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The Israel Project- Global language dictionary


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Step aside megaphone, step aside government paid mouthpieces.

How to use all the right words to influence, dam the facts all to hell, just say it, in the right way. Using all the right words.

Newsweek has shone a light on an interesting dictionary

Israel's Global Language dictionary.

The Israel Project's 2009 Global Language Dictionary

someone by the name of Richard Silverstein covers this information from the newsweek article a little more indepthhere

The oddly-named Global Language Dictionary (pdf) is a veritable goldmine of arguments, strategy, tactics. At 116 pages, it's not for the faint of heart. But anyone who wants to get inside the head of the Israel lobby must read this document. I know my enthusiasm will mark me as a real I-P wonk, but this is the real deal and worth spending some time parsing and deconstructing.

The first thing to say is that the entire document is a pathetic piece of propaganda. While it ostensibly is addressed to TIP's leaders and advises them how to shape a pro-Israel message when they lobby Congress, the media and other critical power brokers, the entire thing reeks of desperation and a lost cause.

It goes without saying that the arguments offered are not only devoid of truth, they're devoid of rigor or credibility. There is literally no substance to the claims offered on Israel's behalf. It's an empty exercise in every sense of the word. Reading this makes you realize that the entire Israel lobby edifice is a house of cards.

Perhaps I'm letting my shock at the shabbiness of the Dictionary get the better of me and overstating the case it reveals against the Lobby. After all, any political network that exists for six decades and achieves as much as this one has doesn't topple overnight. But I'll just have to let you be the judge.

managing opinion with manipulative words

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managing opinion with manipulative words

You do it all the time ..except by omitting words.

It's never alledged israeli war crimes...it's israeli war crimes..as if the jury has heard both sided and the judge has ruled..

And so on....

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You do it all the time ..except by omitting words.

It's never alledged israeli war crimes...it's israeli war crimes..as if the jury has heard both sided and the judge has ruled..

And so on....

Terrorist supporters like we have around here also omit entire blocks of history and sweep key figures and elements of the conflict under the rug.

Why do both Hamas and Hezbollah use the fascist salute found in Nazi Germany, anyways? Any ideas, kuzadd? There must be a pretty good non-Nazi reason, I'm sure.

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You do it all the time ..except by omitting words.

It's never alledged israeli war crimes...it's israeli war crimes..as if the jury has heard both sided and the judge has ruled..

And so on....

israel has decided not to cooperate with any of the investigations.

sounds like they already accept that they're guilty.

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Why do Hamas and Hezbollah give the Nazi salute?


i don't know, do they? are they nazis? did the nazis patent the salut? what does that have to do with Global language dictionary? is this another diversion with one of your failed attempts at a nazi/arab connection?

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i don't know, do they? are they nazis? did the nazis patent the salut? what does that have to do with Global language dictionary? is this another diversion with one of your failed attempts at a nazi/arab connection?

The Grand Mufti was a general in the SS. There is no need to "attempt" to connect Nazism with his cause.

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The Grand Mufti was a general in the SS. There is no need to "attempt" to connect Nazism with his cause.

okay. the grand mufti was a general in the SS and hamas and hezbollah are all nazis.

why do you have the attention span of a guppy?

how about the global language dictionary that this thread is about?

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okay. the grand mufti was a general in the SS and hamas and hezbollah are all nazis.

why do you have the attention span of a guppy?

how about the global language dictionary that this thread is about?

Threads by anti-semites and terrorist supporters re: Israel and Jews are to be treated as they are: garbage that needs taking out. No point in discussing ways to save cheese with rats, as mentioned.

Re: attention span of a guppy: Your last 5 thread starts were all about the Joooooooos...as usual.

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okay. the grand mufti was a general in the SS and hamas and hezbollah are all nazis.

why do you have the attention span of a guppy?

how about the global language dictionary that this thread is about?

yeah, hey how about that global language dictionary?

that fellows analysis of it was interesting and I liked the reference to Mark Regev during operation cast lead, some of his comments were cringeworthy. Seriously.

with reference to the opening passage:

"The first thing we learn is that this passage, as with everything else printed in the handbook, is empty meaningless drivel. It's a perfect example of political three-card monty in which there appears to be a card which isn't there at all. It's all a sham. There is no substance. The rhetoric here is even worse than that offered by spokespeople like Mark Regev on behalf of the Israeli government."

