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Mayor Ford to nix Pride Funding!

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Regarding your response to me--post #284--go back and (try to) read your own post, and then ask yourself how you expect anyone to respond to such monumental verbiage and lunatic over-repetition?

It is--and I swear to you, in total sincerity, that I am not exaggerating--the single most incomprehensible post (and probably the most long-winded) I have ever had the misfortune to read.

Post sensibly, and I'll reply.

In case you think I'm wrong, or overstating the awfulness of your post, here is a portion of your response to me--there's lots and lots more within the same post, but I think this bit of intellectual sloth will speak for itself:

Rue, on 28 June 2011 - 11:59 AM, said:

In regards to 1, yes of course. They have become that way particularly because they are directed at people like you who try claim to be politically correct and are quick to label people the moment you don't agree with them. In fact they are quite deliberate when directed at people like you when you get politically correct.

Bloody you responded to the above and stated:

“I have never claimed to be politically correct. Like many reactionaries, you use the term promiscuously, to denote "those who disagree with Rue."

Of course you have. You accused me of being a homophobe with zero proof of the same simply because you don’t approve of my humour. You now through out I am a reactionary because I challenge anti-semitic bigots and you for accusing me or anyone who challenges these anti-semitics as being bigots against gays.

You stated:

”..you have accused me of "shilling for Hamas"-

Provide my words where I said this please. However now that you mention it the group in question claims to be a shill for Hamas so if you want to defend their words, then you necessarily become a shill for Hamas and hateful anti semites of all kinds. You want to spew anti jewish comments are support them what would you have me call you, a duck?

You asked:

“..why, Rue, it is you who are engaging in political correctness: that is, using strict and often dishonest tactics, about the "correct" way to think, in order to try to shut down debate.”

Provide my words where I have said that. You are quick to offer subjective interpretations of what you think I said without once bothering to provide the actual words you claim to interpret. Why? What are you afraid of? Provide the words you claim state the above? Can you? Go on. I am a homophobe, a reactionary and now I tell people how they should think.

Go on provide the words. Show the words where I said I do not like gay people. You can't.At best all you have been able to do is suggest I make fun of gay mannerisms which is solely your subjective interpretation.

Then you state:

“You failed, however. Too bad.”

Failed at what? You are the one who made the accusation I said I do not like gays and then you can't provide the words-all you can offer is a subjective interpretation of what you think I feel or mean. Lol.

Do you even understand what you are now throwing at me or does it just flow. Failed at what? What...failed because I disagree with your defense of a bunch of anti semitic sob’s who hide behind their gay status to try shield them from criticism?

Failed because I challenged you for using the gay collective identity to justify their anti-semitic exercise and accuse me of being a homophobe and reactionary because I challenge them as meely mouthed, hateful bigots? Lol. Fail? Why because you in your politically correct zeal through out yet another righteous denunciation? Lol. Fail? Why because I don’t tell you what you want to hear? Lol.

In regards to you accusing me of being a homophobe and my challenging you to prove it you stated:

“I only offered a suggestion;”

No you made an unsubstantiated allegation enacting a classic example of some politically righteous person. You were quick to accuse me of being a bigot against gays with zero proof. You did so because I in fact challenge the comments of a group whose being gay is not the issue but whose being anti semites is and their using the gay pride parade to vent their anti semitism is.

You still have not provided the words where I say I am against homosexual lifestyle or the gay identity. You did state however: ”I did (provide the words where I stated I am against the gay lifestyle); I quoted you directly. Perhaps you missed that part, even though that was the post to which you responded with your tantrum. Go back and lo


No you did not refer to words where I stated I do not like gay people. You assumed from certain satirical comments I made about the anti-semites I criticize that its because I hate gays and that is precisely why I continue to mock it and your feign liberal sensitivities which you trot out for gays but suddenly ignore when it comes to Jews as I will show.

Never have I stated I am against people living as gays-what I have stated is I am against gays or straights who are anti semites.

Oh but wait, or someone who is not a homophobe phew you have made it clear to all you are straight:

“It would be pretty outrageous for a heterosexual man to declare himself a "homophobe victim." That's why I have never done so.”

An attack on a gay person simply because they are gay is an outrage and attack against us all, straight or gay so why would it be an outrage for you to speak out and consider yourself a victim as well-an attack against any gay for being a gay is an attack against all of society is it not or are you saying your sensibilities only go so far? Lol did you even have a clue what a foolish thing that was for you to say when you are trying to lecture me on being holier then thou? Lol.

A "heterosexual" like yourself should express outrage. That one went right over your head right. Mr. Gay champion.

