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British Petroleum....had better cough up the cash!

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I was right on the money. BPs upper and middle management guys are stark raving mad! Has anyone read what their PR guys are spewing forth? Let me para pharse the concept --- " The beautiful glistening oil rolled about on the waves like heavenly pink clouds...a sight to behold - a dance... an opera of the highest significance.... a blessing on the boring and dull colourless seas.. - utter beauty bringing prosperity to all" - yep they are f**king nuts

It does remind me of a Greek myth..where the youth was so taken by his own image that his feelings for himself were perverse and errotic to the point of full blown madness - the greek myth talks about this guy seeing HIS image in and on the water - Much like BP - I believe there is a name for that type of sociopathy.

What the hell is wrong with us and the world that we tolerate insane persons running the show - If BP was a child..and part of an ancient hunter gathering society - and we as a group were moving about looking for game - and this crazy child kept crying out like a lunitic scaring the game away at the last moment - some one in the tribe would pick up a big rock and do away with the kid that was leading them to starvation - YET - as BP poison the food supply - America stands by and talks about the glory of nominating another lesbian Jewish fanatic - that will effect social policy ---not that I have anything about society getting top heavey with fanatics - but don't you think we have enough extremists already on board? Time to normalize or governmental and corporate structures - having crazy people rule is not working out for us.

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Drill baby Drill. HA!

Lost counts on how long the spew has been going. Much like Haiti and other catostrophic events..this one has quickly shifted to the back pages of public consciousness. People like kicked dogs are quickly being conditioned to accept and get comfortable with the abuse.

It is very disheartening that media reporting this event with grins and no real concern or grip on reality what has really taken place here. This is an issue of food supply. It is an issue of American human atonomy. It is an issue of international waters and nationally controled waters and their resourse - on the surface - in the water and below the sea bed..Seem that folks do not realize that the world and it's open communal resourses do not belong to BP_ or other corporations..nor do these resourses that are in open international waters belong to nations - these resourses belong to all of humanity collectively.

Having blurted that - it is amazing how British Petroleum seems to actually believe that they are the big people and us "little people" - are what is percieved by them - their compliant and slavish subjects - that our well being and right to life is of little consequence..as the steely eyed Old Queen visits Canada - no one dare mention to this major share holder that we are not her subjects nor are the poor AMERICANS - subjugated by this lost and confused royality are not her chatel to be disposed of in the perpetuation of her existance as some sort of monarch -- a King or a Queen is supposed to look out for the subjects in order to maintain a age old loyalty to the crown..

At this point in time...it appears that even the Queen herself has utterly forgot her oath to the principle of common service--- once you forget your purpose it is time to step down..as for BP - as I mentioned...oil is not a bad thing - but bad people are simply bad people - stupidity and evil are kin. Time for a change - time to disrespect the powerful and arrogant who are so disconnected from reality that they harm reality - the real world that we all live in.

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An attack against nature whether by conscouious intent or not is an attack against humanity. BP has no respect for nature and humanity - yet they expect us to by product that they steal form the earth without question ...These are drug dealers and we are junkies...put in that perspective we understand why we grovel and beg for our next fix of oil as our future is destroyed...by the very substance and men that have addicted us.

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Drill baby Drill. HA!

They clearly had no intention of "killing" the well - they could have but profit and power are more important than life itself. Instead it was full steam ahead and damn the torpedos..so they saved the filthy well and killed everything else instead. Even that ass hole Bill Clinton was grinning and said to para phrase - "that's one hell of a well"...which means this blind hypocrite..takes glee in the money factor at the expense of nature and our most beautiful part of nature - humanity!

Now the gulf region is perminently destroyed and it will only get worse - the reckless disregard shown for the people's well being shown by the Obama team and BP - who evidently have a sweat and sinister tacit agreement to dominate all they can even if they destroy what they seek to control..it's boardering on the satanic if you ask me..Nature - has been struck a severe blow - and those that parrot "environment" have no clue what nature is.

It is obvious that this is one of the greatest oil finds in history - and even an idiot..could tell from the very begining that it was spewing a couple of barrels per second-- so what is the point of all this wealth if there is no nature to enjoy? What is the purpose and motivation of BP and their supporters..who are the American and British high archy? MONEY without a purpose is useless much like all of BP and those that allowed this vicious plunder.