Don't know if you got to see him in action, but the lying was so obvious and so blatant.

then this part:

, "we can see that Luntz has lifted shamelessly lifted arguments from MEMRI and former Mossad officer, Itamar Marcus' Palestine Media Watch. Others before me have demolished these tawdry arguments, but it's instructive to read the lies and distortions that TIP instructs its representatives to parrot. Throughout, the document drips noblesse oblige and fake concern for Palestinian children:

Palestine media watch run by a 'former' Mossad Officer, doubtful on the former, which means most likely Palestine Media watch is a propaganda outfit. Which wouldn't be surprising.

Maybe stories such as the one posted yesterday, alleging a hamas link, insinuating what a police spokesperson says is hamas 'policy'. :rolleyes:

Taken like the bait it was , reel them in!!

Once one reads the entire story it is a cop on the beat kind of job.

Maybe crap like that emanates from Palestine Media Watch.

as for the claims of Palestinian textbooks???

Silverstein asks for one, just one Israeli book that includes a map of Palestine

"I'd like them to show me a single Israeli textbook that features a map of Palestine."

He appears to know there aren't any, and that is no surprise.

Why would Israel acknowledge the people or their land, when they have long been in the process of stealing the land, and erasing the people from it???

Makes me think of this recent new story, just this am I was reading this

and advertisement in UK, implying the occupied territories were a part of Israel- must be that dream of stealing land for Greater Israel come to life.

The advertising has to be pulled.

If Israel won't acknowledge Palestine or the Palestinians in it's text books, what is a map in an advertising campaign???

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Why would Israel acknowledge the people or their land, when they have long been in the process of stealing the land, and erasing the people from it???

They certainly were not intent on that in 1947/48 when they accepted UN Resolution 181 along with the borders it called for as well as Partition and the Arabs immediately did not. Instead they were attacked by forces who wished to kill every last Jew.

And here you are, erasing truth time and time again.

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They certainly were not intent on that in 1947/48 when they accepted UN Resolution 181 along with the borders it called for as well as Partition and the Arabs immediately did not. Instead they were attacked by forces who wished to kill every last Jew.

And here you are, erasing truth time and time again.

lol, Actually kk it is yourself that erases the truth.

The continuing occupation and land grabs by Israel make clear Israel's agenda.

The fact that they don't and never have recognized the indigenous people of the land, and do not even teach their kids about those facts, make Israel expansionist agenda very clear.

YOu, all you have is the big lie going for you. Repetition of the Big Lie still doesn't make it true.

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btw KK, read the newsweek article or the analysis I posted links, why don't you read it then come back and give it a discuss.

KK prefers to dismiss anything critical of israel without looking at it.

he's done the same on the amnesty report on israel's war crimes. after all the posts he's made, he has yet to address one of the points from the amnesty report to show how they're lying and biased. not to mention the reports by HRW and the red cross.

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lol, Actually kk it is yourself that erases the truth.

Let's see how you do;

Did the Arabs accept UN Resolution 181, Partition and the borders contained within that resolution?

Did Israel?

Did the Arabs attack Israel the day they declared themselves a nation according to the above Resolution and borders?

The continuing occupation and land grabs by Israel make clear Israel's agenda.

When nations made peace with Israel they returned land, totally destroying that argument.

The fact that they don't and never have recognized the indigenous people of the land, and do not even teach their kids about those facts, make Israel expansionist agenda very clear.

