Rue Posted April 3, 2013 Report Posted April 3, 2013 "Hudson Jones" is simply about you. All your threads are. They are simply you insisting on people agree with only what you present. For that reason, you have rendered yourself lacking in credibility. You can't flex. You can't aclnowledge anything other than your own subjective opinion. You in fact display the kind of fixated cognitive processing that leads to conflicts. Tell me you are challenged on mistatements, misquotes, misleading comments. You are provided counter arguements and counter information. All of it you ignore. How long did you think simply coming on here and ignoring anything and everything but your own opinions would work for? You really think its credible to just come back here day in day out with the same one note message? Where is your post today about Israel firing into the Gaza and into Syria with the head line EVIL ZIONISTS DO IT AGAIN? Quote I come to you to hell.
Hudson Jones Posted April 4, 2013 Author Report Posted April 4, 2013 (edited) "Hudson Jones" is simply about you. All your threads are. It's odd that you say that since all I have posted is information from reports and articles, while you have sat here giving opinions and trying to figure out who I am by throwing around ridiculous accusations. You have failed in responding to the post I made which ruins your personal opinion about sewage dumping by settlers. When you gather the courage, try responding to and acknowledging the following: A 2004 report by Friends of the Earth Middle East found that only 6% of Israeli settlements adequately treated their sewage. The settlers account for only 10% of the population of the West Bank, yet produce 25% of sewage pollution, the study found. The group also found that sewage from settlements was polluting the underground water aquifer that serves both Israel and the West Bank. The Israeli Ministry of the Environment which is responsible for enforcing environmental standards in Israeli settlements only took steps against 14 of more than 60 colonies illegally discharging sewage, the FOEME report says. Link Edited April 5, 2013 by Hudson Jones Quote When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always. Gandhi
jbg Posted April 7, 2013 Report Posted April 7, 2013 Maybe it would be better to complain about the Saudi Arabian executioner who beheaded Rizana Nafeek, a Sri Lankan maid accused of killing her child. She had no access to lawyers during her pre-trial interrogation (when she signed a “confession” written in Arabic, which she didn’t understand) or at her first trial. Maybe outrage would be better directed at these types of lethal instances. Or maybe it would be be better to complain about Palestinian armed groups in Gaza violating the law by launching hundreds of rockets toward population centers in Israel - and on and on.But that's an indigenous people validating their rights and unique culture. </sarcasm> In case you missed it, even though it was explained in the original post and shown in the video, the spraying of the houses with this foul stench happened because Israel wanted to punish the Palestinians who had the audacity to protest the Israeli barrier wall that cuts deep into the Palestinian territory. So I'm not sure why you're here trying to apologize for Israel's rotten action.And what form did these "protests" take? Quote Free speech: "You can say what you want, but I don't have to lend you my megaphone." Always remember that when you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper, and when you are in the wrong you cannot afford to lose it. - J.J. Reynolds. Will the steps anyone is proposing to fight "climate change" reduce a single temperature, by a single degree, at a single location? The mantra of "world opinion" or the views of the "international community" betrays flabby and weak reasoning (link).
