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Rob Ford loses it again

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According to the neighbour the reporter started yelling "HEEEEELLLLPPPP"

Looks like he was looking for a confrontation.

Yelling help? Sounds like he was looking for someone to help him.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Ford is probably a nice guy, he really needs to take a moment and think before he says things or decides to act though.

The reporter, from all reports I have read was just doing his job... It will be interesting though to see what was sent via text and what pictures were taken. I assume the police will look at these things as part of their investigation. If what he has told us is accurate, Ford needs to apologize and I hope someone suggests that he seek help with his anger issues. If what the reporter has told turms out to not be true, i hope there is a legal remedy that can be pursued.

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Yelling help? Sounds like he was looking for someone to help him.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Ford is probably a nice guy, he really needs to take a moment and think before he says things or decides to act though.

The reporter, from all reports I have read was just doing his job... It will be interesting though to see what was sent via text and what pictures were taken. I assume the police will look at these things as part of their investigation. If what he has told us is accurate, Ford needs to apologize and I hope someone suggests that he seek help with his anger issues. If what the reporter has told turms out to not be true, i hope there is a legal remedy that can be pursued.

What if evidence is found that he was in fact peering over the fence on cinderblocks to look into the backyard when the land in question was on the sideyard?

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Doesn't matter. Still not trespassing.

Doesn't look good though.

Just like with the Marg thing both sides look bad. People who like Ford will think the Star is being trashy and people who hate Ford will think he's over-reacting.

The universe is as it should be.

But then again, it'll be interesting to see what type of photos Mr. Dale took.

Edited by Boges
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No surprise people here think it's okay to stalk and harass a public figure and his family. Maybe the question asked should be why does the Mayor need to buy property for a security fence !

I expect better from a large newspaper, not tabloid journalism, go after policy but don't make it personal. That paper lost it's integrity some time ago, they give yellow journalism a bad name.

the only person harassed here was the reporter.

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According to the neighbour the reporter started yelling "HEEEEELLLLPPPP"

Looks like he was looking for a confrontation.

Riiight. Because anyone that yells "help" when someone is attacking or threatening them is looking for a confrontation. Is that what you said when you heard the Trayvon Martin tapes? He was yelling for help. He must have been looking for a confrontation with Zimmerman.

Edited by cybercoma
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This is complete and utter incompetence by The Star. They still have the hate on for Ford since he won't grant them any interviews after they printed libelous comments about him.

While it may not be trespassing, it certainly qualifies as 'mischief' under the law.

430. (1) Every one commits mischief who wilfully

c) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property; or

d) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property. (link)

Of course getting a conviction could be difficult, but there is plenty of precedent for this. Off the top of my head, this decision comes to mind. The TLDR version is that a neighbour put a security camera in their own yard but pointed it towards his neighbour. Despite no 'tresspass' taking place, the court found that this was mischief. So yeah, pointing a camera into someone else's yard is not necessarily an acceptable thing to do.

Just because a person isn't actually ON your property, doesn't mean they can do whatever they want NEAR the property. If that was the case there wouldn't be injunctions preventing people from protesting on public land near abortion clinics.

In the end, if this wasn't harassment, it was certainly incompetence on the part of the reporter. I mean seriously, who goes out at sunset to take pictures in a dark wooded area behind the house of a public figure who has received death threats before... Does this reporter not know you can get a BETTER view of the property by hitting up Google or Bing for a nice overhead view? If he still wanted to see it for himself, go during the day when no one is home. Better yet, send an actual photographer who can take pictures from a safe distance away without causing alarm.

Sorry, this is epic fail on the part of The Star.

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Isn't Ford being charge with "conflict of Interest" with some money he gave to his football or baseball team, or something like that and could lose being mayor? I say he has lots of stress, probably high blood pressure, overweight, he may regret running for mayor.

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Riiight. Because anyone that yells "help" when someone is attacking or threatening them is looking for a confrontation. Is that what you said when you heard the Trayvon Martin tapes? He was yelling for help. He must have been looking for a confrontation with Zimmerman.

