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Racial Diversity proven to ruin nations

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Or what the WASPs said when the Irish showed up, or what they both said when the Chinese stuck around, or what people said when the East Indians showed up, or what people are saying now that the Muslims are showing up...

Or what the Solutreans said when the Indians showed up...

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Posted Today, 02:23 AM g_bambino, on 15 April 2012 - 09:18 PM, said: I can't find the text of the act itself, but I do see references to quotas. Still, that's not "white only"

you are in denial.

G_bambino is right that Canada's immigration policy didn't bluntly say "whites only" (nor did I), though it clearly was based in racial preferences until the Trudeau era, after the civil rights era of the '60's.

I was responding to Manny's claim of a 'golden era of multiculturalism' by which he must have meant sometime after the 1970's and apparently before the current era of bashing Muslims-who-dress-differently-and-might-be-hiding-a-bomb-under-there. :D

Of course, that 'golden era' of Manny's must have ended before the 1980's backlash against the Sikhs-who-wear-turbans-and-daggers (on motorcycles, as policemen, in hockey, and in Legions).

So that puts the 'golden era' in the 1970's after the Immigration Act was purged of racial 'preferences' ... but I recall that as an era of immigrants from the Caribbean and India, who certainly experienced anti-immigrant/racial prejudices.

My response to Manny, of course, was intended to point out that there was no 'golden era of multiculturism' when bigotry wasn't evident in Canadian society.

It never existed. There has always been prejudice against the newest 'different' immigrants. They're always seen - among bigots - as somehow more threatening than the group before, who have somehow now morphed into 'not so bad afterall' ... and so it goes.

Don't these people ever get tired of making up reasons to be fearful of anyone who looks/acts 'different' while denying their own prejudices?

It must be exhausting! :lol:

But on this day of Anders Behrens Breivik's trial, it isn't funny at all.

A day when a man claims 'self defence' for murdering dozens of young people because they support multiculturalism.

White supremacists who deny their prejudices are racial DO attack white people to avoid being labelled "racist".

White supremacists DO view white 'supporters of multiculturalism' as traitors (to their 'supreme' white race), and as their worst enemies.

As a 'movement' in Canada, white supremacism was


chased by hundreds of anti-racist protesters. :lol:

So there is a laugh to be had.

But the movement isn't the only problem.

There's the loner-loser-racist-crazies-with-guns problem too.

London Ontario 2012

“There was a confrontation between the two groups, and it was the anti-hate supporters that confronted the white pride group—there was a bit of an altercation.”

As a standoff ensued in front of the parking garage, officers attempted to prevent violence as the protesters, who included members of Occupy London and a local anarchist group, surrounded the exits in an attempt to block in the white pride group.

“We just separated the two groups, made sure that peace and order were maintained, and afterwards, the white pride groups decided not to follow through with their rally, and dispersed,”


Many protesters also chose to conceal their dentities for fear of reprisal from the white pride group. Some protesters wore masks, and refuse to give their names for comments.

“Historically, people who have opposed Naz groups at their rallies have had their houses firebombed, have had their personal lives harmed,” a protester said. “These are really dangerous people, and a really dangerous thing to be involved in.”

The Blood and Honour group could not be reached for comment.

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Guest Manny

Yeah you are right, I meant it actually during the late 60's to 1980's.

Although, clearly there are always racists in any society. At least at that point the government itself was no longer racist.

There was a time in the 1950's when Germans were hated as much as muslims are now among the general public. They were the "Krauts". But Trudeau really seems to be the one who believed in multiculturalism and by then Canada also had a highly developed social system. Canada entered an era of infrastructure building, and a big part of it was to bring in immigrants as skilled trades people, most of them from Europe. A lot of the highways and cities got built, and industries like steel. They opened the door to increased immigration but the emphasis was on people who could work, and preferably had a skill to bring to Canada. At the beginning of this however there was backlash in the public, ie. racism against the Europeans. But once they showed up and got to work, this attitude changed.

That's why I asked Jacee, Does multiculturalism only mean, non-white? Because the racism was from British descendents not liking the Germans, Italians and Polish.

I didn't look up any links for this, it's just from my memory.

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Yeah you are right, I meant it actually during the late 60's to 1980's.

Although, clearly there are always racists in any society. At least at that point the government itself was no longer racist.