2007 Palestinian Media Watch report

The teachings repeatedly reject Israel's right to exist, present the conflict as a religious battle for Islam, teach Israel's founding as imperialism, and actively portray a picture of the Middle East, both verbally and visually, in which Israel does not exist at all. The following description of Israel's founding represents the dominant dogma about Israel in Palestinian schoolbooks: Defining Israel's founding as a "catastrophe unprecedented in history," "a theft perpetrated by "Zionist gangs," together with numerous other hateful descriptions of Israel as "colonial imperialist" and "racist", compounded by the presentation of the conflict as a religious war, leaves no latitude for students to have positive or even neutral attitudes towards Israel. This negative imagery and religious packaging are compounded by hateful presentations of Israeli policy. The young students are imbued with a Palestinian identity as "victims" just by virtue of Israel's existence. The well-meaning student is left with no logical justification or religious option to accept Israel as a neighbor or to seek coexistence. Given the total rejection of Israel's right to exist, on nationalistic and religious grounds, Palestinian terror against Israel since Israel's founding in 1948 is defined as: "resistance … acts of most glorious heroism."[26] PA educators teach that fighting Israel is not merely a territorial conflict, but also a religious battle for Islam. The schoolbooks define the conflict with Israel as "Ribat for Allah" – "one of the actions related to Jihad for Allah, and it means: Being found in areas where there is a struggle between Muslims and their enemies"
"I believe that education is one of the keys to lasting peace in the Middle East... Ever since we first raised this issue some years ago there still has not been an adequate repudiation of incitement by the Palestinian Authority. It is even more disturbing that the problem appears to have gotten worse. These textbooks don't give Palestinian children an education, they give them an indoctrination."[
YOu, all you have is the big lie going for you. Repetition of the Big Lie still doesn't make it true.

These textbooks don't give Palestinian children an education, they give them an indoctrination."

Seems somebody doesn't plan on making peace, just war.

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btw KK, read the newsweek article or the analysis I posted links, why don't you read it then come back and give it a discuss.


The first step to winning trust and friends for Israel is showing that you care about peace for BOTH Israelis and Palestinians and, in particular, a better future for every child. Indeed, the sequence of your conversation is critical and you must start with empathy for BOTH sides first. Open your conversation with strong proven messages such as:

“Israel is committed to a better future for everyone – Israelis and Palestinians alike. Israel wants the pain and suffering to end, and is committed to working with the Palestinians toward a peaceful, diplomatic solution where both sides can have a better future. Let this be a time of hope and opportunity for both the Israeli and the Palestinian people.”

How would you begin a conversation designed to promote peace Kuzadd? This so far seems fairly logical if one wanted peace.

“As a matter of principle, we believe that it is a basic right of children to be raised without hate. We ask the Palestinian leadership to end the culture of hate in Palestinian schools, 300 of which are named for suicide bombers. Palestinian leaders should take textbooks out of classrooms that show maps of the Middle East without Israel and that glorify terrorism.”

makes sense to me. Do you not agree that children should not be raised in an environment of hate?

As a matter of principle, children should not be raised to want to kill others or themselves. Yet, day after day, Palestinian leadership pushes a culture of hate that encourages even small children to become suicide bombers.

And they do according to the PMR which I linked to above. Surely you do not believe that text books extolling the virtues of blowing yourself up should be widely taught?

Iran-backed Hamas’s public television in Gaza uses Sesame Street–type programming to glorify suicide bombers. As a matter of principle, no child should be abused in such a way. Palestinian children deserve better.”

I would agree. And you don't?

Clearly differentiate between the Palestinian people and Hamas. There is an immediate and clear distinction between the empathy Americans feel for the Palestinians and the scorn they direct at Palestinian leadership. Hamas is a terrorist organization – Americans get that already. But if it sounds like you are attacking the Palestinian people (even though they elected Hamas) rather than their leadership, you will lose public support.

I certainly don't believe the palestinian people are terrorists do you? Hamas is a terrorist organization, not the people.

We know that the Palestinians deserve leaders who will care about the well being of their people, and who do not simply take hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance from America and Europe, put them in Swiss bank accounts, and use them to support terror instead of peace. The Palestinians need books, not bombs. They want roads, not rockets.”

You don't believe Palestinians deserve good leaders? You think they want to bomb more than they wish to build a thriving future for themselves? Incredible!

“The obstacles on the road to a peaceful and prosperous Middle East are many. Israel recognizes that peace is made with one’s adversaries, not with one’s friends. But peace can only be made with adversaries who want to make peace with you. Terrorist organizations like Iran-backed Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad are, by definition, opposed to peaceful co-existence, and determined to prevent reconciliation. I ask you, how do you negotiate with those who want you dead?”

They all have stated that purpose so Kuzadd, how do you do this considering that Hamas has as one of it's prime cornerstones a complete refusal to negotiate?

“We may disagree about politics...But there is one fundamental principle that all peoples from all parts of the globe will agree on: civilized people do not target innocent women and children for death.”

And I suppose you disagree with this statement as well?

