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Teachers Should Be Paid More

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There are lots of ways to make program spending cuts. The salaries of teachers should not be put forth first in as much as there simply isn't a biggest bang for the buck to be had with the effort. Real savings can only be realized through reduction of the triplicated efforts of three levels of government to administer one form of service. Bureaucracy accounts for far to great a portion of program expense. Service delivery is the prime consideration with public programs and the administrative replicated efforts detract from the efficiency of the program.

Education expenses paid for by the tax payer are the property of school boards, not cities, provinces and federal governments. We need to rethink program delivery at a different level if we desire to reduce expenses.

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We've seen it too where the claim is 'but they get two months off a year' plus all those holidays the kids have too. Without understanding that in many cases the teachers are working through those breaks and spend a lot of time after hours ..aka homework for teachers, in the form of grading papers and grading tests.

How many hours a week would you say the average teacher works during the school year? And how many during all the breaks?

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* Teachers should be graded by parents & students as to performance & an increase in salary accordingly.

* Balderdash they grade papers ... students do the marking for other students. I know that to be factual.

* Balderdash they spend hours after school or holidays - I had several teachers as neighbors and they left the school long before students did. As for working - yes at golf and swimming in their backyard pool or a working out at a spa.

* Teachers need to have hours set that although school is out at 3:30 that they are there until at least 5:00 p.m. to help needy students and do their so called extra work.

* Many teachers set bad examples for students & no longer have a dress code to look professional commanding some respect.

* If they find it difficult to teach one subject per class, they should try teaching 8 grades and all subjects - now that is a challenge & teaching.

* Teachers are paid per annum and choose to get paid within a 10 month period - during the break of 2 months they find other employment.

* Do I want a socialist teaching my children and implanting socialist ideals ... absolutely not. I want an objective teacher.

* Did someone here mention babysitting the kids - if that is what is being done and the kids are at school to learn, when does learning & teaching take place - before or after babysitting?

* yes there are some good teachers but only a small percentage.

* They are paid very well for the short hours they put in.

* Socialist studied teaching and before he even gets a job is complaining about the pay scale. You either like to teach and look forward to wage increases or you are in it for the pay which does not make for a good teacher.

* Teachers also verbally & physically abuse children .. my child was and did not deserve it. He was verbally abused because he had severe allergies.

And that folks is my opinion in brief from personal observation and experience.,

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70 -75 hours/week during the school year, and at least 30-40 hours a week on "holidays".

I don't believe you for a second. Maybe in their first year but most teachers after a year or two have it nailed it down. The standard school day is 845 to 330pm which is 7 hours. Add two hours IF they coach or do extra curricular. Add another two hours for grading IF they have it. That's 11 hours max in a day 5 days per week. 50-60 hours for a maxed out teacher at the most!!! Further to that I would bet dollars to donuts that most teachers put in 40-50 hours which is normal of most jobs.

And what program are you looking at that has teachers working 30-40 hours per week in the summers or other breaks. I know dozens of teachers who either work a second job OR spend the whole time at the lake. Im currently on spring break with two teachers who laughed when i asked. I call complete BS on that part.

$100k for this? Good luck!!

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70 -75 hours/week during the school year, and at least 30-40 hours a week on "holidays".

I should have just googled it.


53 hours per week during the year. And it doesn't count summers!


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* Teachers should be graded by parents & students as to performance & an increase in salary accordingly.

* Balderdash they grade papers ... students do the marking for other students. I know that to be factual.

* Balderdash they spend hours after school or holidays - I had several teachers as neighbors and they left the school long before students did. As for working - yes at golf and swimming in their backyard pool or a working out at a spa.

* Teachers need to have hours set that although school is out at 3:30 that they are there until at least 5:00 p.m. to help needy students and do their so called extra work.

* Many teachers set bad examples for students & no longer have a dress code to look professional commanding some respect.

* If they find it difficult to teach one subject per class, they should try teaching 8 grades and all subjects - now that is a challenge & teaching.

