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the EU catches Israel off-guard regarding its illegal settlements

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Not sure what the reason is for posting that like you've hit some jackpot.

Personally, I have thought about this and at the end, I'm still not sure if I would economically boycott Israel, but I do fully support boycotting any Israeli products that are coming from the settlements in the occupied territories.

Regardless, CJPME supports boycotting Israel for violating numerous international laws. So what? This is a lawful stance and a legitimate way to protest against Israel's human rights violations.

The rest of your jibberish about Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi, is just that: Jibberish.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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It wasn't me that wanted the Canadian government to support Morsi. That was U lot.

"That was U lot"? What does that mean?

I want the Canadian government to support democracy and democratically elected governments. Morsi was elected democratically and anyone who supports democracy should support the process. If Morsi committed human rights violations, then I do not want the Canadian government to support him.

This is pretty much like how I feel about Israel. I respect that the Israeli government was democratically elected, but I do not support their human rights violations.

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You Hudson Jones came on this board and attacked me personally as a Jew. You initiated that.

If you came on this forum and limited your comments to Israeli state policies I would have no issue.

You chose not to. Unlike you I do not run to the moderator and complain. I let your words speak for themselves

and you not I chose to attack a poster because you suggested his being a Jew was an issue.

I will state it again you and Bud use every pretext you can find to Israel bash. You present a news headline

then use it as an announcement then make an anti Israel comment.

You then do not debate people when they respond. Like Bud you just name call or call people out with comments like


You Hudson and Bud have decided to use this forum as a platform to anti Israel bash and I and others choose to stand

up to your bashing.

I will say it again, I do not see any difference between your posts and Bud. They are inter-changed, use the same tactics and

echo each other. To me they appear to originate from the same source.

That is all I have to say. You started with the comment about me being a Jew and references to me being a member of a tribe and

being tribal. That is anti-Semitic.

Do not try suggest for a second that is legitimate commentary that has to do with criticizing Israeli state policies.

Make a comment that attacks me or any Jew simply because we are that and support Israel and that is anti semitic.

Would you do the same with Muslims or Christians? Would you? Would you assume they are anti Israel merely because of their religion or ethnicity? That is what you have done with me in reverse and it makes you a bigot for doing so.

Now you want to play victim with me and complain to the moderator go ahead.

I have to stand up to you and Bud and will. You are in my opinion abusing free speech and the opportunity this country grants us

to speak openly and freely to promulgate hate propaganda against Israel.

What was the point of your latest revival of this thread-its transparent is it not. You came back on with a completely unrelated issue and turned it into a pretense to bash Israel

Its a broken record Hudson.

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You came on this forum and said what Hudson? Now you want to say you respect the fact Israel has a democratically elected

government and only criticize its human rights violations?

I call you out again and state categorically b.s.

You are on record on this forum as referencing Israel as a cancer to be wiped out.

Go play that tune some place else. You already made clear what your true agenda is-remember?

Go on Hudson now finish what you started. You seen the light? Go on say it-do you or do you not recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.

You don't and therefore you don't respect its democratic process-period.

Turn out the lights Dog, he's done.

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there is no fog rocky road. this is not about religion. this is not about two sides to every story. there is no 'dispute' on the main issues in the region. what's happening is very simple: israel is violating international law and abusing the rights of the palestinians by occupying them and systematically stealing their land by continuously increasing the illegal jewish settlements. there is no need to fall for the artificial dispute that the colonialist PR has created.

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You Hudson Jones came on this board and attacked me personally as a Jew. You initiated that.

I doubt it, because youve accused me of that as well, and anti-semitism in general and it was a bald faced lie. Playing the victim card, and immediately crying anti-semitism in every thread about Israel, is just your shtick.

You know who you are and what you are.

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Give & take

Numbers are a form of faith.


But what is one...belief in something true.

Something tangible.

What of rolling dice, life's variables

The point of reference only leads to infinity in every direction.

So we must understand that information is constant. Knowledge in the mystery...and move forward as humans.

What are the expectations we have of each other?

Honesty and compassion.

Living free is a simple grace.

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Dre the words Hudson used and Bud used and for that matter what Ghost used are

on this forum for anyone to read.

They make it clear they were not comments criticizing Israeli state policies but Jews and

in particular this Jew and I am no victim and its precisely why I will stand up to you or them

or anyone else that wants to turn this forum into a pretense for insulting Jews using the

pretext of criticizing Israeli state policies do to it.

