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Tea Party: 28%

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How does one know when or when not a Democrat is posing as a Tea Party member?

It's pretty sad that Dems have to resort to this type of behavior. Becaue afterall, if the Tea Party was truely as racist and bigoted as they say, they shouldn't really need to astroturf them with fake racists and homophobes. Right punked? You party's a disgrace.

Yah it would be sad if it was happening Shady accept there is no prof, not like when Republicans in Florida pretended to be Dems to go Alan Greysons organizing meeting to spy and disrupt right? You know the link I posted in this thread that you ignored.

I like how you linked to NOW HAMPSHIRE as your source though. Which is NOT a news organization it is a "citizen contributed" "newspaper" with a right lean. They actually have a different article on their front page which was taken on by the AP today to say they are lying. Awesome.

Here is a good article from their front page.

"Van Jones, 9/11 ‘truther,’ to visit school tied to Dem state senator (Updated)" HAHAHA Yeah they are lying.

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And now we know another Lie from the Right. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF IT. Stop lying period end of story.

"I think it's a bad idea to infiltrate these rallies," she said. "I would defend to the death the right of anyone to express their free speech."

Sullivan said that no one from any of the blogs that reported the story had tried to reach her to confirm the story.

"I just find it interesting," she said. "Something gets made up and posted by a right-wing blogger and posted by Michelle Malkin like that. She never called me, never emailed me, never tried to reach me."

Sullivan said that while she doesn't agree with the tea party message, "I don't have a problem with 99.99% of people who go to tea party rallies."

"The story is just a total, utter fabricated falsehood," she told me. "It's just ridiculous."

Sullivan, who ran the state Democratic party from 1999-2007, and current state party executive director Mike Brunelle told me Now Hampshire was a notorious right-wing site they said was set up and run by former Republican operatives.

Now Hampshire did not respond to a request for comment this afternoon.


They wont even respond to news organizations asking about the story. BECAUSE IT IS A LIE, I am looking at you Shady. Show me your proof of your claim.


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What do you expect from someone who gets all his information only from the most wacko far-right blogs, and then dismisses TalkingPointsMemo as "far-left"? :lol:

They only have a real staff and awards to show they are a news organization. Unlike Now!Hampshire which is run by one guy who doesn't check his sources. That left wing hit and run media.....WAIT a minute they are the only one checking stories now a days.

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Show me your proof of your claim.

I already have, but I guess you just chose to ignore it.

Foes of tea party movement to infiltrate rallies

ALBANY, N.Y. – Opponents of the fiscally conservative tea party movement say they plan to infiltrate and dismantle the political group by trying to make its members appear to be racist, homophobic and moronic.

Jason Levin, creator of http://www.crashtheteaparty.org, said Monday the group has 65 leaders in major cities across the country who are trying to recruit members to infiltrate tea party events for April 15 — tax filing day, when tea party groups across the country are planning to gather and protest high taxes


That story is from the AP, a-hole.

Here's the actual site...

Crash The Tea Party dot Org

And this is from your own Talking Points Memo!

Outcrazying The Crazy: How A Prankster Plans To Infiltrate And Destroy The Tea Party Movement

Meet Jason Levin, quite possibly the scariest man in the tea party universe. An Oregon technology consultant, Levin is the leader of Crash The Tea Party, a plan to take down the tea party from the inside.


As usual, you and Bubber can apologize to me for your ignorance.

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I already have, but I guess you just chose to ignore it.

That story is from the AP, a-hole.

Here's the actual site...

Crash The Tea Party dot Org

And this is from your own Talking Points Memo!

As usual, you and Bubber can apologize to me for your ignorance.

Again Shady you are lying. This is me calling you a liar. Pranksters trying to infiltrate the tea party IS DIFFERENT then A DEMOCRATIC OFFICIAL organizing Dems to do it. That was your claim from your lying blog who never even called the dem party to get a statement Shady.

You are not allowed to claim one thing then post another thing and say it is the same. SHOW ME THE PROOF THAT THE NH DEM PARTY ORGANIZING TO DISCREDIT THE TEA PARTY. SHOW ME. Don't link me to a site that says they are bipartisan show me what you claim. You are taking one story and trying to use to say something WHICH IS A LIE!

SHOW ME THE PROOF SHADY. Where are the Dems, where are the leaders, where are the emails? You got nothing.

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Where are the Dems

We already have Dems seeking out Tea Party events and following them on Twitter so they know when and where to go to cause trouble.