* Teachers are paid per annum and choose to get paid within a 10 month period - during the break of 2 months they find other employment.

* Do I want a socialist teaching my children and implanting socialist ideals ... absolutely not. I want an objective teacher.

* Did someone here mention babysitting the kids - if that is what is being done and the kids are at school to learn, when does learning & teaching take place - before or after babysitting?

* yes there are some good teachers but only a small percentage.

* They are paid very well for the short hours they put in.

* Socialist studied teaching and before he even gets a job is complaining about the pay scale. You either like to teach and look forward to wage increases or you are in it for the pay which does not make for a good teacher.

* Teachers also verbally & physically abuse children .. my child was and did not deserve it. He was verbally abused because he had severe allergies.

And that folks is my opinion in brief from personal observation and experience.,

There is no question that the job of teaching is demanding and takes a level of energy that must exceed that of students to accomplish anything at all.

Teachers do work hard.

Unfortunately, they work hard at schooling and not educating. I believe they dull the desire of their students to learn because it has little to do with educating. Certainly there are a class of students that can regurgitate information they have digested and they benefit the most from this form of schooling.

It is a two way street and students do have to have a strong desire to learn without allowing it to be dulled. An interest in learning or in some subject must be maintained and perhaps some students are smart enough to figure out the teacher is sometimes an obstacle to their education.

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* Teachers should be graded by parents & students as to performance & an increase in salary accordingly.

* Balderdash they grade papers ... students do the marking for other students. I know that to be factual.

* Balderdash they spend hours after school or holidays - I had several teachers as neighbors and they left the school long before students did. As for working - yes at golf and swimming in their backyard pool or a working out at a spa.

* Teachers need to have hours set that although school is out at 3:30 that they are there until at least 5:00 p.m. to help needy students and do their so called extra work.

* Many teachers set bad examples for students & no longer have a dress code to look professional commanding some respect.

* If they find it difficult to teach one subject per class, they should try teaching 8 grades and all subjects - now that is a challenge & teaching.

* Teachers are paid per annum and choose to get paid within a 10 month period - during the break of 2 months they find other employment.

* Do I want a socialist teaching my children and implanting socialist ideals ... absolutely not. I want an objective teacher.

* Did someone here mention babysitting the kids - if that is what is being done and the kids are at school to learn, when does learning & teaching take place - before or after babysitting?

* yes there are some good teachers but only a small percentage.

* They are paid very well for the short hours they put in.

* Socialist studied teaching and before he even gets a job is complaining about the pay scale. You either like to teach and look forward to wage increases or you are in it for the pay which does not make for a good teacher.

* Teachers also verbally & physically abuse children .. my child was and did not deserve it. He was verbally abused because he had severe allergies.

And that folks is my opinion in brief from personal observation and experience.,

Wow, that is quite the bitch session you just typed. Totally clueless, but i guess you are entitled to an opinion.

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Wow, that is quite the bitch session you just typed. Totally clueless, but i guess you are entitled to an opinion.

That is a statement of her experience with the education system. She is not alone, unfortunately and one day it if not addressed will be the experience of the majority and will need to be dealt with.

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Yes. Why don't we just pay everyone 6 figures. Or hell, 7 figures. I look forward to making my 7 figure minimum wage along with everyone else, and paying $5,000 for lunch every day.

Right. socialist talks about this but does not see the economic absurdity of it.

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Right. socialist talks about this but does not see the economic absurdity of it

In Alberta, teachers start off between $60-65k. After 10 years of experience they get between $90-100K. Keep in mind this is for 10 months of work. Add in the benefits and pension they get and they are doing better than most. Not to mention the job security they get after 3 years.

They are extremely well paid considering this is a fall back career for most of them!

Edited by Accountability Now
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They are extremely well paid considering this is a fall back career for most of them!

Agreed. A teacher I know works only three days of the week and runs a business on the side. He is near retirement so wants to maximize his pension by working another day as his pension is indexed from his average salary in his last few years. He and his wife, who works in the health profession, are constantly jockeying to see who can bring home the biggest paycheck.

