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Inside the political mind of a Conservative/Liberal


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So what is inside the mind of a conservative, and why do I care. Well I’m fairly new to this forum , but from the beginning I’ve have run into people that have beliefs so different to me that it makes my head spin. Now I would like to think that I’m an open minded individule, especially when it comes to new ideas, but I have found myself guilty on many occasion of losing my patience when debating ideas with some people on this forum. So I decided to look into why these people hold beliefs that I find so different to mine. Is it just me, or is there a real difference between Liberal thinking people and Conservatives? Maybe if I find out I can become a little more understanding and accepting, and a better dialog can arise.

So after looking into this I discovered that there are real differences between Liberals and Conservatives. Both physiologically, and psychologically.


Researchers claim to have found differences in brain structure between people who identify themselves as either politically conservative or liberal.

Ryota Kanai and colleagues from University College London recruited 90 young adults, who had to rate their political philosophy from very liberal to very conservative.

Then the researchers used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to look inside their brains.

Liberals tended to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex – an area that becomes active in situations involving conflict or uncertainty. Having a higher capacity to tolerate those kinds of things could allow individuals to accept more liberal views, the authors suggest.

Conservatives tended to have a larger right amygdala – a region involved in detecting threats and responding to fearful stimuli. People with this brain structure are likely more sensitive to disgust and threatening facial expressions and tend to “respond to threatening situations with more aggression,” 'The amygdala is a part of the brain which is very old and very ancient and thought to be very primitive and to do with the detection of emotions.

Just looking at brain scans, the researchers say they could predict who was liberal and who was conservative with about 75% accuracy.

Does Your Brain Bleed Red, White, and Blue? - ScienceNOW

Does Brain Size Predict Who You Vote For? - psychology today

Your Brain on Politics: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Liberals and Conservatives - Dicover Magazine


The Psychology of the Political Left & Right - Part 1 (Great Video - A Must Watch)

Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition

Is Political Conservatism a Mild Form of Insanity?

Conservatives Happier Than Liberals

Study of Bush's psyche touches a nerve

Politics is Psychology

Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs

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Liberals tended to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex – an area that becomes active in situations involving conflict or uncertainty. Having a higher capacity to tolerate those kinds of things could allow individuals to accept more liberal views, the authors suggest.

Conservatives tended to have a larger right amygdala – a region involved in detecting threats and responding to fearful stimuli. People with this brain structure are likely more sensitive to disgust and threatening facial expressions and tend to “respond to threatening situations with more aggression,” 'The amygdala is a part of the brain which is very old and very ancient and thought to be very primitive and to do with the detection of emotions.

We've had a thread on this in the past:


Was a few sparks of decent discussion there. I'll repeat here what I said there on this particular point:

As for the results mentioned in the article linked to in the OP:

The functions of the brain parts mentioned in the study are not fully described in the news article. It claims that the anterior cingulate cortex, which was found to be larger in the self-reported liberals, is responsible for "processing conflicting information". That is not its only function, however. In fact, a quick look at wikipedia states the following:

The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is the frontal part of the cingulate cortex, that resembles a "collar" form around the corpus callosum, the fibrous bundle that relays neural signals between the right and left cerebral hemispheres of the brain. It includes both the ventral and dorsal areas of the cingulate cortex, and appears to play a role in a wide variety of autonomic functions, such as regulating blood pressure and heart rate, as well as rational cognitive functions, such as reward anticipation, decision-making, empathy[1] and emotion.[2][3]

Interesting that that part isn't mentioned in the article. Certainly, I think the conservatives among us wouldn't argue with this finding, that leftists are more heavily influenced by empathy and emotion. :)

Edited by Bonam
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I'll also repeat my other point from that thread:

The brain builds new pathways and interconnections on a continuous basis throughout one's life. As you learn any new skill or knowledge or method of thinking, the brain physically changes to include the things you learned in its physical structure. The brain isn't like a computer, it doesn't have "software", there aren't just memory banks to which data can be written, or behaviors that can be changed by loading different information on the same pieces of hardware. The behaviors and thought patterns of a human are entirely dependent on the physical structure of that individual's brain, they are encoded in the hardware. The data is saved in the physical interconnections between neurons. So of course there will be differences in the brain structures of people accustomed to different modes of thinking, or who are specialists in different areas.