Look again. In your zeal to show what a liberal you are you sound like a presumptious arrogant politically correct hypocrite. Who you gay? Oh no, only a gay can criticize a gay. You would never criticize a gay for being an idiot if they are gay only a gay can.

If a gay victimizes another gay because they are a Jew who you speak out? No not you. You would never presume such a thing but you do presume to tell me a Jew how I should feel about anti semites and how I should react to them right?

Is that your ridiculous point?

Is it your ridiculous point to try argue the gay card to protect anti semites? Where do you get off presuming to speak for heterosexuals and presumably Jews both gay and straight?

You even know who you presume to make your righteous pronoucements on behalf of?

Clearly not. You just throw the words out and when it heats up, ooops out comes the some of my best friends are gays and I love them pronouncement but you gay? Heaven forbid.

Now me, I am gay if I think someone hates gays-I am a Jew if someone hates Jews-I am a woman if someone hates woman-I am an Arab if someone hates Arabs-not because I am politically correct but because unlike you I am not afraid to be politically incorrect and challenge anyone at anytime if I think they are being hateful.

I don’t give a rat’s asp who anyone is.

You clearly do. You are so busy labeling what is right and wrong you have created a justification of anti semitism by saying if its done by someone gay I can't mock them for masking their hatred behind gay affectations. That is precisely what they do. They make more of a mockery of the gay identity then anything I say can ever do and your rigid politically correct mind cant' grasp that fact and that identities are not exclusive, they are inclusive and the fact someone is gay does not mean they cease to be a Jew or affect straights or gays who are Jews.

You want to keep patronizing gays and say its presumptious of you to speak for them? Really. What a politically correct jack ass thing to say. For years they have been pissed on and now suddenly you will speak for them but only to defend anti-semites who are gay no other gays?

You stated:

“Ah, I see. Gays are fine; but when they indulge in political protest about soemthing else, they become swishy, fabulous, pinching bottoms, and attract "faux fag hags" like our friend Shwa. ”

No you don’t see. In fact it soared over your rigid inflexible definitions and dogma of what is politically correct.In fact you are so caught up in presumptions, assumptions and politically correct rigid definitions you can’t understand a thing I say.

The Faux Hag response was an indirect response to me being called the same. The mocking tone is deliberate. It mocks people like you who non gays who think you are being holier then thou in defending anti semites because you think since they are gay and doing it at gay pride day it becomes acceptable and to criticize it makes it anti gay. What a crock.

That is what I mock in the tones I do and it brings out your ludicrous attempts at sounding righteous while zooming right over your head.

By the way I mock everyone equally. I come from the Oleg Bach school of thought. Say something offensive to everyone and you know its making a point when they respond by telling you they know God and speak for him, sort of like what you do with me.

If that offends your liberal guilt tough- go file a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission. I will testify on your behalf and admit I laugh at thongs or drag queens with big tits.

What you think gay people can’t laugh and handle some putz like me? You think they are that week they can't dish it back? We created Broadway and neurotic compulsions together. We are forever linked by our dry self effacing wit and satire. Maybe if you did not eat so much mayonaisse you would get it. Who knows.

Are you that patronizing about gays you think they can’t handle some silly old Jewish man satirizing thongs? Oh I know, some of your best friends are gay and put mayonaisse on white bread with ham just like you. Gevalt.

Go on trot out the politically correct lecture why I can’t mock the anti semites in this group hiding behind the gay parade and gay identity to be bigots? Go on. Tell me why I can't mock their faux displays of being gay while being anti semitic?

Finish what you start?

Is it I whi plays up the gay carcicature I mock to try cloak and hide my bigotry and justify it? Do you not think gays mock that carrictatutre as much as I do? A re you saying all gays are idiots and hateful and are so insecure about their being gay they won't mock these hateful twats?

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.. monumental verbiage and lunatic over-repetition

...single most incomprehensible post (and probably the most long-winded) I have ever had the misfortune to read.

Post sensibly, and I'll reply.

.. I think this bit of intellectual sloth will speak for itself:

Yes it does. You are quick to start something you won't finish. You throw out the accusations and assumptions but when I respond, revert to simply name calling.

Par for the course and yes your repeating the name calling and then trying to dictate to me I must "post sensibly" yet again summarizes what I challenge in you-your sanctimonious righteousness and arrogrance and your sense of self entitledness evidenced in your unilaterl demands I content evidence you believe you are in the position to demand things of others unilaterally because you assume your superiority. To me you are just another arrogant gentile trying to tell the Jew where his place is and so I laugh in your face and say, I have no interest in joing your golf course and mock your taste in clothes.

