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Anne Coulter comes to Canada

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U of O should be embarassed, as should the country as a whole Apparently this is the first instance of her not being allowed to speak at an academic institution.

Well, I'm sure she'll go head out west, and have little problem speaking, as she did yesterday at UWO. And the U of O can explain to everybody else how they're better than the University of Western Ontario, the University of Calgary, and all of the Ivey League schools in America, the Harvards, Princetons, Browns, Cornells, Dartmouths, etc.

Embarrassed? That would be for self-loathing types who have a guilty conscience. Those who insist on getting their rights, for political correctness.

This woman should be arrested, and hopefully will be if she tries this anywhere else in the country. Free speech be damned. She complains about political correctness, but then whines when her own rights have been denied? This was Canada's answer.

Best thing that coulda happen.

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Embarrassed? That would be for self-loathing types who have a guilty conscience. Those who insist on getting their rights, for political correctness.

This woman should be arrested, and hopefully will be if she tries this anywhere else in the country. Free speech be damned. She complains about political correctness, but then whines when her own rights have been denied? This was Canada's answer.

Best thing that coulda happen.


This ideologue??

You could'nt take her down with your brain?

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coulter quotes

-"We just want Jews to be perfected, as they say." --arguing that it would be better if we were all Christian

-"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."

-"I was going to have a few comments about John Edwards but you have to go into rehab if you use the word faggot."

-"If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."

-"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity."

-"I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo."

-They better hope the United States doesn't roll over one night and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent. --in regards to Canada

would these comments have been at all out of place in the Third Reich? what does it say about people who champion her? some of these people are on this forum...this thing is a NAZI and nothing less

Edited by wyly
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coulter quotes

-"We just want Jews to be perfected, as they say." --arguing that it would be better if we were all Christian

-"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."

-"I was going to have a few comments about John Edwards but you have to go into rehab if you use the word faggot."

-"If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."

-"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity."

-"I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo."

-They better hope the United States doesn't roll over one night and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent.

would thes comments have been at all out of place in the Third Reich? what does it say about people who champion her? some of these people are on this forum...this thing is a NAZI and nothing less

I call Zig Ziegler!!!!

Let her say these idiotic things and rebut her...

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OK..Of course the guy thinks leftists are fascists so he seems to be in a state of confusion...

Well, to be fair, some scholars do argue that it contains both hard right and hard left elements...the hard left is sometimes just as happy to control people, and I think that might be the idea that he's going for.

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Well, to be fair, some scholars do argue that it contains both hard right and hard left elements...the hard left is sometimes just as happy to control people, and I think that might be the idea that he's going for.

Some do.It's usually because of a misreading of the political spectrum as a straight line.I was told to read it more like a horseshoe where the extremes of the political right and left are closer together than the democratic versions.Extreme fascism and extreme socialism(communism,Marxism,Maoism,Stalinism etc) are both top down,totalitarian ideologies.The main differences between the two are the quasi freemarket issue and private property issue that shows up in fascist states.

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I can't recall Coulter ever saying anything worth hearing, and I think she's all sizzle and no steak. It's all showmanship and no substance. The circus is in town.

That said, those of you crying "hypocrite!" are out to lunch. Abusing a shoddy process is an ideal means of pointing out the inadequacies of that process, a legitimate form of protest.

I don't actually see how she has a case, but I don't think that matters in the least.

Sounds to me like reasonable grounds for her to be arrested in Ottawa tonight, then.

I'm sure that she's hoping and praying for such a thing to happen during this tour. It would exceed her wildest expectations. The letter from Francois Houle was a tepid start, the cancellation due to "fears for her personal safety" helps things a little, but an outright arrest would be off the charts, from her point of view.

Alas, she is not a Canadian and therefore not protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Alas, the Supreme Court disagrees with you...

Even though Coulter is not a Canadian citizen, Levant, who has been involved in human rights law cases, said it would not be “outlandish” for Coulter to file a complaint against the University of Ottawa, especially in light of the 1985 Singh v. Minister of Employment and Immigration case.

The decision in that case, considered a leading constitutional decision by the Supreme Court of Canada, said that foreign nationals are protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.



