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Canada's cold shoulder to U.S.

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Canada's cold shoulder to U.S.

Some years ago, I debated at a Canadian summer retreat a leading Canadian intellectual, Gerald Caplan, whose attack on the U.S. could have run in what was once the leading Soviet journal, Pravda. For Mr. Caplan, an NDP leader, America was a bloodsucking multinational corporation. For him, America, not the former Soviet Union, was the evil empire. He warned that if the NDP ever came to power in Canada, the U.S. would invade Canada because it would not allow socialism north of the border. Mr. Caplan's warning about a possible CIA coup if the NDP ever won an election got such wide publicity in Canadian media that the American Embassy felt it had to issue a denial the U.S. was contemplating an invasion of Canada.

*Break out the tin-foil hats*

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One sided cold war? That's odd, he criticises an allegedly anti-US opinion column in a clearly anti-Canadian opinion column.

That writer is an asshole. I have rarely seen such a vicious and embarassingly transparent assortment of falsity. There's barely a straight word or a coherent thought in the whole piece:

[1] the ultra-left Pierre Elliot Trudeau

[2]  Trudeau openly admired Fidel Castro

[3]  was "neutral" against the U.S.

[4]  Anything the United States was for, Canada was against.

[5]  on September 11, 2001, Mr. Chretien failed to offer a genuine, heartfelt word of solace to the American people

[6]  Paul Martin, another America hater

[7]  Mr. Martin has appointed as the Canadian ambassador to UNESCO Yvon Charbonneau, a man with a record of anti-Semitism. The Liberal Party could easily rename itself the Anti-American Party.

[8]  she said, "Damn Americans ... I hate those bastards." Miss Parrish's dislike of Americans has not hurt her at the polls

[9]  Mr. Caplan's warning about a possible CIA coup if the NDP ever won an election got such wide publicity in Canadian media that the American Embassy felt it had to issue a denial the U.S. was contemplating an invasion of Canada.

[10] Al-Jazeera, the anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist Arabic-language news network, has been approved by special dispensation of a Canadian government agency for distribution in Canada, while Fox News channel and the Italian state channel RAI have been barred

[11] In Baghdad, Iraqi authorities shut down Al-Jazeera, which of course inspired the Canadian government to allow Al-Jazeera to open for business in Canada.

[12]  The more profitable to Canada the bilateral trade relationship, the greater the Canadian Liberal government's hostility.

[13]  Prime Minister Martin's antipathy toward America

1] Trudeau was not extreme left. To say such a thing is to begin from the position of a person who has no sense of the scope and nature of political opinion in the world.

2] As evidence for a cold-war, open admiration of Castro amounts to zip. That the writer offers this comment in support of his cold-war nonsense indicates clearly that he is adopting a falacious with-us-as-our-slave-or-against-us attitude. Difference of opinion is the same as 'war' to this chap, eh?

3] The formulation 'neutral against' is comprehensible only to an idiot such as Mr. Beichman.

4] Drivel.

5] Perhaps Mr. Chretien was too busy letting potential flying-bomb land safely at our airports to satisfy Beichman's need for verbification.

6] Evidence? ANY evidence?

7] What does Mr. Beichman mean by equating (alleged) anti-semitism with (falsely alleged) anti-Americanism?

8] Mr. Beichman is perpetuating an inaccuracy here. Ms. Parish was refering to the Bush administration and it's peons, not Americans in general. Impolitic? Impolite? Yes. Evidence of a cold-war against America? Nonsense.

9] The United States attacked Canada before (admittedly a while ago), and was revealed to have operational plans on how it would invade Canada should it choose to do so in modern time. The US had a record of disrupting governments it disliked. Mr. Caplan's position is not at all outrageous. AND it STILL doesn't amount to a 'cold war' against America.

Fearing invasion is not the same a planning hostility, Mr. Beichman, you asshole.

10] First, Al-Jazeera is not anti-semitic. It reports on anti-semites' activities and their motivations.

Second, Al-Jazeera is available in Israel, so obviously Israel must be running a cold war against America? Beichman's rant it so threadbare he should be ashamed to have his name on it.