There was a time in the 1950's when Germans were hated as much as muslims are now among the general public. They were the "Krauts". But Trudeau really seems to be the one who believed in multiculturalism and by then Canada also had a highly developed social system. Canada entered an era of infrastructure building, and a big part of it was to bring in immigrants as skilled trades people, most of them from Europe. A lot of the highways and cities got built, and industries like steel. They opened the door to increased immigration but the emphasis was on people who could work, and preferably had a skill to bring to Canada. At the beginning of this however there was backlash in the public, ie. racism against the Europeans. But once they showed up and got to work, this attitude changed.

That's why I asked Jacee, Does multiculturalism only mean, non-white? Because the racism was from British descendents not liking the Germans, Italians and Polish.

I didn't look up any links for this, it's just from my memory.

Every new wave of immigrants face hatred from some loser Canadians who feel a need to blame their loser-ness on somebody vulnerable. It's classic bully behaviour. However, opinions are just opinions ... unless the purpose is to incite others to hate targeted groups:

The Internet is a huge too when it comes to the white supremacist movement throughout the world,” Det. Constable Wilson said.“And that’s how they get their members.”

... while being a member of a white supremacist group is not itself illegal, a section of Canada’s Criminal Code does outlaw the public incitement of hatred.


What constitutes the "public incitement of hatred"??

Trying to convince others to join your hate fest, in a public place like an internet discussion board?

What about rants like this?

Canadians have been brainwashed to embrace this silly nonsense called diversity and multiculturalism.

Only when Canada/USA become 3rd world due to racial conflict and huge non-white immigration, and huge non-white birth rates (along with low white birth-rates) will white canadians wake up. About another 20 years. Birds of a feather...

Once whites are a minority, do you think non-white groups will treat whites as well as whites treat non-whites now? Nope. They will use excuses like 'past historical agression' to promote their own racial agenda.

Whites are too altruistic. Rather promote moral universalism at the expense of their own ethnic group interests, unlike other ethnic groups who are more racially aware and collectivistic.

Who are this anti-gentile, tribal, hostile elite historically associated with implementing divide and conquer strategies among different gentile nations in order to promote their own group interests; a group of people that are used to not having their own homeland until recently, feel safer living as a minority group within racially diverse societies, and have very strong ethnic networking abilities, AND practice racial segregation in their own recent nation? We all know the answer.

Certainly it's hateful, but is it intentionally inciting hatred? Probably not ...

Does Anders Breivik's manifesto constitute "inciting hatred"?

Probably not, since he was a loner-loser hate army of one.

So how do we identify and disable violent haters BEFORE they murder people en masse because 'they support multicuralism'?

Any ideas how we stop these creeps BEFORE they do damage?

Without violating their freedom of speech, assembly, association, conscience, etc., of course.

How do we separate those who will commit serious and violent hate crimes, from those who just spew hatred but will not become violent?

Start by just asking them I suppose ...


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Every new wave of immigrants face hatred from some loser Canadians who feel a need to blame their loser-ness on somebody vulnerable. It's classic bully behaviour. However, opinions are just opinions ... unless the purpose is to incite others to hate targeted groups:

... while being a member of a white supremacist group is not itself illegal, a section of Canada’s Criminal Code does outlaw the public incitement of hatred.

What constitutes the "public incitement of hatred"??

Trying to convince others to join your hate fest, in a public place like an internet discussion board?

What about rants like this?

Certainly it's hateful, but is it intentionally inciting hatred? Probably not ...

I agree. And even if it were, it should have to be outright, explicit, with a credible threat of real harm. When authorities can determine "incitement" at will, an awful lot of opinions objectively less odious and more rational than that expressed above can be deemed "hate speech" or "incitement," and that's a dangerous road.

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Heres some real beauties from Canadas history of immigration policy... You can see that for the most part it was based on racism and economics.

1900 - Head tax of a hundred dollars levied on Chinese immigrants as part of the Chinese Exclusion Act.

1903 - Chinese head tax increased to $500.

This ones a beauty...