Sorry but I am not here to indulge you and comform to your expectations-just to challenge you when I think you are wrong and believe me you can put the no Jew sign up but I am going to use it to demonstrate proctological concepts with you.

This post was about the issue of whether the City should fund gay pride activities not whether I like gays or not as you and Shwa and others tried to turn it into and I mock.

Some argue there should be no support of any gay activities what-so-ever. I am from the school of thought that the gay collective identity is a complex one and when it is celebrated at gay pride events it is not intended as a partisan political event but an inclusive one where gays of all kinds can come celebrate their culture and being gay and for once not feel like an outsider looking in.

As a result I am in agreement with many gays and straights, Jews and non Jews, that the decision by a loud but small minority of QUIAA members to hijack this inclusive celebration to engage in partisan comments about not just Israel but Jews is inappropriate and discriminates against not just gay Jews but all Jews who want to attend the pride events.

I argue it is inappropriate the same reason it would be inappropriate to have a float with gays for Jesus or a float for gay Nazis or a float for anti Muslim gays.

I argue if you open this or any cultural event up to partisan politics, it necessarily taints the event and changes its intent.

My views are shared by many who felt the QUIAA are hiding behind their gay identity to engage in deliberately anti semitic comments shielding their views with their gayness.

I like many believe whether someone is straight or gay, if they say something hateful and discriminatory, they are to be challenged because of the content of their words being hateful. Unlike Bloody and Shwa I don't give people green cards of trendy leftist acceptability when they are hateful if they can couch it as a minority engaging in the hatred. I spit at the double standard that hate is acceptable against Jews as long as the hateful person claims to be a minority. What a crock.

Some on this board have tried to stereotype me as anti gay or trying to dictate to others political opinion. Right.

If I think someone is straight or gay and being hateful, I will challenge them as I have. In terms of dictating political opinion I have not. I have not stated the meely mouthed fools of the QUIAA should not have their opinion.

I could care less.

What I have argued though is that they should not benefit from tax money of citizens to stage such opinions.

When I was told that was me trying to dictate political opinion I stated no, it was me trying to argue we should not dictate political opinion of ANY kind with taxpaers money. I was told that is being politically correct. No I argued it was avoiding having the city have to choose which political events it would fund since its coffers are not unlimited and it would necessarily have to become politically unfair by choosing which ones to fund.

That was never responded to. Instead I was simply called a political censor. Of course. The difference though is I was arguingt to censor all political opinions not just some and when that was pointed out the alleged debaters claiming I was being politically correct did not respond to that point.

They still have not.

I also like many gays and straights have challenged the organizers of gay pride to police itself and remain non partisan so that all gays, not just gays who hate Israel or Jews can come and vent their political opinions that have nothing to do with celebrating their gayness and everything to do with celebrating their hatred of Jews expressing themselves as a nationality.

What next. Should we have gay Greeks and gay Macedonians march next year and piss on one another with political name calling? How about Gay Croatians and Gay Serbs.

Let's open this up so gays can attack one another over their political views and spread hatred to the event. What a wonderful idea. Brilliant.Oh but wait of course not. Come now. We are trendy leftist-we will only spread hatred about Jews, no one else. So its o.k.

Adding to the spectacle yesterday were QUIAA members openly flaunting their promise not to appear jeopardizing funding for the event and making gay Jews feel unwelcome yet again.

Today no doubt they will engage in the same behaviour. Already George Mammalotti has taken films and will use it to argue funding of the event should not be provided and the actions of this nasty bunch of self entitled cowards will taint it for all gays.

I ask again how does using the gay collective and an event celebrating being gay as shields to try protect these baboons from spewing anti Jewish and anti Israeli beliefs belong at such an event?

Should we turn gay pride into a festivity for white sumpremacist gays nexy year too? Why of course as long as they make sure only to insult Jews.

I repeat again, you want to parade with tax payers money and celebrate your culture or collective, that is a good thing particular when your culture or collective has helped build the city and done so many good things for it.

Hijack such a celebration for partisan anti semitic political exercise, and demand taxpayers fund it, then of course I will challenge it.

As for those who feel neither heterosexual or homosexual events should be funded because they feel sexuality is not the proper domain of politics, that to me is a distinct valid issue and people who want to seperate state from sexuality are not all simply anti gay, some are in fact gay and many are making a classic libertarian or conservative arguement and I get it and don't assume they hate gays.

Some I do believe just don't like gays period. It really doesn't matter. What matters is what the majority of taxpayers want to decide their tax money should be spent on.

