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Is this true....Some Canadian Cabinet minsters under foreign influence

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I think if there are Canadian Cabinet minsters under China's influence, that would be great. Because China has too many great culture that Canada lack of. For example, the very basic one is "People are born nice" instead of have "original sin".

From media, I have noticed that someone suggested that Fadden's comment is against the law.


Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act

19. (1) Information obtained in the performance of the duties and functions of the Service under this Act shall not be disclosed by the Service except in accordance with this section.

(2) The Service may disclose information referred to in subsection (1) for the purposes of the performance of its duties and functions under this Act or the administration or enforcement of this Act or as required by any other law and may also disclose such information,

(d) where, in the opinion of the Minister, disclosure of the information to any minister of the Crown or person in the public service of Canada is essential in the public interest and that interest clearly outweighs any invasion of privacy that could result from the disclosure, to that minister or person.

If this is true and Fadden still doesn't resign, that would means laws are basically jokes. It is only design to attack poor people.

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Communism was invented by western people. So did capitalism.

It was also found to be a lie. The Soviet Union broke up because communism, in reality, was tyranny. Those on the top told those on the bottom what to do, and there was little anyone on the bottom could do about it.

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It was also found to be a lie. The Soviet Union broke up because communism, in reality, was tyranny. Those on the top told those on the bottom what to do, and there was little anyone on the bottom could do about it.

What you can do in the current system, when you don't like the G20 summit hold in Toronto, is there anything you can do have actual effect? if you believe that communism is tyranny, so does capitalism, and so does the current system, no matter if it should be called capitalism or socialism. http://thestar.blogs.com/.a/6a00d8341bf8f353ef0133f1dff4d7970b-pi

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I think if there are Canadian Cabinet minsters under China's influence, that would be great. Because China has too many great culture that Canada lack of.

Making such an arrogant statement has made you a perfect proof that Chinese culture is no better than others, just as "Chinese traditional medicine" is no better than "Indian traditional medicine", "African traditional medicine" or "pure English traditional medicine"---if you knew the history of medicine, you would agree that people all around the world have the history of seeking psychologic comfort from their "traditional medicines" or herbology before the scientific method was intruduced into medical realm.

For example, the very basic one is "People are born nice" instead of have "original sin".

Exactly every one was born with "original nicety" and "original sin", just as your computer was made with all Microsoft Windows' merit and bugs. The difference between a good person and a bad guy is just like the difference between a well-working computer and a malfunctioning one, which depends on what kind of mend the "operation system" would be made after it was purchased. If it always takes patches to mend the bugs in time, it will more likely be a nice and useful one. If it always takes virus, it will become a harmful and sinful virus infector in the internet before it is destoried by itself.

From media, I have noticed that someone suggested that Fadden's comment is against the law.


If this is true and Fadden still doesn't resign, that would means laws are basically jokes. It is only design to attack poor people.

As the boss of the secret police, I guess law was the least thing he wants to keep in mind. :P

But for Canadian sake, I wish this time he would be able to catch some ministers who really work for China, Arabian countries, Israel, African countries, America, Russia or even British, because making brain-mouth big words is the least trait which a person should possess, especially the person is the chief of a department which is supposed to work on shadow operation .

Edited by xul
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