1911 - An order in council was drafted prohibiting the landing of "any immigrant belonging to the Negro race, which race is deemed unsuitable to the climate and requirements of Canada". This was in response to black farmers from Oklahoma wanting to immigrate.
1918 - The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW, known as the "Wobblies") and 13 other socialist or anarchist groups were declared illegal. Another order in council banned publications using Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, Hungarian and German. The Wobblies had been for several years a primary target of government anti-agitator activities, as a result of fears of enemy alien subversion and the "Bolshevik menace", and pressure from industrialists interested in suppressing labour activism. Immigration officials used whatever measures they could find to deport IWW members. For example, one man was deported because he had "created an agitation and a disturbance by openly advocating the views of the IWW" while on a train. The legal basis for deporting him was that he had created or attempted to create a riot or public disorder in Canada (Section 41 of the Act).
1919 - Amendments to the Immigration Act were made, adding new grounds for denying entry and deportation (e.g. constitutional psychopathic inferiority, chronic alcoholism and illiteracy). Section 38 allowed Cabinet to prohibit any race, nationality or class of immigrants by reason of "economic, industrial, or other condition temporarily existing in Canada"
1919 - Under the authority of Section 38 of the Immigration Act, an Order in Council was issued prohibiting the entry of Doukhobors, Mennonitesand Hutterites, because of their "peculiar habits, modes of life and methods of holding property".

And this one here is a classic... No asians unless they work on farms or as female domestic servants :D

1923 - Order in Council issued excluding "any immigrant of any Asiatic race" except agriculturalists, farm labourers, female domestic servants, and wife and children of a person legally in Canada. ("Asia" was conceived broadly, going as far west as Turkey and Syria).

And more great stuff here... Chinese could not immigrate except the "investor class" :D

1923 - Chinese Immigration Act. This Act prohibited all Chinese immigrants except diplomats, students, children of Canadians and an investor class. Aside from protests from the Chinese community in Canada, there were virtually no voices of opposition. The day on which this Act came into force - July 1 - became known to Chinese Canadians as "Humiliation Day".

This is pretty nice too... Japenese could only immigrate if they renounced there citizen ship! PRoblem was it was legally impossible for them to do so.

1931 - Order in Council requiring Chinese and Japanese to renounce their former citizenship before being naturalized.

Wahoo! Thought crimes :)

1931 - The Communist Party was made illegal under the Criminal Code. Even naturalized immigrants who were members of the Party could have their citizenship revoked and be deported.

Deportation of the unemployed! That will fix your employment rates in a hurry :lol:

1932 - Widespread deportation of the unemployed (28,097 people were deported 1930-1935). Following an outcry, the department changed its policy at least so far as to suspend deportations against those who had found work by the time the deportation orders were ready.

Deported for being "left wing" even if you were born in Canada!

1932 - In a "red raid" left-wing leaders from across Canada were arrested and sent to Halifax for hearings and deportations. One of them was a Canadian citizen by birth. He sued the government for false arrest, but despite criticisms from the Manitoba Court of Appeal of the Department's failure to follow due process, he lost in a 3-2 decision.

No dirty jews!!!

1938 - F.C. Blair, Director of Immigration Branch (an anti-Semite, who personally ensured that virtually no Jews were admitted to Canada during this period): "Ever since the war, efforts have been made by groups and individuals to get refugees into Canada but we have fought all along to protect ourselves against the admission of such stateless persons without passports, for the reason that coming out of the maelstrom of war, some of them are liable to go on the rocks and when they become public charges, we have to keep them for the balance of their lives".

We dont want to admit any Jews.. but we dont want to actually SAY that.

1938 - Memo to Mackenzie King by Departments of External Affairs and Mines and Resources: "We do not want to take too many Jews, but in the circumstances, we do not want to say so. We do not want to legitimise the Aryan mythology by introducing any formal distinction for immigration purposes between Jews and non-Jews.
1946 - The Prime Minister announced emergency measures to aid the resettlement of European refugees. It was some months before anything was done concretely, and the door did not open for refugees without relatives in Canada until mid-1947. Selection of refugees was guided by economic considerations (the Department of Labour was involved), ethnic prejudices (Jews were routinely rejected)
Edited by dre
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It was because of your immigration policies. You really needed that pointed out? :huh:

I wouldn't say it was completely due to immigration policies. Partly yes, but also many people immigrating choose to go to America instead for various reasons.

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Maybe, but still...if the information presented throughout this thread is correct, it was more difficult to immigrate here, because our policies were so profoundly racist.

I agree, but all I'm saying is that most people's first choice of country to immigrate to was the United States back in the day. Not Canada. For reasons other than just immigration policy.

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Guest American Woman

I wouldn't say it was completely due to immigration policies. Partly yes, but also many people immigrating choose to go to America instead for various reasons.

American Blacks who wanted to immigrate to Canada were denied, as white Americans were not. Many people did choose to immigrate to America instead of Canada for various reasons, but I would find it odd if Blacks were choosing America over Canada to such a degree, wouldn't you?

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but I would find it odd if Blacks were choosing America over Canada to such a degree, wouldn't you?