I would argue the gay community is not just a sexual identity, it's a complex multi-componential entity just like being a Jew-it is an identity that flows from sharing a common sense of persecution as expressed through art, culture and other expressions-its relevant in Toronto because it has been a huge and positive influence on remodelling the inner city and helping build and organize numerous art and social organizations that benefit all citizens not just gays. So I say its great it can be honoured as a positive contributor to what we call Toronto.

I also argue its a bloody shame a handful of people who just happen to be gay expoloit these positive events to take advantage of the crowds to spew their hatred.

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Yes it does. You are quick to start something you won't finish. You throw out the accusations and assumptions but when I respond, revert to simply name calling.

Leaving aside, for a moment, the fact that your entire post is nothing but name-calling--notably "antisemite," which I gather means everybody on Earth you don't like...your post is incoherent, Rue. I posted a portion of it to show you this. So don't play coy.

To me you are just another arrogant gentile trying to tell the Jew where his place is and so I laugh in your face and say, I have no interest in joing your golf course and mock your taste in clothes.

Get out of my face with the "anti-semite" baiting.

You once opined that people do too much of this. Now, you've beat them all, using the term as your central thesis against everybody. It's all you've got left, and it's cowardly.

You think when I disagree with you it is about a goy oppressing a Jew?


Cherish your imaginary victimhood, if you must.

Sorry but I am not here to indulge you and comform to your expectations-just to challenge you when I think you are wrong and believe me you can put the no Jew sign up but I am going to use it to demonstrate proctological concepts with you.

And again.

My views are shared by many who felt the QUIAA are hiding behind their gay identity to engage in deliberately anti semitic comments shielding their views with their gayness.

And again.

I spit at the double standard that hate is acceptable against Jews as long as the hateful person claims to be a minority.


I also like many gays and straights have challenged the organizers of gay pride to police itself and remain non partisan so that all gays, not just gays who hate Israel or Jews


can come and vent their political opinions that have nothing to do with celebrating their gayness and everything to do with celebrating their hatred of Jews


We are trendy leftist-we will only spread hatred about Jews, no one else. So its o.k.

I"m having trouble following your drooling obssession here; oh wait, no I'm not. You pretend everything is about anti-semitism, so you can (for the fist time in your life) attain some moral high ground; fraudently, but who cares?

I ask again how does using the gay collective and an event celebrating being gay as shields to try protect these baboons from spewing anti Jewish and anti Israeli beliefs belong at such an event?

Are you suggesting that they hate Jews? Cuz I don't think you've made this point crystal clear yet.

Should we turn gay pride into a festivity for white sumpremacist gays nexy year too? Why of course as long as they make sure only to insult Jews.

Ah, the White supremacists. A jolly good analogy. I think you're almost there....

Hijack such a celebration for partisan anti semitic political exercise,

Ah! Your nuanced and careful argument finally bears fruit.

Edited by bloodyminded
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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford says he will withhold more than $100,000 in city funding to the annual gay pride parade if an anti-Israel group again is allowed to participate.

Of course, the reason would not be because Jesus said pride is an “evil thing”.

“And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,

Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.”

(Mark 7:20-23, KJV)

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Of course, the reason would not be because Jesus said pride is an “evil thing”.

“And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,

Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.”

(Mark 7:20-23, KJV)

Oh no another one of God's spokespersons. "God sends the rain down on the evil as well as the good" - to para phrase. There is a belief that the all mighty created everything - the good things and the evil things. It is for us to sort it out - and it is within our God given free will to make choices.

This is what human existance is all about - free will. God loves his creations so much that he gave them minds of their own. Blind foolish pride is crippling - It clouds the mind and interferes with the will and ability to choose what is good and sustains LIFE which is sacred. We are taught in our liberal democrcy that EVERYTHING is good. That is in all probality a concept that brings about illness and death in a people. Some gays are mutants of nature - some are created - some are angelic and have no real sexuality - Some gay men are straight are a common and dominating sodomists...these are users and are destructive human beings....The gay issue is very complex.

Not ALL gays are angelic...as we are taught to believe - some are horrific nasty sons of bitches who would attempt to seduce your son if they could. You can not group a whole bunch of people under the same banner and say they are all wonderful and they all should be PROUD of what they do. Mayor Ford has the personal and public right not to participate or pay tribute to this complex and diverse group.

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No giggly it was directed at the person who called me a faux hag suggesting if I am one for responding the way I did you must be one too. Hard as that is for you to follow the train of comments I know.

Oooo, more marvelous shape shifting from the Marvelous Mr. Shapeshifter. I bet the only shapes you shift are balloons at a children's party. Like any other sad clown of no reknown.