Besides, his facts are incorrect, likely deliberately. Al-Jazeera was not approved with special dispensation. It was approved with special restrictive conditions not applied to any other approved broadcaster.

As for RAI, I fail to see the connection to any anitti-American sentiment, and besides, it was not approved because it's programming is carried already by a domestic chanel.

11] This is a lie. The CRTC decision had no connection with any choices made in Bagdahd.

12] Evidence? ANY evidence?

13] Repetition is not evidence.

Mr. Beichman obviously hates Canada and is willing to spout the most egregious propaganda against us.

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Many times in the past, Canada has gone beyond it's obligations to aid the United States. The rescue of seven American hostages in Iran during the Iran Hostage crisis of 1979, the April 2001 rescue of American researchers from Antarctica, the testing of the cruise missile guidance system (of which was the predecessor of the cruise missiles used in the GWBush's Iraq war) to name a few. And most importantly, on September 11, 2001 and the days after, 224 U.S bound aircrafts were diverted and allowed to land on Canadian territory. Furthermore, without formal request, Canadian from all over Canada allowed these stranded travelers shelter into their own homes until US airports reopened. If Canada had the same outlook towards refugees as the US has, no doubt these travelers would have been in detention centres for that period in question. I don't recall similar actions from US's most favoured trading partners, Mexico or China. The reverse is definitely not true: Where was the US during the Turbot dispute with Spain in the early 1990s?

It is not Canada abandoning our friend and ally in times of need. It is that the US, since the current administration taking office, that has abandoned the world with its rejection of the Kyoto Protocol, and the cancellation of various foreign aid programs.

The US-UK coalition has failed to follow the process of the UN and not that the UN itself had failed. The War is a slap in the face of all war veterans and war survivors since WWII. When the UN was setup (in replacement of the League of Nations), its objective was to be a forum to resolve international conflicts at the discussion table instead of the battlefield so that the lives of women, children and young men would no longer be wasted.

Starting a war without UN approval is exactly going against international law. Not only does it set a dangerous precedence allowing other conflicting nations to begin their own hostilities, the leaders of these nations are behaving like street gangs seeking personal revenge instead of thoughtful diplomats carrying the responsibilities of the lives of their own citizens.

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I admire Castro much more than someone like Bush. He may be a "dictator" but I will take a benevolent dictator over a egomaniac like Bush any day.

Castro a benevolent dictator? You are a complete idiot. He has murdered around 140,000 of his own people to date, and I've told you this repeatedly in these forums, so not only are you grossly ignorant, but woefully closed-minded to boot. Communist sympathisers make me sick. It would be no more morally disgusting to wear a swastika than a Che Guevara tee-shirt.

I know you hate Bush, but you do your cause no credit when you become an apologist for the greatest criminals in history.

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1] Trudeau was not extreme left. To say such a thing is to begin from the position of a person who has no sense of the scope and nature of political opinion in the world.

What is your definition of the extreme left? Marx? Engles? Or are they just moderates?

2] As evidence for a cold-war, open admiration of Castro amounts to zip. That the writer offers this comment in support of his cold-war nonsense indicates clearly that he is adopting a falacious with-us-as-our-slave-or-against-us attitude. Difference of opinion is the same as 'war' to this chap, eh?

No it indicates ignorace and disrespect, much like a teenager that listens to Rap music that promotes violence against police officers............trying to define themselves as being "bad" and/or the rebel.

3] The formulation 'neutral against' is comprehensible only to an idiot such as Mr. Beichman.

Actually it makes perfect sense.......you see it's a play on words ;)

4] Drivel.

I agree with you here.......that was a wide reaching statment.

5] Perhaps Mr. Chretien was too busy letting potential flying-bomb land safely at our airports to satisfy Beichman's need for verbification.

You don't think the other world leaders that were able to give their respects to the Americans were not also concerend with that? I should hope that our Prime Minister could walk and chew gum at the same time :rolleyes:

6] Evidence? ANY evidence?

Did he punish Parrish?

