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Opposition want to make election about Harper.

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So being misinformed is okay?

Now that the 5th estate and many others have shown what actually happened, and that the people there were not "morons" but peaceful activists, retirees and the incapacitated, it's okay to forget that the POLICE ABUSED the public.

...because well, most Canadians were too busy watching "Dancing with the Stars". It's sad that your main point is, that perception is more important than truth. That is Harper in a nutshell.

You can be as mad as you want about the G20 security, but I strongly doubt many Canadians care enough to make it a voting priority. If the opposition parties want to run on that platform, they will lose. It's that simple.


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You can be as mad as you want about the G20 security, but I strongly doubt many Canadians care enough to make it a voting priority. If the opposition parties want to run on that platform, they will lose. It's that simple.


I bet youre right! I think if you ask most Canadians theyll tell you that the right to open dissent is pretty important. But are they gonna get up off the couch for it and miss good TV? Naaaaa. Probably not.

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Don't be offended, I picked it up from a US massage forum, the Market Ticker, it was a post by an american on there. The example was not to villify the US, but to show a tactic that seems horrible at first but can be used to achive a desired consequence. I am not saying it is the right thing to do. (AND by no means is it exclusive to the US.)

Oh...I'm not offended, it's just that you have provided more data for my doctoral thesis. Basically, I have found that many (not all) Canadians will prefer to invoke American references as a standard way to communicate or increase the veracity of thier position, even if a perfectly good Canadian example is available. It is fascinating work!

...and by the way I love the US, I love your Declaration of Independence and I have a lot of respect for some of your history. In many ways we are pussies next to you guys... but that mostly goes for British rule. I have more respect for J6P than his government or the corporate lobbying process, of that I am not shy.

Gotta take the good with the bad....protesters will be shot on sight! ;)

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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You can be as mad as you want about the G20 security, but I strongly doubt many Canadians care enough to make it a voting priority. If the opposition parties want to run on that platform, they will lose. It's that simple.


I think you are missjudging the publics feelings on GOVERNMENT interfering with their lives. I think if this issues is spotlighted some more, there is nothing else out there that can get to your heat quicker than a kennell lockup on the streets of your own city.

I think you are incredibly naive if you think that this will not be a push button for some. Maybe not all, but it all will add up in the ledgers.

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I think you are missjudging the publics feelings on GOVERNMENT interfering with their lives. I think if this issues is spotlighted some more, there is nothing else out there that can get to your heat quicker than a kennell lockup on the streets of your own city.

But what about those chain link fences at the Vancoooover Olympics!?

I think you are incredibly naive if you think that this will not be a push button for some. Maybe not all, but it all will add up in the ledgers.

Do anarchists vote?

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Oh...I'm not offended, it's just that you have provided more data for my doctoral thesis. Basically, I have found that many (not all) Canadians will prefer to invoke American references as a standard way to communicate or increase the veracity of thier position, even if a perfectly good Canadian example is available. It is fascination work!

Gotta take the good with the bad....protesters will be shot on sight! ;)


Maybe you should do a thesis on isolation, and how Americans see themselves as us and them. We Canadians learn from the history of the entire world. I can give you examples of the Soviet Union, Germany, your politics, our politics... there are no boundries as to where and how I find my examples.

That is the richness that I get from realizing that human nature is identical regardless of borders.

AND good luck on your thesis, sounds to me like you still have much more living of life to do.

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Maybe you should do a thesis on isolation, and how Americans see themselves as us and them. We Canadians learn from the history of the entire world. I can give you examples of the Soviet Union, Germany, your politics, our politics... there are no boundries as to where and how I find my examples.

Well, seeing as how there are more than 310,000,000 Americans from all over the world and only 35,000,000 Canadians, it is obvious who has been more "isolated".

That is the richness that I get from realizing that human nature is identical regardless of borders.

Sure....you can live or die.

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But what about those chain link fences at the Vancoooover Olympics!?

Do anarchists vote?

I am not an anarchist. I believe in the LAW. Even as it applies to anarchists.

(you sure you going to be okay on this doctoral paper of yours, you need help?)