Rue Posted April 11, 2013 Report Posted April 11, 2013 (edited) Hudson Jones you stated: "You have failed in responding to the post I made which ruins your personal opinion about sewage dumping by settlers. When you gather the courage, try responding to and acknowledging the following:" Let's try state this simply for you as you appear confused. At no time have I denied Israeli settlers on the West Bank are causing pollution. In fact in posts before "Hudson JOnes" threads began appearing I wrote a response criticizing Israel and the Palestinian Authority for environmental failures and I openly as many pro Israeli supporters do challenge the environmental policies of Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and all arab nations in the Middle East. All claim security issues trump environmental ones. The fact is the birth rates of Palestinians has sky rocketed and the land they live on does not have sufficient water or farms to feed its people. The fact is all Arab nations and Israel have the same problem. So no I have not ruined my opinion and if you bothered to actually read what I wrote you would know I have stated repeatedly that beneath much of the conflict is a fight over water and basic municipal infrastructure and I have stated that many times actually on this forum. What you did was to completely ignore what I reported. What you did and continue to do is take one issue-a sewage leak, remove it from its actual true context, a problem for all nations of the Middle East, and try pose it simply as an excuse to criticize Israel. You make no suggestions as to how to rectify the sewage issue. You make no suggestions as to how both sides could work together to sustain the environment. No not you. Your script is to isolate a sewage leak, throw it out with an insult against Israel, and nothing else. That is your m.o. and that is why you have no credibility with me and I challenged your m.o. and you again with your latest response will not acknowledge or debate what I wrote and try once again to control the conversation and state I am only allowed to read what you present and not present any other information on the same topic. That sewage leak as I showed, is not the issue-it's only one symptom of a far greater challenge faced by all citizens of the Middle East and you choose to ignore that. As long as "Hudson Jones" come on such forums to simply provide sound bites to turn such problems into an excuse to hate one of the peoples facing this challenge (Israelis) all you do is add to the problem. Your desire to reduce the world into feuding tribes where one tribe is right and the other wrong reflects the very exercise I point out as being defective and you will not respond to. Problems such as how to preserve the environment are universal. We will never solve them, if we remain like you, mired in name calling and the incitement of hatred and tribal war. Logic dictates to resolve a problem you must resolve any conflicts between the peoples equally impacted by that problem. They can't work together to find a solution if one is preoccupied wiping the other out. Go on finish what you started. You claimed I do not have courage. What about you? Where is the courage in simply coming on this forum and inciting people to hate Israel in your comments? Hwo does that help the sewage or any or issues/ Does that take courage? No human will ever solve the issues ailing us, claiming one of us is courageous and the other is not. It does however take courage to stop name calling and stretch out your hand to your perceived enemy and say let's work together. So tell me, when have you ever provided any post, discussion or thread that has suggested anything about Israelis and Palestinians working together peacefully side by side? Well? Why will you not acknowledge Israel has a right to exist and Hamas is in a state of war with it and this sets the context for most of the responses Israeli produces? Have you ever written a thread or post that suggests Israel and Palestinians must learn to live with one another peacefuly? Well? Have you ever acknowledged that Hamas, Fatah Hawks, and the Palestinian Authority will not recognize Israel as a Jewish state, and because Hamas, Fatah Hawks and countless other cells operate in Gaza and the West Bank, it is impossible for the technical expertise Israel has in farming and water irrigation to be applied to assist Palestinians build a nation and solve these sewage problems? Well? "Hudson Hones" for someone who issues challenges and makes comments about courage you might want to look in a mirror and understand your Israel is poo poo script doesn't exactly put you on a righteous horse. As for me. I have never stated Israel's environmental policies are wonderful. Israel has political parties elected by both Jewish and non Jewish Israelis who openly advocate for greener and environmentally friendly policies and a return to more collective farming and the incorporation of better environmental policies and I openly support these initiatives. I volunteered on a kibbutz "Hudson Jones" . What about you? You were the one who raised the issue of courage? Do you even know where the West Bank is? Solar eand wind energy as we see it in its modern use today was developed at David Ben Gurion University where they developed an igloo like structure that can be built quitecheaply in the desert and is self sustaining and uses wind and,solar light to control itself and collects natural rain water. I know people who were my age who helped developed those self sustaining homes "Hudson Jones" hoping one day both Arabs and Israelis could use them. Do you know these people "Hudson Jones"? In your scripted world of black and white, can you acknowledge Israelis might want to make life better not just for themselves but their Arab neighbours? How about "Hudson Jones" you acknowledge right now, that Israel