7] What does Mr. Beichman mean by equating (alleged) anti-semitism with (falsely alleged) anti-Americanism?

Probably pointing out that based on US support towards Israel, they could be one in the same?

8] Mr. Beichman is perpetuating an inaccuracy here. Ms. Parish was refering to the Bush administration and it's peons, not Americans in general. Impolitic? Impolite? Yes. Evidence of a cold-war against America? Nonsense.

......So? Mr. Beichman is talking about Left-Wing Canadians......namely the Libs since they are the only left leaning party that maters.

9] The United States attacked Canada before (admittedly a while ago), and was revealed to have operational plans on how it would invade Canada should it choose to do so in modern time. The US had a record of disrupting governments it disliked. Mr. Caplan's position is not at all outrageous. AND it STILL doesn't amount to a 'cold war' against America.

Fearing invasion is not the same a planning hostility, Mr. Beichman, you asshole.

That theory is complete and utter Bull Jive...... :rolleyes: It's cheaper for the Americans to purchase our goods, then it would be to invade and occupy Canada.

10] First, Al-Jazeera is not anti-semitic. It reports on anti-semites' activities and their motivations.

Second, Al-Jazeera is available in Israel, so obviously Israel must be running a cold war against America? Beichman's rant it so threadbare he should be ashamed to have his name on it.

Besides, his facts are incorrect, likely deliberately. Al-Jazeera was not approved with special dispensation. It was approved with special restrictive conditions not applied to any other approved broadcaster.

As for RAI, I fail to see the connection to any anitti-American sentiment, and besides, it was not approved because it's programming is carried already by a domestic chanel.

He's using Al-Jazeera as a contrast :rolleyes: In that we allow Al-Jazeera, but why not Fox and the Italian Channal???

11] This is a lie. The CRTC decision had no connection with any choices made in Bagdahd.

I wouldn't say a lie........perhaps an exagaration or perhaps the truth.......I'd have to see some proof either way.

12] Evidence? ANY evidence?

Compared to our relationships with the Americans under Mulrony, did the relationship improve under Jean, well at the same time our dependence on the Americans increased?

13] Repetition is not evidence.

Remember our election? What was PM PM's big reason for not voting for Harper?

Mr. Beichman obviously hates Canada and is willing to spout the most egregious propaganda against us.

Do you live in a glass house?

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Many times in the past, Canada has gone beyond it's obligations to aid the United States.
You give examples from Iran (25 years ago) and Antarctica (1 sick man; we had a plane there). Your example of 11 September 2001 is interesting because it is unprecedented in history. I think ordinary Newfoundlanders were the most hospitable.

I find it extremely smug on your part to suggest that ordinary Americans would not do the same for us. I suggest, for example, that you search on activities of the USCG saving Canadians.

It is not Canada abandoning our friend and ally in times of need. It is that the US, since the current administration taking office, that has abandoned the world with its rejection of the Kyoto Protocol, and the cancellation of various foreign aid programs.
Kyoto is seriously flawed and specifically targets the US. Russia has not signed on to Kyoto. India and China are exempted from it. US foreign aid? Are they blamed for that too now?
The US-UK coalition has failed to follow the process of the UN and not that the UN itself had failed.
I'm glad you note that the UK sides with the US. You didn't mention Australia, Italy, Poland and many others.

As to the UN, you seem to be under the delusion that it is a world council with authority to use force. I prefer your comparison to the League of Nations.

The UN survived so long because of the Cold War. The relationship between the US and the Soviet Union was such that the UN provided on occasion a useful venue.

The world changed in August 1991 when the attempted coup in Moscow failed. The UN as it existed is moribund.

It had numerous flaws anyway, not the least of which is that it named countries like Libya, pre-Iraq invasion, to head up Human Rights Commissions. Incidentally, the US taxpayer is the largest single contributor to the UN (about 25% of its budget).

