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Whites to Attain Minority Status?

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I rather doubt intellectualizing things makes you anything but uncomfortable with your shallowness and ignorance.

You pot, him kettle.

What I said was that I was willing to admit to "some prejudice towards Black men". Notwithstanding the braying cretins like you, who think you're above such things, the majority of people on this planet have some prejudice towards people of different groups, races and religions.

Nobody here has said, or would say, that they have never had and will never have any prejudice. The real cretin is the one who glorifies himself in his prejudices and refuses to look at them critically and honestly, and to see beyond them.

It really is sad that there aren't forums where intelligent discussions on issues can't be held without every discussion becoming sidetracked by small minded men with small penis syndrome who only see the discussions as an opportunity lavish childish insults on people. But then, in keeping with the psychological profile, I guess guys who are powerless and servile in real life have to try and convince themselves they are men somehow.

Interesting, except for the samall penis syndrome, this is a fair description of how YOU act.

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Another major factor is that native born children get bored in classes as the teacher is forced to repeat lessons and clarifying his/her words to students who often have a less than perfect grasp of the language. When there's only one or two such immigrant kids in a class it's doable, but when half the class is made up of immigrants it's nearly a continuous problem and puts back learning quite a bit.

I also know several people who moved out of the city to get away from schools with high immigrant populations due to the violence, harassment, drugs, gangs, etc., in those schools.

And I know several people who have stayed, and their children's learning was not affected.

And i know children who have experienced bullying, drugs, gangs in suburban "all native-born" schools.

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You pot, him kettle.

And you, smug asshole.

Nobody here has said, or would say, that they have never had and will never have any prejudice. The real cretin is the one who glorifies himself in his prejudices and refuses to look at them critically and honestly, and to see beyond them.

Excuse me, but where did I 'glorify' anything about my prejudices? In truth, I admitted to some, and postulated reasons for them, which is actually what you say I should do. Is your understanding of the English language too frail to see that?

Interesting, except for the samall penis syndrome, this is a fair description of how YOU act.

So in essence, you think "I know you are, but what am I?!" is as far along the path to maturity as you need to get, right?

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And you, smug asshole.

I am so deeply impressed by how intellectual that statement is.

Excuse me, but where did I 'glorify' anything about my prejudices? In truth, I admitted to some, and postulated reasons for them, which is actually what you say I should do. Is your understanding of the English language too frail to see that?

I was actually referring to how you sink to the gutter whenever people challenge your prejudices a little too much.

Edited by CANADIEN
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I am so deeply impressed by how intellectual that statement is.

I was actually referring to how you sink to the gutter whenever people challenge your prejudices a little too much.

Sink to the gutter by insulting people who insult me? I guess I'm just not one to be bullied. Sorry, try someone else. Maybe you'll have better luck and feel more manly.

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What I said was that every black person I've personally met was an immigrant. This is such an incontestable fact that only a fool would try to argue that I'm mistaken.
The Antebellum Period called...They want you back!!!
It really is sad that there aren't forums where intelligent discussions on issues can't be held without every discussion becoming sidetracked by small minded men with small penis syndrome who only see the discussions as an opportunity lavish childish insults on people. But then, in keeping with the psychological profile, I guess guys who are powerless and servile in real life have to try and convince themselves they are men somehow.
small minded men with small penis syndrome
And, having measured this guy's mind from his postings--- you have measured his penis -- HOW???? :lol: :lol:
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And once again, Shwa demonstrates his intellectual side...

Well it is an expression of fact, no less valid in a logical argument than any other symbolic expression of an eventuful truth.

And that fact is, I laughed out loud when I read Jack's comment. Brought a little tear to my eye it did, it was that funny. :lol:

That the humour was at your expense is all the more sweet. That you respond with a impotent insult, sweeter still.


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That's being intellectual.

Are you under the illusion this conversation has anything whatever to do with intellectualism or intelligence? It's simply an exchange of insults, moron.

Which is what you prefer, I know.

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And that fact is, I laughed out loud when I read Jack's comment. Brought a little tear to my eye it did, it was that funny. :lol:

That the humour was at your expense is all the more sweet. That you respond with a impotent insult, sweeter still.


Can't help it. When I think of impotence I think of you, a guy who hasn't been able to make a post in two years without putting little HAW HAW HAW pictures all over the place to try to make up for his lack of debating skills.

BWAHAHA and HAW HAW HAW is pretty much the extent of your ability to form an argument. That's why whenever I try and form a mental image of you I image a guy whose giant ass is spilling over the sides of his chair, whose fat, acned face is open wide as he stuffs cheetos into it, and who'se surrounded by a cloud of his own anal gases. Some of which he posts on the internet as argument.