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I remember when a complaint was filed with Elections Canada by the president of a conservative campus organization against Michael Moore for 'trying to interfere in a Canadian election,' with the goal of Michael Moore being banned from ever being able to enter Canada again: "There's no excuse for a foreign socialist millionaire to show up in our country and try to spread his propaganda."[

Hmm..... foreign socialist millionaire.....propaganda.....was it Moore or Ignatieff?

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This is gonna be fun to watch! :lol: My guess is that Francois Houle retracts his remarks and makes an apology. However, I'm not sure that'll be sufficient enough for Ann to drop grievance with the HRC.

Btw, you should have seen the smile on Ezra Levant's face when she announced this to the crowd!

I think it's a sad day when people decide that words are so threatening, even when expressed in a humorous and non-violent manner, that people resort to threats of violence. This Globe and Mail article (link) (excerpts discussed below) demonstrates the fear of debate onthe part of many. This excerpt takes the cake:

Ms. Coulter’s detractors cheered the departure of the sharp-tongued Ms. Coulter who’s been accused of vilifying minority groups from gays to Muslims.

“I was just worried that things were going to be said about certain groups of people that were going to make them feel very unsafe and very uncomfortable and we promise our students here at the University of Ottawa a safe, positive space,” said Rita Valeriano, a second-year sociology and women’s studies student.

How is it "unsafe" for Muslims or gays to be made to feel "uncomfortable"?

This is a sad day. It shows not sensitivity but cowardice to disallow a noted speaker. I carry no flag for her; I find her to be sarcastic and borderline anti-Jewish. I think this reflects very poorly on both the University of Ottawa and its students.

Ahhh. So HRCs are bad only when they go after Conservatives. Point taken.

I was against the HRC's persecution of the late, not beloved Ahenekaw.

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As Ezra Levant pointed out last night, many of the most important social changes in Canada and America came about when the only power those being oppressed had, was free speech. And that particular free speech, was offensive to many.

You don't think the insistance of women being equals, and deserving the right to vote wasn't offensive to many in the 1920's?

You don't think that the civil rights movement, and the equality preached by people like Dr. King, didn't offend a vast amount of people?

In fact, these particular movements, wouldn't have succeeded without the freedom of speech, and the freedom to offend.

Seriously, you are equating Ann Coulter's little university snugfest with some of the most important social changes in history because it is somehow linked with free speech? :lol:

I would love it if she had her complaints heard by the Canadian Human Rights Commission. It would be one of the best things that could happen for speech laws in Canada? Why? Because it would expose her to a large audience outside the confines of the comfy little university auds and more people would see her for what she really is. And they would also get insight into the types of people that support 'her kind' by attending her burlesque shows.

Let her speak and let her remove all doubt with the largest audiences possible.

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As Ezra Levant pointed out last night, many of the most important social changes in Canada and America came about when the only power those being oppressed had, was free speech. And that particular free speech, was offensive to many.

oh my! Shady... pressee... or the pressor? :lol: (trust in wikiquote!)

They're [Democrats] always accusing us of repressing their speech. I say let's do it. Let's repress them. Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the First Amendment.
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Or maybe the UofO has sent similar letters, and no one has ever whined about it before.......

Furthermore, the letter has nothing to do with her gender or her religious beliefs; and really nothing to do with her political beliefs, either. It's more her 'personal' attacks/comments, which is a separate issue from "political" beliefs.

No, personal attacks and comments are quite acceptable at the UofO as long as they're coming from a left wing or minority speaker. I've lived in this town for almost 30 years. Like most universities in Canada UofO delegitimzed conservative beliefs and commentary some time ago.

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I don't think it helps her case if no-one else has ever received such an email. How would it ? She's a lightning rod for controversy and the administration wanted to mitigate potential damage. Unless "hothead" and "monster" are identifiable groups, she may well be SOL.

The UofO frequently has "controversial" figures there, all from the far left of the political spectrum. It's absolutely no problem for them if you hate Jews or you support terrorism. And on occasions where they have been challenged in the past on such speakers they always self-righteously claim it's a freedom of speech issue. None of them are required to hire security. In the event the university feels security is needed, the university supplies it. For conservatives though, they are required to hire their own, including police.

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Alas, she is not a Canadian and therefore not protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Okay, you know what, you really need to change your moniker. Your calling yourself charter rights while continually making moronic statements about the Charter - proving you've never read it - is just too ironic for this site.

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