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My views on society

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I don't even see why i bother, no1 here seems to get it.

your a victim of the system and you don't even realize it.

Love is the key to happiness. You should be living your life through love. Do you have family, how would you feel if they were unable to get food or water on a daily basis. Probably wouldn't feel to go about that. Well a lot of the world is living like that and I don't feel to good about that.

and no i am not 16. I just have a morale soul.

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cmon, over 50% percent of the earths population lives on less then $5 a day.

Yet 2% of the population owns 50%+ of it's wealth.

The days of emperors and kings, the ruling class if you will, they never left. They are just called central bankers and corporate leaders.

and yes poverty, war and disease are probably the 3 major problems in the world.

I can't think of any bigger problems. can you? maybe ill add pollution

All we need to live is Food, Water and shelter. and i guess oxygen...

But these things have been with us for ages - you seem to think things are WORSE today.

They're not, they're better though not perfect.

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I don't even see why i bother, no1 here seems to get it.

your a victim of the system and you don't even realize it.

Love is the key to happiness. You should be living your life through love. Do you have family, how would you feel if they were unable to get food or water on a daily basis. Probably wouldn't feel to go about that. Well a lot of the world is living like that and I don't feel to good about that.

and no i am not 16. I just have a morale soul.

Someone's crying lord, shut them up

Someone's Crying lord, Shut them Up

Someone's crying lord, Shut them up

Oh lord, Shut them up....

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But these things have been with us for ages - you seem to think things are WORSE today.

They're not, they're better though not perfect.

It wasn't okay back then, and it isn't okay today.

Things can be so much better then they are and all it takes is a choice.

This has nothing to do with Alex Jones.

Are all of you really okay with the way the world is right now, the way society is right now?

We live in Canada, we probably have it the best out of every nation in the world, maybe that's why most here can't see the flaws of society.

Most of societies problems are a symptom of society itself, society needs to change.

Start watching the news and look at all the fear that it creates. We live in a society of fear. I don't think most of you realize how strong of a weapon fear is.

Global Warming, H1N1, War on Terrorism, Gangs, War on drugs, Murders, the recession.

They need us to be afraid so we will look to them to protect us.

The wealthy elite(Builderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations) do have an agenda and that is a one world government and one world financial system, and they are getting it because we are allowing it. They are creating the problems in society to drive us towards their goal.

Maybe when the American dollar collapses, people will start to take notice. I would recommend buying gold and silver.

9/11 was an inside job(prove me wrong). It created fear, Americans willingly gave up some of liberties so the government could protect them (patriot act). It's amazing what fear will do to people.

There is tyranny in the American government and it is time for the Second America Revolution. Hopefully it won't lead to civil war, but so many people are losing jobs and homes, they are becoming desperate and who knows what will happen.

America = Fascist ..wake up, need a definition of fascism?

Fascism is a political ideology that seeks to combine radical and authoritarian nationalism with a corporatist economic system, and which is usually considered to be on the far right of the traditional left-right political spectrum. Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state, with the belief that the majority is unsuited to govern itself through democracy and by reaffirming the benefits of inequality. Fascist governments forbid and suppress openness and opposition to the fascist state and the fascist movement.

Republican, Democrat, two sides of the same coin, Obama is following right where Bush left off.

There forefathers fought tyranny, they knew what liberty and freedom were all about, too bad their citizens have forgot.

Benjamin Franklin "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"

Thomas Jefferson "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

But most of you will just write this off and say i'm crazy and not think of it again. That could never happen to us, that's the mentality. Don't believe me, do the research yourself.

Edited by maple_leafs182
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It wasn't okay back then, and it isn't okay today.

Things can be so much better then they are and all it takes is a choice.

This has nothing to do with Alex Jones.

Are all of you really okay with the way the world is right now, the way society is right now?

We live in Canada, we probably have it the best out of every nation in the world, maybe that's why most here can't see the flaws of society.

Most of societies problems are a symptom of society itself, society needs to change.

Again, you say we need to change ? But as I have pointed out we're going in the right direction.

We live in a society where problems are discussed openly, and progress is made. To redesign that into a utopian anarchy in the form of the Venus Project would involve horrific adjustments.

Why do we need to change when things are constantly getting better - please answer that.

Start watching the news and look at all the fear that it creates. We live in a society of fear. I don't think most of you realize how strong of a weapon fear is.

Global Warming, H1N1, War on Terrorism, Gangs, War on drugs, Murders, the recession.

They need us to be afraid so we will look to them to protect us.