From what I hear a hostile take over is coming over the hill to snatch up British Petroleum..thank God that this company will be finally wrenched away from these spoiled, michievious lunitics...if we continue to allow insane corporates to operate without restriction..they will KILL the planet and take us along for the ride to hell - I for one am not going ..they can f**k themselves ---and stop sodomizing nature which is us..which is the spirit of God - these men are not gods. They are fools..of the most dangerous kind- insane plated in gold--but still insane none the less.

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It wasn't very serious at all, as any conservation was far outpaced by growth in existing and developing markets. Transitioning away from a hydrocarbon based economy will take at least as long as it took to create it. Talk of the end for civilization is just hyperbole as few would go back to a pre-petroleum "paradise".

You call this civilized? Show me some culture and shove the bling bling.

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Yes...it is the very definition of civilization, and you ain't no Tarzan.

My Tarzan days are over - but at least I had them and understand the basics of human existance in the natural world - like I said - I grew up in a swamp- mud between my toes and one with the real world - most these days live a live of artifice - artifical as old hell.

You did mention at the begining of this spill..that it was no big deal - I said it was of biblical proportion...you laughed at me .. I was right and you were wrong. This is the difference between very old school guys like myself - we know the difference between up and down - right and left and right and wrong..the PB boys don't have a clue about what their human existance is all about. They are detatched, overly privledged and debauched....what is the sad point is that no one really views BPs behaviour as abberant.

Even the Queen of England has to hide her embarrasment regarding the mismanagement of wealth - the reckless plunder and the reality that the ruling class can't rule jack shit at this point in history - yet they persist..in their attempt to dominate..what appears to be happening these days is that intelligent people are punished..and rats that submit to greed who do not have the courage to stand up for what is correct and true...are rewarded...

POLICIAL CORRECTNESS...is by definition......FORCED TOLERANCE>>>. Frankly I really do not want to tolerate idots and insane people any longer - to hell with the ass holes - and as a rich man once said to me of humans in general - "some people do not want to be saved" - and those same people mindlessly drag down anyone who wants a better and healthier world...I guess I can quote Milton here...."I would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven" - hell really is not a place worth dominating...nor is heaven...There is no corporate culture - they are at the same level as the common crazed crack head and just as nasty.

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This is not a good trade off - energy for nature - oil for food...food comes first.."what good does it do a man to gain the whole world and lose his mortal soul (phyiscal life)? It makes no sense to create bio fuels to feed cars going no where creating nothing - food is for the consumption of living creatures not machines - Oil is fine if it is harvested in a responsible manner and not used to generate great wealth - OIL - is a gift to all of mankind..BUT it has to be used in a very limited and useful way..look at the gulf - dirty - look as they gather up the dirt and burn in methods of useless transport - now the sky is dirty - dirty water - dirty air - leads to more dirt--six feet of it.

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Drill baby Drill. HA!

ABSOLUTELY total idoits and lunitics - perpetrators and victims alike- Is there no hope for the human race and it's cheeze ball insane systems...systems established and held dear that destroy the systems creators?

Coming to the conclution that human beings are slighty brighter than apes - and perhaps not quite as smart - why is it that people actually believe liars? It's like a child that is struck and the more that child is abuse the closer it clings to the abuser.

Where is the courage and where is the dignity that was once held in the depth of the human spirit and mind? This is so distressing it reminds me of a pig - that is swimming in it's own feces - drinking and eathing it's own shit and crys out for more as it slowly dies - and that pig listens to the pig keepers who keep telling this mindless creature that it is eating heavenly honey.

It is not just BP that is nuts - it's all the rest of you also - cowards---COWARDS who are afraid to take a chance and stand up for basic human rights - politicans - buisness people and the common fisherman who seems content to catch oil as well as fish....

THOSE WHO TRY TO SAVE THEIR LIVES WILL LOSE THEM - THOSE WHO ARE READY TO LOSE ALL - WILL FIND LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY - AS LONG AS YOU COWER IN THE CORNER WAITING FOR SOME CRAZED RICH FUCK TO GIVE YOU A HAND OUT..YOU WILL GET NO WHERE AND YOU WILL PERISH..you have to be ready to go for broke in order to escape the coersive force and power of insane people that control you -- through money --YOU WILL NOT STARVE - YOU WILL SURIVE - BUT YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE IF YOU LIVE IN FEAR OF GOING HUNGRY - OR FEAR OF LOSING YOUR HOME OR YOUR CHILDREN - you must be brave - and I don't see one single person willing to stand up for truth - justice and common human survival and dignity - shame on all of you and to hell with you - I gave it a good try - but as the richest man I know said///

"Some people do not want to be saved" ---------------------------I believe what this liar was saying was "some people do not KNOW they can be saved" _ well I am telling you now - that you can save your own ass-- but not by being a coward who is worried about a car payment or afraid to skip having a steak on occassion. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU COWARDS! They are destroying your home and food supply and you sit their like little phags.

