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Al Gore Poised To Become World’s First “carbon billionaire."


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No big suprise. This is a man who owns 5 homes, flys private jets, and lives a lifestyle he denounces for everyone else.

Gore takes cash for water campaign from chemical firm

Al Gore, the self-styled squeakiest-clean and deepest-green politician in American history, has some explaining to do this weekend. His environmental organisation has taken money to raise awareness about the need for clean water from a controversial chemicals company involved in the aftermath of one of the world’s worst pollution disasters.


You have to give him credit though. Since being rejected by American voters, he's turned his net worth from about $2 million into about $200 million. He's a great entrepreneur, and a great promoter. Although I don't believe in his religion, he's probably the best televangelist-type figure in modern history. Soaking honest, hardworking people of their money because of their sincere environmental concerns.


Edited by Shady
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No big suprise.

perfect! Certainly, no big surprise - just another in the long line of continued displays of Shady practices :lol:

you won't find that British tabloid newspaper's original article as it's been withdrawn. However, what you will find Shady, is the Independent's correction/apology:

In last Sunday's article 'Gore takes cash for Water campaign from chemical firm' we stated that Al Gore's environmental organisation had taken money from a chemical company for the Life Earth Water events taking place last week. Neither Al Gore nor his philanthropic organization, the Alliance for Climate protection, are associated with, or sponsored, the Live Earths Water events which were the subject of our article.
We apologise to Al Gore and his organisation for our error

of course, the myriad of howler blogs that pick up and spew out the original article, will never... never... offer similar corrections/apologies. Nor will Shady - right, Shady?

ah yes... another Shady post... a fine example of Shady at his best - at his worst! A Shady thread/post well placed within the MLW 'Moral & Ethical Issues' forum. Hey now! Isn't that the same forum with Shady's own dedicated Intellectual Dishonesty thread? :lol:

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Thank you Waldo for taking the time to investigate this. Shady needs to challenge the credibility of his sources more. And also ask himself, why he wants to make posts such as this in the first place. If it's as he says "No surprise", why would you need to post it at all.

it won't make a lick of difference to Shady. He will merrily continue to prowl for his nuggets and pearls of misinformation and fabrication - it is his way... without regard to accuracy, without bothering to validate, Shady is all about casting doubt and uncertainty. Why... it's a Shady mission

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I linked to the above story because it was the most recent, but it doesn't discount Al Gore's hypocrisy and advocacy promotion which he obcenely profits from.

Mr. Gore is poised to become the world’s first “carbon billionaire,” profiteering from government policies he supports that would direct billions of dollars to the business ventures he has invested in.


Representative Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, asserted at a hearing this year that Mr. Gore stood to benefit personally from the energy and climate policies he was urging Congress to adopt.

The New York Times

It's quite a nice scheme he's got going. He promotes and pressures governments around the world for billions of tax payer dollars to be funneled to his various investments. All in the name of "saving the environment."

But how does he live? Exactly the way he denounces all of us serfs from living. The guy is as repugnant as one can be. :angry:

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So are you going to have the thread deleted or edit the title?

of course not... Shady doesn't do 'intellectually honest'.

Shady's brand of dishonesty and deceit runs the gamut in this thread... from the brazenly false thread title to the more subtle way Shady deliberately quoted; specifically, the actual NYT article statement reads:

Critics, mostly on the political right and among global warming skeptics, say
Mr. Gore is poised to become the world’s first “carbon billionaire,” profiteering from government policies he supports that would direct billions of dollars to the business ventures he has invested in

however, the actual Shady practice quote reads:

Mr. Gore is poised to become the world’s first “carbon billionaire,” profiteering from government policies he supports that would direct billions of dollars to the business ventures he has invested in

and somehow, Shady, the ever present lapdog champion of Republican/Conservative style economic prosperity fronted on the backs of individual achievement working within free markets under government policy influence... somehow, Shady has a problem with entrepreneurial, venture capitalist, private citizen Gore. From that same linked NYT article:

Mr. Gore is not a lobbyist, and he has never asked Congress or the administration for an earmark or policy decision that would directly benefit one of his investments.

I believe that the transition to a green economy is good for our economy and good for all of us, and I have invested in it,” Mr. Gore said, adding that he had put “every penny” he has made from his investments into (his non-profit organization), the Alliance for Climate Protection.

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Mr. Gore is not a lobbyist, and he has never asked Congress or the administration for an earmark or policy decision that would directly benefit one of his investments.

That's an absolute lie. Two words. Cap & trade. It's a policy decision that would see Algore rolling in piles of money. Who knows, he might be able to incease the number of houses he owns to 10! He could also buy or fly in several more private jets. Yes, Al "Do as I say, not as I do" Gore has quite the racket going!

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and somehow, Shady, the ever present lapdog champion of Republican/Conservative style economic prosperity fronted on the backs of individual achievement working within free markets under government policy influence... somehow, Shady has a problem with entrepreneurial, venture capitalist, private citizen Gore. From that same linked NYT article:
Mr. Gore is not a lobbyist, and he has never asked Congress or the administration for an earmark or policy decision that would directly benefit one of his investments.

I believe that the transition to a green economy is good for our economy and good for all of us, and I have invested in it,” Mr. Gore said, adding that he had put “every penny” he has made from his investments into (his non-profit organization), the Alliance for Climate Protection.

