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Conservative attack adds on Trudeau:Right on schedule

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Guest Derek L

Just like the conservatives won't mind the liberals attacking the NDP,or vise versa.(the NDP will welcome liberals attacking conservatives)

As far as the liberals attacking the NDP in Quebec?That's going to be a tuff one with Mulcair at the helm and many young likeable NDP MP's!

Pretty much kiss the 5 conservative MP's in Quebec goodbye,they're going to have a hard time come 2015.


Perhaps, but you can also kiss the NDP’s political relevance goodbye……That’s a forgone conclusion.

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Perhaps, but you can also kiss the NDP’s political relevance goodbye……That’s a forgone conclusion.

We'll see come 2015.

The conservatives in BC have definetely peaked and will be losing seats there.

Actually from what I see the conservatives all around will be losing seats except Alberta.

But hey,lets leave it for another thread.


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Guest Derek L

We'll see come 2015.

The conservatives in BC have definetely peaked and will be losing seats there.

Actually from what I see the conservatives all around will be losing seats except Alberta.

But hey,lets leave it for another thread.


That is very possible based on recent polling showing the Tories back from the Liberals several percentage points, but in all such polls, and granted still over two years away from the election, the NDP are returned back to third party status.
I’ve no illusion that the Conservatives will eventually one day be voted out, I still feel we’ll win another majority or at worse a minority in 2015 (perhaps a Spring time election called right after the budget that’s retuned Canada to surpluses?), but I will prophesise a Trudeau led Liberal Government before the end of this decade…….be it in ~2019 or earlier.
And with that, though I’m a fully partisan Conservative, and will continue to support them through and through, it will be good for Canada to have two credible parties able to form a workable Government, of which, the NDP is not one.
For a brief while after the last election I thought the NDP might have a Tony Blair Labour Party like metamorphoses, but that is clearly not the case…….As such, the resurgence of the Liberals, and I for one, as a Conservative, would rather a moderate Justin Trudeau led Liberal Government being the Government in waiting then any of the folks with the NDP…
Sadly for NDP supporters, it’s growing more obvious as the days and weeks go by, that your high watermark was reached by the likeable late Jack Layton, not your brand of “Social Democracy” or “Democratic Socialism” or whatever you’re calling it this week……..
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Well, they said Obama was too inexperienced and he won not one, but two elections so the Tories better start getting some good material.

If this is really the best they've got they're in big trouble.

That's not really a very good comparison. Because Obama WAS too inexperienced. He won because the guy he was up against moved too far to the right and then brought that crazy Alaskan woman in as his running mate. But the real point is... he hasn't been a very good president AT ALL. McCain might have been better.

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I am going to be a Liberal voter in the next election. My decision has already been made. It was based on my dislike of the current government. Harper sold his political soul to get power.

I have good reason to be very disappointing with the Tories on a number of fronts. And if the Liberals put up a decent candidate I could see myself voting Liberal. I don't think Trudeau is that candidate, though. Yes, I'd like a new government and a new PM. But when I look at him I think of the economic disaster Dalton McGuinty has made in Ontario since voters tossed out the tories.

And the scary thing is I think McGuinty is smarter than Trudeau.

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I don't think the NDP will attack the Liberals to much. Attacking the Liberals only keeps them in opposition, I think they really want to govern and they need to save every dollar to organize and take on the Conservatives. I think you will see, and I already have much more from the Liberals attack the NDP then the other way around.

The Liberals are stealing the NDPs votes. The Tories are not. The NDP will attack the Liberals.

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He is saying the exact same thing every politician says, "Canadians are tired of negative.......". And at election time, he will run negative ads as well.

I have never seen an election campaign, going back to Trudeau the First, whether they were in power or seeking it where the Liberals did not go heavily negative.

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Let's look at what caused the Orange wave, disenfranchised voters in QC, and people, like me, that voted for the local NDP candidate because the Liberal one didn't have a chance (Oshawa riding). Jack couldn't get us past Harper... Mulcair never will.

I hope the CPC really goes after Trudeau. The first two ads were laughable, can't wait to see what is next.

They were laughable to YOU, a dedicated, starry eyed Trudeau lover. To middle of the road soccer moms and lunchpail dads who haven't put much time into things it will put the thought in their heads that he is a kid and can't be trusted with the job.

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Then why the Justin attack adds???