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In my almost sixty revolutions around the star we call our sun...I have never been more distressed,obsessed and depressed about an event that is the British Petroleum attack on nature and humanity..whether by intent or not this is akin to the detination of a small nuclear device in slow motion.

What takes me back the most is that most do not really realize the utter contempt and loathing that oil merchants have for people and nature in general. ALSO - the talking heads that supposedly report on real events without supposed bias - refere to the effort in containing this spew -- as "we" - are doing our best - there is no we! We have no part of this nor any home of influencing this huge and monsterous company and their governmental stool pigeons. It appears that WE are not important - and OUR natural environment will somehow heal it self by means of some strange microbes that eat oil - there are no microbes that like this shit - no sane entity lives off of this toxin - other than us.

The issue of dispersing this thing is quite bizzare..It reminds me of the industrialists of the 1950s who thought that dumping chemicals into the great lakes was fine and that there was such a huge amount of water that poisons could be spread about to the point of un-noticablity..not so! The chemicals are still there and still have an effect on nature and man kind. This sweeping the poison under the rug shows how shifty and dishonest this company is and how detatched governmental officals are from the reality of healthy natural life.

It makes a good and caring person what to give up on society in totality when the scope of this insanity and the acceptance of it as some sort of norm is grasped..it makes you want to weep that humanity and it's systems are so clumsy - so deceptive and that so much de-evolution of our world has taken place.

A few years back when I was driving dieing mother to her treatments...we would cross over the 401 highway and she would peer out the window looking down from the over pass and say..of all the traffic..."this is very frightening" _ She has seen war - famine - genocide...and corruption..and did not fear any of the perpetrators of crimes against nature and humanity - but she had vision and see fear the fact that we were mutating into machines with an addiction for high energy fuel that was not really a neccesity of life. MY dear old mother had vision - and as she was leaving this life she worried about what was to come - the suffering her children and grand children would have to endure..she feared the fact that her matriarchal protection would not be around to shelter her extended brood.

Now I as a citizen - a man and a father only see gloom and doom in the future for our race..it is not so much the toxins - but the fact that we have men in high postions who are toxic waste..who are toxic in spirit and mind - who take great glee in the destruction of all that is intelligent and beautiful. This is a war of sorts - a war on goodness - on God - and what is God you might ask? It is human intelligence and talent - our system is now fully on auto-cannibalism mode - and the first muscle to be eaten after the fat is gone - is the human mind --- the attack against intelligence is now in full force and full bloom - Remember the most intelligent people on earth do NOT have material power - those who command material power are aware of one thing..that the intelligensia has to go...if they are to have total domain and destructive authority over man and nature - the folks in control...are just plain stupid..as British Petroleum have shown - money can not buy intelligence - Technology highly funded does not guarentee miracles.

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Drill baby Drill. HA!

IF B P is rewarded with the continued use of this well and others..after this is all over - if there is an OVER -- I will vomit! To grant them or any other company any further right to harvest energy in the gulf is like letting a mass mudering child molester sleep on your couch after he has promised "to make it right."

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Well, the new cap will be placed this week, let's hope that it actually works this time. What is it like 90 days now?

If they do manage to cap and stop the flow of the oil, clean up efforts will start to become effective.

"Will start to become effective" - that's funny - all efforts to mop up the kitchen floor while the pipes were broken were a total waste of effort - dispersants were deeply depressing - to see BP and American leaders allow the sinking of oil in order to hide it. It would have been better to let ALL of it wash up on the beach so it can be seen to be collected. Like crimminals they attempted to hide the crimminal mind contained in the executive high archy by simply sinking the stuff so as it could never be cleaned up - out of sight out of mind I suppose.

NOW - this morning I woke up with a head ache..I almost never get any head irritations...as the heat wave continues..the dellusional talking heads like to report..."The temperature is a danger to sick people - young children and the elderly" - SORRY...this health issue is not due to heat - we have had heat for a million years and we adapt and cope. No one mentions the real problem..the thing they call "haze" - It is f**king oil..oil that was once under the gulf a couple of miles down - who's by products and side effects of this drug now rage in the human blood stream...PB and others gave me a f**king head ache this morning....at one end - down in the gulf they give me an emotional and mental head pain---then at the exit end of this sit it is NOW a physical poisoning.

