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Fantino really under attack


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Boy, it didn't take Fantino, the Godfather of the Tories, to open his mouth and make waves. He said that the Charter of Rights and Freedom helped out the criminals. I'm not sure if its the Rights or the way the judges and the courts decide on punishment. Is there a difference? Thoughts. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/canada/breakingnews/new-tory-mp-julian-fantino-under-fire-for-saying-charter-has-helped-criminals-111222009.html

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Boy, it didn't take Fantino, the Godfather of the Tories, to open his mouth and make waves. He said that the Charter of Rights and Freedom helped out the criminals. I'm not sure if its the Rights or the way the judges and the courts decide on punishment. Is there a difference? Thoughts. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/canada/breakingnews/new-tory-mp-julian-fantino-under-fire-for-saying-charter-has-helped-criminals-111222009.html

If it weren't for that pesky thing, we could just lock up the criminals for being Muslim-looking.

Darn it.

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Boy, it didn't take Fantino, the Godfather of the Tories, to open his mouth and make waves. He said that the Charter of Rights and Freedom helped out the criminals. I'm not sure if its the Rights or the way the judges and the courts decide on punishment. Is there a difference? Thoughts. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/canada/breakingnews/new-tory-mp-julian-fantino-under-fire-for-saying-charter-has-helped-criminals-111222009.html

It is not the Charter of Rights and Freedom helped the criminals. It is too less care for the people that need help. If most poor people can have no worry about a job and live a smooth life that nothing need to worry about and no one bully them, seldom will anyone like to risk to crime. Cops bully people only make more people angry and choose more hidden way on crime, for living and for anger and for madness.

Edited by bjre
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It is not the Charter of Rights and Freedom helped the criminals. It is too less care for the people that need help. If most poor people can have no worry about a job and live a smooth life that nothing need to worry about and no one bully them, seldom will anyone like to risk to crime. Cops bully people only make more people angry and choose more hidden way on crime, for living and for anger and for madness.

China doesnt have Charter-China lose, afterall you are talking about China right?

Edited by guyser
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China doesnt have Charter-China lose, afterall you are talking about China right?

I am talking about Canada silly. Here is an example on how a criminal made in Canada.

Career criminal claims his life of crime began with the Chatham, Ontario CAS

Former CAS Crown Ward vows to go straight after a lifetime of criminal activity

By Mike March - Monday, July 1, 2008.

Placing children into the care of the Children’s Aid Society is one way of ensuring that those in the legal and law enforcement industries will be ensured an ongoing supply of criminals to keep their systems running at full tilt.

A recent court case in London, Ontario involving former CAS Crown Ward, Mervyn Breaton, supports what a recent study out of British Columbia has shown – that kids placed in foster care are more likely to be involved in a life of crime than getting a proper education.

The 87 year-old Breaton appeared before Justice Ross Webster in London, Ontario on charges relating to drugs and breach of probation.

Breaton said his history of being involved in crime began after he was placed into the care of Children’s Aid Society in Chatham as a child.

Braeton said that since the time he was placed in the care of the CAS that crime and jails is all that he has ever known.

"They threw me into Children's Aid and from then on it was one jail to another," he said. In spite of Braeton’s involvement with CAS years ago, evidence would seem to indicate that many of the influences at CAS facilities which got him into a life of crime in the first place are still present and that not much at the CAS has improved over the years.

Even today, children living in group homes and foster homes in Ontario are being exposed to various forms of abuse and neglect with Ontario’s various CAS agencies fighting to keep Ontario’s Ombudsman, Andre Marin from having oversight over their agencies.

In the past year alone, Court Watch has interviewed kids in care who have reported a wide range of activities inside CAS facilities including beatings, assaults, drug use, sexual abuse and neglect while in the care of Ontario’s CAS child protection system.

Many of these children report that CAS workers and police turn a blind eye to abuses they suffer while in care.

Some girls become pregnant while in care of CAS as a result of the lax care and supervision found in many CAS facilities.

Some CAS workers have been caught trying to cover-up abuse of children in their care in order to cover up incompetence by their own workers.

Overall, Breaton has spent more of his life inside a jail than outside and at the peak of his career he spend 19 years of his life at the world famous Alcatraz prison located in San Francisco Bay.