Anthony Weiner Goes Viral

“I follow Twitter for the Tea Party and just show up to fuck with them,” he said


Can you say....creepy! :blink:

Also, your favourite congressman Alan "Crazyface" Grayson does the same thing! :lol:

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We already have Dems seeking out Tea Party events and following them on Twitter so they know when and where to go to cause trouble.

Can you say....creepy! :blink:

Also, your favourite congressman Alan "Crazyface" Grayson does the same thing! :lol:

He went on to finish the joke in the next sentence which was.

“No, I don’t do that. I just sit at my desk and they send me talcum powder every couple of weeks.”

That is right Shady he said

“I follow Twitter for the Tea Party and just show up to fuck with them,” he said. The crowd of 20-somethings crowed.

“No, I don’t do that. I just sit at my desk and they send me talcum powder every couple of weeks.”

Why do I have to read everything you write Shady to finish the quote? Oh yeah because you actually posting the whole thing, you know truth doesn't fit into what you want to be said.


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Guest TrueMetis

He went on to finish the joke in the next sentence which was.

“No, I don’t do that. I just sit at my desk and they send me talcum powder every couple of weeks.”

That is right Shady he said

Why do I have to read everything you write Shady to finish the quote? Oh yeah because you actually posting the whole thing, you know truth doesn't fit into what you want to be said.


It's gotten to the point you better off assuming that whenever Shady qoutes something the person being qouted goes on to say pretty much the opposite of what Shady says they are saying.

Seriously Shady how much of a scumbag are you to continously qoute-mine like this?

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Nope, I gave you proof. Same with Alan Grayson.


Choke on it punked! :lol:

Yeah Greyson showing up to confront the local Republican meeting to ask them why they sent out a flier advertising they were sending in people to spy on his campaign is the exact same thing.

BTW we are still talking about your two lies now. The first NH Dem leaders are organizing to infiltrate the tea party. We are waiting for proof on that. Now you need to back your claim that Weiner who joked about receiving white powder sent to his office by someone who is against health care reform somehow proves this.

Honestly the right has gone crazy. The left is trying to have a real debate about the issue and there is no on the other side that is grown up enough to talk about these issues. They are busy trying to top each others lies.

BTW Shady that video is not new I posted it in this very thread. All it proves in instead of whinning on the internet if the Dems have problems they are men enough to confront them. Funny you should post it.

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Yeah Greyson showing up to confront the local Republican meeting to ask them why they sent out a flier advertising they were sending in people to spy on his campaign is the exact same thing.

Bullcrap. This is him going back to interupt the tea party meeting a second time, and then gets upset when he finds out he's being recorded. :lol:


BTW we are still talking about your two lies now. The first NH Dem leaders are organizing to infiltrate the tea party. We are waiting for proof on that.

You might be waiting for proof, but that doesn't make it a lie. Plenty of stories are written with anonymous sources. You think a Democrat insider is going to publicly come out? They'd be strung up by you people!

And the guy who has the website about crashing the tea parties is a registered democrat. If private citzen tea party members are associated with Republicans, then anti-tea party private citizens can sure as hell be associated with Democrats. Hypocrite.

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Bullcrap. This is him going back to interupt the tea party meeting a second time, and then gets upset when he finds out he's being recorded. :lol:


You might be waiting for proof, but that doesn't make it a lie. Plenty of stories are written with anonymous sources. You think a Democrat insider is going to publicly come out? They'd be strung up by you people!

And the guy who has the website about crashing the tea parties is a registered democrat. If private citzen tea party members are associated with Republicans, then anti-tea party private citizens can sure as hell be associated with Democrats. Hypocrite.

Shady did you watch that video? He talked to them, then said he didn't want to be on video the lady yelled at him and he left. Honestly now you are lying about things that are on video.

Yes Shady real news organizations which have built up a reputation like the NYT or WashingPost even can get away with using anonymous sources because they fact check what they say.

Right wing blogs with a reputation for skirting the truth and who don't even fact check a story, or call an organization or person for a statement on accusations don't get to use them. The reason for that is because they are just making up their "sources" might be why another stories on their front page are right wing lies which have been fact checked and called a lie by the AP.