So these lunitics have no problem poisoning the food supply - the water suppy and the air supply - Yet - we embrass them as if they are the holy saviours of humanity sent from up above - more than likely like the oil they are sent from down below. NOW they believe they have made an appropriate gizzmo that will STOP the leak...and of course allow them to gather more of this shit and eventually disperse it into the air. LOOK at our cities in summer..when the air is light and hot - particles - gases - and jerks in morning media that show a "glorious" sun rise - that is really just a cloud of poison smoke that they describe as beautuful.

The authorities hover over BP and say that this new device needs more testing to be safe - where were these dutyless jerks 90 days ago? The most frightening part of this situation is the fact that big oil...will continue to destroy us...and all of nature...IF this is a warning that the mentality and mindset of oil merchants is one of clever crimminality..then the warning should be heeded - But like the Haiti disaster ----this will end the same - Remember when Bush and Clinton collected the relief money and put it into THEIR system? The last thing these dudes want to do is give all this glorious cash to starbing n**gers...and as far as BP is concerned - we are all n**gers...all slaves that when non-compliant are slated for destruction by these economic Darwinist creeps that rationalize their privledge in the wishful thought that they are superiour creatures...THEY ARE INFERIOUR...REMEMBER THAT AND CONTAIN THIS CLASS IN THE FUTURE..



This will end with BP being rewarded for their abuse and contempt - It will be akin to a young child smashing every window in the house - shitting on the floor and contaminating the family food suppy - and when the little brat is done - us the father and mother that actually spawned BP through our addictions - will take the little crazed rat out to Chucky Cheeze and increase his allowance - The concept of good and bad must be re-instated - BP and their friends are bad people..stupid people...crazy people - If RESPECT IS THE TRANSFER OF POWER - IT IS TIME TO STOP RESPECTING PEOPLE THAT DO NOT RESPECT US.

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It's better that the Queen and Prince Charley declare insolventcy instead of letting thousands of barrels of oil destroy the gulf coast. Let the arrogant secretive mother f**kers drag out all of their money and send a thousand ships to clean up the oil spill with damned tea spoons if neccesary. Instead of doing what they are supposed to do they want to burn the stuff..as if oil and water burn easily and as if I want to breath the crap that keeps them rich.

NO ONE dare upset the QUEEN in these regards...the Queen is above politics - NOW it seems she is above business also?

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Really? I expected you to blame it on Obama.

Obama like the witch Hillary Clinton is a stale and unimaginative Trotskyite...it's amaziing who some chump sudent reads some socialist literature in colleage and never gets over the experience..nor do they develope pass this failed theory....Obama has made no effort what so ever to pound BP..he has made no effort to protect the common American...as with all socialist lackies and stool pigeons - who are controlled by a super elite who are ultra capitalists...His job is to oppress and torment and weaken the masses with socialistic drivel in order to make more slaves for these creeps who think they are God on earth.

Don't blame Obama - he is a coward and a child who sold his soul to ride in a cheeze ball green chopper with his very homely and plain wife...he sold out to live the illusion of being some sort of king...His handlers will dispose of hime when his dark skin is no longer useful-- and that day is coming fast.

As for this high tech experimentation by BP regarding killing the well - They do not want the simple cheap primative solution- THE JUST DON'T FEEL RIGHT UNLESS THEY ARE SPENDING THE BIG BUCKS ON THE SUPPOSED BIG BRAINS..just like all those that run huge corporations..they buy brains...but real intelligence can not be bought or sold..

I remember doing some art work and decorating on the Magna compound and homes of some of the off compound executives- They hire design types to tell them...what to wear - what colour to paint..and how to speak and act..They are totally stupid..as are the BP people- who believe that money can buy anything-- It can not buy class- nor talent- nor a noble and generous mind...nor can it buy a machine for a billion bucks that can close a spitting well...Shove a lead cone shaped plug in the pipe- and dump a million tons of concrete on the thing....But NO.................they need to employ their friends...as they employ and contract their buddies - we suffer while they make money and have fun.

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Gee, I wonder if the gas prices will go up again because of the oil spill, we all know it doesn`t take much for a reason for them to do it!!