You want to criticize Israeli state policies go ahead. Use it as a vehicle to then insult Jews or

me or anyone else for being a Jew I will call it out for what it is anti Semitism.

I will not have Hudson Jones or you or Bud or Ghost or anyone use the pretense of criticizing

Israel as a platform to tell me I am a tribal Jew who does not know his place and then tell me

what a good Jew is.

You Dre have zero credibility. If Hudson Jones or Bud engaged in the same comments to you, you would

be the first to complain calling them racist.

More to the point Dre you were silent when Bud gave the forum a lecture on how well aboriginals are treated

in Canada as he tried to juistify using Beduins to launch yet another anti Israeli policy.

Where were you-silent of course. You show your credibility. You were silent.

As well, are you so concerned about the Middle east? When was the last time you discussed the plight of Beduins

in countries other than Israel? Are you concerned about what is still happening to Christians in Egypt or Sudan? Where

were you when Bahaiis were being executed in Iran?

Where have you been discussing what Muslim extremists have done to their own people? Hmmmm>

You are a selective wannabee.

You want to cheer lead these 2,knock yourself out.

Their Israel poo poo platform has spent itself out. They can try use any issue they think they can find to allegedly

criticize Israel but they have over-worked their propaganda shtick so much it now makes a mockery of their

self proclaimed righteousness. The very selectivity of their words speak for themselves.

As for you Dre, you lecture the wrong person. I know the difference between criticizing Israeli state policies and

criticizing Jews for being Jews. I know the difference between coming on this board and giggling about what Jews

I like and don't like and claiming that is debate.

You want to defend that Dre and play aboriginal warrior, at the same time, knock yourself out.

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Dre the words Hudson used and Bud used and for that matter what Ghost used are

on this forum for anyone to read.

I am not an anti-semite. You and other posters have tried to paint me as such and have failed at every turn. But don't let that stop you from throwing that card down. I mean even calling me an anti-semite for recognizing a difference between a Jew and an Isreali and a Zionist is ridiculous and a desperate move to marginalize me as a poster instead of the content within the post.

Your words are here as well for all to see.

And for the forum rules we like to at least try to stick within the topic of the thread that any person initiated. You can very well start your own threads on oppression in Muslim countries but I don't think you have done any such thing to date. If you really want to create a balance, then by all means start posting those topics and people will join in.

But instead of the more effective course of action it's easier and with complete intellectual laziness to call someone an anti-semite.

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Ghost if you want to criticize Israeli state policy go ahead. Come on this forum and start giggling about what Jews are to your liking and I will call you what you are to your face, an anti-semite.

My being Jewish is irrelevant to the topic. The decision of you Bud and Hudson to engage in insults against Jews who you do not agree with politically was anti-semitic.

My ethnicity has nothing to do with the topic you 3 decided to go off on a tangent on.

If you had any decency you would have refrained from such comments. Giggling about which Jews you like to them did what? Made you feel like one of the gang did it?

Do I look like someone you can ridicule and who will remain silent? You think so?

Lol. Go on Ghost have the integrity to say it. You don't like certain Jews like me because we do not know our place. How dare we think we are equal to gentiles and Muslims and think we have a right to a nation.

Do I look like I shine shoes?

Do you think any Jew has to put up with your approval or disapproval? How is that relevant to discussing Israeli state policies?

Its not. I say it again, you want to attack Jews using the pretense of criticizing Israeli state policy I will fight it.

Go on Ghost, look at who you try defend. He didn't even have the decency to hold himself to the same standard he holds me to and state his ethnicity, religion and relation to Iran.

That silence is what you defend Ghost. The same silence that talks of writing a thesis and then is silent when asked about the thesis.

Another individual who presumes to lecture me that I am too tribal and he knows what a good Jew is. That same individual who then chooses to criticize a water issue on the West Bank the very same day Israel, Jordan and the PA announce a water deal.


Edited by Rue
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Ghost if you want to criticize Israeli state policy go ahead. Come on this forum and start giggling about what Jews are to your liking and I will call you what you are to your face, an anti-semite.

My being Jewish is irrelevant to the topic. The decision of you Bud and Hudson to engage in insults against Jews who you do not agree with politically was anti-semitic.

Where have I insulted Jews?

My ethnicity has nothing to do with the topic you 3 decided to go off on a tangent on.

The only two questioning you being a Jew is Bud and Hudson. I have never made you being a Jew an issue or a point of discussion.

If you had any decency you would have refrained from such comments. Giggling about which Jews you like to them did what? Made you feel like one of the gang did it?

