles of the blacks in south africa, it's natural to find a parallel. as mandela said:

"There are many similarities between our struggle and that of the PLO. We live under a unique form of colonialism in South Africa, as well as in Israel…”

Your analogy is flawed, Israel is not a "rapist". Furthermore, it is entirely legitimate to question why Israel remains the sole focus of so many organizations (like CJPME), while they ignore (or give only occasional token condemnations to) far more terrible actions by other nations. Why the "bds" movement against Israel, but not against Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or even China?

your opinion is your opinion. the analogy works perfectly in my view. as soon as israel is criticized, assad is brought up. like somehow, what assad does cancels what israel has been doing for the past 6 decades. not only that, but western countries do not back assad or other criminals around the world, however, they back israel, while it continues to violates the rights of the palestinians.

the treatment of israel is very similar to how apartheid south africa was treated by most western countries' governments. they continued to back it until the very end, when they knew the world view and world movement was too big to stop and they needed to come out looking like they supported the right side.

the good news is that, as it looks now, something similar will happen to the current israeli regime and its western backers. the momentum and the support for palestinians is getting too big and too strong.

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