Don’t pretend that Israel is without mistakes or fault. It’s not true and no one believes it. Pretending Israel is free from errors does not pass the smell test. It will only make your listeners question the veracity of everything else you say.

Admit Israel make mistakes. Don't specify them. Change the subject as quickly as possible and hope no one notices what you've just conceded. And then point out how much more guilty the Palestinians are than the Israelis for the conflict.

Use humility. “I know that in trying to defend its children and citizens from terrorists that Israel has accidentally hurt innocent people. I know it, and I’m sorry for it. But what can Israel do to defend itself? If America had given up land for peace – and that land had been used for launching rockets at America, what would America do?

By avoiding specifics, you concentrate on the general purpose which is to build a rapport, not blame Israel for settlements, Palestinians for rocket attacks. I see nothing heinous about this either but I suppose you just want to turn any discourse into a complete blame Israel thing which is not what this is designed to do just as it is not designed to blame Palestinians.

“Are Israelis perfect? No. Do we make mistakes? Yes. But we want a better future, and we are working towards it.

And we want Palestinians to have a better future as well. They deserve a government that will eliminate the terror not only because it will make my children safer—but also because it will make their children more prosperous. When the terror ends, Israel will no longer need to have challenging checkpoints to inspect goods and people. When the terror ends we will no longer need a security fence.”

Yep. Suppose you disagree with that as well?

“We are prepared to allow them to build…...”

If the Palestinians are to be seen as a trusted partner on the path to peace, they must not be subordinated, in perception or in practice, by the Israelis.

You disagree with this?

“Achieving peaceful relationships requires the leadership...of both sides. And so we ask the Palestinians … Stop using the language of incitement. Stop using the language of violence. Stop using the language of threats. You won’t achieve peace if your military leadership talks about war. You won’t achieve peace if people talk about pushing others to the sea or to the desert.”

Seems logical to me.

“Israelis know what it is like to live their lives with the daily threat of terrorism."

They do. I've been there and seen the security set up in cities and towns.

In all, this is basically saying that we have to lower barriers and talk. Understanding that both have mutual needs in each others future. The spin put on it in the article is telling in that the author applies a blame Israel slant on all of the quotes. Quite the reverse to what the document intended.

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Excellent post Krusty. I too didn't find anything sinister while reading the document. It's just some advice on how to have a civil and reasoned debate on the topic with an audience that is not necessarily sympathetic.

I'll ask the same question you so often like to ask dub, "did you even read the report"? Or do you consider the document evil and hateful just because it comes from someone who supports Israel, and thus you dismiss it without reading it?

Edited by Bonam
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Excellent post Krusty. I too didn't find anything sinister while reading the document. It's just some advice on how to have a civil and reasoned debate on the topic with an audience that is not necessarily sympathetic.

I'll ask the same question you so often like to ask dub, "did you even read the report"? Or do you consider the document evil and hateful just because it comes from someone who supports Israel, and thus you dismiss it without reading it?

Course he didn't, either did his sock puppet Toto. The only parts applicable and requiring their attention was the opinion of the hate monkey explaining for the koolective echo chamber addicts.

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Excellent post Krusty. I too didn't find anything sinister while reading the document. It's just some advice on how to have a civil and reasoned debate on the topic with an audience that is not necessarily sympathetic.

I'll ask the same question you so often like to ask dub, "did you even read the report"? Or do you consider the document evil and hateful just because it comes from someone who supports Israel, and thus you dismiss it without reading it?

Hmm, interesting, I did read some not all of the report.

What the report actually is, and the fellow who analysed it points this out also, is how to use PR public relations, by choosing manipulative words to manage a topic.

KK: 'How would you begin a conversation designed to promote peace Kuzadd? This so far seems fairly logical if one wanted peace"

except the dialogue is not designed to promote peace. It is designed to create the illusion of promoting peace. It is a public relations piece. It is a dictionary of language useage.

How to say things, the right way, using the right words.

There is zero indication that this global language dictionary is to be used for anything but managing opinion.

So could you explain to me, how something called a global language dictionary, which explains how to frame discussion in manipulative manners is REALLY designed to promote peace, actual real peace.

Because KK and Bonam that is an incredible leap and there is nothing to bear that conclusion out.

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Looking at Chapter 1 of the Global Language Dictionary

note: nothing in that title about promoting peace


Rules for effective communication

Who is being communicated with?