I said I like Jews, I am not a fan of Zionists. There is a difference, right?

Do I look like someone you can ridicule and who will remain silent? You think so?

No you can look ridiculous all on your own, you don't need my help.

Lol. Go on Ghost have the integrity to say it. You don't like certain Jews like me because we do not know our place. How dare we think we are equal to gentiles and Muslims and think we have a right to a nation.

Going off the deep end ..

Do I look like I shine shoes?

And off the deep end we go!

Do you think any Jew has to put up with your approval or disapproval? How is that relevant to discussing Israeli state policies?

Its not. I say it again, you want to attack Jews using the pretense of criticizing Israeli state policy I will fight it.

Well feel free to show me where I am attacking Jews. When I make comments on Canada am I against all Canadians? When I am 'attacking' the USA, am I attacking Americans?

Go on Ghost, look at who you try defend. He didn't even have the decency to hold himself to the same standard he holds me to and state his ethnicity, religion and relation to Iran.

That silence is what you defend Ghost. The same silence that talks of writing a thesis and then is silent when asked about the thesis.

Wtf are you going on about now?

Another individual who presumes to lecture me that I am too tribal and he knows what a good Jew is. That same individual who then chooses to criticize a water issue on the West Bank the very same day Israel, Jordan and the PA announce a water deal.


I will say this, you are a lot like Bud and Hudson Jones in how you post. Are you done with your lecture?

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Ghost what does it matter if you like or do not like Jews? How is that relevant to a discussion

on Israeli state policies. That is the issue. Period.

Whether you like Jews or not, whether you like Zionist Jews, Orthodox Jews, some Jews and not

others, etc., is absolutely immaterial to the issues associated with criticizing Israeli state policies.

When you choose that track, when you choose to start talking about the Jews you like and dislike,

that is when you turn your comments into anti-Semitic ones.

Don't dance around Ghost. Its insulting to you as well as me.

You don't see me coming on this board and questioning your ethnicity and religion do you? Do I

in my responses to you comment on your ethnicity and religion and tell you which Christians or gentiles

I like and which ones I do not? Do I? Do you think it appropriate every time we have a discussion on

Israeli state policies I get personal with your ethnicity and religion?

Give it a rest Ghost. Take a good hard look at Hudson and Bud who you defend and now try distance yourself

from. You tried to join along with their anti Jew bashing and you've been called out on it.


Refrain from discussing your dislikes and likes about Jews ok? Stick to Israeli state policies.

Have the decency to know the difference.

You want to be a stooge for people using Israel as an excuse to propagate hatred of Jews you can do that too. Its

your choice.

I say it one more time. The contents of the posts and threads I am criticizing use Beduins, Arabs, Palestinians,Jews,

anyone and any dispute, to engage in Israel bashing. In so doing the actual issues are not debated and the forum

is lowered to a propaganda echo chamber.

We all deserve better. We live in a society where we question and critique. We all have the skill to do that and see the pro's and con's

of each issue. Don't come on this forum and equate me to people who run a news story, then make an anti Israel comment that does not debate but makes accusations and allegations.

I don't initiate these threads and posts Ghost as you are well aware. I respond and present the other side.

Don't Ghost for one second compare me to people who initiated these threads. Not once have I presented a thread or post

bashing ALL Muslims or ALL Arabs or Palestinians. Not once have I come on this forum and made sweeping idiotic statements

giggling at what I think are good or bad Muslims and stating certain Muslims are too tribal and zealous.

Don't go there Ghost because it won't work. The posts and threads and who starts them but won't end them are thick on this forum.

The posts that were introduced attacking my tribalism and perceived Jewish beliefs are there for all to say as is the silence of

the person who engaged in those attacks but won't release his own ethnicity and religion or thesis details.

No Ghost I did not come on this forum to hide what I am, what my ethnicity is, what my religion is-don't equate me with someone like that or someone who claims like Hudson Jones to know what being too tribal means.

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Ghost what does it matter if you like or do not like Jews? How is that relevant to a discussion

on Israeli state policies. That is the issue. Period.

So let's talk about Isreali policies.

Whether you like Jews or not, whether you like Zionist Jews, Orthodox Jews, some Jews and not

others, etc., is absolutely immaterial to the issues associated with criticizing Israeli state policies.

It's irrelevant if I like Jews or not, I completely agree. I did not make it a talking point only to point out how ridiculous your responses are getting.

When you choose that track, when you choose to start talking about the Jews you like and dislike,

that is when you turn your comments into anti-Semitic ones.