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Oh...I'm not offended, it's just that you have provided more data for my doctoral thesis. Basically, I have found that many (not all) Canadians will prefer to invoke American references as a standard way to communicate or increase the veracity of thier position, even if a perfectly good Canadian example is available. It is fascination work!

Not really fascinating actually. The US has been a very successful country in many ways and has set a lot of the standards that people in the west measure themselves by. They are also publish a lot of information about themselves that others can learn a lot from. So of course theyre going to be used as an example by people in other western countries. Thats a GOOD thing... You should be proud of that, instead of having some bizzaro obsession/fascination with it. Its completely normal and expected... dunno why anyone with above about 60 IQ would find it all that remarkable or "fascinating".

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Well, seeing as how there are more than 310,000,000 Americans from all over the world and only 35,000,000 Canadians, it is obvious who has been more "isolated".

Sure....you can live or die.

I don't know where to begin with this post... if you are doctoral candidate, than your educational system really is in shambles. Not only where you not able to follow my train of thought, but you further proved your isolation.

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OK....but wouldn't the anarchists approve of protester beat downs? Seems to be a good fit...just sayin'.

I don't know ask them, seems they beat up non anarchists because the courts are hearing a few of these cases.

...oh wait, you mean a protester, by your definition is AUTOMATICALLY an anarchist? (are you sure you are American?)

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Not really fascinating actually. The US has been a very successful country in many ways and has set a lot of the standards that people in the west measure themselves by. They are also publish a lot of information about themselves that others can learn a lot from. So of course theyre going to be used as an example by people in other western countries. Thats a GOOD thing... You should be proud of that, instead of having some bizzaro obsession/fascination with it. Its completely normal and expected... dunno why anyone with above about 60 IQ would find it all that remarkable or "fascinating".

Because it is fascinating to an American to find another nation devoid of such obvious home grown references to things in popular culture, language, literature, film, economics, politics, etc., choosing instead to go for the easy American example. I guess it goes back to very definition of the Canadian identity as being !American, yet embracing their culture anyway.


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I don't know ask them, seems they beat up non anarchists because the courts are hearing a few of these cases.

...oh wait, you mean a protester, by your definition is AUTOMATICALLY an anarchist? (are you sure you are American?)

Oh yea...I'm an American...just ask other members here...I am an American pain-in-the-ass. They wish I would just go back to being an American who doesn't know that Canada even exists! ;)

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I don't know where to begin with this post... if you are doctoral candidate, than your educational system really is in shambles. Not only where you not able to follow my train of thought, but you further proved your isolation.

No, I rejected your line of thought and substituted numerical and historical reality. American people and culture come from all over the world. Capiche?

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Maybe you should do a thesis on isolation, and how Americans see themselves as us and them. We Canadians learn from the history of the entire world. I can give you examples of the Soviet Union, Germany, your politics, our politics... there are no boundries as to where and how I find my examples.

uhhh, as you're somewhat new... someone really needs to let you in on MLW's running joke - the "guy" is really Rhasida from Regina, the ultimate wannabe merkin, the one-schtick pony, the "guy" who revels in "his" mindless obsession to feverishly point out and deride MLW members who dare to offer any reference to the 'land of the free - home of the whopper'... all the while glibly shouting, USA!, USA!, USA!. Those frequent gaps you notice around "his" replies reflect upon the prevalent usage of the MLW ignore feature. Your quote offers real insight... apparently, the one-schtick pony act has been in aid of a fantasy doctoral thesis, no less... good to realize an obsession has been so highly channeled! :lol:

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No, I rejected you line of thought and substituted numerical and historical reality. American people and culture come from all over the world. Capiche?

In that case you have no point limiting my examples of to only my soil. Capiche?

Not so much...protesting is way overrated. Iraq was still invaded, right?

Yes, but only the vigilant have rights. If you don't speak up, you will not be heard. For instance the struggle for equality in your nation took decades and centuries. It's not easy, but history knows it was correct. As did women’s rights, as well as rights for Japanese Americans.

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I bet youre right! I think if you ask most Canadians theyll tell you that the right to open dissent is pretty important. But are they gonna get up off the couch for it and miss good TV? Naaaaa. Probably not.

Joe Average Canadian remembers burning police cars and smashed store windows and thinks that the police went easy on those troublemakers. Joe Average Canadian really doesn't give a crap.