Not only does it set a dangerous precedence allowing other conflicting nations to begin their own hostilities
Huh? Where have you been for the past 50 years or so?
the leaders of these nations are behaving like street gangs seeking personal revenge instead of thoughtful diplomats carrying the responsibilities of the lives of their own citizens.
You have probably never dealt with a street gang, nor a diplomat for that matter. IME, politicians in democracies are far more concerned about voters than diplomats are concerned about taxpayers. (BTW, UN diplomats are in a class of their own.)
I admire Castro much more than someone like Bush. He may be a "dictator" but I will take a benevolent dictator over a egomaniac like Bush any day.
In a few years, Castro will die and all his reforms will die shortly after. He will be forgotten the same way young Russians know little and care less about Stalin or Lenin.

Bush may win re-election in a few weeks, or he may lose. In five years, he will not be President. But the principles of the US constitution will still be around.

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Many times in the past, Canada has gone beyond it's obligations to aid the United States. The rescue of seven American hostages in Iran during the Iran Hostage crisis of 1979, the April 2001 rescue of American researchers from Antarctica, the testing of the cruise missile guidance system (of which was the predecessor of the cruise missiles used in the GWBush's Iraq war) to name a few. And most importantly, on September 11, 2001 and the days after, 224 U.S bound aircrafts were diverted and allowed to land on Canadian territory. Furthermore, without formal request, Canadian from all over Canada allowed these stranded travelers shelter into their own homes until US airports reopened. If Canada had the same outlook towards refugees as the US has, no doubt these travelers would have been in detention centres for that period in question. I don't recall similar actions from US's most favoured trading partners, Mexico or China. The reverse is definitely not true: Where was the US during the Turbot dispute with Spain in the early 1990s?

Do you live in Quebec or Ontario? (American aid during Ice storms)

What about Manitoba? (Americans help during the floods)

BC? (Forest fires US aid)

Maritimes?(Hurricanies US aid)

Or almost all of our NATO and UN commitiments? (most couldn't have happened without the help of the States)

You are extremly navie if you think that the Americans "owe us"........

It is not Canada abandoning our friend and ally in times of need. It is that the US, since the current administration taking office, that has abandoned the world with its rejection of the Kyoto Protocol, and the cancellation of various foreign aid programs.

No, it's the United States looking out for their best intrests.......I wouldn't expect Canada not to look out for hers.......and those are with the Americans.

The US-UK coalition has failed to follow the process of the UN and not that the UN itself had failed. The War is a slap in the face of all war veterans and war survivors since WWII. When the UN was setup (in replacement of the League of Nations), its objective was to be a forum to resolve international conflicts at the discussion table instead of the battlefield so that the lives of women, children and young men would no longer be wasted.

Starting a war without UN approval is exactly going against international law. Not only does it set a dangerous precedence allowing other conflicting nations to begin their own hostilities, the leaders of these nations are behaving like street gangs seeking personal revenge instead of thoughtful diplomats carrying the responsibilities of the lives of their own citizens.

Do you have any real examples where the UN didn't fail?

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Do you have an real examples where the USA has been right.

World War II.

Where they have treated any one prisoners or friends fairly.

World War II.

Where they have succeeded in reducing the threat of terrorism instead of just aggravating the situation??????


Now if you please:

Do you have any real examples where the UN didn't fail?

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bad example; last ones to join and only after they were attacked.

So why is it a bad example? Did they not fight for a good cause? And even before they joined, when they were "neutral", did they not supply the Commonwealth with vital materails?

No you are wrong again. The threat is as big if not bigger than before; not just my opinion but that is the opinion of many experts.

try again.

Has America been attacked since 9/11?

Now caesar, have at it:

Do you have any real examples where the UN didn't fail?

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Castro a benevolent dictator? ... He has murdered around 140,000 of his own people to date, ... It would be no more morally disgusting to wear a swastika than a Che Guevara tee-shirt.

Whoa whoa whoa!!! You start by criticizing Castro's rule in Cuba, but then veer wildly into a complaint about Che Guevara. They were two different people you know.

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You start by criticizing Castro's rule in Cuba, but then veer wildly into a complaint about Che Guevara. They were two different people you know.

I'm aware of that, but Guevara's face tends to appear on more tee-shirts than Castro's. And the fact remains that Guevara, too, was a cold-blooded murderer and a good friend and fellow revolutionary of Castro.