built elaborate greenhouses on the West Bank that enabled Gaza citizens to feed themselves and set up elaborate water irrigation systems for their farmers, and when the pro Syria Muslim Brotherhood wing wrestled control of Hamas away from the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, the first thing they did when they seized power was to blow up these greenhouses along with the roads, schools, mosques, homes and buildings Israel funded through Muslim charities working with Hamas that made Palestinians self sufficient.. How about how you explain that Israel used its own finances to build an infrastructure for Palestinians in Gaza showing them if they lived peacefully side by side Israel, Israel would help them. How about how you explain when the Hamas violent faction took over, they turned on their own people, blew all this up and then arbitrarily went and killed thousands of Palestinians accusing them of collaborating with Israel. What has Hamas done for its people other than put them back into the stone age to keep them in fear? Explain how on the West Bank the Palestinian Authority has taken money given to it by Israel and international environmental organizations to build septic tanks and instead re-routed that money to Swiss Bank accounts held by its corupt leaders. Hmm? Does your script contain that "Hudson Jones"? The environment is a universal problem. It requires we all come together "Hudson Jones". Your call to hate Israel is outdated. It aint gonna undo Syriua, It aint gona undo Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Lebanon. You can't reverse back time to the good old days "Hudson jones" where if you throw out the anti Israel song it will preoccupy people from noticing the failure of Arab regimes to offer their people something other than using Israel as a scapegoat for their failures. Never once have I come on this forum to act as a shrill for Israel but I sure as hell will continue to counter each and every hateful word I feel coming from "Hudson Jones" because I believe your rhetoric could care less about Palestinians and simply uses them as a pretense for your own true agenda which is what "Hudson Jones?" Tell me why is it ridiculous to ask you why you will never acknowledge Hamas exists? Hmmmm? How do you want me to deal with someone whose script is so limited and repetitive and reads as sound bites right off Hamas' external propaganda site? Go on fair is fair. You think I am an Israeli puppet say so? I can take it? What about you, "Hudson Jones"-care to share your actual beliefs about Hamas, Iran, intifadah, and why you want Israel dismantled as a jewish state? Will you or do you want to keep sending out the sound bites? This is a debate forum? Why not debate? Here I Edited April 11, 2013 by Rue Quote I come to you to hell.
Hudson Jones Posted April 12, 2013 Author Report Posted April 12, 2013 Once again, you're running around, misrepresenting what you said earlier, misrepresenting what I have said and trying your best to change the facts about Israel's discrimination against Palestinians. This was your comment a few posts ago: Once again you can see the misrepresentation tactic"Hudson Jones" engages in. When he comes on the forum he states Israeli settlers "dump" sewage but the actual sites he quotes use the word "spill". Dump would suggest its deliberate, spill would suggest accidental. It is deliberate as shown by the reports. You haven't put a coherent thought together in your long winded posts. All you have tried to do is to blame the situation on circumstances that effects 'everyone' instead of acknowledging the systematic policies that discriminate against Palestinians. The facts are right in there in regards to the discriminatory water allocation between the settlers and the Palestinians in the occupied territories. The facts are right there showing the sewage and garbage dumping on Palestinian land by settlers. Yet, you continue to deny them. Gather the courage to accept these facts. I know you can do it. Quote When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always. Gandhi
Hudson Jones Posted April 12, 2013 Author Report Posted April 12, 2013 How do we rectify the situation you ask? How about you start by admitting the discriminatory treatment of Palesitnians by Israel instead of trying to justify them or water them down. Quote When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always. Gandhi
Rue Posted April 12, 2013 Report Posted April 12, 2013 How do we rectify the situation you ask? How about you start by admitting the discriminatory treatment of Palesitnians by Israel instead of trying to justify them or water them down. You once again exhibit why you have no credibility. Read it back. It is of course illogical. How does stating Israel discriminates against Palestinians stop sewage from leaking? You are something. Now you suggest if you propogate anti Israel political spins it creates peaceful opportunities. Right. Give it a rest. Your attempt to justify name calling by heading right back to it, and suggesting if you make a politically bias statement against Israel, that will solve sewage leaks, shows the absurdity let alone sheer lack of logic in your responses. Again all you can do is repeat a politically bias statement-nothing else. Your only offer on this forum like I have said is to name call. You can't talk about one specific method to improve sewage systems. The reason you can't is because you didn't read what I posted. You didn't read it, because your agenda is not to identify why there are sewage leaks, its simply to use those leaks as an opportunity to agitate hatred against Israel. I will say it again because no matter how many times you try avoid the topic you can't. You have not proven any deliberate leak. What in fact has happened are spills. The system is breaking down. You are trying to give that sewage