The wealthy elite(Builderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations) do have an agenda and that is a one world government and one world financial system, and they are getting it because we are allowing it. They are creating the problems in society to drive us towards their goal.

Maybe when the American dollar collapses, people will start to take notice. I would recommend buying gold and silver.

9/11 was an inside job(prove me wrong). It created fear, Americans willingly gave up some of liberties so the government could protect them (patriot act). It's amazing what fear will do to people.

There is tyranny in the American government and it is time for the Second America Revolution. Hopefully it won't lead to civil war, but so many people are losing jobs and homes, they are becoming desperate and who knows what will happen.

You are not listening. I already explained to you that if you make a claim the onus is on you to prove it.

America = Fascist ..wake up, need a definition of fascism?

Fascism is a political ideology that seeks to combine radical and authoritarian nationalism with a corporatist economic system, and which is usually considered to be on the far right of the traditional left-right political spectrum. Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state, with the belief that the majority is unsuited to govern itself through democracy and by reaffirming the benefits of inequality. Fascist governments forbid and suppress openness and opposition to the fascist state and the fascist movement.

Republican, Democrat, two sides of the same coin, Obama is following right where Bush left off.

There forefathers fought tyranny, they knew what liberty and freedom were all about, too bad their citizens have forgot.

Benjamin Franklin "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"

Thomas Jefferson "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

But most of you will just write this off and say i'm crazy and not think of it again. That could never happen to us, that's the mentality. Don't believe me, do the research yourself.

I don't think you're crazy, but I think you have come to this board with your mind completely made up. I have done the research myself, and I know that what you're proposing isn't feasible.

There are changes to be made, and changes in spirituality as well as our material wealth - but these have happened under our current structure, and will continue this way.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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America = Fascist ..wake up, need a definition of fascism?

Fascism is a political ideology that seeks to combine radical and authoritarian nationalism with a corporatist economic system,

Among other things, you don't understand facism. When they speak of corporatism, they are not refering specifically to business corporations. They are using the word in a way they defines a body. A city is a corperation. So is a union, or the church....and in their view they all work together...The fascist view would not have 4 automakers competing against each other with unions striking etc etc...

and which is usually considered to be on the far right of the traditional left-right political spectrum.

It is only considered on the far right by those who don't know what they are talking about.

The position that fascism is neither right nor left is regarded as credible by a number of contemporary historians, including Seymour Martin Lipset[45] and Roger Griffin.[46] Griffin argued, "Not only does the location of fascism within the right pose taxonomic problems, there are good ground for cutting this particular Gordian knot altogether by placing it in a category of its own "beyond left and right."[47]
On economic issues, fascists reject ideas of class conflict and internationalism, which are commonly held by Marxists and international socialists, in favour of class collaboration and statist nationalism.[48][49] However, Italian fascism also declared its objection to excessive capitalism, which it called supercapitalism.[50] Zeev Sternhell sees fascism as an anti-Marxist form of socialism.[51]

Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state, with the belief that the majority is unsuited to govern itself through democracy and by reaffirming the benefits of inequality. Fascist governments forbid and suppress openness and opposition to the fascist state and the fascist movement.

When you quote verbatim from wikipedia, identify it. Now that you have cut and pasted this, you should realize that by this definition, the US is not fascist.

Republican, Democrat, two sides of the same coin, Obama is following right where Bush left off.

So what?

But most of you will just write this off and say i'm crazy and not think of it again. That could never happen to us, that's the mentality. Don't believe me, do the research yourself.

I suggest if anyone needs to do research, it is you. It is obvious from what you have written, you have a very shallow grasp of the subject, not to mention reality.

Edited by M.Dancer
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Among other things, you don't understand facism. When they speak of corporatism, they are not refering specifically to business corporations. They are using the word in a way they defines a body. A city is a corperation. So is a union, or the church....and in their view they all work together...The fascist view would not have 4 automakers competing against each other with unions striking etc etc...

They are fascist, corporations control the country. They are no longer a country of, by and for the people, they are a country of, by and for the corporations. Politicians are bought off by lobbyist/corporations. Look what happened with the bailouts, the bailouts helped wall street not main street. There are so many wall streeters in the Obama administration.

So what?

If there is no difference between the 2 major paries, where is the democracy. Hell, i don't understand why I have never seen the libertarian or any other party on mainstream media.

I suggest if anyone needs to do research, it is you. It is obvious from what you have written, you have a very shallow grasp of the subject, not to mention reality.

I would say I have a firm grasp of reality.

and i have done reasearch

What caused the financial crisis?

