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Conspiracy Theory

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I don't think you are a nut. What these aforementioned groups conspire to control/keep intact is the fractional reserve banking going on around the world. Perhaps too they conspire to not have the world in general know we are fighting a currency war across the developed countries. Is it true that Japan sold the first CDO...?

Just bought some cream for my coffee. What cost 2 dollars is now 4. With globalization it is a sin to practice protectionism..economically and personally. We are slowly being ground down into a state of compliance and quiet submission. In order to control the money supply - you must understand that people are the commodity - they are the money.

When AMERICA goes into debt to China for trillions, in essence people are being sold. It is then new slave trade. Social policy is a must when it comes to herding the mass. As mentioned - I have heard the non-compliance in the courts - in the schools and at the damn socialist hench institution - the welfare department. Controlling through sexuality is also used to create a type of submissiveness. We live in a very complex machine - almost a living collective organism and the high ranking bankers are totally aware of how all things are interconnected. THEY love the power - and one person I spoke to seems to take great glee in being the wizard behind the curtain.

This term "competition" - a false premise when it comes to generating wealth..there is a movement afoot to bring down wages to the point of being a third word nation - supposedly so OUR nation can complete with other nations where compensation for labor hovers just above the slave rate. This idea of communal enterprise on a global scale will only reduce all of us to being equal - equally poor.

Strange how many banker types are Trotskyites...and for instance if you take someone like Hillary Clinton - she is hard core socialist as is Obama - they want us all to be equal - EXCEPT FOR THEM...Who will live like gods on earth and shit in gold toilets..That is the problem with globalism and socialism - that an elite form...and they are not very bright - but they have power though collective tacit agreements - they conspire against all of humanity.

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What gives conspiracy theory a bad name are the lunatics that insist there are little green men and flying saucers watching us...it has tainted the concept much like the word anarchist is tainted with visions of violence - anarchy was NOT designed as a movement that used force..The movement was tainted back in about 1913 - when that Duke was shot - but a supposed "anarchist" - to this day we do not know if this is true or not..perhaps that was the begining of the propagation of the slander against those who figure out the big picture - a discrediting of those that said "the king has no clothes".

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What gives conspiracy theory a bad name are the lunatics that insist there are little green men and flying saucers watching us...it has tainted the concept much like the word anarchist is tainted with visions of violence - anarchy was NOT designed as a movement that used force..The movement was tainted back in about 1913 - when that Duke was shot - but a supposed "anarchist" - to this day we do not know if this is true or not..perhaps that was the begining of the propagation of the slander against those who figure out the big picture - a discrediting of those that said "the king has no clothes".

Hi, I agree with both of these last posts. My instincts say that those agendas that include the little green men are government produced. Sometimes I toss the fear cover-up concept around but ultimately always fall back to the big brother/disinformation platform.

I've been following CMKX/CMKM around for about a year. Right now, specifically, I am trying to get to the bottom of the reset to gold standard rumours. Personally I can't see it happening in any member country of the IMF since currency resets are a no-no within this group. The Global Settlements rumours are also very interesting. One must consider the fake triple A stamp used to sell bad CDOs and what have you. This is one reason for the Mondaq articles written about the process of determining proper justice across many countries regarding international market fraud. There is much going on below the surface. It takes time and tenacity to research all the rumours and also the putting up with many dead ends. Was it not Japan that stated " Nobody wins a currency war "? Time will tell, time and research, it always does.

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Agendas, everyone has an agenda...Look at the US, they have surrounded Russia, China, Palestine and are looking to mess with North Korea. This says to me that perhaps I am looking at the remnants of Hitler's 1000 year agenda. This coupled with the CIA view of the bankruptcy of the EU by the year 2012. How about Basil 1-11, another Hitler throw back.

I view Harper's antics in cementing relations with the EU as a socialist left over from the fall of the Soviet Union which includes Russia, China and Japan. Although Japan seems more communist than socialist they will go where the power is.

Then there is the Wall Street crowd, they don't care who's agenda becomes mandate as long as no one interferes with fractionlized banking.