Listen giggly, try go back ad trace the calling me a faux hag and then try flex that pee brain of yours and find out why I was making that point to you. I was being sarcastic. I was not calling you a faux hag. I was mocking the choice of calling me or you or anyone else a fag hag. There is no weaseling out giggles. Your problem is you do not read all the posts and you take what I write literally because your pee brain can not conceive what I was originally mocking and continuing to mock in ALL our responses not just yours genius.

More weaseling drivel from the the snivelling Mr. Shapeshifter.

Now that you raise the subject, I am convinced now you are simply a hag if you must ask. So?

Are you going to giggle at that or cry because it offends you?

LOFL! :lol:

You going to sit there and play victim to me about the reference to faux hag after what you have said about white people and Jews? Really. Lol.


Shwa how's this for politically incorrect-I think you are a raving two face. You spit out venom but the moment someone mocks your righteousness for gays because your agenda is to back a bunch of hateful meely mouthed anti semites, you cry like a little baby like your spirit has been injured and you are indignant. Right warrior. Go put a band aide on your boo boo.

You should come out of the closet Mr. Shapeshifter, your phobias are out here waiting for you.

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Shwa lets try read this together slowly when you stop guffawing.

"I had no idea Shwa was a faux fag hag double spirit bilingual"

If I was directing the comment at you PUTZ and calling you that I would have said I had no idea Shaw, you are/were a faux hag double spirit bilingual, etc.

Can you try flex your pee brain? Can you at least read it Shwa and then giggle and guffaw.

Go run along now putz and make another idiotic anti semitic comment. Wait since you are intent on me calling you a name how about "Warrior who fears his shadow".

You prove Shwa why it was so easy to kill Buffalo.



Too much Rue. When your intelligence fails you make balloon animals. Your inner "pride" is showing.

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Ah! Your nuanced and careful argument finally bears fruit.

"argument?" :)

I must say, I am greatly impressed that you actually read his entire rambling, incoherent manifesto and still maintained even a modicum of interest to sustain enough pity to reply.

Kudos to you sir, kudos. :D

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"argument?" :)

I must say, I am greatly impressed that you actually read his entire rambling, incoherent manifesto and still maintained even a modicum of interest to sustain enough pity to reply.

Kudos to you sir, kudos. :D

If it's rambling AND incoherent can it be a manifesto???

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"I'd do her" - no wonder you are not popular with the woman - that sounds like you are about to cut some plywood on table saw...or maybe some other chore like dig a drainage ditch...you are not supposed to DO someone - you are suppose to love them. What I learned in my older age regarding the opposite sex is no one wants to be an object or task to be DONE. If I could go back in time I would have been a kinder and sweeter man when it came to woman....but then I would not have had such a variety. It seems that today woman do not care for nice, good or intelligent men. They go for the brutes when it comes to disposable pairing and one night stands. So the roles have been switched instead of old school guys who want to "do her" - NOW it is the men that get done and tossed aside.

Who says I'm not popular with women??


Sorry to offend the sensibilities of the Commander of the Imperial Forces of the planet Zorgon...

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Who says I'm not popular with women??


Sorry to offend the sensibilities of the Commander of the Imperial Forces of the planet Zorgon...

Can't stop laughing Jack - thanks for putting a smile on my face. I don't like it when my daughters insist that my days of being a ladies man are over - I am older but still have a little charm and handsomeness left...oh.....Zorgon salutes you!

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Absolutely! By making such a declaration we know that Rue is manifestly nuts! :lol:

All manifestos are rambling and incoherant.Have you ever heard a balanced and logical argument from a fanatic? AT least THIS fanatic knows he's nuts - it's when you don't know you are crazy that difficulites in true communication and rational thought occur.

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Oh look Bloody has left me some responses I shall now respond to quoting his first;

"your entire post is nothing but name-calling--notably "antisemite," "

Yes I do respond back directly to your name calling. Say now for someone so quick to accuse me of being a homophobe you sure don't like it when someone calls you an anti-semite now do you. Say now, isn't it amazing how that works.

"which I gather means everybody on Earth you don't like..."

No just you. The exercise of trying to suggest I am not talking specifically about you of course is a primal exercise. When an ape feels threatened they like to turn to their pack for protection so your need to switch from yourself to making yourself appear larger and part of a bigger pack is par for the course. Its the kind of primal defence I expect from you. So is the attempt to hide in a crowd of others. Here's a news flash, whether you or anyone else together or singularily want to support QUIAA's platform I challenge it and you as an anti-semite precisely because its terms of reference attack all Jews.

"your post is incoherent, Rue. I posted a portion of it to show you this. So don't play coy."