As for this "And the guy who has the website about crashing the tea parties is a registered democrat. If private citzen tea party members are associated with Republicans, then anti-tea party private citizens can sure as hell be associated with Democrats. Hypocrite." How does that make sense. That is like saying the Soviets and China are Americas friend in the cold war because they hated each other. It is this simple reasoning that makes the world suck Shady. The right wing needs to get past "the world is simple" it is complex thing with many complex relationships and sometimes things aren't black and white.

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The right wing needs to get past "the world is simple" it is complex thing with many complex relationships and sometimes things aren't black and white.

The left wing needs to stop organizing fake Tea Party groups in order to try to make them look bad. It's pathetic.

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The left wing needs to stop organizing fake Tea Party groups in order to try to make them look bad. It's pathetic.

Got it the right wing can "infiltrate" like Alan Greysons election campaign and disrupt town halls by shouting and screaming when people are asking questions and government officials are trying to explain things.

However if anyone tries to do the same to the right it is the end of the world and everyone should feel bad. Aint buying it.

Again what about your lies?

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Got it the right wing can "infiltrate" like Alan Greysons election campaign

Talking about lies, that's a huge one! :lol:

and disrupt town halls by shouting and screaming when people are asking questions and government officials are trying to explain things.

No one screaming and shouting at a townhall meeting was pretending to be a Democrat or liberal.

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Talking about lies, that's a huge one! :lol:

No one screaming and shouting at a townhall meeting was pretending to be a Democrat or liberal.

He reads right off their own sheet Shady saying what they are doing Shady.


So your issue isn't that they are doing it is they are pretending to be something they aren't and lying about what is being represented? Hey Shady Remember Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe and ACORN and what they did? You commended them for lying, you commended them for editing tape to make it look like something it wasn't. You are a hypocrite and the worst kind. I AM ON FIRE TODAY!

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So your issue isn't that they are doing it is they are pretending to be something they aren't and lying about what is being represented?

Just because you say so doesn't mean its true. I haven't seen you post any type of evidence, other than your own words, which is rather dubious at best.

Hey Shady Remember Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe and ACORN and what they did? You commended them for lying, you commended them for editing tape to make it look like something it wasn't. You are a hypocrite and the worst kind. I AM ON FIRE TODAY!

Now you're lying again. I never commended them at all. Why do you insist on making things up? However, they did expose some pretty bad behavior from ACORN, so much so that ACORN has dissolved as an organization, and is completely out of several states. Those are facts. Deal with them.

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Just because you say so doesn't mean its true. I haven't seen you post any type of evidence, other than your own words, which is rather dubious at best.

Now you're lying again. I never commended them at all. Why do you insist on making things up? However, they did expose some pretty bad behavior from ACORN, so much so that ACORN has dissolved as an organization, and is completely out of several states. Those are facts. Deal with them.

My bad Shady you commended his work,

Wow, what an idiot. This guy did some great work exposing ACORN for the crooks and liars they are, but this is pretty ridiculous.


So what you are saying that lying, pretending you are something you are not to make an organization look bad, and playing political games is bad when it is against Tea partiers. However when it is something Shady doesn't like it is and I QUOTE "some great work". Yeah Shady.


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Will your lying ever cease? I commended him on his prior work, but criticized that particular work. I believe I said his behavior was ridiculous.

What Prior work? Lying about who he was to get Workers of an organization to say quotes on camera that could be used against them when the tapes were edited to make them look the way they wanted them to look? Isn't that what you are saying is wrong about the crash the tea party?

I get it Shady it is ok to lie and present things in a false way when it against an organization that Shady hates. It is wrong when it is an organization Shady likes. You are a hypocrite Shady.

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What Prior work? Lying about who he was to get Workers of an organization to say quotes on camera that could be used against them when the tapes were edited to make them look the way they wanted them to look? Isn't that what you are saying is wrong about the crash the tea party?

I get it Shady it is ok to lie and present things in a false way when it against an organization that Shady hates. It is wrong when it is an organization Shady likes. You are a hypocrite Shady.

Your comparison is completely invalid. Unless you think he tarnished the reputations of hookers and pimps purposely, your ridiculous claim doesn't make any sense. If the crash the tea party people were simply attending events as Tea Party people to record bad behavior, that would be totally legitimate. But they're not, they're attending to create the bad behavior. It would have been like James O'Keefe pretending to be an ACORN employee and committing illegal acts to ruin their reputation. But that didn't happen. They ruined their own reputation. He didn't pretend to be them. He pretended to be somebody who needed their help. But it doesn't suprise me that you can't see the difference between the two examples. You're not the sharpest tool in the shed! :lol:

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