Sure will.....Now we know why it took so long for these monsters to stop the spew...apparently their engineers took a lot of time to devise a cap that can be used as a regular oil well sucking system...It will become evident in the future that BP - could have shut the well down and forfeited the oil..that it could have been done immediately - but was not...UNTIL a system could be devised called "have your cake and eat it too syphoning system" - Yes BP handled this whole mess exactly as a group of highly skilled deceptive lawyers would have...NOW I expect that they will expect a congratulations and a weeping thank you note for the world at large.

WATER - WATER - WATER ...THIS is and well clearly become the issue - temperatures world wide have gone up a full degree - first time in recorded history...There are reports from SOUTH AMERICA - That glaciers that supplyed a couple of capital cities with water are gone...so in eccense we have traded water for oil...BP and others with their aggressive over active push for the consumption of more oil _ are DIRECTLY responsible for what is coming - a shortage of water..of life sustaining WATER!

But .................................no one will mention that the more oil BP pulls out of the ground - that the less water there will be in the ground and coming from the sky..OIL will bring upon a great and killing thirst on the world.....there is a direct connection between drought - heat and the use of oil..so now as we bow our heads in thanks that BP has shut down the well --- I guess these demons are actually thankful that they can - instead of an oil rig - pump the shit directly into tankers..saves them a few bucks.

Obama "and others" will do anything to maintain the status quo - even if it kills every last living thing on the planet...welcome to the start of hell on earth - drill baby drill - and burn baby burn - the lunitics now run the asylum.

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...Obama "and others" will do anything to maintain the status quo - even if it kills every last living thing on the planet...welcome to the start of hell on earth - drill baby drill - and burn baby burn - the lunitics now run the asylum.

An easy task given that YOU "and others" still live like the "status quo", and will do nothing to change that.

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An easy task given that YOU "and others" still live like the "status quo", and will do nothing to change that.

YOU have over estimated my position in the material world - for the last seven years I survive on nothing..hand to mouth..and I have not lost the faith - nor am I maintaining the status quo in any degree what so ever...at least I am doing something - evaluating and explaining to common guys like you how these BP types think and what they are really up too.

For instance the reason that it took so long to stop the gush was because it took BPs engineers all this time to device a valve system that would allow them to continue to extract the wealth..in other words they could have plugged the damned thing immediately but that would have meant a loss of revenue...and as with the crazed and greedy - they decieded that destroying the gulf and the lives of millions of (little people) citizens...was a viable option when it come to weighing the prospects..they decided that this destruction was just the cost of doing so-called business.

I understand this mentality - It is the mind of lawyers that delayed this stuff and kept shoving lies down the throats of the public - even Phad Allen kept repeating "we will continue to suck up the PRODUCT" - As if he worked for BP AND OTHERS...Just goes to show you that corporations run the world and as mentioned little dog eared boys like Obama and that rat Biden - simply do what they are told to maintain the current state of affairs.

It's just like drug addiction - the boys in Washington who should have shut down the BP operation immediately and had engineers seal the well - did not because they would have to take a pay cut in time - instead of living in a 12 million dollar home they might just have to move into a nice 200 thousand dollar condo and NOT - wallow in wealth they really do not need.

As for the contraption - now they say there is a seepage coming out of the ground and they only way to relieve the pressure is to drain the reserve dry as a bone - BP and congress have always known that the operation will remain operational no matter what it destroys...if you expect me to change the status quo at least in my poverty I have given it a shot by explaining that these liars maintain their status quo by lieing ---it is ancient knowledge that they mythical satan..controls the world through deception..

Playing the devils advocate for a second - or the devils lawyer I would deseminate the idea through the media that the only way to save the gulf is by more and more drilling - and that oil is actually good for the natural and financial environment...BPs PR guys and their lawyers have spent millions on coming up with illusions --- I learned the way they operate after dealing with a group of Canada's finest lawyers for a period of 5 years - even our chief justice maintains the status quo by allowing falsehoods to be perpetuated as long as those lies keep certain people AND OTHERS - Well equipped with gold toilet seats and warm water to wash their dirty asses..but US "little people" are but fodder....This is a war on America - and that little hetro phag Obama does nothing to protect the nation.

There is no seepage - there is just another lie coming over the horizon that will allow these crazy people to continue to profit while the piss in our soup. BP should have been removed totally from the gulf area - and told to fuck off and never come back..