I am not playing coy. Your engaging in the above name calling simply manifests you have no idea how to respond to me so you throw out a catch all phrase to try control the debate's contents and avoid having to respond. For someone who finds me incoherent you selectively manage to pick out bits and pieces of what you do want to respond to.

"Get out of my face with the "anti-semite" baiting."

Lol, this coming from someone who calls me a homophobe and then refuses to back it up with proof and makes inferences galore and accusations galore. Get out of your face? I haven't started. You want to try paint me as a homophobe or suggest the QUIAA's platform does not attack all Jews I will call you out for what you are, a two faced hate monger who selects what he wants to hate and then hides behind another minority group to justify it.

"You once opined that people do too much of this. Now, you've beat them all, using the term as your central thesis against everybody. It's all you've got left, and it's cowardly."

You again misrepresent, mistate and make false accusations. Provide the reference. To continually make accusations and allegations and refuse to back them up, that is cowardly.

What I have said in the past is simply calling someone an anti-semite because they disagree with Israeli state policy or Zionism isn't accurate. Put up or shut up. Don't misrepresent my past quotes. Go on produce the quote you claim I said. For someone who claims I am a coward just what do you display with these continued unsubstantiated accusations? Hmmmm?

Now in specific reference to you, I stated and I state again, if you support the QUIAA's platform then you necessarily are advocating hatred against all Jews because the QUIAA's platform attacks all Jews. So if you want to champion their cause Bloody that makes you in my opinion a hate mongerer and anti-semite and if you can't handle that Bloody then go cry to the gay community you are trying to hide behind to justify your agenda. You seem to think they all agree with you and you speak on behalf of them. Go have them defend you as a victim.

"You think when I disagree with you it is about a goy oppressing a Jew?"

In your specific case yes. I find you to be an arrogant individual who wants to put this Jew in his place-this recycled act of yours is nothing more then a regurgitated version of pointing the finger in the uppity Jew's face and telling him to shut up and know his place-guess what right now its right in your face telling you if you want to champion a group of anti semitic hate mongers, I will stick my face right in yours and make it my business and no I won't back down from you and put up with your b.s. attempt to portray yourself as being a champion of gays and suggesting I am a homophobe because I spit in your face over the QUIAA's hate message and tell you it does not belong at a festival that celebrates inclusiveness not exclusiveness and that no Jew gay or straight has to apologize to you for feeling unwelcome and I will defend their right to march or appear anywhere without having to put up with righteous a-holes like you lecturing us on what is politically acceptable to you.

"Cherish your imaginary victimhood, if you must."

On the contrary the only one playing victim here has been you. I spit at your attempts to try make me and other Jews victims. That is precisely why you recoil and say "get out of my face". What's the matter Bloody, this Jew not going to play victim for you? Lol. Would you prefer I just stand here and take it?

"I"m having trouble following your drooling obssession here; oh wait, no I'm not."

Name calling and oopsy even when trying to be sacastic and insulting you show how you contradict yourself continuously. Um uh um uh.

" You pretend everything is about anti-semitism, so you can (for the fist time in your life) attain some moral high ground;"

No. I challenge you for championing Jewish hate mongers. The rest is your attempt to hide behind a larger crowd or pack because you feel threatened by my challenge. You try shift focus away from yourself to a larger group of people who you claim you are part of to seek legitimacy from a majority status. If this is just a 1 on 1 debate you clearly feel unable to deal with me so you try use an imagined majority status to suggest my being in a minority

makes my opinions less valid. See how engrained your oppressive mentality is? Say now isn't it interesting how you look for others to hide behind each and everytime you feel the need to spit at me? Hah. I love it. I pretend everything is about anti-semitism..really....oh but wait its the first time in my life I have been on moral high ground. Of course, someone like me, is immoral right? Lol.

" fraudently, but who cares?"

Oh but wait I am a criminal too. Lol.

"Are you suggesting that they hate Jews? Cuz I don't think you've made this point crystal clear yet."

I am suggesting the above statement shows how lacking in credibility your words are and why I challenge you. I produced early on in this thread the web site and remarks of the QUIAA which clearly attack and insult ALL Jews. Your pretending I did not speaks for itself. It also speaks directly to how you accuse me of doing exactly what you do..in this case playing coy. It attests how you are insincere about the QUIAA platform and so one must ask why? What makes someone like you claim the QUIAA is not anti-semitic and then try misrepresent what I say to suggest they are not and trying to shift the focus from the QUIAA's political opinions to this mis-statement that I accuse others not just the QUIAA of anti-semitism. At this point your attempts to shift the focus have not worked. I again state the QUIAA's platform on their web-site clearly attacks all Jews and your continued decision to play coy and act as if you don't know about their web site or the contents of their platform renders you a champion of anti-semitism and you might want to think about that when you accuse me of being a fraud while you pretend not to have read what their platform is and not know about their views on all Jews.