There is also outright fringe countries that for reasons of their own refuse to play ball with this bail-out/debt/control scenario like Argentina, North Korea and the very sad Poland. A whole political party decimated over unrest at not being able to reset(not to gold standard but a reset within fractional reserve systems)( I wonder if a currency reset strips international banks/national banks of assets/power) their currency and be rid of the IMF/EU control. Who did it? The Socialist faction or the Communist facists. A who done it of the highest order.

The Muslim agenda is interesting in so far as I watched a video that stated a political position of not needing to be at war with the world in any way as simply by Muslim population growth they will outnumber every other human species on earth 8 to 1 in less than 100 years. Infiltration is preferable to war regardless of the US terrorism campaign.

There are so many agendas, it is all so interesting. If I am a little off (or way out in left/right field)on sizing up these groups by all means fill me in. It is very confusing and there is MUCH to learn.

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Listening to that dumb American all night talk show Coast to Coast - I notice that millions of Americans are diverted away from real issues and fanciful beliefs are brought to bare on the public. This is a diversion. What really matters is what is real and true - take the American Federal Reserve - you hear the term federal and assume that his is a massive public purse - It is not - of course the common citizen can indirectly deposit his tax dollars into this account but he can NOT with draw..this huge ruse keeps certain people in power.

As for gold - they are slowly sucking up all the gold. ALL CURRENCY NOW IS BASE ON THE BELIEF AND CONFIDENCE SYSTEM - a religion is forming.

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Listening to that dumb American all night talk show Coast to Coast - I notice that millions of Americans are diverted away from real issues and fanciful beliefs are brought to bare on the public. This is a diversion. What really matters is what is real and true - take the American Federal Reserve - you hear the term federal and assume that his is a massive public purse - It is not - of course the common citizen can indirectly deposit his tax dollars into this account but he can NOT with draw..this huge ruse keeps certain people in power.

As for gold - they are slowly sucking up all the gold. ALL CURRENCY NOW IS BASE ON THE BELIEF AND CONFIDENCE SYSTEM - a religion is forming.

Yup, I agree about the ruse however the curtain is falling. Have you checked out Finality of Settlements? A theory built on the premis of a world wide reset to gold/mineral based currencies. Another agenda, you are right, the gold ownership is already highly concentrated and no where near fair enough in geological placement around the world. IMO it would not take long for the gold wars to start.

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The second time I ever did mushrooms I came to the conclusion that all that matters in life is love. We are here to learn to love, that is our evolution. You won't hear a story like that on the news.

They keep us trapped in fear and greed.

They divide us, make us feel separate and alone, keep us fighting against each other.

They attack us subconsciously and the tube is their ultimate weapon. So many peoples truths come from what they see on T.V.

The war on terrorism, that is like declaring a war on wars. It can't be won, it is a perpetual war.

So are you sure that your mushroom love experience wasn't simply a psychological response to the anxiety caused by the psilocybin coupled with a state of constant anxiety over the perception of your present social environment? That is, more of a personal distortion than a universal truth that allowed you to continue the experience without discomfort?

I am wondering if you simply accept notions that come to you during drug enduced experiences and then expand on them during times when you are not in the drug induced state.

The second (or third, or fourth, or fifth - I can't quite remember) time I took mushrooms, my vision changed to resemble colour television 'snow' followed by hours of painful cramps. Love did me no good at that time.

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I'm going to throw a conspiracy theory to you guys and would like for you guys to debunk it.

What if politics/governments, religion, the banking, monetary and economic systems were implemented slowly threw time to control us. That what we believe to have happened threw out history was just to distract and keep the population entertained while a small group of people manipulated the world from behind the scenes.

The big question here is, is there any evidence for such a group. The answer is, of course, NO.

The economy and political situation has changed radically over the past centuries... If there were some controlling super-group, they would have to have some way to admit new members. You'd have to wonder, in all that time, why has no individual ever come forward to say "I was asked to control the world but I decided not to join"?

Of course, I'd also like to point out that in the past century or 2 we've seen amazing advancements in science and politics. Even the poorest welfare recipient in Canada probably has a higher standard of living than even the wealthiest individuals in the 1800s. (More luxuries, longer expected life span, etc.) If that's an example of us being 'controlled', then I'd say "Go ahead, run my life. Maybe in a few years I'll be able to fly to work in my golden tower with my rocket-powered jet pack.".