The Clinton administration forced banks to give more risky loans under the Community Reinvestment Act which was passed by Carter in 1977.

Banks started giving loans out to low income families, but the prices of houses was on the rise so even if the family couldn't afford the mortgage and the house was foreclosed, the value of the house was higher then the mortgage was, so banks were still making money. When house prices dropped, banks started to lose money. They started to lose a lot of money, which caused Lehman Brothers to collapse, same with Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae.

Other banks too were hit hard, but the bailout...bailed them out.

So now the Federal Reserve decided it would be a good idea to lower interest rates to encourage people to get loans and spend money to help the economy, but the reason the economy collapsed in the first place was because people were spending money they didn't have. Interest rates should of been raised to discourage spending and encourage saving. The fed is just creating another bubble.

Now with the bailouts, the Fed has printed so much money, that inflation is occurring, hence why gold and the market are rising. It's because the market is worth more dollars now then a year ago, but the value of the dollar has dropped.

But Obama and the media are saying this recession is coming to an end and we are on a recovery.

You can't have a jobless recovery.

The government has been giving many intensives to get people to spend money to help the economy, like cash for clunkers and the house renovation rebate. People are spending and loaning money when they should be saving.

I don't know if any of you are paying attention to the commercial real estate market in the states, it isn't doing good, their are ghost malls popping up all over the states. All the retail stores that companies like circuit city and linens and things are being leased by nobody. banks are losing a lot of money on this. Corporate buildings held by these companies are also not being leased. It's only a matter of time before the commercial real estate bubble crashes.

Retail sales are still down but companies are still making money because lots of companies are selling off assets and laying off people to cover there losses.

This is not a recession, it is a depression, I'm thinking early next year after the holiday season, maybe by march, the market will crash again. It took 3 years into the Great Depression for them to admit it was a depression.

And this whole credit crunch was by design, the endgame may very well be a one world currency.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

It would be a smart move to start buying silver, and if you got the money, Gold.

Edited by maple_leafs182
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They are fascist, corporations control the country. They are no longer a country of, by and for the people, they are a country of, by and for the corporations. Politicians are bought off by lobbyist/corporations. Look what happened with the bailouts, the bailouts helped wall street not main street. There are so many wall streeters in the Obama administration.

That's an opinion not supported by anything. You are using fascist as a perjorative, not as an accepted definition.

If there is no difference between the 2 major paries, where is the democracy.

No difference? Have you been asleep these past 12 months? Are the republicans trying to get healthcare reform passed? Have the democratic strongly opposed it for 20 years?

Hell, i don't understand why I have never seen the libertarian or any other party on mainstream media.

Maybe it's because you are 16 and don't pay attention. You might have heard of the Reform Party. They even elected a Governor...as for the Green Party, I suppose you have never heard of Ralph Nader.

I would say I have a firm grasp of reality.

and i have done reasearch

And this whole credit crunch was by design, the endgame may very well be a one world currency.

Yet your posts say otherwise...

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No difference? Have you been asleep these past 12 months? Are the republicans trying to get healthcare reform passed? Have the democratic strongly opposed it for 20 years?

From president to president, how has their foreign policy changed?

Maybe it's because you are 16 and don't pay attention. You might have heard of the Reform Party. They even elected a Governor...as for the Green Party, I suppose you have never heard of Ralph Nader.

I mean for presidency, the one job matters these days. Over the passed years they have just been giving the president more and more executive power. It is turning into a democratic dictatorship. The only choice is do you want the puppet on the left, or the puppet on the right.

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I mean for presidency, the one job matters these days. Over the passed years they have just been giving the president more and more executive power. It is turning into a democratic dictatorship. The only choice is do you want the puppet on the left, or the puppet on the right.

Yes, Ralph Nader RAN for president.

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Over the passed years they have just been giving the president more and more executive power.

Sure ...got a cite for when they changed the constitution? Or would you rather ignore trying to back up this nonsense and go straight to itemizing the new powers?

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K, ill give you the point, i should of said the federal government more power.

America stopped going by the constitution.(not completely)

The war in iraq is unconstitutional

The patriot act is unconstitutional

gun control is unconstitutional

I don't know if you heard about the campaign for liberty in the states, its to restore the constitution

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Guest TrueMetis

K, ill give you the point, i should of said the federal government more power.

America stopped going by the constitution.(not completely)

The war in iraq is unconstitutional

The patriot act is unconstitutional

gun control is unconstitutional

I don't know if you heard about the campaign for liberty in the states, its to restore the constitution

1) prove it.

