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Stimulus Worked!

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Normally I would think that's another one of your lies, but it seems you've sourced it with a blinky face. The link is broken though. Can you provide the citation?

Sure. Barry himself.

"And I just want to point this out. There has never been a program of this scale, moved at this speed, that has been enacted as effectively as the Recovery Act."

"When this thing passed, we said 787 billion dollars somewhere, there's gonna be some story of some money that ended up being mis-spent. But the dog so far, hasn't barked."

Is this guy serious??? :lol: I think it was just a few days ago that I read about a school in Florida giving away Ipods with stimulus money. :blink:

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Are you serious? Again, where does he say anything about the mission of creating jobs being accomplished? He doesn't there. Must I assume you're lying again?

How many lies does that make just in the past few days? :blink:

Yep he has finished this mission so much he is pushing a jobs bill but don't ask me Shady said it a few pages back.

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Are you serious? Again, where does he say anything about the mission of creating jobs being accomplished?

I'll let Joe speak for himself.

Biden on Stimulus: ‘Never Thought It Would Work This Well’

Vice President Joe Biden delivered a rousing review of the government’s economic stimulus plan in a conversation with the nation’s governors. “In my wildest dreams, I never thought it would work this well,” he said. “Thank you, thank you.”


Hmmm, let's see. They said that their stimulus would keep unemployment from rising above 8%. It's currently 10%. But they never thought it would work so well??? :lol:

Mission accomplished Joe, Mission accomplished! :lol:

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Capitalistic success is a bitch that has peaked. Once the successful ones feel so entitled that they actually believe they can manufacture money out of thin air then that is the sign that they hit the iron ceiling of greed and rash arrogance. The problem here is that the wealthy and privledged class actually believe that poverty for some is forever and rich is also forever--all rises and all falls..they have fallen. Governments are more inclined to assist what they believe are the upper classes hoping to sustain a failed yet glorified success..that comes to an end- now or later..all the stimulas will not divert this natural revolution.

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You must due away with the old system if you wish to bring in a new system.

Wealth does not disappear, it just switches hands, who wins if there is a depression.

It does

not switch hands it is put in the hands of surrogates to take the heat off of those in real power. One instance I read about lately was the interview of a new up and coming CEO of a very powerful organization..I know for a fact that he has no real authority and is simply a figure head. Having said that..it is odd that the very people that designed and built up our present system are destroying the mistake that they made..part of this huge change is to avoid shame and embarrassment..

You ask who wins in a depression? - first you have to understand that depressions are caused by forces outside of the victim..those that realize that poverty and loss of power is not of their own doing will surive..those that attempt to blame themselves will not survive and most will falter and fall through guilt that is not their own. \It is important to note that poverty is inflicted upon another it does not happen on it's own..Those bringing about this change will not suffer the transition- those that actually believed in the authority of material masters will falter because of lack of understanding of what is a betrayal..You have to understand and master evil and know that you are master of your own fate.

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While you're reading this story, remember the words of Joe Biden. "In my wildest dreams, I never thought it would work this well.”

Obama's federal government can weatherize your home for only $57,362 each

Based on the initial Obama-Biden program promise that it would create 87,000 new jobs its first year, that would be about 10 jobs for each home weatherized so far. Makes for pretty crowded doorways.

ABC News reports that the General Accountability Office will declare today that the Energy Department has fallen woefully behind -- about 98.5% behind -- the 593,000 homes it initially predicted would be weatherized in the Recovery Act's very first, very chilly year.


Edited by Shady
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  • 2 weeks later...

Good news from Harry Reid!!! :lol:


He then went on to clarify.

"The unemployment rate around America has not changed. Prognosticators thought it would go up and it has not." Didn't see that extra 10 seconds in that clip Shady.

And later added

Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones and Bloomberg News reported that as many as 75,000 people were expected to have lost their jobs in February. Fortunately it turned out to be much lower than that. Only those Republicans who would root for failure would refuse to acknowledge any progress at all. Senator Reid knows there is much more work to do, which is why he led passage last week of the latest in a series of jobs bills that will create or save more than a million jobs

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How exactly does the unemployment rate not change when 36,000 jobs were lost in february? And btw, it was 25,000 jobs lost in january, so it's getting worse, not better.