Well how many religions are out there? They can't all be telling the truth, some of them have to be lying, chances are all of them are.

I'm an atheist. I think all religions are wrong. (That doesn't necessarily mean that all religious people are lying; some are simply misguided.)

Not sure what relevance that has to the presence of some 'super group' controlling us...

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The big question here is, is there any evidence for such a group. The answer is, of course, NO.

Let me introduce you to a possibility.


The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and media. Each conference is closed to the public and the press.

They were here in Ottawa a couple years back and were pissed at the amount of news coverage they got. They had their own security contingency guarding the hotel grounds. Ottawa police and the RCMP were not allowed to step on the premises without permission from the Bilderbergs. If what they are doing is benign then why such secrecy surrounding the group? And why the security? Why could our police and RCMP not be allowed on site? Does not make much sense.

But they do this everywhere they hold their annual meetings.

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Let me introduce you to a possibility.


They were here in Ottawa a couple years back and were pissed at the amount of news coverage they got. They had their own security contingency guarding the hotel grounds. Ottawa police and the RCMP were not allowed to step on the premises without permission from the Bilderbergs. If what they are doing is benign then why such secrecy surrounding the group? And why the security? Why could our police and RCMP not be allowed on site? Does not make much sense.

But they do this everywhere they hold their annual meetings.

I'm going to a conference this weekend...it will have about 200 people, invitation only...theyinveted the RCMp too...

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The big question here is, is there any evidence for such a group. The answer is, of course, NO.

Let me introduce you to a possibility.


The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are people of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and media. Each conference is closed to the public and the press.

It may be "closed to the public/press", but its existence is certainly well known. Not exactly the type of situation you'd expect from some 'secret society' controlling the world from the shadows.

And the attendees of the Bilderberg meetings are very diverse... some are representatives of left-leaning socialist groups/parties, quite at odds with the corporate leaders that show up. With the diversity of people who are invited, how come not one has said "Hey I attended the Bilderberg meeting and they're planing to enslave humanity"?

If what they are doing is benign then why such secrecy surrounding the group?

For pretty much the same reason that my local city council (as well as the condo association where I used to live) have meetings that are closed to the press/public. Sometimes, topics may need to be discussed privately/in camera.

Government officials often have closed-door meetings with their counterparts from other countries. Such matters are the routine activities of government officials, and don't necessarily mean that they are engaged in some secret plot for world domination.

And why the security?

Ummm... because of idiots like Alex Jones, who might try to 'crash' the meeting in order to get the inside scoop on things.

Why could our police and RCMP not be allowed on site? Does not make much sense.

Probably because its a private function (rather than some state function).

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Stuart Mackenzie: Well, it's a well known fact, Sonny Jim, that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as The Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.

Tony Giardino: So who's in this Pentavirate?

Stuart Mackenzie: The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, *AND* Colonel Sanders before he went tits up. Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee *beady* eyes, and that smug look on his face. "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!"

Charlie Mackenzie: Dad, how can you hate "The Colonel"?

Stuart Mackenzie: Because he puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes ya crave it fortnightly, smartass!

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I think his point was the fact that a conference is 'invitation only' is not necessarily uncommon or a sign that there are evil plans involved.

Yep...now of course we will be discusing and organizing our growing control of media, culture, ottawa nightlife and the empowerment of the new world order..but that is not the point...

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Yep...now of course we will be discusing and organizing our growing control of media, culture, ottawa nightlife and the empowerment of the new world order..but that is not the point...

Ottawa has a "nightlife?" Where??

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So are you sure that your mushroom love experience wasn't simply a psychological response to the anxiety caused by the psilocybin coupled with a state of constant anxiety over the perception of your present social environment? That is, more of a personal distortion than a universal truth that allowed you to continue the experience without discomfort?

I like the way you said that but I'm pretty sure love is the way.

If you think about, technically nothing matters. We could blow up the world, explore space, do nothing, it doesn't matter what we do, in the end nothing really matters. I just figured we might as well make the best of life for everyone and the only way I found out how to do so threw love.

over 30,000 children die a day from poverty and preventable diseases, that is not love therefore it is not true.

The Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, they all exist, Harper has attended the CFR.