Persuadables won't care about what you know, until they know you care.

Show empathy for both sides

"The goal of pro-Israel communications is not simply

to make people who already love Israel feel good about that decision."

clearly this has nothing to do with peace, the promotion of peace, this is about getting the "persuadables" on board with a pro-Israel ideology.

Where is the peace making?

Here is one that posters hear fail utterly in their manipulative skills

"Use Empathy: Even the toughest questions can be turned around if you are willing to accept the notion that the other side has at least some validity.

Still nothing about peace, withdrawing from occupied territories, right of return, etc. etc.,

OH and Bonam, PR is all around us, from commercials to war time propaganda etc.,

it is sinister in the fact that it attempts to manipulate people by using emotions and rhetoric and appealing to irrational fears etc., as opposed to being honest , forthright.

Is Israel's attempt to use PR or propaganda unique, no.

Is it sinister?

It is certainly more sinister then a car commercial that uses sex appeal to sell a car.

This is the language of war.

The language that will result in people dying, starving, being maimed and having their human rights taken and their land and belongings taken along with that.

The language that saw Japanese rounded up and placed in internment camps, this is the language that saw the Jews killed.

If you are ok with the language, the global language dictionary promotes, then peace is not on your agenda.

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oh and KK Palestian Media watch is run by a Mossad agent, allegedly a former mossad agent, so I myself consider it to have zero credibility.

did you notice Richard Silverstein said that Israeli text books contain no acknowledgement of Palestine or it's people.

Why do you take no exception to that?

If what the former mossad agent claims is true how is it any different then what Israel does?

Are they not indoctrinating their children to warfare?

Along with mandatory military service for all children which also serves as further indoctrination?????

I would appreciate you addressing that, thanks?

oh and without defamation

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KK wrt:

"As a matter of principle, children should not be raised to want to kill others or themselves....

Two quotes from Silverstein:

Luntz has lifted shamelessly lifted arguments from MEMRI and former Mossad officer, I, Itamar Marcus' Palestine Media Watch. Others before me have demolished these tawdry arguments, but it's instructive to read the lies and distortions that TIP instructs its representatives to parrot. Throughout, the document drips noblesse oblige and fake concern for Palestinian children:
As a matter of principle I believe that no child (Israeli or Palestinian) should be raised in fear that their mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother or grandfather could be killed for no other reason than they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and a frightened, trigger hungry 18 year army recruit decides to make an example of them.

fake concern is just that, fake.

there is the indoctrination of the Israeli kids via there army service, I already mentioned.

Silverstein says

"I'd like them to show me a single Israeli textbook that features a map of Palestine. You will certainly find Judea and Samaria. But will you find any acknowledgment of the millions of Palestinians who live in the Territories?"

So kk, no text books for Israelis in which Palestians exist, indoctrination runs two ways if the mossad agents schtick is true?

the Palestinians need roads, so the talking heads say, in a soothing tone, as silverstien points out

the facts are different then the bullshit

"As for Palestinians wanting roads, they do. They'd like some of those wonderful Israeli bypass roads that run directly through former Palestinian farmland and whisk settlers from their settlement homes to their jobs inside Israel proper. The same apartheid roads which are off-limits to Palestinians."

Yeah that is right, Israel the only 'democracy' in the ME, alleged, has roads just for Israelis, like white's only roads and israel has modesty buses????

And they call it democracy?? come on now?

From the report:

"“We may disagree about politics...But there is one fundamental principle that all peoples from all parts of the globe will agree on: civilized people do not target innocent women and children for death.”

really, except for all the children targetted in operation cast lead, right?

burnt alive with white phosphorous. Targetted.

or as silverstein points out:


Do I hear any concern here for the "innocent women and children" of Gaza who were slaughtered in their hundreds during the Gaza war? No, of course not.

Just denial, denial, denial...... but no concern, not one iota of concern expresse


I saw the painful Mark Regev interviews on a number of media outlets, no concern was expressed.

From the report:

It’s our job to “wear white hats in public”—to remind Americans that Israel is a team for whom they can feel good about cheering.

oh, the symbolism of white is not lost on me, white represents goodness and purity.

We want the persuadeables to feel good about cheering for Israel.

I don't even know what to say about that utter nonsense.

Like some kind of sporting event?


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