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Well it is an expression of fact, no less valid in a logical argument than any other symbolic expression of an eventuful truth.

And that fact is, I laughed out loud when I read Jack's comment. Brought a little tear to my eye it did, it was that funny. :lol:

That the humour was at your expense is all the more sweet. That you respond with a impotent insult, sweeter still.


Thank you...Thank you very much...

(A little Elvis right here)

A little historical relevence used to dig at someone whose attitudes belong in that period was salient...At least I thought so...

You've got to love a guy who:

1.Admits he's (a little) prejudice against black men and I assume black folks in general based on what he's seen on TV and extremely limited personal interractions.

2.Gets all righteously indignant when he gets called on it

3.Then tries to qualify his bigotry...

4.When cornered,takes the faux "intellectual high road" by claiming anyone who questions his personal ethos as being beneath his personal "Intellectual Leviathan" nature AND accentuating this by questioning the size of different posters (I can't bring myself to say member.. :lol: )johnsons...


Social ineptitude on an almost Ruthian scale!!!!

And the hole keeps getting dug deeper!!!

(Another historical dig coming up)

Scotty...Beware the scary black man...The Toussaint L'Ouverture led Haitian slave revolt is going to throw the balance of ethnic power out of whack for you...

Edited by Jack Weber
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Thank you...Thank you very much...

(A little Elvis right here)

A fat pill popper not noted for comedy. Yes, great comparison, genius.


ou've got to love a guy who:

1.Admits he's (a little) prejudice against black men and I assume black folks in general based on what he's seen on TV and extremely limited personal interractions.

2.Gets all righteously indignant when he gates called on it

3.Then tries to qualify his bigotry...

What I did was to intercede in a conversation about genetics and skin pigmentation to point out that prejudice towards Blacks has nothing to do with either these days, but is related to cultural beliefs based on media reports and Black behaviour.

Now instead of either accepting or attempting to refute this really rather incontrovertible statement, the politically correct types, who, let's face it, tend to be both immature and not overly endowed with intelligence, gasped in collective horror, and started jumping up and down screaming "Bigot! Bigot! Evil! Heretic!" and such.

I wouldn't say I was righteously indignant so much as frustrated with the level of maturity here. There are certain little punks like you, Schwa and Canadien who are far less interested in discussion than they are bullying and mocking people and using insults to try to make up for your own inadequacies. On a web site which was better moderated you all would have been booted long ago, but unfortunately, this web site has little or no moderation.

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A fat pill popper not noted for comedy. Yes, great comparison, genius.


What I did was to intercede in a conversation about genetics and skin pigmentation to point out that prejudice towards Blacks has nothing to do with either these days, but is related to cultural beliefs based on media reports and Black behaviour.

Now instead of either accepting or attempting to refute this really rather incontrovertible statement, the politically correct types, who, let's face it, tend to be both immature and not overly endowed with intelligence, gasped in collective horror, and started jumping up and down screaming "Bigot! Bigot! Evil! Heretic!" and such.

I wouldn't say I was righteously indignant so much as frustrated with the level of maturity here. There are certain little punks like you, Schwa and Canadien who are far less interested in discussion than they are bullying and mocking people and using insults to try to make up for your own inadequacies. On a web site which was better moderated you all would have been booted long ago, but unfortunately, this web site has little or no moderation.


And you qualifications are duly noted...Because I agree that actual skin colour really is'nt the issue...

But you said that you hold (at least a little bit) prejudice views on blacks based on what you see on TV AND extremly limited interractions personally...

Then have the audacity to take some specious,personally agrandizing (and fabricated) intellectual high road...

So...Ya kinda put yourself out there...

I'm surprised you don't see how two dimensional and superficial your prejudice is???

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What I did was to intercede in a conversation about genetics and skin pigmentation to point out that prejudice towards Blacks has nothing to do with either these days, but is related to cultural beliefs based on media reports and Black behaviour.

Actually, what you were trying to do was to to justify your self-admitted prejudice by stating that it has nothing to do with skin pigmentation.

news to you, it is no less of a prejudice.

And the argumentation is not just disingenious. Because your predecessors in bigotry didn't say "Blacks have have a certain skin pigmentation, and (more recently) certain genes, bad bad inferiors". The argumentation was that they were, lazy, indolent, violent, prome to criminal acts, that one wcouldn't be able to find any of "them" who didn't fit that mould, and that it was of their genes. The genetic "explanation" aside, there is no difference between what they were saying and what you are saying.