Any evidence that Ford physically confronted Mr. Dale? He yelled at him though, big whoop.

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In the end, if this wasn't harassment, it was certainly incompetence on the part of the reporter. I mean seriously, who goes out at sunset to take pictures in a dark wooded area behind the house of a public figure who has received death threats before... Does this reporter not know you can get a BETTER view of the property by hitting up Google or Bing for a nice overhead view? If he still wanted to see it for himself, go during the day when no one is home. Better yet, send an actual photographer who can take pictures from a safe distance away without causing alarm.

Sorry, this is epic fail on the part of The Star.

Apparently he had already filed his story regarding buying the land. He was clearly looking for another story. Well he got it. ;)

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In the end, if this wasn't harassment, it was certainly incompetence on the part of the reporter. I mean seriously, who goes out at sunset to take pictures in a dark wooded area behind the house of a public figure who has received death threats before... Does this reporter not know you can get a BETTER view of the property by hitting up Google or Bing for a nice overhead view? If he still wanted to see it for himself, go during the day when no one is home. Better yet, send an actual photographer who can take pictures from a safe distance away without causing alarm.

Sorry, this is epic fail on the part of The Star.

You know what kind of journalist lets google or bing do his leg work? A shitty one.

If he was taking pictures, they were likely for reference, hence no pro photog.

BTW, this happened at 7:30. Sunset is an hour later.

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Yeah, perhaps the story of the mayor trying to buy public land so his kids could have more yard to play in had more legs.

If the property he was looking to buy was on the side an obviously visible from the front, then why was Mr. Star Reporter peering into the backyard on top of cinder blocks?

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So now psycho tubby, Rob Ford is threatening to freeze out all city hall media unless the Toronto Star reporter he threatened and attacked outside his home is removed from the municipal affairs beat.

Time for the media to stand up for one of their own.

When politicians start dictating who and who cannot cover them, they need to be removed.

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You guys can really let your imaginations run wild. He's trying to buy a small slice of public land so he can erect a security fence, that's all. Obviously he needs more security.

Ford has security video (noon news) showing the reporter at the fence taking pictures, they have gone too far with the harassment and personal vendetta, this is shoddy and over the top. Never mind, there'll be 90 or more pages of speculation, innuendo and fabrications.

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So now psycho tubby, Rob Ford is threatening to freeze out all city hall media unless the Toronto Star reporter he threatened and attacked outside his home is removed from the municipal affairs beat.

That's a serious claim. Has Mr. Dale filed charges for assault?

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If the property he was looking to buy was on the side an obviously visible from the front, then why was Mr. Star Reporter peering into the backyard on top of cinder blocks?

The only person claiming he was...was the liar himself, Rob Ford.
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That's a serious claim. Has Mr. Dale filed charges for assault?

I would hope someone does.

The sooner that nutcase is taken out, the better off Toronto will be. Cops can move on to handling more important matters than constantly responding to Mayor Psycho's 911 calls

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Just because a person isn't actually ON your property, doesn't mean they can do whatever they want NEAR the property. If that was the case there wouldn't be injunctions preventing people from protesting on public land near abortion clinics.

Uh...if you think about that statement for a moment, the injunctions exist because people are otherwise legally allowed to be on public property in front of the abortion clinic. Sorry you weren't keen enough to notice your example killed your argument.

What was that about "epic fail?" :lol:

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You guys can really let your imaginations run wild. He's trying to buy a small slice of public land so he can erect a security fence, that's all. Obviously he needs more security.

Wait: isn't tehre already a fence? Isn't that what the Star reporter was accused of looking over?

Ford has security video (noon news) showing the reporter at the fence taking pictures, they have gone too far with the harassment and personal vendetta, this is shoddy and over the top. Never mind, there'll be 90 or more pages of speculation, innuendo and fabrications.

Taking pictures of what? That's relevant.

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