While in Alcatraz, he looked after the infamous “Bird Man of Alcatraz” who was known in real life as Robert Stroud.

His record includes a string of car thefts, weapons and drug convictions and vehicular manslaughter.

He was an expert at escaping custody and on one of his escapades managed to escape from Collins Bay penitentiary in Kingston, Ontario in a daring over-the-wall flight to freedom.

"The next day I was in Toronto robbing banks," he said.

Justice Webster gave the 87 year-old former CAS ward a hefty $5,000 fine.

The fine is money which will not likely be put to good use as it will be given back to the Province of Ontario where from there some of it will be used to fund CAS agencies in their work to place yet more kids into CAS care.

After pleading guilty in court, Mervyn says, he really, really means it this time.

"I'm getting too old for this stuff," he said.

One can only imagine what his life would be like today if he had had not been thrown into the hands of the CAS where he was likely given his first taste of crime.

All this destruction of children by the CAS is funded by the taxpayers of the Province of Ontario of course.

Edited by bjre
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It is not the Charter of Rights and Freedom helped the criminals. It is too less care for the people that need help.

Yes, the poor pimps and drug dealers need my help.

If most poor people can have no worry about a job

Btw, how many people do you employ?

and live a smooth life that nothing need to worry about

Do you pay them enough they have nothing to worry about? Like municipal taxes on 2 million dollar home....

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Btw, how many people do you employ?

The laws are the way to adjust people's behavior.

The laws should not be only make monopoly robbery easy to work.

It should be an efficient law system and make more people can benefit from that, in that case enterprinoers will come and hire many people here, more people will be richer to be able to employ more people, Canada's economy will benefit from that.

In that case, even I am not able to employ many people, there will be plenty of smart people who can.

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The laws should not be only make monopoly robbery easy to work.

Uh yeah...last time I checked I don't think thats what "the laws" were there to do.

Now do you mind if I ask a question? Have you had a bad personal experience with the CAS?

In all honesty only a fool would deny that there is a problem with the CAS. I believe that there are good and well intentioned people who work for the CAS, but I also believe that there are some who's intentions are not so well meaning.

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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The laws should not be only make monopoly robbery easy to work.

Fortunately that's only in a Communist country.

The question was: "How many people do you employ"?

And how much you pay them to keep them completely worry free and happy, disregard of their ability, diligence and what they really deserve?

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The laws should not be only make monopoly robbery easy to work.

Uh yeah...last time I checked I don't think thats what "the laws" were there to do.

Here is an example: Canada has a law "bank act article 457", it says Canada’s Private Banks have no Reserve Requirements. The private banks can loan money to you as morgage and charge you interest. It also lend money to the government and charge government interest and ask taxpayers to pay for it. But they need not have any money to lend you money, all they need is write a digit and save it in their computers. But most people like you and me can not do that, otherwise it will be defined as a crime.

Canada’s Private Banks have no Reserve Requirements.

Posted: April 6, 2008 by gilliganscorner in Uncategorized


In banking, there is a common term called “reserve ratios” or “reserve requirements”.

For simplification, all this means is that government imposed regulations on private banks says that they are required to keep a certain amount of “money” (it isn’t really money…they call it “capital instruments” – something that is “as good as money”) back in the vault for every dollar they loan out. For example, if the reserve ratio is 10%, it means that the bank would keep 10 cents in the vault for every dollar they loan out.

We have been conditioned via government education not to think of this at all or at least rationalize this as a good idea. There can be many examples cited in history where depositor’s confidence in their bank was shaken, and they all lined up all at the same time to withdraw their money – a run on the bank. These were ugly scenes as you can imagine. Panicking people screaming, yelling, and fighting with bank staff – and each other – to be in line first before the bank ran out of cash.

To placate the populace, government:

* Mandated regulatory compliance on bank operations.

* Enacted a Central Bank as a lender of the last resort – or a donor of the first resort depending if a bailout is required.

* Setup a depositor’s insurance fund that would refund deposits in the event of the bank becoming insolvent. This of course would ultimately be paid by the taxpayer in the event a bank defaulted – essentially a subsidy to the bank owners, but hey, who cares?