Now instead of either accepting or attempting to refute this really rather incontrovertible statement, the politically correct types, who, let's face it, tend to be both immature and not overly endowed with intelligence, gasped in collective horror, and started jumping up and down screaming "Bigot! Bigot! Evil! Heretic!" and such.

I wouldn't say I was righteously indignant so much as frustrated with the level of maturity here. There are certain little punks like you, Schwa and Canadien who are far less interested in discussion than they are bullying and mocking people and using insults to try to make up for your own inadequacies. On a web site which was better moderated you all would have been booted long ago, but unfortunately, this web site has little or no moderation.

Noiw that I finished laughing thinking about what anybody who actually knows me would think of the notion of me being a little punk...

cry me a river, will you? I have no problem treating your prejudiced and ignorant rants like an insult to anyone's intelligence, since that's what it is... But I have enough self-respect not make a fool of myself with comments about... other people genitals.

Edited by CANADIEN
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Can't help it. When I think of impotence I think of you, a guy who hasn't been able to make a post in two years without putting little HAW HAW HAW pictures all over the place to try to make up for his lack of debating skills.

BWAHAHA and HAW HAW HAW is pretty much the extent of your ability to form an argument. That's why whenever I try and form a mental image of you I image a guy whose giant ass is spilling over the sides of his chair, whose fat, acned face is open wide as he stuffs cheetos into it, and who'se surrounded by a cloud of his own anal gases. Some of which he posts on the internet as argument.

Aw, Scotty, I post facts and you post your fantasies.

LOFL!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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And you qualifications are duly noted...Because I agree that actual skin colour really is'nt the issue...

But you said that you hold (at least a little bit) prejudice views on blacks based on what you see on TV AND extremly limited interractions personally...

Then have the audacity to take some specious,personally agrandizing (and fabricated) intellectual high road...

Who says I'm taking the high road? I was speaking in a factual way about prejudice towards blacks. That was the earlier thread. Now I'm just returning the insults of the pissantes like you who have nothing better to do than to attack people.

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Actually, what you were trying to do was to to justify your self-admitted prejudice by stating that it has nothing to do with skin pigmentation.

You're not smart enough to even know what you're thinking most of the time. Don't try to pretend you can know what I'm thinking.

news to you, it is no less of a prejudice.

Oh. I guess maybe I should have used another word for it besides the one I did use - prejudice.

Boy, you're smart! You must got lots of that thar book larning, right?

And the argumentation is not just disingenious. Because your predecessors in bigotry didn't say "Blacks have have a certain skin pigmentation, and (more recently) certain genes, bad bad inferiors". The argumentation was that they were, lazy, indolent, violent, prome to criminal acts,

The conversation I was responding to, you lying little punk, was one about skin colour changing over time due to environment.

that one wcouldn't be able to find any of "them" who didn't fit that mould, and that it was of their genes. The genetic "explanation" aside, there is no difference between what they were saying and what you are saying.

This is one of the many ways politically correct zealots like you discredit yourselves. Sitting high on your noble pedestal watching for heretics, you lump everyone into the same category. Adolph Hitler - racist. Suburban granny who's worried about a group of Black men loitering on the corner - racist. No difference. Same people. It's why the very terms like racism are now dismissed by most, having been stretched beyond all sense or recognition by the mindless fanatics of the far Left like you.

Noiw that I finished laughing thinking about what anybody who actually knows me would think of the notion of me being a little punk...

Yeah, of course. I know. You're six foot five and a mountain of a man, full of muscles with a foot long penis. I'm so impressed. Gonna post your picture in a speedo next, bitch?

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I guess Scotty's into fat guys who like cheetos,excessive farting,and,reasonably sizeable johnsons?

Not me, but you've got your nose stuck so far up his ass you can probably get at those cheetos before they've even lost their flavour.

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Wow, you guys are really doing the forum proud in this thread. How about you all just agree to disagree?

Agreed. But Scotty should knock off all the insults, which are against the forum rules. He might have to report himself! :D

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"To the left, Granny who moves to the suburbs because she's concerned about Black crime is a racist". Nice caricature. But exactly that,a caricature.

Granny's concern is with crime, and quite frankly she can't hardly be blamed for that. I wouldn't move to Jane-Finch and most people wouldn't do it either.

So, Granny moves to the suburbs. And two years later, who moves next door, but a Trinidad-born couple who has worked their b*** off all their life and plan on a nice quiet retirement now that their kids are in college. There are people who would start whining that their neighbourhood is toast. Granny and most people will just surit their souliers and carry on. Granny, a racist? Nope.

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