It's not that suprising to me, but that's just my opinion. If one already has family members in a particular country, they usually immigrate to said country.

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Guest American Woman

It's not that suprising to me, but that's just my opinion. If one already has family members in a particular country, they usually immigrate to said country.

You think Blacks immigrated to America because they already had family members here? - You think the slaves kept in touch with the folks back home and generations later family members wanted to immigrate to America to be reunited?

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You think Blacks immigrated to America because they already had family members here? - You think the slaves kept in touch with the folks back home and generations later family members wanted to immigrate to America to be reunited?

For some, yes. But surely you admit that slavery has a lot to do with the population % of blacks in America vs blacks in Canada.

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Guest American Woman

For some, yes. But surely you admit that slavery has a lot to do with the population % of blacks in America vs blacks in Canada.

This isn't about America's racist past; the U.S.'s racial problems were out there for the world to see. It's about the denial that Canadians have about Canada's racist past. Canada is thought to be - and presents itself as - so tolerant, the land that saved the runaway slaves as America treated them badly. But Canada wasn't all that; Canada didn't want the freed slaves who wanted to move to Canada, for example, and apparently some Canadians are in denial - Canadians who have no problem seeing things they way they are (or in lots of cases even worse) when it comes the U.S. The facts speak for themselves, and Canada did have a racist immigration policy - even as the U.S. was/is criticized for its racist past - and it accounts for Canada's practically non-existent Black population, as late as 1971 - after the Civil Rights Act. Blacks still only account for 2% of Canada's population.

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It was because of your immigration policies. You really needed that pointed out? :huh:

I don't follow. There was not that much immigration to the West out of African nations prior to the 1970s in general, so why would you expect Canada to have had a large black population?

The US was unique in having a large black population. And that uniqueness was due to America's own earlier "immigration policy": the policy of bringing in huge numbers of African slaves.

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Guest American Woman

I don't follow. There was not that much immigration to the West out of African nations prior to the 1970s in general, so why would you expect Canada to have had a large black population?

The US was unique in having a large black population. And that uniqueness was due to America's own earlier "immigration policy": the policy of bringing in huge numbers of African slaves.

You'll find the answers in my subsequent posts as well as the sources that have already been cited by myself and others throughout this discussion.

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and it accounts for Canada's practically non-existent Black population, as late as 1971 - after the Civil Rights Act. Blacks still only account for 2% of Canada's population.

As I said, I agree that it party accounts for it, but not fully. As I said, there are other reasons as well. What percentage of Canada's population is suppose to be black?

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I don't follow. There was not that much immigration to the West out of African nations prior to the 1970s in general, so why would you expect Canada to have had a large black population?

The US was unique in having a large black population. And that uniqueness was due to America's own earlier "immigration policy": the policy of bringing in huge numbers of African slaves.

Not only that, but American immigration law also titled toward preferring European immigrants before 1965.

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I agree, but all I'm saying is that most people's first choice of country to immigrate to was the United States back in the day. Not Canada. For reasons other than just immigration policy.

I think you are trying to understate the impact of racist

immigration policies Shady.

Fact is, when discrimination against Black people became illegal, they came to Canada in large numbers, and continue to.

The restrictions on immigration remained until 1962, when racial rules were eliminated from the immigration laws This coincided with the dissolution of the British Empire in the Caribbean, and over the next decades several hundred thousand blacks came from that region to Canada. Since then, an increasing number of immigrants from Africa have[ 12] been coming to Canada,[ 12] as is also the been coming to Canada as is also the case in the United States and Europe.


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This isn't about America's racist past; the U.S.'s racial problems were out there for the world to see. It's about the denial that Canadians have about Canada's racist past. Canada is thought to be - and presents itself as - so tolerant, the land that saved the runaway slaves as America treated them badly. But Canada wasn't all that; Canada didn't want the freed slaves who wanted to move to Canada, for example, and apparently some Canadians are in denial - Canadians who have no problem seeing things they way they are (or in lots of cases even worse) when it comes the U.S. The facts speak for themselves, and Canada did have a racist immigration policy - even as the U.S. was/is criticized for its racist past - and it accounts for Canada's practically non-existent Black population, as late as 1971 - after the Civil Rights Act. Blacks still only account for 2% of Canada's population.

Who's denying it??

We had the Africville situation in Halifax...

We had segregated beaches in Toronot up to the 1940's...

Hell,we had a goofy coward burnng a cross on the lawn of an interracial couple in Halifax last year!!!

Edited by Jack Weber
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