It is more of a conspiracy of ideas, many of the people in these groups are globalists and believe in one world government. I don't like that idea, I think governments as is are too big, they already abuse their powers and take advantage of their citizens.

There are people who already control the world, people are just ignorant and think the only way to control the world is by military force, that in untrue. You can control the world by controlling the economy, you can control the economy by controlling money. The Federal reserve and other central banks control money. International bankers control the world by putting everyone into debt, debt is slavery, in debt you are forced to submit to labour to pay off the debt.

The clever thing about slavery now is the slaves now have to home and feed themselves where in the passed that was taking care of.

I think the true conspiracy is making us believe that democracy, capitalism and a monetary based economy is freedom.

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The Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, they all exist, Harper has attended the CFR.

Ummm... so?

There's also NATO, NORAD, OAS, UN. And the NDP is affiliated with Socialist International (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_International). And the Liberals are affiliated with Liberal International (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_International).

The fact that people from one country talk with people from other countries with common interests should not be considered surprising or scary.

It is more of a conspiracy of ideas...

Yet throughout the world you have politicians with ideologies ranging all across the political spectrum, with different ideas on how to handle the economy and social issues.

So where's the conspiracy?

...many of the people in these groups are globalists and believe in one world government.

Can you point to one major politician who has stated that they want 'one world government'?

There are people who already control the world, people are just ignorant and think the only way to control the world is by military force, that in untrue. You can control the world by controlling the economy, you can control the economy by controlling money. The Federal reserve and other central banks control money.

No, they don't.

They can take certain actions (change interest rates, print more currency, etc.) that will have some effect, but their overall ability to 'control' the economy is very limited.

They cannot control prices (products or wages).

They cannot control radical politicians (e.g. Chavez)

They cannot control the environment.

They cannot control product demand and/or trends.

Furthermore, the 'fed' (and other currency controllers) are not some monolithic group. In the U.S., the chair is appointed by the government (which is democratically elected), and the banks that are just as much competitors as co-conspirators.

International bankers control the world by putting everyone into debt...

Nope, people put themselves into debt. Its a choice people make. Often people choose wrong, but it still a personal decision.

debt is slavery...

Nope, slavery is slavery. A slave typically had no choice in the matter. People have the choice to go into debt though.

And the slave never got any benefit from their enslavement. Those with debt typically received some benefit (be it a new home, car, business, etc.) for the debt.

...in debt you are forced to submit to labour to pay off the debt.

And if no such thing as 'debt' existed, you'd be submitting to labor in order to pay for food, etc.

The fact that you can actually go into debt allows a person to delay payment on immediate purchases. I doubt I'd own my home if I had to continue renting while I saved enough to buy a new house.

I think the true conspiracy is making us believe that democracy, capitalism and a monetary based economy is freedom.

It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.

- Winston Churchill

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The Bilderberg group, imo, are mostly responsible for helping governments and world organizations figure out how to finance themselves. Two taxes I have a feeling that have been influenced by them are the Tobin and VAT. They are also instrumental in creating both the funding and mandate for the IMF. They are a very wealthy group of individuals with many stories surrounding them. I think my favorite is the ST. Germain's Trust. Wouldn't that be amazing if it where true. A lot of people think so. Personally I don't think it makes any sense. However, when I consider the fact that the FCCC wanted to amoratize the production tax back to 1780ish I do wonder if the money behind this group is not that old. The connection between the FCCC and Bilderberg is the fact that once again they are instrumental in creating the funding and mandate. Any mandate built on the fractional reserve concept has Bilderberg written all over it and the lending platform of this collected tax to underdeveloped countries is this concept on steroids, another debt to never be paid but forever heavily collected on.

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Ummm... so?

There's also NATO, NORAD, OAS, UN. And the NDP is affiliated with Socialist International (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_International). And the Liberals are affiliated with Liberal International (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_International).

The fact that people from one country talk with people from other countries with common interests should not be considered surprising or scary.

Yet throughout the world you have politicians with ideologies ranging all across the political spectrum, with different ideas on how to handle the economy and social issues.

Not all politicians belong to this group.

So where's the conspiracy?

They are conspiring together to achieve there goal of world government and they are getting them.

WTO, WHO, UN, EU, there has been money spent on plans for building a NAFTA super highway from mexico to Canada. They want a world government and they are getting it. There was almost the first world tax in Copenhagen.