system breakdown a deliberate spin and suggest it was created as a political weapon. That is why you have zero credibility. You have zero credibility because you would know if you actually bothered to look into the issue instead of trying to control and censor the information on it, that the sewage problems are not isolated to the story you try distort into a political conspiracy, but has been going on since prior to Israel entering the West Bank. Now get this clear. WE do not rectify anything. WE is a word you use that presumes your opinion matters and you are a positive player who will help both Israelis and Palestinians. You are neither. You issue propoganda sound bites. That's it. Period. You offer deliberately contained and limited comments that avoid any discussion of the issues at hand unless you can control the source that describes those issues. When you are challenged as to your sources with other sources, your sole m.o. is to ignore any information that directly contradicts yours as mine did, and revert to personal name calling. You don't debate, you avoid debate by throwing out statements such as "long winded" statement. That very exercise of responding by not responding and reverting to "long winded" shows you can't debate and are not interested in debating. What you are interested in is insisting that your version or opinion is the only one considered and you bet I am going to come on this forum and each and every time you do that throw it back in your face. No you do not resolve sewage leaks going to the very person you think is causing those leaks and agitating hatred against them. You appeal to them to help. You say, please help. Your hatred and agenda is so transparent you miss the most basic answer in resolving any conflict-appealing to all the parties in that conflict to help each other. You just can't acknowledge the fact that the solution has to come from the very people you blame for it and so inciting war and terror against Israelis won't give them any reason to help. In fact it is my contention you know that the solution is to appeal to Israel to help. However if you did that-they would and that is your greatest fear-that if Israel did help Palestinians they would have no reason to hate each other-and then what happens to YOU "Hudson Jones" because make no mistake there is no "WE" in your threads, there is just the name "Hudson Jones". You don't want peace. You don't want Israeli engineers building sewage facilities for Palestinians and you don't want cooperation. We all know that-you have shown that-to date you won't acknowledge you support the Hezbollah-Hamas approach which is to engage in terrorism not just against Israelis but Palestinians who would dare work with Israelis. I state it again- you are no "we". You have a clear agenda to simply incite anti Israel sentiment on this forum. Each thread shows that. You offer no solutions but you do each and every time you are asked to suggest something positive to resolve the conflict, revert back to name calling stating that is what you do and that is the only thing anyone need to, name call. Where we YOU "Hudson Jones" when I witnessed roads and greenhouses blown up and Hamas butchering its people and Fatah Hawks going into neighbourhoods and beating and murdering people for daring to suggest peace with Israel. Where were YOU "Hudson Jones"? I have asked you that many times and you avoid responding. Where were YOU? Do you even know where the West Bank is? You even know what a Palestinian is? Do you claim to suggest there have not been Israelis who tried to suggest sewage projects on the Gaza to help Palestinians but were repudiated by the PA? Go on "Hudson Jones" go finish what you start. The actual issue you talk of does not begin or end from the one source you quote. Your source is but one person's photo of but one tiny aspect of a far greater cause and effect. You are a classic example of someone who thinks he can remove just one frame from a movie and suggest it shows all anyone needs to know. Right "Hudson Jones" you want to leave all the rest of the film on the cutting floor right? Wrong. WE? Lol. Are you in fact suggesting you are not a you but in fact a collective of script writers? Get out. Quote I come to you to hell.
Hudson Jones Posted April 12, 2013 Author Report Posted April 12, 2013 More long-winded writing, avoiding the facts. Tell me when you'll be able to deal with this: A 2004 report by Friends of the Earth Middle East found that only 6% of Israeli settlements adequately treated their sewage. The settlers account for only 10% of the population of the West Bank, yet produce 25% of sewage pollution, the study found. The group also found that sewage from settlements was polluting the underground water aquifer that serves both Israel and the West Bank. The Israeli Ministry of the Environment which is responsible for enforcing environmental standards in Israeli settlements only took steps against 14 of more than 60 colonies illegally discharging sewage, the FOEME report says. Quote When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always. Gandhi
jbg Posted April 13, 2013 Report Posted April 13, 2013 Environmentalists maintain that the Israeli authorities are not doing enough to prevent pollution in the West Bank.Can you show me a few countries where environmentalists are happy with policies? Maybe Komodo? Quote Free speech: "You can say what you want, but I don't have to lend you my megaphone." Always remember that when you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper, and when you are in the wrong you cannot afford to lose it. - J.J. Reynolds. Will the steps anyone is proposing to fight "climate change" reduce a single temperature, by a single degree, at a single location? The mantra of "world opinion" or the views of the "international community" betrays flabby and weak reasoning (link).