In Canada, the reserve ratio was phased out in the Bank of Canada Act in 1992. Today, if you look at the Act, you will see the following stanza:

457. [Repealed, 1999, c. 31, s. 14] ...

more at: http://gilliganscorner.wordpress.com/2008/04/06/canadas-private-banks-have-no-reserve-requirements/

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But they need not have any money to lend you money, all they need is write a digit and save it in their computers.

Wanna borrow $10, 000 ?

All done,i noted it as a digit and next month and every month for 11 months I want $1000. Cool?

Whadday mean I didnt give you any money, I noted it as a digit didnt i?

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Boy, it didn't take Fantino, the Godfather of the Tories, to open his mouth and make waves. He said that the Charter of Rights and Freedom helped out the criminals. I'm not sure if its the Rights or the way the judges and the courts decide on punishment. Is there a difference? Thoughts. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/canada/breakingnews/new-tory-mp-julian-fantino-under-fire-for-saying-charter-has-helped-criminals-111222009.html

No surprise that dummy feels that way.

Even Argus doesn't like this Conservative.

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He really can't keep his mouth shut and that will hurt the Conservatives if Harper doesn't get it under control soon.

So the "control freak" is not really in control?

Like I said, whipping is only in Liberal Party.

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Fantino is more outspoken than Baird. I bet he will either be silenced pretty quickly by Harper, or he will be sent to the back benches. He really can't keep his mouth shut and that will hurt the Conservatives if Harper doesn't get it under control soon.


Or....Mr Harper chose Mr.Fantino,not only because he was a "star candidate",but because Mr.Harper really agrees with Mr.Fantino on certain aspects of the Charter.

Perhaps Mr.Harper is giving away his Reform leanings(yet again)...

I contend that the major driver for the Reform movement is'nt Western Alienation from Ottawa as much as its dislike of the Trudeau vison for this country(which I believe has become somewhat warped over time)and its concerted attempt at "taking back" things the Reformers feel was taken from them,as it relates to things that could be construed as societal and moral breakdown....

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Does anyone know how Fantino stands on gun control? I would think he is for it and if so, where do the voters in Vaughan stand? Could there be a problem there. Since he didn't do too much talking before the election, do we know? He said he's there for the people in Vaughan so what happens if there's another vote on the gun control and he votes for the people and not for the party?

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Does anyone know how Fantino stands on gun control?

He's vehemently and loudly against the long gun registration. As he put it: "...it didn't help us with even one homicide case"


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Does anyone know how Fantino stands on gun control? I would think he is for it and if so, where do the voters in Vaughan stand? Could there be a problem there. Since he didn't do too much talking before the election, do we know? He said he's there for the people in Vaughan so what happens if there's another vote on the gun control and he votes for the people and not for the party?

Recall that conservatives, like most Canadians, consistently report that they do not want the state on people's backs and yet just as consistently they keep voting for Conservatives who keep promising to crawl all over them.

He'll ignore the conservatives that elected him and vote for the Conservatives he represents.

Where's the problem? This is the Conservative/conservative way.

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Recall that conservatives, like most Canadians, consistently report that they do not want the state on people's backs and yet just as consistently they keep voting for Conservatives who keep promising to crawl all over them.

That's pure Liberal promise, not conservative.

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Does anyone know how Fantino stands on gun control? I would think he is for it and if so, where do the voters in Vaughan stand? Could there be a problem there. Since he didn't do too much talking before the election, do we know? He said he's there for the people in Vaughan so what happens if there's another vote on the gun control and he votes for the people and not for the party?

He supported the gun registry when he was chief of Toronto Police and chair of the OPP. Now, he's magically against it.

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He supported the gun registry when he was chief of Toronto Police and chair of the OPP. Now, he's magically against it.

You have evidence?


Former Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Julian Fantino is opposed to the gun registry, stating in a press release in 2003:We have an ongoing gun crisis including firearms-related homicides lately in Toronto, and a law registering firearms has neither deterred these crimes nor helped us solve any of them. None of the guns we know to have been used were registered, although we believe that more than half of them were smuggled into Canada from the United States. The firearms registry is long on philosophy and short on practical results considering the money could be more effectively used for security against terrorism as well as a host of other public safety initiatives."[8]

In Video form:

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