Welcome to the system Regan built Shady, I don't see you crying about Reagan's employment numbers in his second year as the economy lost jobs. It hurts, I bet it burns a little poor Shady and his history lesson.

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Welcome to the system Regan built Shady, I don't see you crying about Reagan's employment numbers in his second year as the economy lost jobs. It hurts, I bet it burns a little poor Shady and his history lesson.

LOL, yeah, it's all Reagan's fault! :rolleyes: Btw, he hasn't been President for 22 years! Anyways, I'm glad you admit that the unemployment report is just creative accounting. Apparently the unemployment and under-employment rate is at 16.8% Up .3 percent from the month before.

And speaking of new economic news...

March 5 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama’s budget proposal would generate bigger deficits than advertised every year of the next decade, with the shortfalls totaling $1.2 trillion more than the administration estimated, according to the Congressional Budget Office.


Hope n change! :blink:

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LOL, yeah, it's all Reagan's fault! :rolleyes: Btw, he hasn't been President for 22 years! Anyways, I'm glad you admit that the unemployment report is just creative accounting. Apparently the unemployment and under-employment rate is at 16.8% Up .3 percent from the month before.

And speaking of new economic news...

Hope n change! :blink:

Just like it peaked at 20% under Reagan Shady but Reagan changed those rules so it wouldn't grow any bigger. It must kill you too know Obama is winning support by using Reagans rules and how he tricked America. LOL It is great to watch you squirm. Also Regeans debt to GDP ratio is the same as Obama's. LOL it must be eating you away that everytime you say something bad about Obama you are stabbing at Reagan's Ghost. Classic.

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Just like it peaked at 20% under Reagan Shady but Reagan changed those rules so it wouldn't grow any bigger. It must kill you too know Obama is winning support by using Reagans rules and how he tricked America. LOL It is great to watch you squirm. Also Regeans debt to GDP ratio is the same as Obama's. LOL it must be eating you away that everytime you say something bad about Obama you are stabbing at Reagan's Ghost. Classic.

So Reagan tricked America and now Obama is tricking America by using Reagan's rules and tricks? Is this what you are saying?

Reagan's economic plans were entirely different than Obama's. There was no stimulus package under Reagan. Reagan attempted to get government off the backs of people and business.

Obama has a $862 billion dollar stimulus bill. He plans on increasing the size and cost of government to America.

Reagan let the people work to get themselves out of Carter's economic morass. Obama thinks only government can control the economy.

Well, he says the stimulus worked. Now he can no longer blame Bush for the current economy. The economy has been stabilized. Any bets he will continue to blame Bush as the economy continues to stall?

It takes time for an economy to turn around. It's only been a year and a half since Obamanomics came into being and frankly, the economy should be showing signs of the effects of his policies shortly. We'll soon see if increasing the size and cost of government really is an economic boon.

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So Reagan tricked America and now Obama is tricking America by using Reagan's rules and tricks? Is this what you are saying?

Reagan's economic plans were entirely different than Obama's. There was no stimulus package under Reagan. Reagan attempted to get government off the backs of people and business.

Obama has a $862 billion dollar stimulus bill. He plans on increasing the size and cost of government to America.

Reagan let the people work to get themselves out of Carter's economic morass. Obama thinks only government can control the economy.

Well, he says the stimulus worked. Now he can no longer blame Bush for the current economy. The economy has been stabilized. Any bets he will continue to blame Bush as the economy continues to stall?

It takes time for an economy to turn around. It's only been a year and a half since Obamanomics came into being and frankly, the economy should be showing signs of the effects of his policies shortly. We'll soon see if increasing the size and cost of government really is an economic boon.

But he changed the way employment was counted in the US. It is the same system Obama is using to count employment so when Shady cries because unemployment goes down and doesn't truly represent those who are unemployed it is like he is saying Reagan was an idiot for changing those rules. It is great everytime I read it.

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