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This is what is wrong with a Jewish state

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Again I ask ! What middle east country would you choose to live in if you had to as a Jew,Christian ,Jehovah Witness, Hindu or a godless? I know that I would not have to think twice. I like my arms and head where they are thank you!

Israel due to little things like this...


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Israel due to little things like this...



Very interesting, is that Saudi Arabia or Iran? LOL

But of course the Left wing Israel bashers have no comment of where they would be most comfortable if they were forced to live in the middle east. I find it interesting that the left supports middle east dictaterships that oppress women,that kill homosexuals, that stone adulters`to death, cut off hands, suppress` freedom of speech etc etc and yet condemn Israel for existing.

Again I ask the left wing ,where would you prefer to live in the middle east? This question sure shuts the left up. Wonder why?

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Israel due to little things like this...


Very interesting, is that Saudi Arabia or Iran? LOL

But of course the Left wing Israel bashers have no comment of where they would be most comfortable if they were forced to live in the middle east. I find it interesting that the left supports middle east dictaterships that oppress women,that kill homosexuals, that stone adulters`to death, cut off hands, suppress` freedom of speech etc etc and yet condemn Israel for existing.

Again I ask the left wing ,where would you prefer to live in the middle east? This question sure shuts the left up. Wonder why?

That's gotta be Iran. They have another ad, as well...also funny.

It has puzzled me, too. Dislike of Jews wins out over various rights we take for granted. A little GWB-hate thrown in for good measure even though he's doing R&R at Crawford Ranch.

Non-leftard government = the enemy. Obama...not leftardy enough, apparently, as he didn't immediately disband the US military.


Edited by DogOnPorch
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Very interesting, is that Saudi Arabia or Iran? LOL

if you think saudi and iran are easy to confuse, then you're wasting our time by making comments about the region.

But of course the Left wing Israel bashers have no comment of where they would be most comfortable if they were forced to live in the middle east. I find it interesting that the left supports middle east dictaterships that oppress women,that kill homosexuals, that stone adulters`to death, cut off hands, suppress` freedom of speech etc etc and yet condemn Israel for existing.

Again I ask the left wing ,where would you prefer to live in the middle east? This question sure shuts the left up. Wonder why?

i guess i'm a 'left wing' because i criticize israel. is that how it works? you're a left winger if you criticize israel? does being a right winger mean that you support war crimes?

anyway, you can always make israel look decent by comparing it to shitty places. interesting tactic.

why don't you compare it to one of the western democracies, instead of lowering the bar?

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if you think saudi and iran are easy to confuse, then you're wasting our time by making comments about the region.

He doesn't think that Dub. He, unlike you, actually clicked on the link and was making a joke as it obviously is neither of those two or, any other country in the middle East save Israel.


why don't you compare it to one of the western democracies, instead of lowering the bar?

Duh Dub, western aren't countries that for the most part, "oppress women,that kill homosexuals, that stone adulters`to death, cut off hands, suppress` freedom of speech etc etc and yet condemn Israel for existing. "

Oh, and also, if you actually go down to the library to crack that book about Gandhi, you might want to check out an atlas - Israel is in the Middle East, not Europe or North America hence, it is wise to compare it to other countries of the Middle East that "oppress women,that kill homosexuals, that stone adulters`to death, cut off hands, suppress` freedom of speech etc etc and yet condemn Israel for existing. "

Don't worry, we're laughing with you, not at you. :lol:

Edited by KrustyKidd
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Krusty, these guys just can`t answer an honest question. Nor do they have a funny bone either.What country would you prefer to live in if you had to live in the middle east. Israel unlike most of the middle East has never said, nor tried to wipe out one of it`s neighbours and drive them into the sea. Unlike of course ,most of the Arab world has honestly declared to do to Israel and tried but failed because Israel fought back. The nerve of those Jews. They are supposed to be humble!.

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semetic has to do with language.

the language family from the middle east.

'This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre and Tigrinya among others."

Therefore being anti-semetic includes being discriminatory to people who speak any of the semetic languages.

Besides Hebrew we see Arabic is included in that.