Simple. Right now Trudeau is an empty suit. Voters tired of the Tories can put all their hopes and wishes in that suit because they know almost nothing about the occupant. He has no real policies or thoughts for them to ponder. So they simply look at a handsome guy with a nice smile and think "Maybe he'd be better than those nasty tories". What the Tories want to do is shatter that emptiness by defining Trudeau to people. They also probably want to prod Trudeau into developing policy instead of making vague mouth noises meant to sound nice. Once you develop a policy you begin to turn people who don't agree with that policy away from you. You stop being everyone's hope and dream as they come to realize they disagree with a lot of what you're saying.

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Apropro of how thrilled people will be by Trudeau once they get to know more about him...

What a pity that Justin Trudeau’s victory speech had to come after Jean Chrétien and Bob Rae addressed the Liberals gathered in Ottawa to celebrate the end of the leadership race. The contrast was terrible. The former prime minister embodied political experience and wisdom, and the crowd roared with laughter at his jokes. Mr. Rae, the departing interim leader of the party, exuded maturity and self-confidence. Who knows if the party would be in the same sorry state if the delegates had had the good sense to elect him leader in 2006?

Then this charming young man came on stage, looking like a student in a model Parliament, trying to fit into a suit much too large for him. He delivered in a rather flat tone a speech filled with goodwill and platitudes.


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They were laughable to YOU, a dedicated, starry eyed Trudeau lover. To middle of the road soccer moms and lunchpail dads who haven't put much time into things it will put the thought in their heads that he is a kid and can't be trusted with the job.

I'm a starry eyed Trudeau lover??? Argus.... come on. I'm a Liberal, and he's the new leader, beyond that....

Anyone with half a brain would think the ads were laughable. If you want a Government that wins based on ill-informed voters buying some crap that is feed to them, despite it being incorrect.. I don't even know where to start with that.

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I'm a starry eyed Trudeau lover??? Argus.... come on. I'm a Liberal, and he's the new leader, beyond that....

Anyone with half a brain would think the ads were laughable. If you want a Government that wins based on ill-informed voters buying some crap that is feed to them, despite it being incorrect.. I don't even know where to start with that.

I don't know what country you've been living in, but ill-informed voters are the mainstay of Canada's democracy.

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it will be good for Canada to have two credible parties able to form a workable Government, of which, the NDP is not one.

I was thinking the same thing. I was pleased to see that the Liberals are managing to get their supporters to open their wallets following Trudeau's election and the Conservative attack ad. Gotta build that war chest.

ervative attack ads against Justin Trudeau have turned into a financial boon for the Liberal party.

The party raised $336,000 in the 48 hours following Trudeau's landslide victory in the Liberal leadership race Sunday.

Officials say that's more than double the party's previous top haul for an e-mail fundraising campaign.

They say the donations poured in after two back-to-back mass email solicitations that urged Liberals to fight back against Conservative attacks.


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I think the Tories will lose votes next time around, especially when Canadians find out how much more money they are going to be paying for goods because of the new tariffs they Tories have put in place. I just heard on TV some of the item being hit and it many things that we use daily. One item that surprised me that coffins are going up, so do we also import coffins...from China?? The bike shop in Toronto, were the minister of finance did a photo-op in the past, said he's not going to support the Tories next time around because of the increase of taxes to him. I also, think the next election is going to be very interesting to watch and Parliament is already getting nasty again in QP.

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I think the Tories will lose votes next time around, especially when Canadians find out how much more money they are going to be paying for goods because of the new tariffs they Tories have put in place.

You mean the tariffs they increased rather than put in place?

I just heard on TV some of the item being hit and it many things that we use daily. One item that surprised me that coffins are going up, so do we also import coffins...from China??

We import Canadian Flags from China why would coffins be any different?

The bike shop in Toronto, were the minister of finance did a photo-op in the past, said he's not going to support the Tories next time around because of the increase of taxes to him.

I think the shop was in Ottawa... but does it even matter who he will support? At the end of the day the question would be who can do the best job for Canada and tariffs might not be the biggest issue on the table.

I also, think the next election is going to be very interesting to watch and Parliament is already getting nasty again in QP.

Why would the next election be very interesting?

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Who needs attack adds when you have justin as leader, his interview with mansbridge when asked about boston, he showed what a flake he is. At the 13 minute mark.


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Who needs attack adds when you have justin as leader, his interview with mansbridge when asked about boston, he showed what a flake he is. At the 13 minute mark.


I caught that interview yesterday. I paid particular attention when he said " there is no question that this happened because of someone who feels completely excluded, someone who feels completely at war with innocence, at war with society. it is important not to marginalize people even further who already feel like they are enemies of society rather than people who have hope for the future."

Somehow I think trying to rationalize and reason with evil, psychotic behavior will not help much in preventing future terrorist attacks. At least he said something, so it's a start.

Edited by Spiderfish
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