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According to your link the average teacher works 53 hours per week, for 40 weeks per year for a total of 2,120 hours.

The average private sector worker puts in 39 hours per week, for 49 weeks per year for a total of 1,911 hours.

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How many hours a week would you say the average teacher works during the school year? And how many during all the breaks?

That depends on what grade you are teaching.

In my family we have a retired high school teacher, and the amount of hours she put in at home were on average 2 hours a night. My cousins wife is a grade school teacher and she does not spend much time at home doing work.

Edited by GostHacked
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According to your link the average teacher works 53 hours per week, for 40 weeks per year for a total of 2,120 hours.

The average private sector worker puts in 39 hours per week, for 49 weeks per year for a total of 1,911 hours.

Teachers put in mour yearly hours than 99% of the private sector. People are too narrow minded

to understand as evidenced by many on this forum.

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According to your link the average teacher works 53 hours per week, for 40 weeks per year for a total of 2,120 hours.

The average private sector worker puts in 39 hours per week, for 49 weeks per year for a total of 1,911 hours.

Ok...and private sector employees average about $43000 per year. Based on your numbers teachers work 10% more than private sector workers so they should be paid around $47,000 per year. And socialist wants $100k? Add to the fact that the pension and benefits that teachers get blow the private sector out of the water!


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Teachers put in mour yearly hours than 99% of the private sector. People are too narrow minded

to understand as evidenced by many on this forum.

And apparently you are too narrow minded to realize that teachers get compensated well above 99% of the private sector. Maybe it's time to stop whining about the pay and be happy with the profession YOU chose!

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Just to be clear...teachers in Ontario start at $45-55k. Each year they get raises where after 10 years they get between $76-94k. Times are tough aren't they?


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Teachers put in more hours in almost 3 months less time on the job. That's commendable. I think they are compensated fairly as the do deserve more than the average worker. I also believe that teachers, along with all public sector employees, should take a bit of a haircut as tax revenues contract over the next dozen years.

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Teachers put in more hours in almost 3 months less time on the job. That's commendable. I think they are compensated fairly as the do deserve more than the average worker. I also believe that teachers, along with all public sector employees, should take a bit of a haircut as tax revenues contract over the next dozen years.

You're right. That's why they get paid more. My point of contention is when people like socialiat are saying that teachers should be paid over 100k much like other professionals who work 60-70 hours 50 weeks of the year.

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I'd rather have a human teach children than a computer. This technology is facilitating isolation and less real interaction with other humans.


People once used slide rules to make calculations, now they use calculators.

People once used tellers to transact at a bank, now they use ATMs.

GostHacked, imagine how many math teachers lost their jobs because of calculators. Or, imagine how many school librarians have lost their jobs because of the Internet. Sadly, none.

Yet, with time, we no longer need slide rulers, and we no longer need school libraries.


When the State changes, it changes in catastrophic fashion.

Our western, State-organized education system is on the verge of a revolutionary change.

Edited by August1991
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People once used slide rules to make calculations, now they use calculators.

People once used tellers to transact at a bank, now they use ATMs.

Our western, State-organized education system is on the verge of a revolutionary change.

No, it is not. Public schools are a major necessity for a proper democracy. You keep saying this, but it will never happen.

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Where do you stop? Do you stop at teachers? Doctores? Parents? But for those who sit their kids in front of a TV allday, sure then a computer is the best tool. But if you want social skills in people, then you will want a real human teacher.

People once used slide rules to make calculations, now they use calculators.

There is a difference in using calculators to do complex math, you do first have to understand the math, and that is taught by a ... real human teacher!

People once used tellers to transact at a bank, now they use ATMs.

GostHacked, imagine how many math teachers lost their jobs because of calculators. Or, imagine how many school librarians have lost their jobs because of the Internet. Sadly, none.

I used calculators in physics and math classes. Neither replaced the need for a teacher.

You need a teacher in order to show you how the math is done.

There are places where computers in the long run will cause more social issues than if we had humans.

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