Structural differences in brains among adults are likely in large part a result of their life experiences, which affect the formation of neuron pathways, rather than genetic differences. For example, someone who frequently has to respond to physically threatening situations with swift action is likely to have developed a neural structure to optimize that response. Someone who has to do math all day as part of their job develops more connections in the part of the brain responsible for that type of thinking. Etc.

So it may well be that you have the cause and effect backwards. If the liberal and conservative ways of thinking are as different as you claim, then the brain of someone who consistently thinks in a liberal way may adapt to optimize that type of thinking, and same for conservatives, resulting in a different brain structure.

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Structural differences in brains among adults are likely in large part a result of their life experiences, which affect the formation of neuron pathways, rather than genetic differences.

Like I said I am new to this forum so thanks for pointing out the previous thread. I'll have to go through it. I believe that people underestimate childhood development. I wonder if this is what you are referring to when you say life experiences? And did you watch The Psychology of the Political Left & Right video?

Another video I found interesting

Edited by CitizenX
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Like I said I am new to this forum so thanks for pointing out the previous thread. I'll have to go through it. I believe that people underestimate childhood development. I wonder if this is what you are referring to when you say life experiences?

Certainly, the brain develops a great many of its connections during childhood. But it also continues to do so throughout one's entire life. The brain is constantly changing and adapting, creating new connections in response to external stimuli. "Muscle memory" is a simple and frequently mentioned example of this. It is really quite fascinating.

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And did you watch The Psychology of the Political Left & Right video?

I haven't. I find it is largely a false dichotomy. There are many internally inconsistent positions on both the right and the left. The right wants smaller government and yet it wants government to impose moralistic laws and regulations. The left wants to make sure everyone has equal rights and yet supports discriminatory legislation as well as the importation of millions of individuals who unequivocally oppose Western notions of equality. Both sides are driven largely by emotion and demagoguery and share in common much of their thought processes.

I prefer a rational, logically self-consistent approach.

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Those videos are always a hoot. There's a ton more just like that one, where they talk about various different issues.

Ahh, but best of all:

The more things change..........

Edited by Derek L
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Structural differences in brains among adults are likely in large part a result of their life experiences, which affect the formation of neuron pathways, rather than genetic differences.

Exactly. I think it's much more environmental than genetics. Parents, friends, school, life experience etc. People who live in Alberta and Alabama are more conservative than those who live in Quebec and New York. City dwellers more liberal than rural/smalltown dwellers etc.

Heck if I lived & grew up in Alabama in 1800 maybe I would have favoured slavery!

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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So what is inside the mind of a conservative, and why do I care. Well I’m fairly new to this forum , but from the beginning I’ve have run into people that have beliefs so different to me that it makes my head spin. Now I would like to think that I’m an open minded individule, especially when it comes to new ideas, but I have found myself guilty on many occasion of losing my patience when debating ideas with some people on this forum. So I decided to look into why these people hold beliefs that I find so different to mine. Is it just me, or is there a real difference between Liberal thinking people and Conservatives? Maybe if I find out I can become a little more understanding and accepting, and a better dialog can arise.

Few would argue that there may be physical differences in the brains of people of different political persuasions. However, you seem to be implying that liberal is good and conservative is bad!

This is purely a subjective opinion. If you were a conservative you would likely think the opposite. The truth is that both viewpoints have merit in certain contexts.

To think that you are right and everyone else is wrong is simply illogical righteousness! Perhaps the physical arrangement of your brain not only makes you a liberal but blinds you to the possible validity of any other point of view.

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I find it is largely a false dichotomy. There are many internally inconsistent positions on both the right and the left. The right wants smaller government and yet it wants government to impose moralistic laws and regulations. The left wants to make sure everyone has equal rights and yet supports discriminatory legislation as well as the importation of millions of individuals who unequivocally oppose Western notions of equality. Both sides are driven largely by emotion and demagoguery and share in common much of their thought processes.

I prefer a rational, logically self-consistent approach.