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What is your definition of the extreme left? Marx? Engles? Or are they just moderates?

Most of your comments don't seem to amount to an actual reply to mine, but regarding those that do ...

Marx and Engels would certainly qualify IMO as extreme left. But there are many contemporary examples of leaders left of Trudeau: Castro, the leaders of China, the Soviet Bloc countries, many European social democrats, etc.

... Difference of opinion is the same as 'war' to this chap, eh?

No it indicates ignorace and disrespect, much like a teenager that listens to Rap music that promotes violence against police officers............trying to define themselves as being "bad" and/or the rebel.

I find it both ludicrous and offensive for you to characterized Canada as juvenile for conscienciously held opinions. Where do you get off?

Anyway, Mr. Beichman's claim is that Canada is waging a cold war, so how does 'disrespect' matter? Please try to stick with the issue at hand.

5] Perhaps Mr. Chretien was too busy letting potential flying-bomb land safely at our airports to satisfy Beichman's need for verbification.

You don't think the other world leaders that were able to give their respects to the Americans were not also concerend with that? I should hope that our Prime Minister could walk and chew gum at the same time :rolleyes:

So far as I know Canada was the only country to accept US planes during the crisis (but I could be wrong). The point is that while Mr. Beichman complains about nonsense Canada was busy doing something truly good to help America (a point which, in his prejudice, he fails to acknowledge most ungraciuosly).

6] Evidence? ANY evidence?

Did he punish Parrish?

You make no sense here. Why should he do such a thing? What do you imagine not punishing Parrish proves? Where is the connection between Beichman's absurd claim that Martin hates America????

10] First, Al-Jazeera is not anti-semitic. It reports on anti-semites' activities and their motivations.

Second, Al-Jazeera is available in Israel, so obviously Israel must be running a cold war against America? Beichman's rant it so threadbare he should be ashamed to have his name on it.

Besides, his facts are incorrect, likely deliberately. Al-Jazeera was not approved with special dispensation. It was approved with special restrictive conditions not applied to any other approved broadcaster.

As for RAI, I fail to see the connection to any anitti-American sentiment, and besides, it was not approved because it's programming is carried already by a domestic chanel.

He's using Al-Jazeera as a contrast :rolleyes: In that we allow Al-Jazeera, but why not Fox and the Italian Channal???

Did you read my comments? I said RAI was not allowed because it's programming is already carried on a domestic chanel. I don't know the Fox details, but I suspect the CRTC decided Canadians were already sufficently served with US news sources.

And again: such decisions take Beichman NOWHERE on his thesis that Canada is waging a 'cold war' against the US. Your attempts do divert from this utter fallacy are clever, but not ultimately effective.

Mr. Beichman obviously hates Canada and is willing to spout the most egregious propaganda against us.

Do you live in a glass house?

What do you mean? I don't spout egregious propaganda full of such utter nonsense and lies, so your question is bizarre.

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You start by criticizing Castro's rule in Cuba, but then veer wildly into a complaint about Che Guevara. They were two different people you know.

I'm aware of that, but Guevara's face tends to appear on more tee-shirts than Castro's. And the fact remains that Guevara, too, was a cold-blooded murderer and a good friend and fellow revolutionary of Castro.

Guevara a cold-blooded murderer? Who did he murder, in your opinion?

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Guevara a cold-blooded murderer? Who did he murder, in your opinion?

Here's a quote from Che in 1959:

"To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the paredon!"

In 1959, Cuba had a population of 6.5 million. Within three months, Castro and Che (Che was Castro's chief executioner) had surpassed the pre-war Nazi rate of murder. Che's signature was on 1,897 death warrants (Yo Soy El Che!, Luis Ortega, 1970). Che admitted to ordering "several thousand" executions in the first few years of Castro's regime (Che Guevara: A Biography, Daniel James, 1969).

These were preceeded by show trials or no trial at all, torture, false execution and so forth, and after executions Che liked to have the victim's family take a tour of the blood and flesh-spattered wall where the victim had been shot.

