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UFO / Secret missiles over NFLD?

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Newfoundlanders claim UFO sighting...see stories below.



If you read the comments...there are some funny ones. Extraordinary conclusions by some...


(Edit: BC-2004 might find the comments extra amusing as they often involve evil US submarnies shooting missiles @ Newfoundland)

What it actually appears to be is a high flying jet whose contrails got lit-up by the Sun. See example from Singapore. Quite common during dawn and dusk. The 'straight-up' motion being an illusion as the jet comes over the horizon at high altitude.


But perhaps you have your own version...

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I heard this woman on "Power Play" today, and she was looking through binoculars and if there were wings on the rocket-like or missile-like object she would have saw them. Now these objects came out of the east, from the Atlantic, so it seems to me, some countries were doing drills and wasn't being cautious. What happen if one of these had landed and killed people. I don't care what he PMO says, we all know now they do cover up things!

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I heard this woman on "Power Play" today, and she was looking through binoculars and if there were wings on the rocket-like or missile-like object she would have saw them. Now these objects came out of the east, from the Atlantic, so it seems to me, some countries were doing drills and wasn't being cautious. What happen if one of these had landed and killed people. I don't care what he PMO says, we all know now they do cover up things!

We're talking 50,000ft up here. Plus, keep in mind the curvature of the Earth. That plane would just be a speck in powerful binoculars. The contrails though are quite huge.

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Good link DOP. I liked this line.

"Contrail season in Los Angeles is also the start of the local “Chemtrail” season, where people see these trails, and figure it’s part of some secret government spraying program – not realizing it’s only the weather."

I found it quite good, as well.

People want to believe in the fantastic. So much so that they'll toss aside common sense. For example you come home and find your lawn has been mowed...not by you. Was it your friendly neighbor you've shared beers with...or leprechauns that did the mow-job?

If you ask CBC readers: leprechauns


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The woman claiming she saw what she saw is saying that there could be a cover up over it. This reminds me of the plane taking off from NY airport and people there said they saw a missile hit the plane before it went down. Could this be the same? Could the US or even other nations having drills in subs? We'll never know because they probably won't say if it was and hope the story dies. Here's a thought, say it was a drill, how would the government explain this if those missiles had hit were people were? http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/100129/national/nl_object_in_sky

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The woman claiming she saw what she saw is saying that there could be a cover up over it. This reminds me of the plane taking off from NY airport and people there said they saw a missile hit the plane before it went down. Could this be the same? Could the US or even other nations having drills in subs? We'll never know because they probably won't say if it was and hope the story dies. Here's a thought, say it was a drill, how would the government explain this if those missiles had hit were people were? http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/100129/national/nl_object_in_sky

What missles?

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What missles?

Topaz is refering to what about 2 dozen witnesses saw re: TWA Flight 800. A 'flaming streak' in the sky...some claiming going 'straight-up' as per our NFLD witnesses.

No missile or evidence of a missile strike on the aircraft was found (the aircraft was recovered at great expense). But it was early in the evening with the Sun begining to set...so the NTSB reasoned they saw exactly what I've been describing...contrails seen from a large distance (off Long Island) lit up by the Sun. Perhaps Flight 800 itself.

Conspiracy theorist have been all over this one for a while. The recovery of the wreckage put to bed all but the most determined 'Washington did it' types.

If you recall, a electrical short in the centre fuel tank set off a fuel-air explosion...at least that's the evil TWA hating NTSB told us.


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No idea.... your answer sounds plausable, I'm just saying they don't look the same.

Everytime you look at a cloud does it look the same?

This post (...errrr...thread) is aimed at the idiots @ CBC posting fatastic tales of US nuclear subs shooting missiles at us...the French doing likewise...Little Green Men...Doomsday asteroids...Aqua Man...George W Bush...Larry, Moe and Curly...Madonna...and a thousand other 'explanations' while rejecting the most obvious answer...an aircraft.

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If you recall, a electrical short in the centre fuel tank set off a fuel-air explosion...at least that's the evil TWA hating NTSB told us.

Yes and since then there has been a procedure on several Boeing types to turn the center tank pumps off before the tank is completely empty. At least until they have been modified.

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I've seen contrails lasting for hours. In all sorts of weather.

But contrails can become persistent and after a while, on a clear day can easily become overcast, cloudy. I have seen contrails go away after a few minutes, and ones that last almost all day. I do not think it is related to any weather conditions, because this is at altitude of 30000 feet plus. Hot day, cold day, wet, dry, does not seem to matter. But more often than not, the trails will cloud over the sky way more often than not.

I am sure other conditions are a factor which contribute to lasting contrails. But I can't see any correlation to weather near the ground. The weather at that altitude must be drastically different.



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You are right, surface conditions have little to do with contrails. Whether or not an aircraft contrails depends on the temperature and vapour pressure of the air it is flying through. In other words, are the atmospheric conditions such that water vapour produced by combustion of the aircraft's fuel will leave a visible trail. This and the winds aloft determine its shape and duration. If conditions are good and winds are light, they can persist for quite some time. Contrails come and go even when an aircraft is flying at a constant altitude. Often, they will only occur in a relatively narrow altitude band. One aircraft may be contrailing and another two thousand feet above or below will not.

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You are right, surface conditions have little to do with contrails. Whether or not an aircraft contrails depends on the temperature and vapour pressure of the air it is flying through. In other words, are the atmospheric conditions such that water vapour produced by combustion of the aircraft's fuel will leave a visible trail. This and the winds aloft determine its shape and duration. If conditions are good and winds are light, they can persist for quite some time. Contrails come and go even when an aircraft is flying at a constant altitude. Often, they will only occur in a relatively narrow altitude band. One aircraft may be contrailing and another two thousand feet above or below will not.

What happens when the trail is intermittent? I have seen a couple occasions where the trail is broken leaving dashes behind. Engine trouble?

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What happens when the trail is intermittent? I have seen a couple occasions where the trail is broken leaving dashes behind. Engine trouble?

That's what came to mind the first time I saw one but nope, just marginal conditions for a contrail. I don't know exactly what the phenomena is that causes it. It's an odd thing to see but not uncommon.

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