2) prove it.

3) depends on how you read the constitution.

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1. They went to war with out a deceleration of war. Unconstitutional

2. U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken ruled that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, as amended by the Patriot Act, "now permits the executive branch of government to conduct surveillance and searches of American citizens without satisfying the probable cause requirements of the Fourth Amendment.


3. second amendment. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It's pretty clear what it states.

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Guest TrueMetis


1. They went to war with out a deceleration of war. Unconstitutional

2. U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken ruled that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, as amended by the Patriot Act, "now permits the executive branch of government to conduct surveillance and searches of American citizens without satisfying the probable cause requirements of the Fourth Amendment.


3. second amendment. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It's pretty clear what it states.

1) Thank you Dancer

2) Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure only the supreme court can rule on whether something is constitutional.

3) Not really the "well regulated Militia" could mean you only have the right to bear arms if you are in a Militia.

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1)Technically, there was no official declaration of war.

Congressman Ron Paul before the war started

"Let it be clearly understood- there is no authority to wage war against Iraq without Congress passing a Declaration of War. HJ RES 65, passed in the aftermath of 9/11, does not even suggest that this authority exists. A UN Resolution authorizing an invasion of Iraq, even if it were to come, cannot replace the legal process for the United States going to war as precisely defined in the Constitution. We must remember that a covert war is no more justifiable, and is even more reprehensible.

Only tyrants can take a nation to war without the consent of the people. The planned war against Iraq without a Declaration of War is illegal. It is unwise because of many unforeseen consequences that are likely to result. It is immoral and unjust, because it has nothing to do with US security and because Iraq has not initiated aggression against us."

2) I'm not too sure if a supreme court judge can only rule if something is unconstitutional. It is still a violation of the constitution either way.

3) It says the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, shall not be fringed, there is a comma.

There is tyranny in the US government, it is so obvious too.

A Second American Revolution is needed.

Or eventually states will secede.

The Federal government is over abusing its power.

People should not fear their governments, governments should fear the people

This is a part from the movie V for Vendetta

Apply it to the US.


Do you guys believe the war in Iraq is justified?

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1)Technically, there was no official declaration of war.

Congressman Ron Paul before the war started

Congressman Ron Paul got to vote just like the rest of his elected peers....he lost.

Only tyrants can take a nation to war without the consent of the people. The planned war against Iraq without a Declaration of War is illegal. It is unwise because of many unforeseen consequences that are likely to result. It is immoral and unjust, because it has nothing to do with US security and because Iraq has not initiated aggression against us."

Patently false....see War Powers Resolution.

2) I'm not too sure if a supreme court judge can only rule if something is unconstitutional. It is still a violation of the constitution either way.

Correct...you are not sure at all.

3) It says the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, shall not be fringed, there is a comma.

...and so the PEOPLE have arms....lots and lots of arms.

There is tyranny in the US government, it is so obvious too.

A Second American Revolution is needed.

Or eventually states will secede.

The Federal government is over abusing its power.

People should not fear their governments, governments should fear the people

A second revolution would be illegal.

This is a part from the movie V for Vendetta

Apply it to the US.


...or Canada.

Do you guys believe the war in Iraq is justified?

Irrelevant....the war in Iraq was about reasons...not justice.

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...and so the PEOPLE have arms....lots and lots of arms.

Yes, i know.

I don't understand the ideology of gun control, disarming the law abiding citizens doesn't make sense to me.

Gangs will still use guns, they aren't going to obey the law.

If we wanna cut down on violence, end the war on drugs and legalize drugs.

A second revolution would be illegal.


...or Canada.

I know...

Irrelevant....the war in Iraq was about reasons...not justice.

simple yes or no question, it's personal opinion.

It's not even really a war, it's more of a policing action.

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Yes, i know.

I don't understand the ideology of gun control, disarming the law abiding citizens doesn't make sense to me.

Gangs will still use guns, they aren't going to obey the law.

If we wanna cut down on violence, end the war on drugs and legalize drugs.

Drugs are illegal too....how come you only care about legality when it comes to wars and Ron Paul?


Overthrow of the US federal government is a crime.....hence it is illegal.

I know...

Then post about Canada instead / too.....

simple yes or no question, it's personal opinion.

Simple answer....and irrelevant. The democratic governments of UK/AUS/USA decided to finish a job started in 1991.

It's not even really a war, it's more of a policing action.

So were Korea, Vietnam, Kosovo, Bosnia, Haiti, Lebanon, Liberia, etc., etc.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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