"Ah, the White supremacists. A jolly good analogy. I think you're almost there...."

Ah the tone of arrogance and the high almighty Bloody suggesting to me if the QUIAA wants to march and engage in hate mongering against Jews, its not any different then having a little float for gay Nazis. Of course. Bloody knows. He knows how it feels to be the target of anti-semitism. Jolly good. Out comes the attempt at sounding white right on cue. Jolly good.

"Ah! Your nuanced and careful argument finally bears fruit".

Careful Oleg may not understand what you mean by fruit.

Anything else? Wait, call up Shwa. You may need to tag team and have him come in now.

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Rue - my posts are lengthy - yours are so long no one will read them - hit enter once in a while so folks are not over whelmed by the sheer volume and clutter...besides when they are that long it is easy to figure out you are not focused or a good communicator.

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I'm a helluva guy, what can I say? :)

Empathy is to look out of the eyes of another and see their point of view - Sympathy is pathetic - It means to suffer with one that is suffering - and offer your mutual suffering freely - this accomplishes nothing but to encourage the sufferer to suffer even more - Yes you are a helluva guy...maybe we can find a total suffering hellish wretch that you can hang with and appease.

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"your entire post is nothing but name-calling--notably "antisemite," "

Yes I do respond back directly to your name calling. Say now for someone so quick to accuse me of being a homophobe you sure don't like it when someone calls you an anti-semite now do you. Say now, isn't it amazing how that works.

But Rue...if this is only a tit-for-tat response, then why do you later (in this post) say I actually am an anti-semite?

By your logic, this means either

1) You are, in fact, a homophobe, and you perceive we are accurately impugning each other, or

2) You want it both ways here, in a desperate attempt to "win" the debate.

I suspect it's 2). You don't really think I'm an anti-semite; and that's exactly why you play the card.

You see Rue, if I am wrong about your derision for gay men, my error is plainly based on my misperceptions of your actual words.

Whereas your slur of me as an "anti-semite" is not based on anything I've ever said about Jewish people, in any context.

You see the difference? The difference is that you're making it all up out of whole cloth. Just to be a douchebag, along with all the other shivering losers who so promiscuously play the "anti-semite" card.

Here's a news flash, whether you or anyone else together or singularily want to support QUIAA's platform I challenge it and you as an anti-semite precisely because its terms of reference attack all Jews.

I said nothing whatsoever about their platform. Not a breath. Only freedom of speech. An offensive notion to you, I gather.

"your post is incoherent, Rue. I posted a portion of it to show you this. So don't play coy."

I am not playing coy. Your engaging in the above name calling simply

Calling your post "incoherent is not "name calling," little Rue. It's reportage.

For someone who finds me incoherent you selectively manage to pick out bits and pieces of what you do want to respond to.

So....you're saying that a few coherent sentences I managed to decipher within your rambling, incoherent missive determines that the whole thing must be coherent?

That's not a coherent argument.

I will call you out for what you are, a two faced hate monger

I don't hate anyone.

"You once opined that people do too much of this. Now, you've beat them all, using the term as your central thesis against everybody. It's all you've got left, and it's cowardly."

You again misrepresent, mistate and make false accusations. Provide the reference. To continually make accusations and allegations and refuse to back them up, that is cowardly.

What I have said in the past is simply calling someone an anti-semite because they disagree with Israeli state policy or Zionism isn't accurate. Put up or shut up. Don't misrepresent my past quotes. Go on produce the quote you claim I said.

That's exactly it. I don't need to produce them, because finally we've reached a point of precise agreement.

But you are now not only calling people who disagree with Zionism "anti-semites"; you are calling me, who is not opposed to Zionism, an anti-semite. Don't you understand this point?

Like I said, you're making it up...simply because you're pissed off.

Now in specific reference to you, I stated and I state again, if you support the QUIAA's platform then you necessarily are advocating hatred against all Jews because the QUIAA's platform attacks all Jews.

Whether or not their platform "attacks all Jews"--a highly dubious claim--I will repeat, so you might finally comprehend it: it is not about my "supporting their platform." That's not even relevant. I support the right of Holocaust deniers to screech their filth; I support the right of reactionary rightists to tell us we should adopt fascism; I support the right of Henry Kissinger to speak in public, and he's uncontroversially a war criminal.

But QAIA?.....Now I'm just going too far!