No, they don't.

They can take certain actions (change interest rates, print more currency, etc.) that will have some effect, but their overall ability to 'control' the economy is very limited.

They cannot control prices (products or wages).

They cannot control radical politicians (e.g. Chavez)

They cannot control the environment.

They cannot control product demand and/or trends.

Furthermore, the 'fed' (and other currency controllers) are not some monolithic group. In the U.S., the chair is appointed by the government (which is democratically elected), and the banks that are just as much competitors as co-conspirators.

The chair is appointed by the government, sweet the front man is appointed by the government, you think Ben Bernake makes the decisions.

Controlling interest rates and the money supply is a big thing when your talking about the economy.

Right now the Fed is purposely destroying the U.S. economy by having interest rates this low, it is just another bubble in the economy, artificial spending encouraged by cheap money. Along with the stimulus bubble, the U.S. is just one big bubble economy waiting to burst.

Not to mention the Federal government is running a 1.5 trillion dollar and growing deficit that they will never be able to afford. The only way they will be able to continue operating at this size is by getting the Federal Reserve to buy bonds and that would inflate the currency.

Timothy Geithner is the former President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Wall Street Hijacked Washington. There is fascism in America.

You can't have a democracy when the only way you can win is by having millions of dollars.

In a true democracy everyone should be given a fair chance at winning.

Plutony - Economic growth that is powered and consumed by the wealthiest upper class of society. Plutonomy refers to a society where the majority of the wealth is controlled by an ever-shrinking minority; as such, the economic growth of that society becomes dependent on the fortunes of that same wealthy minority.

That is what society has become in america, the Too Big Too Fails...

Nope, people put themselves into debt. Its a choice people make. Often people choose wrong, but it still a personal decision.

I'm talking country.

Where does money come from. The central Bank must buy bonds from the government in order for money to come into existence. The central bank gets the money to buy bonds from thin air. They also charge interest on that loan they gave the government. Where does the money to pay off the interest come from, it doesn't exist. There is more debt in existence then there is money. It is impossible for the world to be debt free. We then spend millions of dollars annually paying off the debt to these central banks that created the money out of thin air in the first place.

It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.

- Winston Churchill

So why did we stop here.

And I bet, when the US dollar collapse, which it will, they will either push us towards an Amero or some sort of world currency, never let a tragedy go to waste.

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." - David Rockefeller
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I think the term slavery, while apropriate to a certain extent, it does not really do justice to the situation. We may be enslaved perhaps, but it is to the dollar by our own will which shows in the general acceptance around the world of this system even from those who know better, this fight against fractional rerserve and the banks to my knowledge is an old one and not a very well fought one to date. I hate to say it but I must, complacency.

The reasoning behind the lack of transparency has more to do with the fact that this system has failed grossly and every country is in debt up to their ears and quite liable to international fraud charges so if the truth of the gross misconduct within this system became public conversation to any great degree the whole system would be in danger of collapse in an uncontrolled devastating way. This can not happen regardless of how wrong this situation is. Greed and only greed did this to us, both personal and public. As long as we progressed along with the heightening of the standard of living we where quite happy to not look to far past the end of our noses. It always sucks to wake up late, especially in the face of so many earlier generations of public and governments trying so hard and even dying to make us aware of the folly of this system. No conspiracy.

Perhaps though a system in its death throws in a controlled way. Time will tell. There are many rumours about the demise of the Federal Reserve in the US and a reset to gold/mineral standard and the reintroduction of the treasury note. As I have mentioned before, I do not see this as a reality.

However, consider this....China and Japan want to remove the US dollar from the international currency position in the Basket and replace it with the SDR credit system from the IMF. They are in a position to legitimatley fight this due to the realities of the value of the US dollar not propped up by the IMF. The US has been begging China to revalue/realign their currency to a compromised value of a combination of stability from both China and the IMF so as to retain their posistion in the basket. Also snuggling up to Japan to support them by causing a rift between the 3 countries over the what I am calling the false flag bombing of the South Korean ship. China has an interesting relationship to north Korea and when this happened they were not so quick to get involved and this upset Japan and made them pull closer to the US....everyone has an agenda. Time will tell.

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