–noun 1. a bundle of sticks, twigs, or branches bound together and used as fuel, a fascine, a torch, etc.

2. a bundle; bunch.

3. a bundle of pieces of iron or steel to be welded, hammered, or rolled together at high temperature.

4. bouquet garni.

–verb (used with object) 5. to bind or make into a fagot.

6. to ornament with fagoting.

While this is an accurate definition of faggot I don't think most people would be confused about what it means now:

–noun Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a male homosexual.


Despite the original meaning of the word I don't think it takes away from the fact that everybody knows what it means in the here and now in todays world. You can factually state that it orginally referred to a bundle but that does not change the fact that it is now primarily a derogatory term for homosexuals. In a similar vein I think everyone knows what anti-semitism means in the here and now regardless of your non-contemporary but still technically accurate and valid definition and use of the word.

What everyone knows:

–noun a person who discriminates against or is prejudiced or hostile toward Jews.


Language evolves and shifts over time. Whats the use in trying to go back in time to an earlier definition and trying to reclaim 'ownership' of the word to adhere to that older definition? Unless you want to find a reason to remove the current (and correct) negative loading associated with the term so it can be removed from debate. As in trying to argue that nobody can be anti-semetic unless they are against everyone in that language group so nobody can be anti-semitic. Weak.

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Krusty, these guys just can`t answer an honest question. Nor do they have a funny bone either.What country would you prefer to live in if you had to live in the middle east. Israel unlike most of the middle East has never said, nor tried to wipe out one of it`s neighbours and drive them into the sea. Unlike of course ,most of the Arab world has honestly declared to do to Israel and tried but failed because Israel fought back. The nerve of those Jews. They are supposed to be humble!.

israel had every right to fight back anyone who is attacking their country.

however, what they're doing to the palestinians and the annexation of their land is not excusable.

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israel had every right to fight back anyone who is attacking their country.

however, what they're doing to the palestinians and the annexation of their land is not excusable.

My feelings too dub.

Can any of the Israel supporters explain why Israel should not stay within its legal borders?

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My feelings too dub.

Can any of the Israel supporters explain why Israel should not stay within its legal borders?

What's a legal border when no peace has been made and the people who one is supposed to "make peace" with are terrorists who want to drive the Zionist Entity into the sea?

As I said earlier and you ignored...

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What's a legal border when no peace has been made and the people who one is supposed to "make peace" with are terrorists who want to drive the Zionist Entity into the sea?

As I said earlier and you ignored...

Exactly! As long as the enemies of Israel kidnap,send indiscriminate rockets into Israel ,send suicide bombers and still pledge through even the electoral process such as it is in elections to wipe Israel off the map and drive the Jews into the sea ,well I think that keeping their enemy at arms length ,a pretty good idea. Israel only has to lose once and Israel is finished. The Nazi holocaust will look like a a small mistake in answering the Jewish question. Such will be the impending mass murder at the hands of the Arabs.

Meanwhile ,just a question for those critical of Israel! In case you missed it. Where would you prefer to live in the middle east if you had to choose?

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Thank you for at least answering me Peter. Jordan has a Monarchy that seems to be modernizing that country and has broke ranks with hard line Arabs in regard to Israel. Does Jordan still have Sharia law? Is it still an Islamic state and would a Christian,Jew,Hindu or agnostic still live freely and would an immigrant be allowed to vote if they have elections? Do they allow immigration from out side of Islam? Would you have the freedoms that Israel would allow such as citizenship and free enterprise along with property rights? Free speech? Right to protest? Just a few ??

Thanks again for being brave enough to answer.

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Thank you for at least answering me Peter. Jordan has a Monarchy that seems to be modernizing that country and has broke ranks with hard line Arabs in regard to Israel. Does Jordan still have Sharia law? Is it still an Islamic state and would a Christian,Jew,Hindu or agnostic still live freely and would an immigrant be allowed to vote if they have elections? Do they allow immigration from out side of Islam? Would you have the freedoms that Israel would allow such as citizenship and free enterprise along with property rights? Free speech? Right to protest? Just a few ??

Thanks again for being brave enough to answer.