Rue Posted April 14, 2013 Report Posted April 14, 2013 (edited) More long-winded writing, avoiding the facts. Tell me when you'll be able to deal with this: A 2004 report by Friends of the Earth Middle East found that only 6% of Israeli settlements adequately treated their sewage. The settlers account for only 10% of the population of the West Bank, yet produce 25% of sewage pollution, the study found. The group also found that sewage from settlements was polluting the underground water aquifer that serves both Israel and the West Bank. The Israeli Ministry of the Environment which is responsible for enforcing environmental standards in Israeli settlements only took steps against 14 of more than 60 colonies illegally discharging sewage, the FOEME report says. Lol imagine that, you ignored me again and simply restated your article. hah, At least your m.o. is so worn it should be obvious to anyone foolish enough to read anything between us. That's it? Your handlers won't let you debate? They limit you to the anti Israeli sound bite/ That's it? Lol. Are you people serious? You going to stick with that 2004 report and try ignore anything else on the subject but the sound bite you keep repeating? That's it? Lol. You guys are funny. "Hudson Jones" how about at least you give me the real name of your organization. Oh come on now. Also can you explai why you would keep quoting article you do pretending nothing else exists/ Really/ Lol. You do realize Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are responsible for failed environmental policies as well? Hah.No not you. You can't acknowdlege either can you. You are not allowed to mention either. You are something. As I have demonstrated to readers, you won;t because you can't even acknowledge Hamas' record on the Gaza with its environmental policies or the failed policies of the Palestinian Water Authority and its other agencies. There is no Hamas in the Gaza or Palestinian Authority on the West Bank with culpability for anything let alone failed environmental polices right? With your given script all you are only allowed to state issues as solely being Israeli government failure carried out by Israelis witht he deliberate intent to hate Palestinians, period. Courage. You want courage? Courage is GETTING UP FROM THE DESK AND WALKING AWAY into the very world you are frightened of. Instead of sitting at a desk recycling hate propaganda script feeds go out there. Think for yourself. Go out to the very place you have the hilarity to write about. At least find out what the actual problem. Now let me show you how young students with courage take the same issue you use to incite hatred and speak of it in neutral terms; Lol. You can't run from it. There is a generation of you people who see through the past and are looking to the future. Long after I am dead they will take over this planet and I have full confidence despite your hatred and attempts to try get Palestinians to help them, they unlike you will have the courage to find a way to break through to Palestinians-they will both find a way to shed themselves of your world of restrictive political censorship and hatred and they will work together to build visions that give them both hope. Courage? You can't even look in my eyes. The vision of hope paralyzes you into repeating the same stunted response over and over. Hah. You that frightened of free thought? Are you really? Do you know what some of us have had to do to get to the points in our lives where we now can be in a state where we feel nothing-where we can look at a crisis that continues to be fueled, and we feel nothing-that's right-nothing. We don't get angry, sad, happy-we are living in the moment-existence-the struggle to create meaning-its fleeting and we have no time for anger, for script writers like you who have been manipulated by others to parrot their views. The people who wrote the above articles they don't follow what i say or you-they trust their intelligence to lead them-they are using their scientific powers of observation to try find a solution. Unlike you they don't simply come on forums to name call. Me? Hahah. You know what I am. The person who has had to put warm little body parts in bags. i am the person who dumps the toxic sludge and dead animals into makeshift containers to try move and bury them. I am the one who records the number of deaths and the dwindling species populations. Oh come now. Do you really think the world only consists of angry terrorists and their die hard supporters? Some of us have been called on to clean up the very messes you try exploit. It is why we take the opportunity to steer people to positive solutions from negative ones and don't allow people like you and yours to dominate the forum on this topic. Every time you try incite hatred, I will be here offering an alternative to your hatred. That's why we choose the mask with that silly smile on it you know. It sure beats your black masks. Edited April 14, 2013 by Rue Quote I come to you to hell.
The_Squid Posted April 14, 2013 Report Posted April 14, 2013 You should think about being more concise. Quote Science flies you to the moon, Religion flies you into buildings.
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