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Che's signature was on 1,897 death warrants (Yo Soy El Che!, Luis Ortega, 1970). Che admitted to ordering "several thousand" executions in the first few years of Castro's regime (Che Guevara: A Biography, Daniel James, 1969).

These were proceeded by show trials or no trial at all, torture, false execution and so forth, ...

A couple thousand, eh? How many were convicted of something?

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A couple thousand, eh? How many were convicted of something?

It depends on whether or not you think being an intellectual, an anti-communist or a "counter-revolutionary" is a capital crime.

The short answer to your question would be, "about as many as were convicted of something and executed by Hitler and Stalin."

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on September 11, 2001, Mr. Chretien failed to offer a genuine, heartfelt word of solace to the American people

This is a lie.

"I was stricken by news and television pictures coming from the United States this morning. It is impossible to fully comprehend the evil that would have conjured up such a cowardly and depraved assault upon thousands of innocent people. There can be no cause or grievance that could ever justify such unspeakable violence. Indeed, such an attack is an assault not only on the targets but an offense against the freedom and rights of all civilized nations.

All Canadians are praying that the brave firefighters and rescue crews who currently on the scene will be successful in limiting the casualties. We stand ready to provide any assistance that our American friends may need at this very, very difficult hour and in the subsequent investigation.

Aline joins me in offering, on behalf of all Canadians, our deepest sympathies to the families of the victims and to the American people."- statement issued by the PMO on Sept. 11, 2001

7] What does Mr. Beichman mean by equating (alleged) anti-semitism with (falsely alleged) anti-Americanism?

Probably pointing out that based on US support towards Israel, they could be one in the same?

This is an all-too common line of argument, the primary purpose of which is to dicredit opponents of national policies. However, it's a fallacious argument, for one can critcize national policy without being tainted by racism.

o, it's the United States looking out for their best intrests.......I wouldn't expect Canada not to look out for hers.......and those are with the Americans.

Always and in perpetuity? Where they goes, we goes. I shudder to think...

Do you have any real examples where the UN didn't fail?

Irrelevant to the question of the legality of the Iraq invasion.

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Marx and Engels would certainly qualify IMO as extreme left. But there are many contemporary examples of leaders left of Trudeau: Castro, the leaders of China, the Soviet Bloc countries, many European social democrats, etc.

Who would you define as a centrist and extreme right winger?

Whats Paul Martin?

I find it both ludicrous and offensive for you to characterized Canada as juvenile for conscienciously held opinions. Where do you get off?

Anyway, Mr. Beichman's claim is that Canada is waging a cold war, so how does 'disrespect' matter? Please try to stick with the issue at hand.

Never ment to characterize Canada as juvenile, just the Liberal party.

WRT respect, as the saying goes, you catch more flies with honey then with piss and vinegar.

You make no sense here. Why should he do such a thing? What do you imagine not punishing Parrish proves? Where is the connection between Beichman's absurd claim that Martin hates America????

By not "slapping her on the wrist", and his fear mongering

about how Harper would bring us closer to the United States, I fail to see how anybody can miss Paul Martins opinion of the United States.......actions speak louder then words.

Did you read my comments? I said RAI was not allowed because it's programming is already carried on a domestic chanel. I don't know the Fox details, but I suspect the CRTC decided Canadians were already sufficently served with US news sources.

Though it could be another debate, why not allow a "pro US", right-wing leaning news agency within Canada?

What do you mean? I don't spout egregious propaganda full of such utter nonsense and lies, so your question is bizarre.

So you have never cast blanket statements about America?

This is an all-too common line of argument, the primary purpose of which is to dicredit opponents of national policies. However, it's a fallacious argument, for one can critcize national policy without being tainted by racism.

How do we know it to be a fallacious argument? To be honest, I have not seen evidence that proves it to be correct or incorrect. Do you have any?

Always and in perpetuity? Where they goes, we goes. I shudder to think...

I'd say yes, untill Canada has a complete change in how we defend oursleves and to whom we trade with.

Irrelevant to the question of the legality of the Iraq invasion.

Before the US invasion, would you call the UN mission in Iraq a sucess?

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