Right so let's get to the policies.

Don't dance around Ghost. Its insulting to you as well as me.

I am white so not a very good dancer ,lead the wy.

You don't see me coming on this board and questioning your ethnicity and religion do you? Do I

in my responses to you comment on your ethnicity and religion and tell you which Christians or gentiles

I like and which ones I do not? Do I? Do you think it appropriate every time we have a discussion on

Israeli state policies I get personal with your ethnicity and religion?

And I never questioned yours.

Give it a rest Ghost. Take a good hard look at Hudson and Bud who you defend and now try distance yourself

from. You tried to join along with their anti Jew bashing and you've been called out on it.

I agree with some of what they say, that does not mean I support them 100%. Still waiting for you to quote me where I am Jew bashing. Quote it or simply

Refrain from discussing your dislikes and likes about Jews ok? Stick to Israeli state policies.

If you can refrain from discussing my likes and dislikes we might be able to move on.

Have the decency to know the difference.

You want to be a stooge for people using Israel as an excuse to propagate hatred of Jews you can do that too. Its

your choice.

Where have I done that?

I say it one more time. The contents of the posts and threads I am criticizing use Beduins, Arabs, Palestinians,Jews,

anyone and any dispute, to engage in Israel bashing. In so doing the actual issues are not debated and the forum

is lowered to a propaganda echo chamber.

I am hearing your echo a lot here.

We all deserve better. We live in a society where we question and critique. We all have the skill to do that and see the pro's and con's

of each issue. Don't come on this forum and equate me to people who run a news story, then make an anti Israel comment that does not debate but makes accusations and allegations.

Like you accusing me about being an anti-semite? I am sure that is moving the conversation along. And I did talk about the Beduins and raised some questions, but met with your anti-semite bull.

I don't initiate these threads and posts Ghost as you are well aware. I respond and present the other side.

I don't know what you represent. You don't show anything on the other side. At least Bud and Hudson provide links to back up their notions, even if they are wrong or not held in the best of light. You just go on a rant that attacks the poster instead of what they are posting. And I don't even thing you can read what is being posted. Your emotional rants get in the way.

Don't Ghost for one second compare me to people who initiated these threads. Not once have I presented a thread or post

bashing ALL Muslims or ALL Arabs or Palestinians. Not once have I come on this forum and made sweeping idiotic statements

giggling at what I think are good or bad Muslims and stating certain Muslims are too tribal and zealous.

Who said I did? Lots of projection here.

Don't go there Ghost because it won't work. The posts and threads and who starts them but won't end them are thick on this forum.

The posts that were introduced attacking my tribalism and perceived Jewish beliefs are there for all to say as is the silence of

the person who engaged in those attacks but won't release his own ethnicity and religion or thesis details.

Was that me attacking your alleged tribalism? No.

No Ghost I did not come on this forum to hide what I am, what my ethnicity is, what my religion is-don't equate me with someone like that or someone who claims like Hudson Jones to know what being too tribal means.

I don't really care what you are, it's 100% irrelevant to the discussion. But you are making it more of an issue than me. We know you don't hold the same view for all Muslims, so why would you even make an attempt to make me out to hate all Jews?? What is the point?

So you want to talk about Isreali policies or you want to call me an anti-semite again?

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No Ghost I do not like accusing you of anything. I wanted the air cleared where you stand and this is the first post you cleared the air with me.

Say no more. I wanted it straight you gave it finally.

Now we will stick to politics.

You bet I respect your right to disagree and criticize Israel. I think you already know that.

I am no angel Ghost either.

I have admitted on this forum that I have been an asp on certain things.

Thank you for clearing the air as you did.

I know you are no H or B. That was why I was disappointed. I admit it I hold you to a higher standard.

You are ok by me. We had a genuine disagreement.

Thanks for taking it on head on.

Edited by Rue
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Ghost if you want to criticize Israeli state policy go ahead.


I say it again, you want to attack Jews using the pretense of criticizing Israeli state policy I will fight it.

I'm unclear Rue:

Will you allow us to criticize Israeli state policy?


Will you call us all anti-Semites if we do?

It's so confusing! :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm unclear Rue:

Will you allow us to criticize Israeli state policy?


Will you call us all anti-Semites if we do?

It's so confusing! :rolleyes:

When similar policies, such as Russia's "bear hug" of Ukraine are not criticized it sure seems as if Israel and Jews are selected for special treatment. Or Spain's suppression of Basque independence efforts.

I am tired of the sanctimonious hypocrisy.

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