"You think when I disagree with you it is about a goy oppressing a Jew?"

In your specific case yes. I find you to be an arrogant individual who wants to put this Jew in his place-this recycled act of yours is nothing more then a regurgitated version of pointing the finger in the uppity Jew's face and telling him to shut up and know his place

:) I don't believe you think this for a second. Because if you did, it would be solid proof that you're an idiot. And your idiocy is not my oppression, but is owned entirely by yourself.

Plus, this would suggest a pschotic paranoia on your part.

On the contrary the only one playing victim here has been you.

:) Riiiight. I'm the evil, Jew-hating goy trying to oppress the poor little victimized Rue.

You embrace an imaginary victimhood here. Why? Because you're foolish.

I spit at your attempts to try make me and other Jews victims.

Ye gods.

That is precisely why you recoil and say "get out of my face". What's the matter Bloody, this Jew not going to play victim for you? Lol. Would you prefer I just stand here and take it?

Take what? My criticisms of your own words, or my disagreements with you on specific matters?

That's not victimizing you, rue. If you think a few insults (a method you yourself use regularly, as you admit, totally aside from and before this particular discussion) denotes oppresion of you as a Jewish person...then you need to take care of yoruself, and get away from these debates which drive you around the fucking bend.

You're sounding like a crazy person.

See how engrained your oppressive mentality is?

So engrained it's invisible. The rot goes so slyly deep that you remain unable to intelligently point to it....but you just know it's there! Bloodyminded is all about to oppress people through internet debate with a stranger. Devious.

"fraudently, but who cares?"

Oh but wait I am a criminal too. Lol.

You've never heard "fraudulent" used outside a legal context? Ok.

I again state the QUIAA's platform on their web-site clearly attacks all Jews and your continued decision to play coy and act as if you don't know about their web site or the contents of their platform renders you a champion of anti-semitism and you might want to think about that when you accuse me of being a fraud while you pretend not to have read what their platform is and not know about their views on all Jews.

I just visited their website. I saw a few points with which I disagree: for example, I'm not a believer in the Divestment/boycott campaign, as I think it might well be counterproductive (though more likely useless). I remain, as of yet, unconvinced that "apartheid" is a fully accurate description, either.

But I see no anti-semitism.

At any rate--let me tell you yet again--I see this as a free speech issue. This is not complicated, nor is it controversial...except among those who don't like freedom of speech.

Anything else? Wait, call up Shwa. You may need to tag team and have him come in now.

Shwa is more than capable of demolishing your inane ideas all by his lonesome.

Edited by bloodyminded
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Spit at the attempts" ?????? now there is spitting involved? Is that a slight syliva shower or is that back of the throat green gook spitting? How the heck did this thing about Ford degenerate into "jews" and self proclaimed "goys" spitting at each other? Is this the way conflicts start? There is an an issue and the parties get so passionate over it that at the end they forgoet what the original slight might have been? Jeeeezzzzz....and they say I am not focused.

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Ford's lapdog Giorgio "Gino Boy" Mammoliti took a page out of Mr. Canada's playbook this weekend and dragged his video camera to Pride, not to record lewd sex acts, but to look for signs of anti-Israeli apartheid. he claims to have found them.

Mr. Mammoliti shot the video himself at Saturday’s Dyke March. It contains three clips that he says are grounds to cut funding for Pride: a green T-shirt declaring “Boycott Israeli Products”; a “Free Palestine” banner; and several people chanting “We’re sexy, we’re hot, Israeli Apartheid is not.”

Taken together, the images portray a “political bash-Israel event,” he said.

Asked whether Pride organizers should be responsible for policing participants’ T-shirts, Mr. Mammoliti said “people should be allowed to say what they want and hold the banners they want, but not funded by the taxpayer … The organizers have a responsibility here. You may argue whether they violated the policy that exists, they’re guilty of inciting and upsetting a whole community.”

And he doesn't care who his crusade hurts.

“I will attempt to put a stop to all funding to parades and marches until there’s a new policy in place at City Hall that doesn’t offend taxpayers in this city.”


I think we have may found the one politico at City Hall who is dumber than the mayor.

Edited by Black Dog
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Ford's lapdog Giorgio "Gino Boy" Mammoliti took a page out of Mr. Canada's playbook this weekend and dragged his video camera to Pride, not to record lewd sex acts, but to look for signs of anti-Israeli apartheid. he claims to have found them.

And he doesn't care who his crusade hurts.


I think we have may found the one politico at City Hall who is dumber than the mayor.

Mammoliti is against free speech, such as they are in Canada. That should "offend taxpayers" more.

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