In every way that I can think of, people in Jordan are less free than those in Israel, and that includes Israel's Arab population.

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Meanwhile ,just a question for those critical of Israel! In case you missed it. Where would you prefer to live in the middle east if you had to choose?

way to lower the bar.

i guess, in your logic, saddam was a pretty good guy, if you compare him to hitler.

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way to lower the bar.

i guess, in your logic, saddam was a pretty good guy, if you compare him to hitler.

So you're saying Israelis have, in a short time, built a society which is so far above everything else in the middle east that there's just no comparison?

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So you're saying Israelis have, in a short time, built a society which is so far above everything else in the middle east that there's just no comparison?

when you have a country being financed from around the world by the wealthy, this is what you will get.

i'm still wondering though, why compare israel to countries who are shitty or just so-so?

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Some good questions! Lets see the comparisons. Arabs have oil riches beyond anything that Israel could possibly produce. The Arabs have lots of fallow sandy ground. Israel took the same kind of ground and made it bloom with crops. You can visit Israel and can leave when you want. In some Arab states you need permission to leave. Women are free to dress and choose their friends and lovers. Well we know about Sharia law now don`t we! Womens rights in the Arab world,yah right!You can practice any religion in Israel. We know how generous the Arabs are. You can practice Islam 5 times a day and nobody will stop you. Israel has never threatened nor is it part of any Israelie intention to wipe Arabs and their countries off the map and drive Arabs into the sea.

Now as to comparing Saddam to Hitler. Both were cruel nut bars. But their intention were the same. Kill all the Jews. Only problem Saddam and the rest of his kith and kin in the middle East,compared to Hitler, the humble Jew was no more. They fight back. And thats where all the western liberals get their panties in a knot.The Jews won`t lay down for the slaughter. They know if they ever lose a war they will be decimated to the last man,women and child. That dear reader is a fact. That is what the Arab world has promised to do and have sworn to Allah to do. Of that there is no dispute. It is mandated by elected Hamas and others like Iran.

Have a nice day of contemplation dear friends and gentle hearts!

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But their intention were the same. Kill all the Jews.

I dunno if that's really true. It didn't seem like Saddam particularly wanted to kill all the Jews. I mean he certainly carried out token attacks against Israel when it was politically convenient, and he certainly wouldn't have minded all the Jews in Israel being killed, but I don't think that was really his main goal. He was mostly concerned with keeping power over Iraq and extending Iraq's influence, which he tried to do mostly by fighting the neighbouring Arab countries and Iran.

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Some good questions! Lets see the comparisons. Arabs have oil riches beyond anything that Israel could possibly produce. The Arabs have lots of fallow sandy ground. Israel took the same kind of ground and made it bloom with crops. You can visit Israel and can leave when you want. In some Arab states you need permission to leave. Women are free to dress and choose their friends and lovers. Well we know about Sharia law now don`t we! Womens rights in the Arab world,yah right!You can practice any religion in Israel. We know how generous the Arabs are. You can practice Islam 5 times a day and nobody will stop you. Israel has never threatened nor is it part of any Israelie intention to wipe Arabs and their countries off the map and drive Arabs into the sea.

Now as to comparing Saddam to Hitler. Both were cruel nut bars. But their intention were the same. Kill all the Jews. Only problem Saddam and the rest of his kith and kin in the middle East,compared to Hitler, the humble Jew was no more. They fight back. And thats where all the western liberals get their panties in a knot.The Jews won`t lay down for the slaughter. They know if they ever lose a war they will be decimated to the last man,women and child. That dear reader is a fact. That is what the Arab world has promised to do and have sworn to Allah to do. Of that there is no dispute. It is mandated by elected Hamas and others like Iran.

Have a nice day of contemplation dear friends and gentle hearts!

so you're still applying the same standards and comparing israel to shitty places.

((( l o w e r _ e x p e c t a t i o n s )))

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so you're still applying the same standards and comparing israel to shitty places.

((( l o w e r _ e x p e c t a t i o n s )))

Who would you like to compare it to Dub? Just give us a few countries to show us all what you have in mind.

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