Exactly, I completely agree with this attitude. We cannot compartmentalize people into two categories because there are so many variations and exceptions. Even when we say "conservative", we need to be clear whether we mean political, moral/ ethical, or environmental. And so on.

Having said that, I view "partisans", those who adhere to dogma as among the most primitive types there are. One must consider every issue on its own merits, using intelligence.

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I haven't. I find it is largely a false dichotomy. There are many internally inconsistent positions on both the right and the left. The right wants smaller government and yet it wants government to impose moralistic laws and regulations. The left wants to make sure everyone has equal rights and yet supports discriminatory legislation as well as the importation of millions of individuals who unequivocally oppose Western notions of equality. Both sides are driven largely by emotion and demagoguery and share in common much of their thought processes.

I prefer a rational, logically self-consistent approach.

As per: The Psychology of the Political Left & Right video. How do you know it is a false dichotomy if you haven't watched it? I agree with everything say after that point.

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Few would argue that there may be physical differences in the brains of people of different political persuasions. However, you seem to be implying that liberal is good and conservative is bad!

This is purely a subjective opinion. If you were a conservative you would likely think the opposite. The truth is that both viewpoints have merit in certain contexts.

To think that you are right and everyone else is wrong is simply illogical righteousness! Perhaps the physical arrangement of your brain not only makes you a liberal but blinds you to the possible validity of any other point of view.

I am not implying anything. I am simply trying to understand the differences with the available research. I didn't go out of my way to find pro liberal studies, and am NOT implying conservatives are bad. The purpose of this thread is to promote a better understanding on both sides. Maybe the conservatives would like to know why Liberals are so anti- Authoritarian or why do they have a bleeding heart?

Of course there are different degree's of these personality traits and everyone is different.

Jonathan Haidt: The real difference between liberals and conservatives

It really is a fact that liberals are much higher than conservatives on a major personality trait called openness to experience. People who are high in openness to experience just crave novelty, variety, diversity, new ideas, travel. People low on it like things that are familiar, that are safe and dependable.

Edited by CitizenX
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Only once have I met a real conservative - The real deal - His father was an influential millionare - and he is a billionare - as for politics - conservatism as WE know it - He does not give a shit - cos' in his real conservative mind we are all shit - left - right and centre -------------This real conservative conserves one thing ----------HIS MONEY AND HIS POWER.

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According to Haidt there are the five moral foundations:

  • Harm/Care:
    Harming others, failures of care/nurturance, or failures of protection are often cited as reasons for an act being “wrong.” Some virtues from this domain are kindness, caretaking, and compassion.
  • Fairness/Reciprocity:
    Inequalities or failures to reciprocate are often cited as evidence for something being “wrong.” Some virtues here are sharing, egalitarianism, and justice.
  • Ingroup/Loyalty:
    Failure to support, defend, and aid the group is often cited as evidence for “wrongness.” Virtues include loyalty, patriotism, and cooperation.
  • Authority/Respect:
    Failure to grant respect to culturally significant groups, institutions, or authority figures is often cause for sanction. Virtues include respect, duty, and obedience.
  • Purity/Sanctity:
    Anything that demeans, debases, or profanes human or religious dignity or sacredness is also a cause for sanction. Virtues include purity, dignity, and holiness.

Research has shown that liberals and conservatives differ in the degree to which they deploy these moral grammars. Specifically, liberals tend to emphasize the first two: Harm and Fairness. Conservatives, by contrast, often appeal to the last two: Authority and Purity. This is not to say that liberals or conservatives restrict themselves to these warrants, but they do display moral tendencies with some warrants being used more than others or some warrants held as more vital than others.

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People who live in Alberta and Alabama are more conservative than those who live in Quebec and New York.
It all depends on how you define "liberal" and "conservative". Many Quebecers in fact are conservative.

Frankly, I find the usage in this thread very American. In Canada, we have Liberals and Conservatives.

Ahh, but best of all:

The more things change..........

Very good clip, Derek. America above all is a country of collective institutions to ensure individual freedom.

Edited by August1991
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LIBERALS – believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need.Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems.

CONSERVATIVES – believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.

Please add to. But remember The purpose of this thread is to promote a better understanding on both sides.

Edited by CitizenX
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