Joe Average Canadian just filled out his tax return, saw how much the government took out of his pay cheques from the last year, and is wondering what happened to all that money.

Smart politicians will figure out what's really on Joe Average Canadian's mind.

I think you are missjudging the publics feelings on GOVERNMENT interfering with their lives. I think if this issues is spotlighted some more, there is nothing else out there that can get to your heat quicker than a kennell lockup on the streets of your own city.

I think you are incredibly naive if you think that this will not be a push button for some. Maybe not all, but it all will add up in the ledgers.

Nah. The smart people in the Liberal party "war room" will figure out that attacking the Conservatives' financial record is where they can make ground.

But what about those chain link fences at the Vancoooover Olympics!?

Yeah, the lefties told us that the Olympics were going to be a firestorm of protest: the environmentalists, the First Nations, the shoddy treatment of the homeless... it was going to be an indictment of Canada in front of the entire world. The reality? They protesters proved to be the ones out of touch with the mood of Canadians. Same deal here. The lefties have greatly overestimated the degree to which Joe Average Canadian gives a crap about the treatment of G20 protesters or Afghan detainees.

Do anarchists vote?

Another good point. Those who think the G20 security "police state" is a top election issue are people who-- if they vote at all-- aren't going to be voting for the Liberals or Conservatives anyway. Those votes are already allotted... so it has zero impact as a campaign issue.


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In that case you have no point limiting my examples of to only my soil. Capiche?

Nor would I so limit thee Sir/Madam....I only wish to record the data for my research purposes. Please invoke the Americans as often as you please...others here certainly do! ;)

Yes, but only the vigilant have rights. If you don't speak up, you will not be heard. For instance the struggle for equality in your nation took decades and centuries. It's not easy, but history knows it was correct. As did women’s rights, as well as rights for Japanese Americans.

But alas...rights for NAMBLA remain unfulfilled...and same gender marriage....a pity, no?

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Another good point. Those who think the G20 security "police state" is a top election issue are people who-- if they vote at all-- aren't going to be voting for the Liberals or Conservatives anyway. Those votes are already allotted... so it has zero impact as a campaign issue.



You PC's crack me up. So yah, no need to worry about the people who do not vote for us. Their rights are not important. It's exactly that kind of stupidity that will lose you the election. LOL.

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....Another good point. Those who think the G20 security "police state" is a top election issue are people who-- if they vote at all-- aren't going to be voting for the Liberals or Conservatives anyway. Those votes are already allotted... so it has zero impact as a campaign issue.

Indeed...member kimmy has already correctly calculated the over and under. There will be no voter outrage over protesters in kennels. Canadians care more about their law abiding pets.

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Because it is fascinating to an American to find another nation devoid of such obvious home grown references to things in popular culture, language, literature, film, economics, politics, etc., choosing instead to go for the easy American example. I guess it goes back to very definition of the Canadian identity as being !American, yet embracing their culture anyway.


Except that youre confused about all that stuff. Canada isnt devoid of any of those things.

The reality is you have an odd obsession with Canadians, and you obviously dont care much for them. Youre modus operandi is target what you pretend is some sort of national identity crisis. So you troll threads waiting for a canadian to mention the US, and when they do you pop up, stick your toungue out, and proclaim "I told ya so!".

And its getting worse. For example... tonight I posted a link to a good US site with information on earthquakes. And you were like "Yup! America made that site bitch!"... in a conversation that didnt having anything to do with the US at all. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Joe Average Canadian really doesn't give a crap.

Well ya... I agreed with you on that basically. Even though they knew a lot of the people arrested had nothing to do with any broken glass or burning police cars they didnt really seem to give a shit. Thats pretty clear at this point.

Joe Average Canadian remembers burning police cars and smashed store windows and thinks that the police went easy on those troublemakers.

"Joe average Canadian" probably wouldnt be willing to get up off the couch and miss his favorite TV show even if the RCMP started rounding up homosexuals and jews. Half of us CHEERED IT ON!... as we gleefully watched the riot police close in on crowds that we knew FULL WELL werent breaking any laws at all.

But youre definately right. Its hardly a suprise that this generation of Canadians would be apathetic and disinterested in this kind of thing.

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