That's an absolute lie. Two words. Cap & trade. It's a policy decision that would see Algore rolling in piles of money. Who knows, he might be able to incease the number of houses he owns to 10! He could also buy or fly in several more private jets. Yes, Al "Do as I say, not as I do" Gore has quite the racket going!

since it's a, as you state, "absolute lie", you'll certainly have no difficulty in notifying the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia of Gore's non-compliance in registering as a lobbyist with the U.S. Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate... frankly Shady, I'm quite taken aback that no one has yet done this. Good on ya, lil' buddy!

as for 'Cap & Trade', do you have any Shady insider info on where that policy option currently rests... or the likelihood of that policy option moving forward and on what levels/degrees of deployment... or the foundations of that policy option deployment (now or in the future) you would presume to assign now/then to the influence of private citizen Gore... or, etc. After all, given your absolute certainty, to your stated "absolute lie", you should have no difficulty in supporting your assertion. Right Shady?

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since it's a, as you state, "absolute lie", you'll certainly have no difficulty in notifying the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia of Gore's non-compliance in registering as a lobbyist with the U.S. Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate... frankly Shady, I'm quite taken aback that no one has yet done this. Good on ya, lil' buddy!

as for 'Cap & Trade', do you have any Shady insider info on where that policy option currently rests... or the likelihood of that policy option moving forward and on what levels/degrees of deployment... or the foundations of that policy option deployment (now or in the future) you would presume to assign now/then to the influence of private citizen Gore... or, etc. After all, given your absolute certainty, to your stated "absolute lie", you should have no difficulty in supporting your assertion. Right Shady?

Gore doesn't directly lobby. He provides funding and support to outside groups and lobbyists who do the lobbying for him. And nobody needs any "insider info" regarding Gore's profitting from Cap & Trade. He's made millions and millions of dollars through selling carbon offsets. It's fact. Oh, and then there's this from the world's most concerned environmentalist...

Al Gore, Tipper Gore snap up Montecito-area villa

The Italian-style home has an ocean view, fountains, six fireplaces, five bedrooms and nine bathrooms.

LA Times

More do as I say, not as I do bullshit from the biggest hypocrite in the world. Is this guy not the largest POS known to man? 9 bathrooms? From a guy who likes to tell the rest of us serfs how much water we should use to flush our toilets?

If I ever saw him in person, I'd spit in his face. :angry:

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More do as I say, not as I do bullshit from the biggest hypocrite in the world. Is this guy not the largest POS known to man? 9 bathrooms? From a guy who likes to tell the rest of us serfs how much water we should use to flush our toilets?

If I ever saw him in person, I'd spit in his face. :angry:

Ah Shady, don't you see? Those 9 bathrooms all have reduced water flush toilets!

To a true believer, that makes everything all right. You see, they like Al Gore. So Al can do no wrong. If someone on the other side of the debate had TWO toilets he would be a fair target!

It's called situational ethics. It's best to avoid people who think like that, if at all possible. If they don't like YOU, then you have no rights and are justified in doing anything to you!

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Guest American Woman

Al Gore, Tipper Gore snap up Montecito-area villa

The Italian-style home has an ocean view, fountains, six fireplaces, five bedrooms and nine bathrooms.

More do as I say, not as I do bullshit from the biggest hypocrite in the world. Is this guy not the largest POS known to man? 9 bathrooms? From a guy who likes to tell the rest of us serfs how much water we should use to flush our toilets?

If I ever saw him in person, I'd spit in his face. :angry:

There's no reason to believe he's not going to renovate this home to make environmental/green improvements like he did with his home in Tennessee.

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Wow Shady, you must have hit a nerve with all of the personal attacks!

Seriously though, I knew a long time ago that Gore would become fabulously wealthy. Anyone who can convince themselves that they invented the internet is going to be able to convince millions of simpletons to follow them over the cliff.

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Guest American Woman

...I knew a long time ago that Gore would become fabulously wealthy. Anyone who can convince themselves that they invented the internet....

Except he didn't do that or say that, and the constant repetition of this old claim is as boring and tedious as it is incorrect. Furthermore, it's proof that people will keep repeating something ad nauseum regardless of it's accuracy.

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Here's another example of the hypocrite environmentalist elites.


Harrison Ford owns 7 private jets/airplanes, as well as a helicopter. But considers himself a champion of the environment. He's also quoted as saying "I'll start walking everywhere when they start walking everywhere.” Um, Mr. Ford, the critics pointing out your hypocrisy aren't telling anyone what to do. Unlike yourself you colossal hypocrite and lowlife.

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9 bathrooms? From a guy who likes to tell the rest of us serfs how much water we should use to flush our toilets?

Having 9 bathrooms doesn't mean he's going to flush anymore than he would if he had 1 toilet. He might have lots of toilets, but he's still only got one set of bowels. :lol:


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Guest American Woman

Here's another example of the hypocrite environmentalist elites.


Harrison Ford owns 7 private jets/airplanes, as well as a helicopter. But considers himself a champion of the environment. He's also quoted as saying "I'll start walking everywhere when they start walking everywhere.”

He's also quoted as saying "I Only Fly One’ of My 7 Planes ‘At A Time,’" so what difference does it make how many planes he has? He could be flying them a lot less than someone who has one but has it up all the time. Same with Gore's bathrooms. According to your logic, a family of five with one bathroom doesn't flush as much as Gore does because he and his wife, even though they are only two people, have nine bathrooms. :rolleyes:

Edited by American Woman
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Shady might be right about Gore's flushing habits. Somebody who is as "granola" as Gore is likely to have very regular (and rather large) bowel movements. Rich in fibre.


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A smart man who saw a way to cash in on the general stupidity the sheep of the world.

Have to admire his mercenary ways - and he has millions believing - even to this day he is a "good man"

Shows how many are out there who are looking for a cause and a messiah


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