The fact that they through their eager cheapness and greed killed 10 GOOD MEN...SEEMS NOT TO MATTER..AFTER ALL - THEY WERE LITTLE PEOPLE.

THE REALITY IS - British petroleum are the little people - they behave like little men - like little minded rats - like weasils - and we the BIG people are fooled into believing these people are big and strong - with out their liars and lawyers - we would clearly see that the king of BP has no clothes -

OIL - is not a fossil fuel - it is a deep natural lubricant that makes sure that earth quakes are minimized in their destructivness...much like Jupiter sucks up the rocks in order for them not to blast the hell out of our planet - YOU will see in the future that the more oil extracted the more intense earth quakes will be...OIL - that is five miles down and deeper was never meant to be extracted so we could exchange human skin for plastic and metal in the shape of a Hummer...OIL - is on it's way out - so are the wars that come with it - we have no choice - eventually we will not be able to breath - and THEN BP AND OTHERS...will cease to exist - and so will we - this is a warning generated via mother earth - Nature can destroy the richest most powerful men on earth - problem is that naturalist and the good people will get caught in the cross fire..

British Petroleum should be charged with fraud and reckless disregard for the safety of thousands of human beings - but they won't because we worship the buck and believe they are god - BP is not GOD...they are little ratish weasils who like to go sailing while "getting their life back" - while in the pleasure process they kill all in their wake - they are not fit to rule the world. TIME TO FIRE THEM -----------IN FACT....IF NO ONE ELSE WILL DO IT - I WILL..


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Between Lybia - rusty old pipes - and poor Fergy..being kept broke because of the sheer cheapness of BP - connecting companies... and OTHERS...not to mention that fallen angel Tony Hayward...well it seems that the poor old Queen might just have to spend some of her own money soon.. I am so pissed off that those so-called BIG PEOPLE - who call us the little people, get by on deception...they actually believe that if the trusting public believe in their lies that some how the trusting little guy is stupid and hence inferiour.

Looks like the seep ruse is not going to work...a company that pulls some strings with the Scotish judicary to release a mass murder on supposedly compassionate ground..and a company that kills billions of sea creatures - ten human beings and impoverishes a million gulf locals who depend on the ocean for a way of life and a living - is NOT a company that should exist in it's present form ---- when you stick your nose into judical politics and trade a terrorist for oil...well I can safely say that BP is NOT our friend - in fact these guys are soon to find that they do not have a friend in the world..and the quiet supporters of BP reckless and spiteful actions - such as Obama AND OTHERS...have shown themselves not fit to rule..

When a corporation has more influence and power than an elected federal government - then what is the use and purpose of congress and the presidency?

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Lautenberg and Robert Menendez of New Jersey. "The question we now have to answer is, was this corporation willing to trade justice in the murder of 270 innocent people for oil profits?"

Answer? Yes.

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When the net was young..you could google certain people and companies and all the cats would jump out of the bag...now years later things are more controlled and information that may be damning has been systemically and slowly removed...it used to be that you could research certain characters with supposed great power and influence - within their field of investment you would often see things crop up like "war supplies"...not anymore...makes you wonder if all the turmoil about places like Afghanistan was only about profit and ideology was simply a red herring used to pacify the general public.

As for BP 'AND OTHERS' being willing and able to kill for profits..or damange the natural world for profit...well - you must understand that BIG people do not partake in indirect murder for gain - but "little people do" - There is a reverse in reality taking place when it comes to dealing with the wealthy and powerful--they are not the big people of great character ---they are actually the "little people" who depend on deception in order to maintain succession. These "little people" that run BP and "other" corporations are much like the faking fish that inflates itself with water in order to look bigger and more dangerous..when the reality is that they are just little fishes that are simply faking authorship and the social economic authority they so lust for.

People will wake up and eventually stop admiring and worshipping these little frauds like Tony Hayward and others..they will wake up and realize that because money is a human weakness that we give up our rights in hope of some trickle down effect from these little fishes--instead all we really get are little turds and we eat their shit..a substance that offers no real nourishment what so ever - YET we trust them - look up to them and we creat little gods that destroy all they touch - BECAUSE THE ARE NOT FIT FOR POSITIONS OF AUTHORSHIP OR KINGSHIP - The are the classic imposters and pretenders to the throne...to be dependant on a drug - to use oil in amounts that are not neccesary ...to have programs that convince us that oil must be use in the most vast quantities available - Is the great lie..we do not need fucking BP - they need us!

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